Supported Indicators

Average Directional Index


This indicator computes Average Directional Index which measures trend strength without regard to trend direction. Firstly, it calculates the Directional Movement and the True Range value, and then the values are accumulated and smoothed using a custom smoothing method proposed by Wilder. For an n period smoothing, 1/n of each period's value is added to the total period. From these accumulated values we are therefore able to derived the 'Positive Directional Index' (+DI) and 'Negative Directional Index' (-DI) which is used to calculate the Average Directional Index. Computation source:

To view the implementation of this indicator, see the LEAN GitHub repository.

Using ADX Indicator

To create an automatic indicators for AverageDirectionalIndex, call the ADX helper method from the QCAlgorithm class. The ADX method creates a AverageDirectionalIndex object, hooks it up for automatic updates, and returns it so you can used it in your algorithm. In most cases, you should call the helper method in the Initializeinitialize method.

public class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm
    private Symbol _symbol;
    private AverageDirectionalIndex _adx;

    public override void Initialize()
        _symbol = AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol;
        _adx = ADX(_symbol, 20);

    public override void OnData(Slice data)
        if (_adx.IsReady)
            // The current value of _adx is represented by itself (_adx)
            // or _adx.Current.Value
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "adx", _adx);
            // Plot all properties of adx
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "positivedirectionalindex", _adx.PositiveDirectionalIndex);
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "negativedirectionalindex", _adx.NegativeDirectionalIndex);
class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self._symbol = self.add_equity("SPY", Resolution.DAILY).symbol
        self._adx = self.adx(self._symbol, 20)

    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        if self._adx.is_ready:
            # The current value of self._adx is represented by self._adx.current.value
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "adx", self._adx.current.value)
            # Plot all attributes of self._adx
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "positive_directional_index", self._adx.positive_directional_index.current.value)
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "negative_directional_index", self._adx.negative_directional_index.current.value)

The following reference table describes the ADX method:

adx(symbol, period, resolution=None, selector=None)[source]

Creates a new Average Directional Index indicator. The indicator will be automatically updated on the given resolution.

  • symbol (Symbol) — The symbol whose Average Directional Index we seek
  • period (int) — The resolution.
  • resolution (Resolution, optional) — The period over which to compute the Average Directional Index
  • selector (Callable[IBaseData, IBaseDataBar], optional) — Selects a value from the BaseData to send into the indicator, if null defaults to casting the input value to a TradeBar

The Average Directional Index indicator for the requested symbol.

Return type:


ADX(symbol, period, resolution=None, selector=None)[source]

Creates a new Average Directional Index indicator. The indicator will be automatically updated on the given resolution.

  • symbol (Symbol) — The symbol whose Average Directional Index we seek
  • period (Int32) — The resolution.
  • resolution (Resolution, optional) — The period over which to compute the Average Directional Index
  • selector (Func<IBaseData, IBaseDataBar>, optional) — Selects a value from the BaseData to send into the indicator, if null defaults to casting the input value to a TradeBar

The Average Directional Index indicator for the requested symbol.

Return type:


If you don't provide a resolution, it defaults to the security resolution. If you provide a resolution, it must be greater than or equal to the resolution of the security. For instance, if you subscribe to hourly data for a security, you should update its indicator with data that spans 1 hour or longer.

For more information about the selector argument, see Alternative Price Fields.

For more information about plotting indicators, see Plotting Indicators.

You can manually create a AverageDirectionalIndex indicator, so it doesn't automatically update. Manual indicators let you update their values with any data you choose.

Updating your indicator manually enables you to control when the indicator is updated and what data you use to update it. To manually update the indicator, call the Updateupdate method with a TradeBar or QuoteBar. The indicator will only be ready after you prime it with enough data.

public class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm
    private Symbol _symbol;
    private AverageDirectionalIndex _adx;

    public override void Initialize()
        _symbol = AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol;
        _adx = new AverageDirectionalIndex(20);

    public override void OnData(Slice data)
        if (data.Bars.TryGetValue(_symbol, out var bar))
        if (_adx.IsReady)
            // The current value of _adx is represented by itself (_adx)
            // or _adx.Current.Value
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "adx", _adx);
            // Plot all properties of adx
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "positivedirectionalindex", _adx.PositiveDirectionalIndex);
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "negativedirectionalindex", _adx.NegativeDirectionalIndex);
class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self._symbol = self.add_equity("SPY", Resolution.DAILY).symbol
        self._adx = AverageDirectionalIndex(20)

    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        bar = slice.bars.get(self._symbol)
        if bar:
        if self._adx.is_ready:
            # The current value of self._adx is represented by self._adx.current.value
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "adx", self._adx.current.value)
            # Plot all attributes of self._adx
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "positive_directional_index", self._adx.positive_directional_index.current.value)
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "negative_directional_index", self._adx.negative_directional_index.current.value)

To register a manual indicator for automatic updates with the security data, call the RegisterIndicatorregister_indicator method.

public class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm
    private Symbol _symbol;
    private AverageDirectionalIndex _adx;

    public override void Initialize()
        _symbol = AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol;
        _adx = new AverageDirectionalIndex(20);
        RegisterIndicator(_symbol, _adx, Resolution.Daily);

    public override void OnData(Slice data)
        if (_adx.IsReady)
            // The current value of _adx is represented by itself (_adx)
            // or _adx.Current.Value
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "adx", _adx);
            // Plot all properties of adx
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "positivedirectionalindex", _adx.PositiveDirectionalIndex);
            Plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "negativedirectionalindex", _adx.NegativeDirectionalIndex);
class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self._symbol = self.add_equity("SPY", Resolution.DAILY).symbol
        self._adx = AverageDirectionalIndex(20)
        self.register_indicator(self._symbol, self._adx, Resolution.DAILY)

    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        if self._adx.is_ready:
            # The current value of self._adx is represented by self._adx.current.value
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "adx", self._adx.current.value)
            # Plot all attributes of self._adx
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "positive_directional_index", self._adx.positive_directional_index.current.value)
            self.plot("AverageDirectionalIndex", "negative_directional_index", self._adx.negative_directional_index.current.value)

The following reference table describes the AverageDirectionalIndex constructor:


class QuantConnect.Indicators.AverageDirectionalIndex[source]

This indicator computes Average Directional Index which measures trend strength without regard to trend direction. Firstly, it calculates the Directional Movement and the True Range value, and then the values are accumulated and smoothed using a custom smoothing method proposed by Wilder. For an n period smoothing, 1/n of each period's value is added to the total period. From these accumulated values we are therefore able to derived the 'Positive Directional Index' (+DI) and 'Negative Directional Index' (-DI) which is used to calculate the Average Directional Index. Computation source:


Returns an enumerator that iterates through the history window.

Return type:



Resets this indicator to its initial state


Provides a more detailed string of this indicator in the form of {Name} - {Value}

Return type:


update(time, value)

Updates the state of this indicator with the given value and returns true if this indicator is ready, false otherwise

  • time (datetime)
  • value (float)
Return type:



Updates the state of this indicator with the given value and returns true if this indicator is ready, false otherwise

  • input (IBaseData)
Return type:


property consolidators

The data consolidators associated with this indicator if any


The data consolidators associated with this indicator if any

Return type:


property current

Gets the current state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.


Gets the current state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.

Return type:


property is_ready

Gets a flag indicating when this indicator is ready and fully initialized


Gets a flag indicating when this indicator is ready and fully initialized

Return type:


property item

Indexes the history windows, where index 0 is the most recent indicator value. If index is greater or equal than the current count, it returns null. If the index is greater or equal than the window size, it returns null and resizes the windows to i + 1.


Indexes the history windows, where index 0 is the most recent indicator value. If index is greater or equal than the current count, it returns null. If the index is greater or equal than the window size, it returns null and resizes the windows to i + 1.

Return type:


property name

Gets a name for this indicator


Gets a name for this indicator

Return type:


property negative_directional_index

Gets the index of the Minus Directional Indicator


Gets the index of the Minus Directional Indicator

Return type:


property positive_directional_index

Gets the index of the Plus Directional Indicator


Gets the index of the Plus Directional Indicator

Return type:


property previous

Gets the previous state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.


Gets the previous state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.

Return type:


property samples

Gets the number of samples processed by this indicator


Gets the number of samples processed by this indicator

Return type:


property warm_up_period

Required period, in data points, for the indicator to be ready and fully initialized.


Required period, in data points, for the indicator to be ready and fully initialized.

Return type:


property window

A rolling window keeping a history of the indicator values of a given period


A rolling window keeping a history of the indicator values of a given period

Return type:



class QuantConnect.Indicators.AverageDirectionalIndex[source]

This indicator computes Average Directional Index which measures trend strength without regard to trend direction. Firstly, it calculates the Directional Movement and the True Range value, and then the values are accumulated and smoothed using a custom smoothing method proposed by Wilder. For an n period smoothing, 1/n of each period's value is added to the total period. From these accumulated values we are therefore able to derived the 'Positive Directional Index' (+DI) and 'Negative Directional Index' (-DI) which is used to calculate the Average Directional Index. Computation source:


Returns an enumerator that iterates through the history window.

Return type:



Resets this indicator to its initial state


Provides a more detailed string of this indicator in the form of {Name} - {Value}

Return type:


Update(time, value)

Updates the state of this indicator with the given value and returns true if this indicator is ready, false otherwise

  • time (DateTime)
  • value (decimal)
Return type:



Updates the state of this indicator with the given value and returns true if this indicator is ready, false otherwise

  • input (IBaseData)
Return type:


property Consolidators

The data consolidators associated with this indicator if any


The data consolidators associated with this indicator if any

Return type:


property Current

Gets the current state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.


Gets the current state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.

Return type:


property IsReady

Gets a flag indicating when this indicator is ready and fully initialized


Gets a flag indicating when this indicator is ready and fully initialized

Return type:


property Name

Gets a name for this indicator


Gets a name for this indicator

Return type:


property NegativeDirectionalIndex

Gets the index of the Minus Directional Indicator


Gets the index of the Minus Directional Indicator

Return type:


property PositiveDirectionalIndex

Gets the index of the Plus Directional Indicator


Gets the index of the Plus Directional Indicator

Return type:


property Previous

Gets the previous state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.


Gets the previous state of this indicator. If the state has not been updated then the time on the value will equal DateTime.MinValue.

Return type:


property Samples

Gets the number of samples processed by this indicator


Gets the number of samples processed by this indicator

Return type:


property WarmUpPeriod

Required period, in data points, for the indicator to be ready and fully initialized.


Required period, in data points, for the indicator to be ready and fully initialized.

Return type:


property Window

A rolling window keeping a history of the indicator values of a given period


A rolling window keeping a history of the indicator values of a given period

Return type:


property [System.Int32]

Indexes the history windows, where index 0 is the most recent indicator value. If index is greater or equal than the current count, it returns null. If the index is greater or equal than the window size, it returns null and resizes the windows to i + 1.


Indexes the history windows, where index 0 is the most recent indicator value. If index is greater or equal than the current count, it returns null. If the index is greater or equal than the window size, it returns null and resizes the windows to i + 1.

Return type:



The following image shows plot values of selected properties of AverageDirectionalIndex using the plotly library.

AverageDirectionalIndex line plot.

Indicator History

To get the historical data of the AverageDirectionalIndex indicator, call the IndicatorHistoryself.indicator_history method. This method resets your indicator, makes a history request, and updates the indicator with the historical data. Just like with regular history requests, the IndicatorHistoryindicator_history method supports time periods based on a trailing number of bars, a trailing period of time, or a defined period of time. If you don't provide a resolution argument, it defaults to match the resolution of the security subscription.

public class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm
    private Symbol _symbol;

    public override void Initialize()
        _symbol = AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol;
        var adx = ADX(_symbol, 20);
        var countIndicatorHistory = IndicatorHistory(adx, _symbol, 100, Resolution.Minute);
        var timeSpanIndicatorHistory = IndicatorHistory(adx, _symbol, TimeSpan.FromDays(10), Resolution.Minute);
        var timePeriodIndicatorHistory = IndicatorHistory(adx, _symbol, new DateTime(2024, 7, 1), new DateTime(2024, 7, 5), Resolution.Minute);
class AverageDirectionalIndexAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self._symbol = self.add_equity("SPY", Resolution.DAILY).symbol
        adx = self.adx(self._symbol, 20)
        count_indicator_history = self.indicator_history(adx, self._symbol, 100, Resolution.MINUTE)
        timedelta_indicator_history = self.indicator_history(adx, self._symbol, timedelta(days=10), Resolution.MINUTE)
        time_period_indicator_history = self.indicator_history(adx, self._symbol, datetime(2024, 7, 1), datetime(2024, 7, 5), Resolution.MINUTE)

To make the IndicatorHistoryindicator_history method update the indicator with an alternative price field instead of the close (or mid-price) of each bar, pass a selector argument.

var indicatorHistory = IndicatorHistory(adx, 100, Resolution.Minute, (bar) => ((TradeBar)bar).High);
indicator_history = self.indicator_history(adx, 100, Resolution.MINUTE, lambda bar: bar.high)
indicator_history_df = indicator_history.data_frame

If you already have a list of Slice objects, you can pass them to the IndicatorHistoryindicator_history method to avoid the internal history request.

var history = History(_symbol, 100, Resolution.Minute);
var historyIndicatorHistory = IndicatorHistory(adx, history);

To access the properties of the indicator history, invoke the property of each IndicatorDataPoint object.index the DataFrame with the property name.

var positivedirectionalindex = indicatorHistory.Select(x => ((dynamic)x).PositiveDirectionalIndex).ToList();
var negativedirectionalindex = indicatorHistory.Select(x => ((dynamic)x).NegativeDirectionalIndex).ToList();

// Alternative way
// var positivedirectionalindex = indicatorHistory.Select(x => x["positivedirectionalindex"]).ToList();
// var negativedirectionalindex = indicatorHistory.Select(x => x["negativedirectionalindex"]).ToList();
positive_directional_index = indicator_history_df["positive_directional_index"]
negative_directional_index = indicator_history_df["negative_directional_index"]

# Alternative way
# positive_directional_index = indicator_history_df.positive_directional_index
# negative_directional_index = indicator_history_df.negative_directional_index

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