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Risk Management

Key Concepts


The Risk Management model seeks to manage risk on the PortfolioTarget collection it receives from the Portfolio Construction model before the targets reach the Execution model. There are many creative ways to manage risk. Some examples of risk management include the following:

  • "Trailing Stop Risk Management Model"
    Create and manage trailing stop-loss orders for open positions.
  • "Option Hedging Risk Management Model"
    Purchase options to hedge large equity exposures.
  • "Sector Exposure Risk Management Model"
    Reduce position sizes when overexposed to sectors or individual assets, keeping the portfolio within diversification requirements.
  • "Flash Crash Detection Risk Management Model"
    Scan for strange market situations that might be precursors to a flash crash and attempt to protect the portfolio when they are detected.

Add Models

To set a Risk Management model, in the initialize method, call the add_risk_management method.

Select Language:
# Add the null risk management model, which doesn't affect the portfolio targets.

To view all the pre-built Risk Management models, see Supported Models.

Multi-Model Algorithms

To add multiple Risk Management models, in the initialize method, call the AddRiskManagement method multiple times.

Select Language:
# Add multiple Risk Management models to sequentially adjust portfolio targets, with each model refining the targets passed from the previous model, managing risk across individual securities and sectors.		

If you add multiple Risk Management models, the original collection of PortfolioTarget objects from the Portfolio Construction model is passed to the first Risk Management model. The risk-adjusted targets from the first Risk Management model are passed to the second Risk Management model. The process continues sequentially until all of the Risk Management models have had an opportunity to adjust the targets.

Model Structure

Risk Management models should extend the RiskManagementModel class. Extensions of the RiskManagementModel class must implement the manage_risk method, which receives an array of PortfolioTarget objects from the Portfolio Construction model at every time step and should return an array of risk-adjusted PortfolioTarget objects. The method should only return the adjusted targets, not all of targets. If the method creates a PortfolioTarget object to liquidate a security, cancel the security's insights to avoid re-entering the position.

Select Language:
# Extend the RiskManagementModel class by implementing the manage_risk method, which receives PortfolioTarget objects from the Portfolio Construction model and returns only the risk-adjusted targets.
class MyRiskManagementModel(RiskManagementModel):
    # Adjust the portfolio targets and return them. If no changes emit nothing.
    def manage_risk(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, targets: List[PortfolioTarget]) -> List[PortfolioTarget]:
        return []

    # Optional: Be notified when securities change
    def on_securities_changed(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, changes: SecurityChanges) -> None:
        # Security additions and removals are pushed here.
        # This can be used for setting up algorithm state.
        # changes.added_securities
        # changes.removed_securities

The algorithm argument that the methods receive is an instance of the base QCAlgorithm class, not your subclass of it.

To view a full example of a RiskManagementModel subclass, see the MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity in the LEAN GitHub repository.

Track Security Changes

The Universe Selection model may select a dynamic universe of assets, so you should not assume a fixed set of assets in the Risk Management model. When the Universe Selection model adds and removes assets from the universe, it triggers an on_securities_changed event. In the on_securities_changed event handler, you can initialize the security-specific state or load any history required for your Risk Management model. If you need to save data for individual securities, add custom members to the respective Security object.

Select Language:
class MyRiskManagementModel(RiskManagementModel):
    _securities = []

    def on_securities_changed(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, changes: SecurityChanges) -> None:
        super().on_securities_changed(algorithm, changes)
        for security in changes.added_securities::
            # Store and manage Symbol-specific data
            security.indicator = algorithm.sma(security.symbol, 20)
            algorithm.warm_up_indicator(security.symbol, security.indicator)


        for security in changes.removed_securities:
            if security in self.securities:

Portfolio Target Collection

The PortfolioTargetCollection class is a helper class to manage PortfolioTarget objects. The class manages an internal dictionary that has the security Symbol as the key and a PortfolioTarget as the value.

Add Portfolio Targets

To add a PortfolioTarget to the PortfolioTargetCollection, call the add method.

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To add a list of PortfolioTarget objects, call the add_range method.

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Check Membership

To check if a PortfolioTarget exists in the PortfolioTargetCollection, call the contains method.

Select Language:
target_in_collection = self.targets_collection.contains(portfolio_target)

To check if a Symbol exists in the PortfolioTargetCollection, call the contains_key method.

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symbol_in_collection = self.targets_collection.contains_key(symbol)

To get all the Symbol objects, use the keys property.

Select Language:
symbols = self.targets_collection.keys

Access Portfolio Targets

To access the PortfolioTarget objects for a Symbol, index the PortfolioTargetCollection with the Symbol.

Select Language:
portfolio_target = self.targets_collection[symbol]

To iterate through the PortfolioTargetCollection, call the get_enumerator method.

Select Language:
enumerator = self.targets_collection.get_enumerator()

To get all the PortfolioTarget objects, use the values property

Select Language:
portfolio_targets = self.targets_collection.values

Order Portfolio Targets by Margin Impact

To get an enumerable where position reducing orders are executed first and the remaining orders are executed in decreasing order value, call the order_by_margin_impact method.

Select Language:
for target in self.targets_collection.order_by_margin_impact(algorithm):
    # Place order

This method won't return targets for securities that have no data yet. This method also won't return targets for which the sum of the current holdings and open orders quantity equals the target quantity.

Remove Portfolio Targets

To remove a PortfolioTarget from the PortfolioTargetCollection, call the remove method.

Select Language:
remove_successful = self.targets_collection.remove(symbol)

To remove all the PortfolioTarget objects, call the clear method.

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To remove all the PortfolioTarget objects that have been fulfilled, call the clear_fulfilled method.

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Universe Timing Considerations

If the Risk Management model manages some indicators or consolidators for securities in the universe and the universe selection runs during the indicator sampling period or the consolidator aggregation period, the indicators and consolidators might be missing some data. For example, take the following scenario:

  • The security resolution is minute
  • You have a consolidator that aggregates the security data into daily bars to update the indicator
  • The universe selection runs at noon

In this scenario, you create and warm-up the indicator at noon. Since it runs at noon, the history request that gathers daily data to warm up the indicator won't contain any data from the current day and the consolidator that updates the indicator also won't aggregate any data from before noon. This process doesn't cause issues if the indicator only uses the close price to calculate the indicator value (like the simple moving average indicator) because the first consolidated bar that updates the indicator will have the correct close price. However, if the indicator uses more than just the close price to calculate its value (like the True Range indicator), the open, high, and low values of the first consolidated bar may be incorrect, causing the initial indicator values to be incorrect.


The following examples demonstrate some common practices for implementing a risk management model.

Example 1: Take Profit Stop Loss

The following algorithm trades 20-60 EMA crosses on the top 500 liquid US stocks in equal weighting. To minimize risk and capture early profit, we can implement both MaximumUnrealizedProfitPercentPerSecurity to take profit and TrailingStopRiskManagementModel to stop loss by trailing high price.

Select Language:
class FrameworkRiskManagementAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self.set_start_date(2024, 8, 12)
        self.set_end_date(2024, 10, 12)

        # Add a universe of the most liquid stocks since their trend is more capital-supported.
        # Emit insights on EMA cross, indicating the trend changes. We use short-term versus medium-term for more trade opportunities.
        self.add_alpha(EmaCrossAlphaModel(20, 60, Resolution.DAILY))
        # Equal weighting on each insight to dissipate capital risk evenly.

        # Take profit at 10%.
        # Trailing stop loss at 5%.

Example 2: Tail Value At Risk

The following algorithm implements a custom risk management model that liquidates the position if an asset has PnL lower than the tail value-at-risk (TVaR) throughout the insight to avoid large catastrophic losses. To calculate the TVaR, we create a log return indicator and use the following formula for the calculation: $$ \textrm{TVaR}_{\alpha} = \mu + \sigma \times \phi[\Phi^{-1}(\alpha)] / (1 - \alpha) $$

Select Language:
from scipy.stats import norm

class FrameworkRiskManagementAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self.set_start_date(2020, 1, 1)
        self.set_end_date(2020, 2, 1)

        # Add a universe of the most liquid stocks since their trend is more capital-supported.
        # Emit insights all for selected stocks, rebalancing every 2 weeks.
        self.add_alpha(ConstantAlphaModel(InsightType.PRICE, InsightDirection.UP, timedelta(14)))
        # Equal weighting on each insight to dissipate capital risk evenly.

        # Liquidate on extreme catastrophic events.
        self.add_risk_management(TailValueAtRiskRiskManagementModel(0.05, 14))

class TailValueAtRiskRiskManagementModel(RiskManagementModel):
    _log_ret_by_symbol = {}

    def __init__(self, alpha: float = 0.05, num_days: float = 7) -> None:
        # The alpha level on TVaR calculation.
        self.alpha = alpha
        # The number of days that the insight signal lasts for.
        self.days = num_days

    # Adjust the portfolio targets and return them. If there are no changes, emit nothing.
    def manage_risk(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, targets: List[PortfolioTarget]) -> List[PortfolioTarget]:
        targets = []
        for kvp in algorithm.securities:
            security = kvp.value
            if not security.invested:

            pnl =
            symbol = security.symbol
            # If the %PnL is worse than the preset level TVaR, we liquidate it.
            if pnl < self.get_tvar(symbol):
                # Cancel insights to avoid reordering afterward.
                # Liquidate.
                targets.append(PortfolioTarget(symbol, 0, tag="Liquidate due to TVaR"))

        return targets

    def get_tvar(self, symbol: Symbol) -> float:
        symbol_data = self._log_ret_by_symbol.get(symbol)
        if not symbol_data:
            return 0
        # TVaR = \mu + \sigma * \phi[\Phi^{-1}(p)] / (1 - p)
        # Scale up to the days of the signal. By stochastic calculus, we multiply by sqrt(days).
        daily_tvar = symbol_data.mean_log_ret + symbol_data.sd_log_ret * np.sqrt(self.days) * norm.pdf(norm.ppf(self.alpha)) / (1 - self.alpha)
        # We want the left side of the symmetric distribution.
        return -daily_tvar

    def on_securities_changed(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, changes: SecurityChanges) -> None:
        for added in changes.added_securities:
            # Add SymbolData class to handle log returns.
            self._log_ret_by_symbol[added.symbol] = SymbolData(algorithm, added.symbol)

        for removed in changes.removed_securities:
            # Stop subscription on the data to release computational resources.
            symbol_data = self._log_ret_by_symbol.pop(removed.symbol, None)
            if symbol_data:

class SymbolData:
    def __init__(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, symbol: Symbol) -> None:
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.symbol = symbol

        # Since the return is assumed log-normal, we use the log return indicator to calculate TVaR later.
        self.log_ret = LogReturn(1)
        # Register the indicator for automatic updating for daily log returns.
        algorithm.register_indicator(symbol, self.log_ret, Resolution.DAILY)
        # Set up a rolling window to save the log return for calculating the mean and SD for TVaR calculation.
        self.window = RollingWindow[float](252)
        # Add a handler to save the log return to the rolling window.
        self.log_ret.updated += lambda _, point: self.window.add(point.value)
        # Warm up the rolling window.
        history = algorithm.history[TradeBar](symbol, 253, Resolution.DAILY)
        for bar in history:
            self.log_ret.update(bar.end_time, bar.close)

    def is_ready(self) -> bool:
        return self.window.is_ready

    def mean_log_ret(self) -> float:
        # Mean log return for TVaR calculation.
        return np.mean(list(self.window))

    def sd_log_ret(self) -> float:
        # SD of log return for TVaR calculation.
        return np.std(list(self.window), ddof=1)

    def dispose(self) -> None:
        # Stop subscription on the data to release computational resources.

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