
Key Concepts


After you trade an asset, the brokerage needs to settle the funds in your account. The most common type of settlement is immediate, where the funds are immediately available for trading after the transaction. In some cases, you may have delayed settlement, where you sell an asset and need to wait a few days to spend the cash you receive from the sale. A settlement model simulates these settlement rules.

Set Models

The brokerage model of your algorithm automatically sets the settlement model for each security, but you can override it. To manually set the settlement model of a security, call the SetSettlementModelset_settlement_model method on the Security object.

// In Initialize
var security = AddEquity("SPY");
// Set a delayed settlement model that settles 7 days after the trade at 8 AM
security.SetSettlementModel(new DelayedSettlementModel(7, TimeSpan.FromHours(8)));
# In Initialize
security = self.add_equity("SPY")
# Set a delayed settlement model that settles 7 days after the trade at 8 AM
security.set_settlement_model(DelayedSettlementModel(7, timedelta(hours=8)))

You can also set the settlement model in a security initializer. If your algorithm has a universe, use the security initializer technique. In order to initialize single security subscriptions with the security initializer, call SetSecurityInitializerset_security_initializer before you create the subscriptions.

// In Initialize
SetSecurityInitializer(new MySecurityInitializer(BrokerageModel, new FuncSecuritySeeder(GetLastKnownPrices)));

// Outside of the algorithm class
class MySecurityInitializer : BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer
    public MySecurityInitializer(IBrokerageModel brokerageModel, ISecuritySeeder securitySeeder)
        : base(brokerageModel, securitySeeder) {}    
    public override void Initialize(Security security)
        // First, call the superclass definition
        // This method sets the reality models of each security using the default reality models of the brokerage model

        // Next, overwrite some of the reality models        
        security.SetSettlementModel(new DelayedSettlementModel(7, TimeSpan.FromHours(8)));    
# In Initialize
self.set_security_initializer(MySecurityInitializer(self.brokerage_model, FuncSecuritySeeder(self.get_last_known_prices)))

# Outside of the algorithm class
class MySecurityInitializer(BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer):

    def __init__(self, brokerage_model: IBrokerageModel, security_seeder: ISecuritySeeder) -> None:
        super().__init__(brokerage_model, security_seeder)
    def initialize(self, security: Security) -> None:
        # First, call the superclass definition
        # This method sets the reality models of each security using the default reality models of the brokerage model

        # Next, overwrite some of the reality models        
        security.set_settlement_model(DelayedSettlementModel(7, timedelta(hours=8)))

To view all the pre-built settlement models, see Supported Models.

Default Behavior

The brokerage model of your algorithm automatically sets the settlement model for each security. The default brokerage model is the DefaultBrokerageModel, which sets the settlement model based on the security type and your account type. The following table shows how it sets the settlement models:

Security TypeAccount TypeSettlement Model
EquityCashDelayedSettlementModel with the default settlement rules
OptionCashDelayedSettlementModel with the default settlement rules

For all other cases, the DefaultBrokerageModel uses the ImmediateSettlementModel.

The default delayed settlement rule for US Equity trades is T+2 at 8 AM Eastern Time (ET). For example, if you sell on Monday, the trade settles on Wednesday at 8 AM. The default delayed settlement rule for Future and Option contracts is T+1 at 8 AM.

Model Structure

Settlement models must extend the ISettlementModel interface. Extensions of the ISettlementModel interface must implement the Scanscan and ApplyFundsapply_funds methods. The Scanscan method is automatically called at the top of each hour and it receives a ScanSettlementModelParameters object. The ApplyFundsapply_funds method receives an ApplyFundsSettlementModelParameters object and applies the settlement rules. The ApplyFundsapply_funds method is also automatically called, but its frequency depends on the security type. The ApplyFundsapply_funds method is automatically called when you fill an order for the following security types:

  • Equity
  • Equity Options
  • Crypto
  • Forex
  • Future Options
  • Index Options

The ApplyFundsapply_funds method is automatically called when you close a position for the following security types:

  • Futures
  • Crypto Futures
  • CFD
// In the Initialize method, set the custom settlement model
security.SetSettlementModel(new MySettlementModel());

// Define the custom settlement model outside of the algorithm
public class MySettlementModel : ISettlementModel
    public void ApplyFunds(ApplyFundsSettlementModelParameters applyFundsParameters)
        var currency = applyFundsParameters.CashAmount.Currency;
        var amount = applyFundsParameters.CashAmount.Amount;

    public void Scan(ScanSettlementModelParameters settlementParameters)

    public CashAmount GetUnsettledCash()
        return new CashAmount(0, "USD");
# In the Initialize method, set the custom settlement model

# Define the custom settlement model outside of the algorithm
class MySettlementModel:
    def apply_funds(self, applyFundsParameters: ApplyFundsSettlementModelParameters) -> None:
        currency = applyFundsParameters.cash_amount.currency
        amount = applyFundsParameters.cash_amount.amount

    def scan(self, settlementParameters: ScanSettlementModelParameters) -> None:
    def get_unsettled_cash(self) -> CashAmount:
        return CashAmount(0, 'USD')

For a full example algorithm, see this backtestthis backtest.

ApplyFundsSettlementModelParameters objects have the following properties:

ScanSettlementModelParameters objects have the following properties:

You likely don't need to create a custom settlement model because the supported models already implement immediate and delayed settlement rules.

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