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0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
0Security Types
7.9228162514264E+28Sortino Ratio
26Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
0Security Types
0Tradeable Dates
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Volume Delta
Thank you!!!
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Volume Delta
Thanks for the quick reply!
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Volume Delta
Claryifying a little bit:
Stephen started the discussion IB Adaptive Orders
Does QC have any capability to make use of the IB adaptive market and limit orders?
0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
0Security Types
7.9228162514264E+28Sortino Ratio
26Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
0Security Types
0Tradeable Dates
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Is it possible to use the Download() Function in the Research Notebook?
Oh, thank you!!!
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Volume Delta
Thank you!!!
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Volume Delta
Thanks for the quick reply!
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Volume Delta
Claryifying a little bit:
Stephen started the discussion IB Adaptive Orders
Does QC have any capability to make use of the IB adaptive market and limit orders?
Stephen started the discussion Logs outside main
Is it possible to call for logs outside the main.cs? Particularly interested in calling these in...
Stephen started the discussion Single Historical Values
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Single Historical Values
Oh, this makes sense. I was actually looking to attain some pre-market values. Particuarly a...
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Single Historical Values
Stephen started the discussion Stupid Manual Universe Question
Is there a way to just pass an array into the manual universe section?
Stephen started the discussion Foreach Loop Issue
Stephen started the discussion Manual Universe Leverage
Stephen started the discussion Removing Tickers From Manual Universe
If you have a manual universe set off a list of symbols, if you remove an element from that list...
Stephen started the discussion Machine Learning
Anyone on here using machine learning sucessfully? Interested in knowing what type people are...
Stephen started the discussion Timed Event to Pause Execution of OnData
We are using a custom data souce that is giving us some void Tradebars in the middle of the night...
Stephen started the discussion Adding/Removing Securities to onData based on Universe
I have a fine filtered Universe and I would like to handle the data more like the classic...
Stephen started the discussion Candlestick Consolidator
Stephen started the discussion 30m Candlestick Pattern
Stephen started the discussion Universe Indicators
Hi all,
Stephen started the discussion Live Data
Stupid question: when the algorithm is live and linked with a brokerage. Does it use QC data...
Stephen started the discussion E-mail Subject
Stephen started the discussion Universe Indicators
Stephen started the discussion AfterMarketOpen
Stephen started the discussion Overlay on Stock Order Plotting
Hello All,
Stephen started the discussion QuantQuote Download Settings
Hello Everyone!
Stephen started the discussion Second Data Timing Out Backtest
I am looking to have my trades execute faster after my signal, so I am trying to switch from minute...
Stephen left a comment in the discussion Is it possible to use the Download() Function in the Research Notebook?
Oh, thank you!!!
4 years ago