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0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
1Security Types
0Sortino Ratio
32Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
5Tradeable Dates
14Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
9Tradeable Dates
Travis started the discussion Need Help Deserializing JSON Ticker Into Custom Data
Travis started the discussion ISecurityProvider.GetHoldingsQuantity() Not Working
Hello, I'm trying to get the current portfolio holdings of a security that I've purchased but It...
Travis started the discussion Compute Maximum Value Using QCAlgo MAX Method
Hello! Got another question here. I was wondering how to use the MAX method to record the highest...
Travis started the discussion Adding Every Symbol From CSV To Universe
Hello! I've been having some difficulty adding every symbol from a file into my universe. When I...
Travis started the discussion Contribution: Scheduled Data Scraping From Any Webpage/Source
Hey! Just wanted to share a tool that I've been using to gather data from webpages and schedule...
0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
1Security Types
0Sortino Ratio
32Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
5Tradeable Dates
14Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
9Tradeable Dates
7Tradeable Dates
5916Tradeable Dates
26Tradeable Dates
124Tradeable Dates
26Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
Travis started the discussion Need Help Deserializing JSON Ticker Into Custom Data
Travis started the discussion ISecurityProvider.GetHoldingsQuantity() Not Working
Hello, I'm trying to get the current portfolio holdings of a security that I've purchased but It...
Travis started the discussion Compute Maximum Value Using QCAlgo MAX Method
Hello! Got another question here. I was wondering how to use the MAX method to record the highest...
Travis started the discussion Adding Every Symbol From CSV To Universe
Hello! I've been having some difficulty adding every symbol from a file into my universe. When I...
Travis started the discussion Contribution: Scheduled Data Scraping From Any Webpage/Source
Hey! Just wanted to share a tool that I've been using to gather data from webpages and schedule...
Travis started the discussion Initialize/AddSecurity Five Minutes After Open
Hey How do you add a security after the algorithm has been initialized? I've tried to schedule an...
Travis started the discussion Tradier StopLimit Orders Being Cancelled
Hiya peeps I was trying to place some trades through my brokerage today and noticed that they...
Travis started the discussion Questions About Forex, Low Profits, and Leverage
Travis started the discussion Strategy Not Working In Live Mode
Hey I just wanted a little bit of help getting my strategy to work, It works fine while backtesting...
Travis left a comment in the discussion Strategy Not Working In Live Mode
Sorry I wrote the question hastily because I had to go. The algorithm does not buy securities when...
Travis left a comment in the discussion Questions About Forex, Low Profits, and Leverage
I think you're right @Casper Mak. I've done more calculations and I've come to a couple of...
Travis left a comment in the discussion Tradier StopLimit Orders Being Cancelled
Omg I accidentally deleted my symbol price variable. Lol no wonder it wouldn't work.
Travis left a comment in the discussion Tradier StopLimit Orders Being Cancelled
I just placed another test trade at 1 cent below the current price and it still got...
Travis left a comment in the discussion OnData(Slice) and timing
Yo Stephen, Seems like we always are answering each others question. I believe I could be of use...
Travis started the discussion How To Maintain A Rolling Account Balance
I have a strategy to divide my total portfolio into thirds and trade every single day of the week....
Travis started the discussion Pull Securities From SecuritiesChanged Collection
Having some trouble accessing the securities that are added to my universe. I want to pull them out...
Travis started the discussion Coarse Universe Always Ordering "SPY"
Hey! Every backtest I run keeps ordering "SPY" even when I have a filter that seems to work...
Travis started the discussion How To Access FillPrice Field From OrderEvent Class
Hey! I'm trying to get the fill price of my order for the day to compare it to the current...
Travis started the discussion Quick Question About Order Class Public Properties
Hey guys, Got a pretty simple question about how to implement public properties within the Order...
Travis started the discussion Indexing Symbols From Live Data Source
Hi, I've been trying to use a live data source to get symbols and add them to my universe. The...
Travis left a comment in the discussion Strategy Not Working In Live Mode
I'm so glad this problem is fixed. Now my algorithm is working exactly like it should with...
8 years ago