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Oran started the discussion Live Trading Restarts?
Say you have an algo trading live and it is holding active positions that have not yet met the...
Oran left a comment in the discussion Live Trading Restarts?
Michael, you did NOT make my day! LOL But somehow, I was expecting that the answer to my...
Oran started the discussion How do you find "Settled" cash?
If you are trading a cash account, say an IRA where margin is not allowed, and you use...
Oran left a comment in the discussion How do you find "Settled" cash?
Thanks Jing. That is exactly what I wanted to hear! Appreciate it.
1Tradeable Dates
1Tradeable Dates
150Tradeable Dates
Oran started the discussion Live Trading Restarts?
Say you have an algo trading live and it is holding active positions that have not yet met the...
Oran left a comment in the discussion Live Trading Restarts?
Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of...
Oran left a comment in the discussion Live Trading Restarts?
Michael, you did NOT make my day! LOL But somehow, I was expecting that the answer to my...
Oran started the discussion How do you find "Settled" cash?
If you are trading a cash account, say an IRA where margin is not allowed, and you use...
Oran left a comment in the discussion How do you find "Settled" cash?
Thanks Jing. That is exactly what I wanted to hear! Appreciate it.
Oran started the discussion Dictionary problem
Can somebody explain why the following algorithm blows up on weekends? It runs fine until midnight...
Oran started the discussion Using Limit Orders
My latest project in learning to write algorithms is figuring out how to use limit orders. Simple...
Oran left a comment in the discussion Real-time chat
Oops, never mind. That icon was not displaying on the old fashioned monitor I normally use....
Oran left a comment in the discussion Real-time chat
Well now that is interesting. Thank you Jared. Please humor an old man, my eyesight...
Oran left a comment in the discussion Real-time chat
Oran started the discussion Capture opening price
Simple question I am sure, but this newbie is stuck! What Voodoo magic can I use to capture the...
Oran started the discussion Closing Price for First Bar of Day
Somebody please tell me how to capture the closing price of the first bar of the day (using minute...
Oran left a comment in the discussion Live Trading Restarts?
Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of...
6 years ago