Supported Models
This page explains the WolverineBrokerageModel
, including the asset classes it supports, its default security-level models, and its default markets.
self.set_brokerage_model(BrokerageName.WOLVERINE, AccountType.CASH) self.set_brokerage_model(BrokerageName.WOLVERINE, AccountType.MARGIN)
To view the implementation of this model, see the LEAN GitHub repository.
Asset Classes
The WolverineBrokerageModel
supports trading US Equities.
The WolverineBrokerageModel
supports one order type, but doesn't support order updates or extended market hours trading.
Order Types
The WolverineBrokerageModel
supports market orders.
The WolverineBrokerageModel
doesn't support order updates.
Extended Market Hours
The WolverineBrokerageModel
doesn't support extended market hours trading. If you place an order outside of regular trading hours, the order is invalid.
Order Properties
The WolverineBrokerageModel
supports custom order properties. The following table describes the members of the WolverineOrderProperties
object that you can set to customize order execution:
Property | Description | ||
time_in_force | TimeInForce | A TimeInForce instruction to apply to the order. The following instructions are supported:
exchange | Exchange | Defines the exchange name for a particular market. For example, Exchange.SMART . | |
exchange_post_fix | str | The exchange post fix to apply if any. For example, if you set exchange to Exchange.SMART , then "-INCA-TX" yields "SMART-INCA-TX". |
def initialize(self) -> None: # Set the default order properties self.default_order_properties = WolverineOrderProperties() self.default_order_properties.time_in_force = TimeInForce.GOOD_TIL_CANCELED = Exchange.SMART self.default_order_properties.exchange_post_fix = "-INCA-TX"
The WolverineBrokerageModel
uses the EquityFillModel for Equity trades.
The WolverineBrokerageModel
uses the NullSlippageModel.
The WolverineBrokerageModel
uses the WolverineFeeModel.
The WolverineBrokerageModel
uses the ImmediateSettlementModel for margin accounts and the DelayedSettlementModel with the default settlement rules for cash accounts.
# For cash accounts: security.set_settlement_model(DelayedSettlementModel(Equity.DEFAULT_SETTLEMENT_DAYS, Equity.DEFAULT_SETTLEMENT_TIME)) # For margin accounts: security.set_settlement_model(ImmediateSettlementModel())
Margin Interest Rate
The WolverineBrokerageModel
uses the NullMarginInterestRateModel.