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Alexander started the discussion SPXW backtesting out of memory issue
Alexander started the discussion "There is no data vendor that sells" error message when attempting to download IndexOption data
Hi, I'm trying to purchase Minute resolution, Quote IndexOption data for SPX via lean data download...
Alexander started the discussion Execution at market mid price
Alexander left a comment in the discussion Execution at market mid price
managed to do it by implementing
Alexander started the discussion SPXW backtesting out of memory issue
Alexander left a comment in the discussion SPXW backtesting out of memory issue
The memory consumption is pretty much the same even if I use daily data
Alexander started the discussion "There is no data vendor that sells" error message when attempting to download IndexOption data
Hi, I'm trying to purchase Minute resolution, Quote IndexOption data for SPX via lean data download...
Alexander started the discussion Execution at market mid price
Alexander left a comment in the discussion Execution at market mid price
managed to do it by implementing
Alexander left a comment in the discussion Execution at market mid price
I've added MidPriceFillModel() to the algorithm code, set...
Alexander left a comment in the discussion "There is no data vendor that sells" error message when attempting to download IndexOption data
Thank you. It's working now
Alexander left a comment in the discussion Execution at market mid price
Do I understand correctly that FillModel is set for each security separately?
Alexander left a comment in the discussion Execution at market mid price
Is it possible to make immediate execution at mid-price at all? Just presume that the fill price is...
Alexander left a comment in the discussion SPXW backtesting out of memory issue
The memory consumption is pretty much the same even if I use daily data
3 months ago