Download in Bulk

US Future Options


Download the US Future Options dataset in bulk to get the full dataset without any selection bias. The bulk dataset packages contain trade, quote, and open interest data for every ticker and trading day.

The US Future Options dataset depends on the US Futures dataset because the US Futures Sdataset contains data on the underlying Futures contracts. The US Future Options dataset also depends on the US Futures Security Master dataset because the US Futures Security Master dataset contains information to construct continuous Futures.

Download History

To unlock local access to the US Future Options dataset, contact us. You need billing permissions to change the organization's subscriptions.

After you subscribe to local access, follow these steps to download the data:

  1. Log in to the Algorithm Lab.
  2. On the CLI tab of the dataset listing, use the CLI Command Generator to generate your download command and then copy it.
  3. The Start Date and End Date fields are irrelevant for bulk downloads.

  4. Open a terminal in your organization workspace and then run the command from the CLI Command Generator.

Download Daily Updates

After you bulk download the US Future Options dataset, new daily updates are available at 7 AM Eastern Time (ET) after each trading day. To unlock local access to the data updates, contact us. You need billing permissions to change the organization's subscriptions.

After you subscribe to dataset updates, to update your local copy of the US Future Options dataset, use the CLI Command Generator to generate your download command and then run it in a terminal in your organization workspace. Alternatively, instead of directly calling the lean data download command, you can place a Python script in the data directory of your organization workspace and run it to update your data files. The following example script updates all data resolutions and markets:

import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
from pytz import timezone
from os.path import abspath, dirname


# Define a method to download the data
def __download_data(resolution, start=None, end=None):
    print(f"Updating {resolution} data...")
    command = f'lean data download --dataset "US Future Options" --data-type "Bulk"  --resolution "{resolution}"'
    if start:
        end = end if end else start
        command += f" --start {start} --end {end}"
        command += " --overwrite"

def __get_end_date() -> str:
    now ="US/Eastern"))
    if now.time() > time(7,30):
        return (now - timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y%m%d")
    print('New data is available at 07:30 AM EST')
    return (now - timedelta(2)).strftime("%Y%m%d")

def __download_high_frequency_data(latest_on_cloud):
    for resolution in ["minute"]:
        dir_name = f"futureoption/cme/{resolution}/es".lower()
        if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
            __download_data(resolution, '19980101')
        latest_on_disk = sorted(os.listdir(dir_name))[-1].split('_')[0]
        if latest_on_disk >= latest_on_cloud:
            print(f"{resolution} data is already up to date.")
        __download_data(resolution, latest_on_disk, latest_on_cloud)

def __download_low_frequency_data(latest_on_cloud):
    for resolution in ["daily", "hour"]:
        file_name = f"futureoption/cme/{resolution}/".lower()
        if not os.path.exists(file_name):
        latest_on_disk = str(pd.read_csv(file_name, header=None)[0].iloc[-1])[:8]
        if latest_on_disk >= latest_on_cloud:
            print(f"{resolution} data is already up to date.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    latest_on_cloud = __get_end_date()

The preceding script checks the date of the most recent ES data you have from the CME market for minute resolution. If there is new data available, it downloads the new data files and overwrites your hourly and daily files. If you don't intend to download all resolutions and markets, adjust this script to your needs.

Size and Format

The following table shows the size and format of the US Future Options dataset for each resolution:

Daily1.5 GB1 file per ticker
Hour11 GB1 file per ticker
Minute400 GB1 file per ticker per day


The following table shows the price of the US Future Options dataset subscriptions:

ResolutionPrice of Historical Data ($)Price of Daily Updates ($/Year)
DailyContact us1,920
HourContact us2,640
MinuteContact us2,880

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