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James left a comment in the discussion How can I plot price with buy/sell overlay on the same chart with other indicators?
I had this same issue. I really want to be able to inspect my algo's signals against an indicator...
James left a comment in the discussion Inspired by the series "From Research to Production" - Long-Short Moving Average Crossover (Manual Universe) + Research Notebook
I hadn't seen or thought of this use case for Research. THANK YOU!
James left a comment in the discussion Recieve Consolidated Quote Bars in AlphaModel Update function
I have a similar set up, but I don't understand how to affect insights with consolidated data. Can...
James started the discussion Understanding different candle results
I am attempting to get the daily candle some time after market close and before market open.
0Net Profit
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0Loss Rate
1Security Types
0Sortino Ratio
29Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
James left a comment in the discussion Inspired by the series "From Research to Production" - Long-Short Moving Average Crossover (Manual Universe) + Research Notebook
Never mind. I got it working. I set the dates too short before.
James left a comment in the discussion How can I plot price with buy/sell overlay on the same chart with other indicators?
I had this same issue. I really want to be able to inspect my algo's signals against an indicator...
James left a comment in the discussion Inspired by the series "From Research to Production" - Long-Short Moving Average Crossover (Manual Universe) + Research Notebook
I hadn't seen or thought of this use case for Research. THANK YOU!
James left a comment in the discussion Recieve Consolidated Quote Bars in AlphaModel Update function
I have a similar set up, but I don't understand how to affect insights with consolidated data. Can...
James started the discussion Understanding different candle results
I am attempting to get the daily candle some time after market close and before market open.
James started the discussion How might we filter Universe based on a Hammer Candlestick Pattern?
Jared Broad, This is a follow-up to our discussion in Slack. Thanks so much for your response.
James left a comment in the discussion How might we filter Universe based on a Hammer Candlestick Pattern?
Okay, I feel I am getting the hang of this.
James left a comment in the discussion How might we filter Universe based on a Hammer Candlestick Pattern?
Although, looking at the results more closely, the lists of Hammer symbols seem a bit off when...
James started the discussion Forex Plot Scale
TLDR; Forex Plots do not scale y-axis to match small price values. How best to handle this?
James started the discussion Additional Ichimoku parameters
Typically, the settings of Ichimoku is 9/26/52 by default--Tenkan is 9, Kijun is 26, Senkou Span B...
James started the discussion Print Enum name
There are enum objects in QC/Lean that I would like to know how to print. For instance, I...
James started the discussion Possible to have OnTick event with specified resolution bars?
Still relatively new to trading and QC, so please excuse me if I am off a bit.
James left a comment in the discussion Inspired by the series "From Research to Production" - Long-Short Moving Average Crossover (Manual Universe) + Research Notebook
Never mind. I got it working. I set the dates too short before.
3 years ago