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Backtest Management

Delete Backtest


Delete a backtest from the specified project and backtestId.


Information required to delete the backtest. The /backtests/delete API accepts requests in the following format:

DeleteBacktestRequest Model - Request to delete a backtest.
projectId integer
Project Id for the backtest we want to delete.
backtestId string
Backtest Id we want to delete.
  "projectId": 0,
  "backtestId": "string"


The /backtests/delete API provides a response in the following format:

200 Success

RestResponse Model - Base API response class for the QuantConnect API.
success boolean
Indicate if the API request was successful.
errors string Array
List of errors with the API call.
  "success": true,
  "errors": [

401 Authentication Error

UnauthorizedError Model - Unauthorized response from the API. Key is missing, invalid, or timestamp is too old for hash.
www_authenticate string

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