We are pioneering the radical future for open-source quant finance. QuantConnect is the world's largest quant community, empowering 220,000 quants with a framework, data, and infrastructure for their investments.
Gurdeep started the discussion Candlestick charts
So I am trying to import the matplotlib.finance and I got the warning that
Gurdeep started the discussion How to access previous periods Indicators
So it seems I can access the current value of an indicator using
Gurdeep started the discussion OnEndOfDay callback gives error when running backtest
def OnEndOfDay(self): self.Debug("END OF DAY")
Gurdeep started the discussion How to read fundamental data in Quantbook
Could someone please post a code snippet for python. I found that there is qb.GetFundamental, but...
Gurdeep started the discussion How to read today's data in Quantbook
I see that qb.history only includes data till yesterday. How can I access today's data in...
Gurdeep started the discussion Candlestick charts
So I am trying to import the matplotlib.finance and I got the warning that
Gurdeep started the discussion How to access previous periods Indicators
So it seems I can access the current value of an indicator using
Gurdeep started the discussion OnEndOfDay callback gives error when running backtest
def OnEndOfDay(self): self.Debug("END OF DAY")
Gurdeep started the discussion How to read fundamental data in Quantbook
Could someone please post a code snippet for python. I found that there is qb.GetFundamental, but...
Gurdeep started the discussion How to read today's data in Quantbook
I see that qb.history only includes data till yesterday. How can I access today's data in...
Gurdeep started the discussion Data access for running Lean engine locally
I have been trying to develop and I find that debugging my algorithm is slow and painful. If I get...
Gurdeep started the discussion Need help with loading historical data
So I am new to quantconnect and python and have been going through some samples to load historical...
Gurdeep left a comment in the discussion Need help with loading historical data
df.loc["IBM"].loc["2018-03-09"]This worked. Thanks again!
Gurdeep left a comment in the discussion Need help with loading historical data
Very helpful. However I am still unable to access data
Gurdeep left a comment in the discussion How to read fundamental data in Quantbook
Thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for.
6 years ago