Alpha Vantage
Instead of using the data from QuantConnect or your brokerage, you can use Alpha Vantage for historical data. This page explains our integration with their API and its functionality. To use Alpha Vantage, you need to get a free or premium API key.
To view the implementation of the Alpha Vantage integration, see the Lean.DataSource.AlphaVantage repository.
Supported Datasets
The Alpha Vantage data provider serves asset price data directly from Alpha Vantage's Time Series Stock Data APIs. Our integration supports US Equity securities. It only provides the raw price data, so download the US Equity Security Master with the CLI to get adjusted prices.
Universe Selection
Universe selection is available with the Alpha Vantage data provider if you download the data from the Dataset Market. The dataset listings show how to download the universe selection data with the CLI. For live trading, you'll need to periodically download the new data from QuantConnect Cloud, which you can automate with Python scripts. For example, the following tutorials explain how to download historical data and download daily updates:
To use Alpha Vantage data in the Research Environment on Local Platform, first start the Research Environment with the CLI and request the data you need. All the data you request will be cached in your hard drive, so you can then open the Research Environment with the Local Platform UX and access it.
To run an on-premise backtest on Local Platform with Alpha Vantage data, first backtest the algorithm on your local machine with the CLI. All the data your backtest requests will be cached in your hard drive, so you can then run the backtest on-premise with the Local Platform UX and access it.
To run an on-premise optimization on Local Platform with Alpha Vantage data, first backtest the algorithm on your local machine with the CLI. All the data your backtest requests will be cached in your hard drive, so you can then run the optimization on-premise with the Local Platform UX and access it.
To view the prices of the Alpha Vantage API packages, see the Premium API Key page on the Alpha Vantage website.