I got the following error when I tried to import requests or to use urllib packages.

42 | 20:42:56: Build Warning: File: n/a Line:0 Column:0 - Sorry, 'open(' is not whitelisted within QuantConnect. Remove this code statement 43 | 20:42:57: Build Warning: File: n/a Line:0 Column:0 - Sorry, 'open(' is not whitelisted within QuantConnect. Remove this code statement 44 | 20:43:00: Build Warning: File: n/a Line:0 Column:0 - Sorry, 'open(' is not whitelisted within QuantConnect. Remove this code statement 45 | 20:43:18: Build Error: File: test.py Line:1 Column:0 - ImportError: No module named requests 46 | 20:43:38: Build Error: File: test.py Line:1 Column:0 - ImportError: No module named requests 47 | 20:45:24: Build Error: File: test.py Line:1 Column:0 - ImportError: No module named requests

Are Python packages requests and urllib not allowed to use on QuantConnect cloud servers?

Also, any plans to support Python 3.x ?




November 2017