Hi all,
This question take place when live trade algorithm crashes. My strategy actions sometimes depend on what were previous states. For example, what was the profit of the last 5 trades. It is just an example. When the strategy developed is live trading, and the strategy crashed, I would like to recover the last state when I re-deploy it. Otherwise, the strategy is starting from scratch, instead of continue the expected logic. Of course, this issue doesn't happen on backtesting.
I don't expect to save complex objects. A simple list of numbers seriealized in a json could be enough. I guess I could use a key/value store db through rest, but I guess it is something too complex. I wonder if there is a better way, that doesn't evolve to use thirty party services.
Thank you.
Gabriel Moncarz
Thank you very much Peter. I didn't know about Object Store. It is all that I need, if it also work on Lean side. do you know if it work when I deploy the strategy locally with Lean for real money, or it just work on QuantConnect side, which of course has sense.
Thank you again.
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Gabriel Moncarz
I confirm it also works with Lean-Cli on a local live trading environment. Reading the source code (thank you open source), I realized that the info of the ObjectStore is persisted on /LeanCLI/storage. So, if you use the same docker instance, after a reset the info is kept. What I am not sure, is how QuantConnect do it on QuantConnect side. Because probably every time a project crashes, I think another docker instance would be open with a new redeploy. My Docker knowledge is more than basic, but I suppose that they are moving the storage directory to the new docker image, but it is just my guess.
Anyway, thank you Peter, because without your help, I was going to look to a similar service outside QuantConnect. Thank you again.
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