In my app, the universe is set to minute interval but I wish to get the day's high and low up until that point. How to achieve this?
In my app, the universe is set to minute interval but I wish to get the day's high and low up until that point. How to achieve this?
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Alexandre Catarino
Hi Mheloky,
You can achieve that using the Identity indicator:
var dailySpyHigh = Identity("SPY", Resolution.Daily, Field.High); var dailySpyLow = Identity("SPY", Resolution.Daily, Field.Low);
This inidicator is used to consolidate a data field (e.g.: Field.High, Field.Low) automatically with a chosen resolution.
Boris Sachakov
I used your above wonderful template to find the day's High and Low and I included my custom data with 5-min periods to find a particular day's High and Low between 9:30am & 12:00pm. However I encountered the following problems with my version of the algorithm:
1. I couldn't figure how to properly enter info for intraday Time (in DailyBar class between DateTime EndTime and IsReady lines). I assume that it must include TimeSpan Period method, but I had no succes coming up with correct Syntax.
2. The result (Logs) I received after running the algorithm did not correspond to correct chart values. I believe it is due to problem # 1.
3. What does this line do in the above algorithm? :
Debug(Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _dailyBars.Select(x => x.ToString())));
4. Variation of original question: How can I find Yesterday's High and Low while I am still using intraday data?
Thanks in advance.
Petio Petrov
This method seems to give the previous day's high and low. How would we go about finding the high and low of the current day up to the current present moment?
Petio Petrov
For anyone looking for a solution, turns out there is no function explicitly exposing that functionality yet. However, you can easily keep track of it yourself.
import sys def Initialize(self): self.symbol = 'SPY' self.SetStartDate(2018, 2, 1) self.SetEndDate(2018, 10, 14) self.AddEquity(self.symbol, Resolution.Minute) self.max_price = -sys.maxsize def OnData(self, data): if data[self.symbol] is None: return current_price =[self.symbol].Price self.max_price = self.max_price if self.max_price > current_price else current_price
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