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Jonathan started the discussion Backtesting Through API
Jonathan started the discussion Plotting Series/Indicators on the 'Strategy Equity Chart'
I have looked at the all the examples in the University section and a number of example from the...
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion Crypto Trading on QuantConnect
+1 on the eventual adding of Bitfinex.
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion [Update] Crypto-Currency & Decimalized Orders
Now that the functionality for decimal amounts has to added to the core engine will there soon be...
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion Crypto Trading on QuantConnect
+1 Binance, Bitfinex and Huobi. Maybe as a stretch goal some consideration can be given to Bitmex....
Jonathan started the discussion Backtesting Through API
Jonathan started the discussion Plotting Series/Indicators on the 'Strategy Equity Chart'
I have looked at the all the examples in the University section and a number of example from the...
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion Crypto Trading on QuantConnect
+1 on the eventual adding of Bitfinex.
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion [Update] Crypto-Currency & Decimalized Orders
Now that the functionality for decimal amounts has to added to the core engine will there soon be...
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion QCU-Backtesting Bitcoin! Custom Data Demonstration
I just recently had a look at the code and I see that Quandl is only giving daily data. In there...
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion [Update] Weekly Progress - Week Ending 20th September
Would I be right in assuming that the Oanda Brokerage support will also become available through...
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion Complex Indicators on 15 minute Time frame
Thank you for your response. It has shed light on the issue while raising other questions. Not...
Jonathan left a comment in the discussion Crypto Trading on QuantConnect
+1 Binance, Bitfinex and Huobi. Maybe as a stretch goal some consideration can be given to Bitmex....
6 years ago