Daily equity data is free in the cloud backtest environment. So apparently it's not a profit center; you're just required by your license to not let the data “escape” without being purchased.
What if I bring my own data? Can I drop it into the data tree and use it like QC-sourced data? I would like to experiment with offline backtesting and make sure I like QC before I commit to a year's subscription.
I see the docs that explain how to change your strategy code to import arbitrary data. That's not what I'm looking for. I want to use my own equity data exactly the same as I use QC equity data, just self.AddEquity &etc. The same code should work whether I'm doing local/offline backtests with my data or cloud backtests with QC data.
I constructed an OHLC file in the proper format, and put it in the right place. But I'm having trouble with the zip format. Neither gzip nor bzip2 works; Ionic.Zip says “Cannot read that as a Zipfile.” So what zip format does QC use?
Is there any additional magic required to make a symbol file work with QC, like connecting into map/factor files or suchlike? I'd like divs/splits to work properly, but I can accept a hacked approach that doesn't properly handle dividends/splits/etc; this is for evaluating the platform, not for doing research.
Varad Kabade
Hi Gary Fritz,
I constructed an OHLC file in the proper format, and put it in the right place. But I'm having trouble with the zip format. Neither gzip nor bzip2 works; Ionic.Zip says “Cannot read that as a Zipfile.” So what zip format does QC use?
We recommend trying to create a C# project to zip the data. For more information, refer to the following [1, 2].
Is there any additional magic required to make a symbol file work with QC, like connecting into map/factor files or suchlike? I'd like divs/splits to work properly, but I can accept a hacked approach that doesn't properly handle dividends/splits/etc; this is for evaluating the platform, not for doing research.
For examples on factor or map files, please go through the data folder for reference.
Varad Kabade
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Gary Fritz
Hm. Thanks for the pointer, Varad. But I'm not sure I'm up for that. I haven't done any C++ work in many years, and I've never worked with C#. I don't know the build environment or anything. I don't have the bandwidth right now to spin up on an entire new development environment, on top of trying to learn QC. Maybe later…
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