Hey there,
I currently have some issues with backtesting. I try to backtest my strategy and I get no results from my backtest.
So either I am missing smth very obvious or there as in issue I cannot resolve by myself.
I used both approaches to test my strategy the classic algorithm structure and the algorithm framework and both show no results.
I have attached the code with some comments, I really appreciate your tips.
Classic Algortihm structure:
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import numpy as np
class UncoupledTachyonContainmentField(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2017, 1, 1) # Set Start Date
self.SetEndDate(2017, 1, 31) # Set End Date
self.SetCash(100000) # Set Strategy Cash
self.__numberOfSymbols = 600
self.SetUniverseSelection(FineFundamentalUniverseSelectionModel(self.CoarseSelectionFunction, self.FineSelectionFunction))
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = False
self.SetSecurityInitializer(lambda x: x.SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Raw))
self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Cash)
# Define lists, dictionaries needed for storing values
self.slope_dict = {}
self.ranked_ra = {}
self.volume_profiles = {}
self.val = {}
self.vah = {}
self.pct_change = {}
self.top_stocks = {}
self.number_stocks = 3
self.purchased_stocks = []
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.At(3, 10), self.DataGenerator)
def OnData(self, data):
'''OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
data: Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data
if self.Time.hour == 10 and self.Time.minute == 30:
for key, value in self.ranked_ra.items():
self.pct_change[key] = data[key].Price # some calculation with price at 10:30 AM; resulting value is stored in a dictionary as value with according key pair (I removed the calculation on purpose)
self.pct_change = dict(sorted(self.pct_change.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
ranked_pct_change = {item:index for index, item in enumerate(self.pct_change,1)}
#Combine ranking of both ranked_ra & val_pct_change; Data is pulled from dictionaries stored in Initialize and they according was generated with DataGenerator-Function
for key, value in self.ranked_ra.items():
value_2 = self.ranked_pct_change[key]
self.top_stocks[key] = value + value_2
Rank stocks according to total rank
self.top_stocks = dict(sorted(self.top_stocks.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False))
counter = 0
self.purchased_stocks = []
if counter < self.number_stocks:
for ticker in self.top_stocks.keys():
self.SetHoldings(ticker, int(0.5/self.number_stocks))
counter += 1
if self.Time.hour == 15 and self.Time.minute == 00:
if self.Portfolio.Invested:
self.Log(str(f"Number of stocks in Universe: {len(self.ranked_ra)}, Bought these tickers: {self.purchased_stocks}"))
def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse):
# sort descending by daily dollar volume
sortedByDollarVolume = sorted(coarse, key=lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse = True)
# select only stocks with fundamental data
cleaned_selection = [x for x in sortedByDollarVolume if x.HasFundamentalData]
# return the symbol objects of the top entries from our cleaned collection
return [ x.Symbol for x in cleaned_selection[:self.__numberOfSymbols] ]
def FineSelectionFunction(self, fine):
def adder(x):
if x == None:
x = 0.01
return x
filtered_stocks = [x for x in fine if x.AssetClassification.MorningstarIndustryCode != ['MorningstarIndustryCode.BanksRegionalLatinAmerica',
and adder(x.FinancialStatements.IncomeStatement.InterestIncome.ThreeMonths) !=0
and adder(x.FinancialStatements.IncomeStatement.EBIT.ThreeMonths) !=0
and adder(x.FinancialStatements.BalanceSheet.CurrentDebt.ThreeMonths) !=0
and x.CompanyReference.PrimaryExchangeID in ["NYS","NAS"]
and x.CompanyReference.CountryId == "USA"
# take all entries from the filtered collection
return [x.Symbol for x in filtered_stocks]
def DataGenerator(self):
# Clear all the data from the past before starting the calculation for this day again
slices_ra = self.History(self.Securities.Keys, timedelta(days=90), Resolution.Daily)
for i in self.Securities.Keys:
price_data = slices_ra.loc[str(i)]["close"].iloc[-10:]
y = np.log(price_data)
x = np.arange(len(y))
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = sp.stats.linregress(x,y)
self.slope_dict[str(i)] = {"Slope":slope, "R²":r_value**2}
self.slope_dict = dict(sorted(self.slope_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["R²"], reverse=True))
self.ranked_ra = {item[0]:index for index, item in enumerate(self.slope_dict,1) if index < len(self.slope_dict.keys())*0.1}
slices_vp = self.History(self.Securities.Keys, timedelta(days=14), Resolution.Second)
#Code to create volume profiles for all requested stocks
for i in self.ranked_ra.keys():
#create stock keys in volume profile
self.volume_profiles[str(i)] = {}
low = round(min(slices_vp.loc[str(i)]["close"]), 2)
high = round(max(slices_vp.loc[str(i)]["close"]), 2)
price_range = high - low
total_volume = sum(slices_vp.loc[str(i)]["volume"])
#create volume profile for every stock in keys
for row in slices_vp.loc[str(i)].itertuples():
if row.volume > 0:
key = round(row.close, 2)
volume_per_level = row.volume
if key not in self.volume_profiles[str(i)].keys():
self.volume_profiles[str(i)][str(key)] = volume_per_level
self.volume_profiles[str(i)][str(key)] += volume_per_level
# Set target volume - 70% of daily volume
target_vol = sum(self.volume_profiles[str(i)].values()) * 0.7
# Get the price level that had the largest volume
max_vol_price = max(self.volume_profiles[str(i)], key=self.volume_profiles[str(i)].get)
# Setup a window to capture the POC, centered at the most liquid level
curr_max_price = float(max_vol_price)
curr_min_price = float(max_vol_price)
curr_vol = self.volume_profiles[str(i)][max_vol_price]
# Grow window bounds until we have 70% of the day's volume captured
while curr_vol < target_vol:
# Price one level up
price_up = str(round(curr_max_price + 0.01, 2))
price_up_vol = 0
# Price one level down
price_down = str(round(curr_min_price - 0.01, 2))
price_down_vol = 0
# Get associated volume at new potential levels
if price_up in self.volume_profiles[str(i)].keys():
price_up_vol = self.volume_profiles[str(i)][price_up]
if price_down in self.volume_profiles[str(i)].keys():
price_down_vol = self.volume_profiles[str(i)][price_down]
#Grow windows in the direction of more volume
if price_up_vol > price_down_vol:
curr_max_price = round(float(price_up), 2)
curr_vol += self.volume_profiles[str(i)][price_up]
curr_min_price = round(float(price_down), 2)
curr_vol += self.volume_profiles[str(i)][price_down]
except KeyError:
# Save VAL, value area low & VAH, value area high for each stock
self.val[str(i)] = curr_min_price
self.vah[str(i)] = curr_max_price
That is the code for the classic algortihm structure.
(I can share the code for the algorithm framework as well; I think that would be a little bit of an over-kill to do it in this post)
I used the research environment for the DataGenerator-Method and tested it there and it worked well, so I just had to replace "qb" with "self" to get it run for the backtest.
When I run the backtest I only get one warning and my logs are not tracked as well.
Benchmark(SPY): no existing security found, benchmark security will be added with Equity type.
I checked the documentation, I assume I have to add the SPY-data manually with AddEquity() to resolve this problem but I still do not get any results for my backtest.
There must be something I have overlooked.
I attached the result of my backtest as well.
Derek Melchin
Hi Mar17,
The algorithm above was throwing errors because it was trying to access some dictionaries without a valid key. In addition, the weight passed to SetHoldings was always 0 because it was being cast to an `int`.
self.SetHoldings(ticker, int(0.5/self.number_stocks))
Lastly, the universe selection model contained MorningstarIndustryCode values that we don't support. Refer to these docs for a list of available options.
I've resolved the issues in the backtest attached below. Note that the universe size and the length of history calls have been reduced to aid the debugging process.
Continuing with the development of this algorithm, consider replacing the daily history calls with a consolidator.
Derek Melchin
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