Hi everyone. I'm currently using custom forex data (with QuoteBar data type) to backtest my algorithm but until recently something weird started happening; everytime an order was filled a huge sharp spike appeared in the equity curve. After closer inspection I discovered that the hits in the equity were almost equal in size to the holding costs of their associated order. Is this intended behaviour? is there a way to disable it? In case it's a bug, any ideas on how to fix it?
Normal behaviour:

Current behaviour:

Mia Alissi
Hi Santiago,
The sharp spikes in your equity curve could be due to the spread costs incorporated into your simulated trade fills. In QuantConnect,
objects let LEAN incorporate spread costs into your simulated trade fills to make backtest results more realistic. This is intended behavior and is designed to provide a more accurate representation of live trading conditions.If you're using custom forex data, it's important to ensure that the data is accurate and correctly formatted. If there are any errors or anomalies in the data, this could potentially cause unexpected results in your backtests.
If you believe there's a bug or issue with the platform, I recommend submitting a support ticket so the QuantConnect team can investigate. You can also submit a data issue if you believe there's a problem with the data you're using.
Here's an example of how to handle
data in Python:And here's how to iterate through the
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