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Public Backtests (2)

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Adaptable Magenta Goat

21Tradeable Dates

Adaptable Yellow Parrot

548Tradeable Dates


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AshleyMesser started the discussion Option Symbols List?

Is there a list of which symbols you have option data for?  To be fair, I'm assuming...

8 years ago

AshleyMesser left a comment in the discussion Theoretical options backtesting framework

This is a huge step forward for options support in QC, which is awesome! It might also be a good...

9 years ago

AshleyMesser started the discussion VIX

Is there data for the VIX (S&P 500 Volatility Index) in the datamanager?

10 years ago

AshleyMesser started the discussion Backtest Error on Basic Template Algorithm


10 years ago

AshleyMesser started the discussion QC Visual Studio Plugin

Is there a feature list for the VS plugin that you're working on?

10 years ago

Adaptable Magenta Goat

21Tradeable Dates

Adaptable Yellow Parrot

548Tradeable Dates

AshleyMesser started the discussion Option Symbols List?

Is there a list of which symbols you have option data for?  To be fair, I'm assuming...

8 years ago

AshleyMesser left a comment in the discussion Theoretical options backtesting framework

This is a huge step forward for options support in QC, which is awesome! It might also be a good...

9 years ago

AshleyMesser started the discussion VIX

Is there data for the VIX (S&P 500 Volatility Index) in the datamanager?

10 years ago

AshleyMesser started the discussion Backtest Error on Basic Template Algorithm


10 years ago

AshleyMesser started the discussion QC Visual Studio Plugin

Is there a feature list for the VS plugin that you're working on?

10 years ago

AshleyMesser started the discussion 100 Order Limit?

I coded a strategy last night and noticed errors being logged saying that the strategy submitted...

10 years ago

AshleyMesser left a comment in the discussion QC Visual Studio Plugin

Happy to take a look at the repo... My initial feedback from spending one evening session...

10 years ago

AshleyMesser left a comment in the discussion 100 Order Limit?

If storage space is the primary issue, then it makes sense to do two things: 1. Allow the max...

10 years ago

AshleyMesser left a comment in the discussion VIX

Thanks @JaredBroad! Yahoo will be easy enough to use, given the excellent examples in the...

10 years ago

AshleyMesser left a comment in the discussion Backtest Error on Basic Template Algorithm

@JaredBroad Thanks, it works within a few seconds now!

10 years ago