Hello, there seems to be an issue with the DGAZ data where the values are extremely small before Nov 26, and then suddenly jumps to 70. Both Yahoo and Google finance show that the values were actually higher in the past. Attached a backtest for reference, as well as some of the values below:
2018-10-27 09:35:00DGAZMarket On Open $0.0402 USD2,915BuyFilled
2018-11-01 09:35:00DGAZMarket $0.03565 USD3,550BuyFilled
2018-11-06 09:35:00DGAZMarket $0.0264225 USD43,554BuyFilled
2018-11-11 09:35:00DGAZMarket On Open $0.021525 USD26,878BuyFilled
2018-11-16 09:35:00DGAZMarket $0.0096 USD256,993BuyFilled
2018-11-21 09:35:00DGAZMarket $0.006625 USD188,303BuyFilled
2018-11-26 09:35:00DGAZMarket $70.68 USD
Yujun Tang
By the way, there was a reverse split of 1 to 20 on Nov 26, 2018, although the numbers still dont seem to tally after adjusting by that factor.
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Thank you very much Yujun Tang for reporting this.
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