I am manually updating the consolidator with hour bars to make 4 hour bars. Works as intended with only passing the consolidated tradebar into the first indicator then the tradebar rolling window. Passing it into a second indicator breaks the algorithm. Seems strange that this would cause problems.
anyone have any ideas? Thanks
# This works
def consolidator_handler(self, sender, tradebar):
# This doesn't work
def consolidator_handler(self, sender, tradebar):
Fred Painchaud
Hi Brian,
If “indicatorTwo” is completely independent of “indicatorOne” and if neither is registered to automatically receive updates, it should indeed be working fine.
Would you please post simple but complete code that exhibits the wrong behavior?
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Brian Fontenot
Hi Fred thanks for the answer. I've attached a backtest of the algorithm. The indicators are a little contrived but exhibit the behavior I'm talking about. If you comment out the second indicator and its associated lines the algorithm will work. It could be something else causing the problem but I don't see it off hand. Take a look if you have a minute . Thanks
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Brian Fontenot
Here is the second version with just one indicator that is working
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Fred Painchaud
Hi Brian,
IndicatorOne should read:
But I believe the issue lies in your IndicatorTwo never becoming ready. You should debug to make sure it gets enough bars from the history call and is ready before the Alpha begins.
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