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Time Modeling



The core technology behind QuantConnect algorithmic trading is an event-based, streaming analysis system called LEAN. LEAN attempts to model the stream of time as accurately as possible, presenting data ("events") to your algorithms in the order it arrives, as you would experience in reality.

All QuantConnect algorithms have this time-stream baked in as the primary event handler, on_data. The Slice object this method receives represents all of the data at a moment of time, a time-slice. No matter what data you request, you receive it in the order created according to simulated algorithm time. By only letting your algorithm see the present and past moments, we can prevent the most common quantitative-analysis error, look-ahead bias.

Time Frontier

If you request data for multiple securities and multiple resolutions, it can create a situation where one of your data subscriptions is ready to emit, but another subscription with a longer period is still be constructing its bar. Furthermore, if you request multiple datasets that have different time zones, your algorithm will receive the daily bars of each dataset at market close for the respective asset. To coordinate the data in these situations, we use the end_time of each data point to signal when LEAN should transmit it to your algorithm.

Time frontier as backtest progress

Once your algorithm reaches the end_time of a data point, LEAN sends the data to your on_data method. For intraday bars, this is the beginning of the next period. For daily bars, it's market close or midnight, depending on your daily_precise_end_time setting. To avoid look-ahead bias, you can only access data from before this Time Frontier. The time property of your algorithm is always equal to the Time Frontier.


Slice objects have the following properties:

Get Time Slices

To get the current Slice object, define an on_data method or use the current_slice property of your algorithm. The Slice contains all the data for a given moment in time. The and properties are Symbol/string indexed dictionaries. The property is a list of ticks for that moment of time, indexed by the Symbol. To check which data formats are available for each asset class, see the Data Formats page in the Asset Classes chapter.

The Slice object gives you the following ways to access your data:

  • Indexing the Slice, which returns a dynamic object of your type.
  • Select Language:
    # Get the current dynamic object for the specified symbol by indexing the Slice object.
    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        data = slice[self._symbol]

    With minute and second resolution data, the dynamic type is TradeBar for Equities and QuoteBar for other asset classes.

  • Indexing the static properties, which returns the type you specify.
  • Select Language:
    # Get the current trade and quote bars for a specific symbol from the data slice.
    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        trade_bar = slice.bars[self._symbol]
        quote_bar = slice.quote_bars[self._symbol]

Check if the Slice contains the data you're looking for before you index it. If there is little trading, or you are in the same time loop as when you added the security, it may not have any data. Even if you enabled fill-forward for a security subscription, you should check if the data exists in the dictionary before you try to index it. To check if the Slice contains for a security, call the contains_key method. Note: if the Slice object doesn't contain any market data but it contains auxiliary data, the slice.contains_key(symbol) method can return true while slice[symbol] returns None.

Select Language:
# Check if the slice contains data for the symbol and retrieve it if it's available.
def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
    if slice.contains_key(self._symbol) and slice[self._symbol]:
        data = slice[self._symbol]


The following examples demonstrate some common practices for timeslices time modeling.

Example 1: 6-Hour Consolidated Bars

Select Language:
class TimeslicesTimeModelingAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self.set_start_date(2020, 1, 1)
        self.set_end_date(2021, 1, 1)
        # Request AAPL data to trade it. We need a resolution denser than 6-hour for the consolidator.
        self.aapl = self.add_equity("AAPL", Resolution.Hour).symbol

        # Create a 6-hour consolidator for smoothing the noise.
        self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(hours=6))
        # Subscribe the consolidator to update with the security's data automatically.
        self.subscription_manager.add_consolidator(self.aapl, self.consolidator)

    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        bar = slice.bars.get(self.aapl)
        if bar and self.consolidator.working_bar is not None:
            # Trade on a rising trend, suggested by the current close is above the past hour open
            # and the past hour open is above the 6-hour bar open.
            if < < bar.close:
                self.set_holdings(self.aapl, 1)
            # Trade on a down trend, suggested by the current close is below the past hour open
            # and the past hour open is below the 6-hour bar open.
            elif > > bar.close:
                self.set_holdings(self.aapl, -1)
            # Otherwise, do not hold a position if there is no deterministic trend.

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