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171.325Net Profit
1Sharpe Ratio
-3.43Loss Rate
0Security Types
1.289Sortino Ratio
2039Tradeable Dates
0.734Treynor Ratio
16.51Win Rate
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Rage Against the Regimes: The Illusion of Market-Specific Strategies
Are there some insights or recommendations from the QC Staff or professional traders with track...
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Crypto Coarse Universe Selection is now Available
I think universe selection per se is only on daily basis and triggered once per day, same as the...
Santa24 started the discussion Sharing: scheduled trading with minute data notes
I recently had issues in Live trading a project, that worked perfectly in backtesting.
Santa24 started the discussion Smart approach to ensemble uncorrellated sub-algorithms by weighting
Assume we construct a project that ensembles several rather uncorelated strategies. Each...
171.325Net Profit
1Sharpe Ratio
-3.43Loss Rate
0Security Types
1.289Sortino Ratio
2039Tradeable Dates
0.734Treynor Ratio
16.51Win Rate
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Rage Against the Regimes: The Illusion of Market-Specific Strategies
Francesco Baldisserri : I do not think there is much switching happening, ,and regime prediction is...
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Rage Against the Regimes: The Illusion of Market-Specific Strategies
Are there some insights or recommendations from the QC Staff or professional traders with track...
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Crypto Coarse Universe Selection is now Available
I think universe selection per se is only on daily basis and triggered once per day, same as the...
Santa24 started the discussion Sharing: scheduled trading with minute data notes
I recently had issues in Live trading a project, that worked perfectly in backtesting.
Santa24 started the discussion Smart approach to ensemble uncorrellated sub-algorithms by weighting
Assume we construct a project that ensembles several rather uncorelated strategies. Each...
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Amazing returns = superior stock selection strategy + superior in & out strategy
As mentioned before, I propsed the following two changes:
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Consumer Price Index Strategy
Derek Melchin sounds great. Does the Dropbox file also update with new data so it could be live...
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Consumer Price Index Strategy
Hi Derek Melchin cool, is this data being updated or will you integrate this into QC soon? Before...
Santa24 started the discussion Binance Live exchange environment is under maintenance...
Hi all,
Santa24 started the discussion Where to signup for the local GUI private beta
Hey all,
Santa24 started the discussion Manual History Warmup from Alpha Class with Consolidator
I would like to dynamically add/remove securities after universe selection in an Alpha Class while...
Santa24 started the discussion Binance demands IPs for API connection after 90 days
Our live algo stopped working, because Binance blocks the API keys after 90 days if you do not...
Santa24 started the discussion Lean CLI how to get rolling statistics after lean cloud backtest
When running a cloud backtest is there a way to access the rolling statistics results? So far I am...
Santa24 left a comment in the discussion Rage Against the Regimes: The Illusion of Market-Specific Strategies
Francesco Baldisserri : I do not think there is much switching happening, ,and regime prediction is...
1 years ago