chain = slice.OptionChains.get(self.symbol)
这句代码应该返回一个OptionChain对象,Cloud IDE在调试过程中,VARIABLES Panel中在chain.Contracts.Values中不会看见OptionContract的任何属性。
Symbol: Symbol
UnderlyingSymbol: Symbol
Strike: decimal
Expiry: DateTime
Right: OptionRight
Style: OptionStyle
TheoreticalPrice: decimal
ImpliedVolatility: decimal
Greeks: Greeks
Time: DateTime
OpenInterest: decimal
LastPrice: decimal
Volume: int
BidPrice: decimal
BidSize: int
AskPrice: decimal
AskSize: int
UnderlyingLastPrice: decimal
Mia Alissi
object you mentioned is indeed anOptionChain
object. It contains a collection ofOptionContract
objects. EachOptionContract
object has the properties you listed.Here is an example of how you can access these properties in Python:
Please note that not all properties are always populated depending on the data source and the specific contract. For example,
are only available if you set a pricing model.For more information, you can refer to the QuantConnect documentation.
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