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Project Libraries


Project libraries are QuantConnect projects you can merge into your project to avoid duplicating code files. If you have tools that you use across several projects, create a library.

To use the CLI, you must be a member in an organization on a paid tier.

Create Libraries

To create a library, open a terminal in one of your organization workspaces and then create a project in the Library directory.

$ lean project-create "Library/MyLibrary"
Successfully created Python project 'Library/MyLibrary'

The library name can only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). The library name can't contain spaces or start with a number. To create a library directory, set the name to Library / directoryName / libraryName (for example, Library / Tools / Calculators).

The lean project-create command creates a new project based on your default programming language. To create a C# library, add the --language csharp option.

$ lean project-create "Library/MyLibrary" --language csharp
Successfully created C# project 'Library/MyLibrary'
Restoring packages in 'Library\MyLibrary' to provide local autocomplete
Restored successfully
Successfully created C# project 'Library/MyLibrary'

Add Libraries

Follow these steps to add a library to your project:

  1. Open a terminal in your organization workspace that contains the library.
  2. Run lean library add "<projectName>" "Library/<libraryName>".
    $ lean library add "My Project" "Library/MyLibrary"
    Adding Lean CLI library D:\qc\lean-cli\Library\MyLibrary to project D:\qc\lean-cli\My Project
  3. In your project files, import the library class at the top of the page.
  4. Select Language:
    from MyLibrary.main import MyLibrary

    In general, use from <libraryName>.<fileNameWithoutExtension> import <memberName>.

  5. In your project files, instantiate the library class and call its methods.
  6. Select Language:
    x = MyLibrary()
    value = x.add(1, 2)

Rename Libraries

Follow these steps to rename a library:

  1. Open the organization workspace that contains the library.
  2. In the Library directory, rename the library project.
  3. The library name can only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). The library name can't contain spaces or start with a number. To create a library directory, set the name to Library / directoryName / libraryName (for example, Library / Tools / Calculators).

  4. If you have a copy of the library in QuantConnect Cloud, open a terminal in your organization workspace and push the library project.
  5. $ lean cloud push --project "Library/MySpecialLibrary"
    [1/1] Pushing 'Library\MySpecialLibrary'
    Renaming project in cloud from 'Library/MyLibrary' to 'Library/MySpecialLibrary'
    Successfully updated name, files, and libraries for 'Library/MyLibrary'

Remove Libraries

Follow these steps to remove a library from a project, open a terminal in your organization workspace that stores the project and then run lean library remove "<projectName>" "Library/<libraryName>".

$ lean library remove "My Project" "Library/MyLibrary"

Delete Libraries

To delete a library, open a terminal in your organization workspace that contains the library and then run lean project-delete "Library/<libraryName>".

$ lean project-delete "Library/MyLibrary"
Successfully deleted project 'Library/MyLibrary'

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