Live Trading
Set up some live trading notifications so that you are notified of market events and your algorithm's performance. QuantConnect Cloud supports email, SMS, webhooks, and Telegram notifications for live trading algorithms. If you run local algorithm with LEAN or the LEAN CLI, the notification services aren't available. To view the number of notification you can send for free in QuantConnect Cloud, see the Live Trading Notification Quotas. Notifications are different from commands because notifications enable you to send information out of your algorithm while commands enable you to manually call methods in your algorithm as it runs.
Email notifications can include up to 10KB of text content in the message body. These notifications can be slow since they go through your email provider. If you don't receive an email notification that you're expecting, check your junk folders.
To send email notifications in your code files, run:
message = "2023-07-13T12:20:00.2033226Z,EURUSD,1.11853,89187,Market,Filled,99758.33511""", subject="Last Trade", message=message)
You can include an attachment and set its name.
attachment = "2023-07-13T12:20:00.2033226Z,EURUSD,1.11853,89187,Market,Filled,99758.33511" headers = { "filename": "trades.csv" }"", subject="Last Trade", message="See attachment", data=attachment, headers=headers)
If you don't provide headers, the attachment name is attachment.txt.
FTP notifications send files to your FTP server. You can use password and SSH authentication.
To send a file to your FTP server in your code files, run:
file_content = "2023-07-13T12:20:00.2033226Z,EURUSD,1.11853,89187,Market,Filled,99758.33511" self.notify.ftp(hostname="", username="admin", password="12345", file_path="trades.csv", file_content=file_content, port=21)
To send a file to your SFTP server in your code files, run:
file_content = "2023-07-13T12:20:00.2033226Z,EURUSD,1.11853,89187,Market,Filled,99758.33511" self.notify.sftp(hostname="", username="admin", password="12345", file_path="trades.csv", file_content=file_content, port=21)
You can use password authentication over SFTP using SSH keys.
file_content = "2023-07-13T12:20:00.2033226Z,EURUSD,1.11853,89187,Market,Filled,99758.33511" self.notify.sftp(hostname="", username="admin", private_key="12345", private_key_passphrase="67890", file_path="trades.csv", file_content=file_content, port=21)
The file_path
parameter is path to file on the FTP server. The port
parameter is optional.
SMS notifications are the only type of notification that you don't need an internet connection to receive. They can include up to 1,600 characters of text content in the message body.
To send SMS notifications in your code files, run:
message = "2023-07-13T12:20:00.2033226Z,EURUSD,1.11853,89187,Market,Filled,99758.33511" self.notify.sms(phone_number="+100503016366", message=message)
Telegram notifications are automated messages to a Telegram group.
To send Telegram notifications in your code files, run:
message = "2023-07-13T12:20:00.2033226Z,EURUSD,1.11853,89187,Market,Filled,99758.33511" self.notify.telegram(id="503016366", message=message, token="1234")
The id
argument is your Telegram group Id. Your group Id is in the URL when you open your group chat in the Telegram web interface. For example, the group Id of is -503016366.
The token
optional argument is a token of a bot you must add to your Telegram group. To create a bot, chat with @BotFather and follow its instructions. If you want to use our bot, the username is @quantconnect_notifications_bot.
To add emoticons to your message
, convert the emoticon character to UTF-32 with the Unicode Converter on the Branah website. For example, the rocket emoji is 0001f680
in UTF-32 format, so use \U001f680
in your message.
Webhook notifications are an HTTP-POST request to a URL you provide. The request is sent with a timeout of 300s. You can process these notifications on your web server however you want. For instance, you can inject the content of the notifications into your server's database or use it to create other notifications on your own server.
To send webhook notifications in your code files, run:
data = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic XXXXX' } self.notify.web(address="", data=data, headers=headers)
The data
argument can be a string
, float
, or int
Receive Notifications
To receive external notification in your algorithm, see Commands.
The following examples demonstrate common practices for sending notifications in live algorithms.
Example 1: Pre-Open Order Error
The following algorithm simulate extended market hour trading on Tradier Brokerage. We place a market-on-open order at 7:30am and expect the order cannot submit to the broker since it is not supported, resulting into an error.
class OrderErrorsAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm): def initialize(self) -> None: self.set_start_date(2022, 1, 1) self.set_end_date(2022, 1, 5) # Simulate Tradier brokerage, which does not support the market-on-open orders. self.set_brokerage_model(BrokerageName.TRADIER_BROKERAGE, AccountType.CASH) # Request extended market hour SPY data for trading. self.spy = self.add_equity("SPY", extended_market_hours=True).symbol # Set a scheduled event to trade 2 hours pre-open to place the market-on-open-order. self.schedule.on( self.date_rules.every_day(self.spy), self.time_rules.before_market_open(self.spy, 120), self.open_position ) def open_position(self) -> None: # Buy on market open will result in an error since Tradier does not support it. self.market_on_open_order(self.spy, 10) # It will be triggered on live trading. def on_brokerage_message(self, message: BrokerageMessageEvent) -> None: if message.type == BrokerageMessageType.ERROR: self.log(f"{self.time}: {message.type}: Message: {message.message}")
Other Examples
For more examples, see the following algorithms: