Overall Statistics |
Total Trades 62 Average Win 1.02% Average Loss -1.93% Compounding Annual Return -82.049% Drawdown 26.300% Expectancy -0.407 Net Profit -22.393% Sharpe Ratio -4.637 Loss Rate 61% Win Rate 39% Profit-Loss Ratio 0.53 Alpha -1.659 Beta -0.011 Annual Standard Deviation 0.357 Annual Variance 0.128 Information Ratio -3.315 Tracking Error 0.412 Treynor Ratio 147.977 Total Fees $62.00 |
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using QuantConnect.Data.Market; using QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection; namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { public class CoarseFundamentalTop5Algorithm : QCAlgorithm { // initialize our security changes to nothing DateTime lastTradeTime; SecurityChanges _changes = SecurityChanges.None; static readonly decimal EqualWeightPercentage = 1m/3; public override void Initialize() { SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.TradierBrokerage, AccountType.Cash); // this sets the resolution for securities added via universe selection UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Second; SetStartDate(2016, 1, 1); SetEndDate(DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1)); SetCash(5000); foreach (var symbol in _changes.AddedSecurities) { var myString = symbol.ToString(); AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, myString, Resolution.Minute, fillDataForward: true, extendedMarketHours: false, leverage: 1 ); } // this add universe method accepts a single parameter that is a function that // accepts an IEnumerable<CoarseFundamental> and returns IEnumerable<Symbol> AddUniverse(CoarseSelectionFunction); } // sort the data by daily dollar volume and take the top 5 symbols public static IEnumerable<Symbol> CoarseSelectionFunction(IEnumerable<CoarseFundamental> coarse) { return (from stock in coarse orderby stock.Price //function that sorts by percent change //where stock.Price > stock.Price - stock.Value / stock.Price ?? where stock.Price < 5 && stock.Price > 2 select stock.Symbol).Take(1); } //Data Event Handler: New data arrives here. "TradeBars" type is a dictionary of strings so you can access it by symbol. public void OnData(TradeBars data) { if (Time - lastTradeTime.Date < TimeSpan.FromDays(1)) { // only trade once a day at market open return; } lastTradeTime = Time; // if we have no changes, do nothing if (_changes == SecurityChanges.None) return; // liquidate removed securities /*foreach (var security in _changes.RemovedSecurities) { if (security.Invested) { Liquidate(security.Symbol); } }*/ foreach (var security in _changes.AddedSecurities) { //var symbolToday = Convert.ToString(_changes.AddedSecurities); //Log("" + symbolToday); var equalWeightedPorfolioSize = Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue/3; var shareCount = CalculateOrderQuantity(security.Symbol, EqualWeightPercentage); //SetHoldings(security.Symbol, 0.25m); MarketOrder(security.Symbol, shareCount, tag: "Order Target Value: $" + Math.Round(equalWeightedPorfolioSize, 2)); MarketOnCloseOrder(security.Symbol, -shareCount); // submit market on close to liquidate at EOD } // you can access the settled only funds using the CashBook var settledCash = Portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Amount; // you can access the unsettled fund using the UnsettledCashBook var unsettledCash = Portfolio.UnsettledCashBook["USD"].Amount; _changes = SecurityChanges.None; } // this event fires whenever we have changes to our universe public override void OnSecuritiesChanged(SecurityChanges changes) { _changes = changes; } public override void OnEndOfDay() { // at the end of each day log the state of our settled and unsettled cashbooks Log(string.Empty); Log("-------------------"+Time.Date.ToShortDateString()+"-------------------"); Log("SETTLED::"); var settled = Portfolio.CashBook.ToString(); foreach (var line in settled.Split('\n')) { Log(" " + line); } Log(string.Empty); Log(string.Empty); Log("UNSETTLED::"); var unsettled = Portfolio.UnsettledCashBook.ToString(); foreach (var line in unsettled.Split('\n')) { Log(" " + line); } } } }