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Mak started the discussion Consolidation and RSI Indicator Charting
Hi All,
Mak started the discussion Total trades discrepancy when changing daily exit time
I have a strategy that's supposed to trade only once per day with set exit time everyday,
Mak started the discussion Unable to get Volume in Coarse
Mak started the discussion Getting inaccurate values from ATR Indicator on one minute and hour resolutions
Mak left a comment in the discussion SPX, Minute The issue starts at the start of the data; and continues until now
The format of the above print outs seems to be messed up, so here it is re-attached.
Mak started the discussion Consolidation and RSI Indicator Charting
Hi All,
Mak started the discussion Total trades discrepancy when changing daily exit time
I have a strategy that's supposed to trade only once per day with set exit time everyday,
Mak started the discussion Unable to get Volume in Coarse
Mak started the discussion Getting inaccurate values from ATR Indicator on one minute and hour resolutions
Mak started the discussion Code doesn't take trades on live nodes. Dropbox Universe
Code doesn't seem to take any trades when on QC paper trading.
Mak left a comment in the discussion IBKR real-time bar data not exactly match TWS bars
Mak left a comment in the discussion On slicing Python Lists (and all other sliceable Python data structures)
Mak left a comment in the discussion Looking for options collaborators to work on machine learning
Hi Domenico,
Mak left a comment in the discussion Weekly trade Bar consolidator
Mak left a comment in the discussion Weekly trade Bar consolidator
Hi Dario Teodori ,
Mak left a comment in the discussion SPX, Minute The issue starts at the start of the data; and continues until now
The format of the above print outs seems to be messed up, so here it is re-attached.
2 years ago