Requesting Data

Individual Contracts


The AddFutureContractadd_future_contract method enables you to add an individual Future contract to your algorithm. To check which contracts are currently available to add to your algorithm, use the FutureChainProvider.GetFutureContractListfuture_chain_provider.get_future_contract_list method. If you want to subscribe to a set of contracts instead of individual contracts one-by-one, see Universes.

Create Subscriptions

Before you can subscribe to a Future contract, you must have the underlying Future Symbol to get the contract Symbol.

public class BasicFutureAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm
    private Symbol _continuous, _contractSymbol;

    public override void Initialize()
        SetStartDate(2020, 1, 1);
        _continuous = AddFuture(Futures.Indices.SP500EMini).Symbol;

    public override void OnData(Slice data)
        if (_contractSymbol == null)
            var contractSymbols = FutureChainProvider.GetFutureContractList(_continuous, Time);
            var expiry = contractSymbols.Min(symbol => symbol.ID.Date);
            _contractSymbol = contractSymbols.FirstOrDefault(symbol => symbol.ID.Date == expiry);
class BasicFutureAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self):
        self.set_start_date(2020, 1, 1)
        self._continuous = self.add_future(Futures.Indices.SP_500_E_MINI).symbol
        self._contract_symbol = None
    def on_data(self, data):
        if not self._contract_symbol:
            contract_symbols = self.future_chain_provider.get_future_contract_list(self._continuous, self.time)
            expiry = min([ for symbol in contract_symbols])
            self._contract_symbol = next(symbol for symbol in contract_symbols if == expiry)

Get Contract Symbols

To subscribe to a Future contract, you need the contract Symbol. The preferred method to getting Future contract Symbol objects is to use the FutureChainProviderfuture_chain_provider. The GetFutureContractListget_future_contract_list method of FutureChainProviderfuture_chain_provider returns a list of Symbol objects for a given date and underlying Future, which you can then sort and filter to find the specific contract(s) you want to trade.

var contractSymbols = FutureChainProvider.GetFutureContractList(_continuous, Time);
var expiry = contractSymbols.Min(symbol => symbol.ID.Date);
_contractSymbol = contractSymbols.FirstOrDefault(symbol => symbol.ID.Date == expiry);
contract_symbols = self.future_chain_provider.get_future_contract_list(self._continuous, self.time)
expiry = min([ for symbol in contract_symbols])
self._contract_symbol = next(symbol for symbol in contract_symbols if == expiry)

Subscribe to Contracts

To create an Future contract subscription, pass the contract Symbol to the AddFutureContractadd_future_contract method. Save a reference to the contract Symbolsymbol so you can easily access the Future contract in the FutureChain that LEAN passes to the OnDataon_data method. This method returns an Future object.

The AddFutureContractadd_future_contract method creates a subscription for a single Future contract and adds it to your user-defined universe. To create a dynamic universe of Futures contracts, add an Future universe or an Future Universe Selection model.

Warm Up Contract Prices

If you subscribe to an Future contract with AddFutureContractadd_future_contract, you'll need to wait until the next Slice to receive data and trade the contract. To trade the contract in the same time step you subscribe to the contract, set the current price of the contract in a security initializer.

var seeder = new FuncSecuritySeeder(GetLastKnownPrices);
SetSecurityInitializer(new BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer(BrokerageModel, seeder));
seeder = FuncSecuritySeeder(self.get_last_known_prices)
self.set_security_initializer(BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer(self.brokerage_model, seeder))

Supported Assets

To view the supported assets in the Futures dataset, see the Supported Assets.


The following table shows the available resolutions and data formats for Futures subscriptions:

ResolutionTradeBarQuoteBarTrade TickQuote Tick
TickTICKgreen checkgreen check
SecondSECONDgreen checkgreen check
MinuteMINUTEgreen checkgreen check
HourHOURgreen checkgreen check
DailyDAILYgreen checkgreen check

The default resolution for Futures contract subscriptions is Resolution.MinuteResolution.MINUTE. To change the resolution, pass a resolution argument to the AddFutureContractadd_future_contract method.

AddFutureContract(_contractSymbol, Resolution.Daily);
self.add_future_contract(self._contract_symbol, Resolution.DAILY)

To create custom resolution periods, see Consolidating Data.

Supported Markets

The following Market enumeration members are available for Futures:

Historical data for backtesting is unavailable for ICE, INDIA, SGX and NYSELIFFE. In live trading, LEAN sources this data from your brokerage or a third-party data provider.

You don't need to pass a market argument to the AddFutureContractadd_future_contract method because the contract Symbol already contains the market.

Fill Forward

Fill forward means if there is no data point for the current slice, LEAN uses the previous data point. Fill forward is the default data setting. If you disable fill forward, you may get stale fills or you may see trade volume as zero.

To disable fill forward for a security, set the fillForwardfill_forward argument to false when you create the security subscription.

AddFutureContract(_contractSymbol, fillForward: false);
self.add_future_contract(self._contract_symbol, fill_forward=False)

Margin and Leverage

LEAN models buying power and margin calls to ensure your algorithm stays within the margin requirements. Futures are already leveraged products, so you can't change their leverage with the default margin model.

Extended Market Hours

By default, your security subscriptions only cover regular trading hours. To subscribe to pre and post-market trading hours for a specific asset, enable the extendedMarketHoursextended_market_hours argument when you create the security subscription.

AddFutureContract(_contractSymbol, extendedMarketHours: true);
self.add_future_contract(self._contract_symbol, extended_market_hours=True)

You only receive extended market hours data if you create the subscription with minute, second, or tick resolution. If you create the subscription with daily or hourly resolution, the bars only reflect the regular trading hours.

To view the schedule of regular and extended market hours, see Market Hours.

In general, we model most Futures market hours with the following segments:

Market SegmentTime
Pre-market00:00:00 to 09:30:00
Market09:30:00 to 17:00:00
Post-market18:00:00 to 00:00:00

We model it this way because some Futures, like VIX, have pre- and post-market hours, so we standardized it. With this segmentation, if you set a Scheduled Events for the market open, it's set for 9:30 AM instead of midnight.

Continuous Contracts

A continuous Futures contract represents a single contract that maps to other contracts over time as the rollover rules are met. For more information about continuous Futures contracts, see Continuous Contracts.

Data Normalization

The data normalization mode doesn't affect the data that LEAN passes to OnDataon_data or the data from history request for Futures contracts. If you change the data normalization mode, it won't change the outcome.

The following data normalization modes are available for continuous Futures contracts:


The AddFutureContractadd_future_contract method returns a Future object, which have the following properties:

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