
I'am developing a strategy for EURUSD and for LEAN everything works ok,

but on web-platform I received the following error:

Backtest Error: Error initializing algorithm: This may be because history is using fake data while pre-analyzing an algorithm for a backtest
Backtest Error: Error initializing algorithm: This asset symbol (EURUSD 5O) was not found in your security list. Please add this security or check it exists before using it.

Here is a piece of code which is in Initialize() function:

Ticker = "EURUSD";
            SetStartDate(new DateTime(2014, 05, 01));  
            SetEndDate(2014, 05, 05);   
            AddForex(Ticker, Resolution.Second);
            m_Symbol = QuantConnect.Symbol.Create(Ticker, SecurityType.Forex, Market.FXCM);

What is wrong with my code?



Alexandr Trenkenshu

April 2017