I'm studying the boot camp lessons, I cannot find the console window in my browser, I mean it's not shown at all rather than being collapsed, see below screen shot, and the Chart window never shows any update after I submitted my code, I've tried Chrome and Firefox, they are the same.

One thing worth noting is that if I log my account out, then the console window would come out, see below screen shot, but after I log in it disappears again, is it because I'm a Free Plan account?

Bill Crocker INVESTOR
The boot camp system appears to be turned off?
Perhaps for the USA Thanksgiving holiday?
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Zhanjun li
Thanks Bill, I'm not sure what you mean by turning off, I can still watch the videos, submit codes, get the backtest run and see the results, just couldn't see the console window.
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Bill Crocker INVESTOR
Back with a new issue. Submitted a support ticket.
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Nico Xenox
Hey Bill Crocker,
Please refer to this thread
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