I am trying to figure out how to calculate MAE/MFE for trade analysis and find some references in the LEAN documentation about TradeBuilder/StatisticsBuilder classes. Does anyone know if this can be doe in Python? It looks like it is included in the API docs as self.SetTradeBuilder, but I am sure how to use it and in what context. Any help is appreciated.
Alexandre Catarino
TradeBuilder is a IAlgorithm member used to manage trades. It has a list of Trade object with the information you are looking for: MAE, MFE, Drawdown, etc... Trades are created based on a grouping method and a mathing method that are set with the TradeBuilder.
You can set the TradeBuilder using SetTradeBuilder(tradeBuilder), where tradeBuilder can be defined by:
tradeBuilder = TradeBuilder(fillGroupingMethod, fillMatchingMethod) self.SetTradeBuilder(tradeBuilder)
We have three fill grouping methods and two fill mathing methods:
# A Trade is defined by a fill that establishes or increases a position and an offsetting fill that reduces the position size. FillGroupingMethod.FillToFill # A Trade is defined by a sequence of fills, from a flat position to a non-zero position which may increase or decrease in quantity, and back to a flat position. FillGroupingMethod.FlatToFlat # A Trade is defined by a sequence of fills, from a flat position to a non-zero position and an offsetting fill that reduces the position size. FillGroupingMethod.FlatToReduced # First In First Out fill matching method FillMatchingMethod.FIFO # Last In Last Out fill matching method FillMatchingMethod.LIFO
If you want to Log the statistics at the end of the algorithm, you can use:
def OnEndOfAlgorithm(self): for trade in self.TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades: self.Log(self.trade_to_string(trade)) def trade_to_string(self, trade): return 'Symbol: {0} EntryTime: {1} EntryPrice {2} Direction: {3} Quantity: {4} ExitTime: {5} ExitPrice: {6} ProfitLoss: {7} TotalFees: {8} MAE: {9} MFE: {10} EndTradeDrawdown: {11}'.format( trade.Symbol, trade.EntryTime, trade.EntryPrice, trade.Direction, trade.Quantity, trade.ExitTime, trade.ExitPrice, trade.ProfitLoss, trade.TotalFees, trade.MAE, trade.MFE, trade.EndTradeDrawdown)
StatisticsBuilder, on the other hand, is used at engine level to calculate portfolio statistics that are shown in the "Overall Statistics". Github issue #1105 proposes making running statistics, calculated by the StatisticsBuilder, available in the algorithm.
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Aaron Gilman
Wow thank you so much! I eventually figured it out but this provides context (and is a lot cleaner than what I have set up as well) and is beyond appreciated. Thanks again.
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Shane, Yuan An SIM
I am trying to use the method as suggested :
tradeBuilder = ITradeBuilder(FillGroupingMethod.FillToFill,FillMatchingMethod.FIFO) self.SetTradeBuilder(tradeBuilder)
but the error code says that FillGroupMethod is not defined. May I know what am I doing wrong? Thanks
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Alexandre Catarino
Hi Shane, Yuan An SIM ,
Please add the following import statement:
and use TradeBuilder instead of ITradeBuilder:
Best regards,
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