I am using a 5 min consolidator. I noticed that the volume of 5 min consolidated bar is different than the sum of the volume of the last 5 1 min bars. The attached backtest gives a volume for the 5 min tsla (020-08-21 12:50:00) as 1563325, however the sum of the last 5 1 min bars is 857095 The open/high/low/close values are correct but the volume is off. 

Why is this? 

2020-08-21 12:55:00 :0:05:00 TSLA: O: 416.15 H: 416.78 L: 414.514 C: 416.6 V: 1563325 2020-08-21 12:55:002020-08-21 12:55:00 :857095.0


Keith Forward

February 2022