Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Sortino Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
CME_TY1.QuantpediaFutures 2S
Portfolio Turnover
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
# Bond yields
class QuandlAAAYield(PythonQuandl):
    def __init__(self):
        self.ValueColumnName = 'BAMLC0A1CAAAEY'

class QuandlHighYield(PythonQuandl):
    def __init__(self):
        self.ValueColumnName = 'BAMLH0A0HYM2EY'

class LastDateHandler():
    _last_update_date:Dict[Symbol, datetime.date] = {}
    def get_last_update_date() -> Dict[Symbol, datetime.date]:
       return LastDateHandler._last_update_date

# Quantpedia monthly custom data.
# NOTE: IMPORTANT: Data order must be ascending (datewise)
class QuantpediaMonthlyData(PythonData):
    def GetSource(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> SubscriptionDataSource:
        return SubscriptionDataSource(f'data.quantpedia.com/backtesting_data/economic/{config.Symbol.Value}.csv', SubscriptionTransportMedium.RemoteFile, FileFormat.Csv)

    def Reader(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, line: str, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> BaseData:
        data = QuantpediaMonthlyData()
        data.Symbol = config.Symbol
        if not line[0].isdigit(): return None
        split = line.split(';')
        data.Time = datetime.strptime(split[0], "%Y-%m-%d") + relativedelta(months=1)
        data['pe_ratio'] = float(split[1])
        data.Value = float(split[1])

        if config.Symbol.Value not in LastDateHandler._last_update_date:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = datetime(1,1,1).date()
        if data.Time.date() > LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value]:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = data.Time.date()

        return data
# Country PE data
# NOTE: IMPORTANT: Data order must be ascending (date-wise)
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

class CountryPE(PythonData):
    def GetSource(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> SubscriptionDataSource:
        return SubscriptionDataSource("data.quantpedia.com/backtesting_data/economic/country_pe.csv", SubscriptionTransportMedium.RemoteFile, FileFormat.Csv)

    def Reader(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, line: str, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> BaseData:
        data = CountryPE()
        data.Symbol = config.Symbol
        if not line[0].isdigit(): return None
        split = line.split(';')
        data.Time = datetime.strptime(split[0], "%Y") + relativedelta(years=1)
        self.symbols = ['Argentina','Australia','Austria','Belgium','Brazil','Canada','Chile','China','Egypt','France','Germany','Hong Kong','India','Indonesia','Ireland','Israel','Italy','Japan','Malaysia','Mexico','Netherlands','New Zealand','Norway','Philippines','Poland','Russia','Saudi Arabia','Singapore','South Africa','South Korea','Spain','Sweden','Switzerland','Taiwan','Thailand','Turkey','United Kingdom','United States']
        index = 1
        for symbol in self.symbols:
            data[symbol] = float(split[index])
            index += 1
        data.Value = float(split[1])

        if config.Symbol not in LastDateHandler._last_update_date:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol] = datetime(1,1,1).date()
        if data.Time.date() > LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol]:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol] = data.Time.date()

        return data

# Quantpedia PE ratio data.
# NOTE: IMPORTANT: Data order must be ascending (datewise)
class QuantpediaPERatio(PythonData):
    def GetSource(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> SubscriptionDataSource:
        return SubscriptionDataSource("data.quantpedia.com/backtesting_data/economic/{0}.csv".format(config.Symbol.Value), SubscriptionTransportMedium.RemoteFile, FileFormat.Csv)

    def Reader(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, line: str, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> BaseData:
        data = QuantpediaPERatio()
        data.Symbol = config.Symbol
        if not line[0].isdigit(): return None
        split = line.split(';')
        data.Time = datetime.strptime(split[0], "%Y-%m-%d") + timedelta(days=1)
        data['pe_ratio'] = float(split[1])
        data.Value = float(split[1])

        if config.Symbol.Value not in LastDateHandler._last_update_date:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = datetime(1,1,1).date()
        if data.Time.date() > LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value]:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = data.Time.date()

        return data

# Quantpedia bond yield data.
# NOTE: IMPORTANT: Data order must be ascending (datewise)
class QuantpediaBondYield(PythonData):
    def GetSource(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> SubscriptionDataSource:
        return SubscriptionDataSource("data.quantpedia.com/backtesting_data/bond_yield/{0}.csv".format(config.Symbol.Value), SubscriptionTransportMedium.RemoteFile, FileFormat.Csv)

    def Reader(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, line: str, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> BaseData:
        data = QuantpediaBondYield()
        data.Symbol = config.Symbol
        if not line[0].isdigit(): return None
        split = line.split(',')
        data.Time = datetime.strptime(split[0], "%Y-%m-%d") + timedelta(days=1)
        data['yield'] = float(split[1])
        data.Value = float(split[1])

        if config.Symbol.Value not in LastDateHandler._last_update_date:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = datetime(1,1,1).date()
        if data.Time.date() > LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value]:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = data.Time.date()

        return data
# Quantpedia data.
# NOTE: IMPORTANT: Data order must be ascending (datewise)
class QuantpediaFutures(PythonData):
    def GetSource(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> SubscriptionDataSource:
        return SubscriptionDataSource("data.quantpedia.com/backtesting_data/futures/{0}.csv".format(config.Symbol.Value), SubscriptionTransportMedium.RemoteFile, FileFormat.Csv)

    def Reader(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, line: str, date: datetime, isLiveMode: bool) -> BaseData:
        data = QuantpediaFutures()
        data.Symbol = config.Symbol
        if not line[0].isdigit(): return None
        split = line.split(';')
        data.Time = datetime.strptime(split[0], "%d.%m.%Y") + timedelta(days=1)
        data['back_adjusted'] = float(split[1])
        data['spliced'] = float(split[2])
        data.Value = float(split[1])

        if config.Symbol.Value not in LastDateHandler._last_update_date:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = datetime(1,1,1).date()
        if data.Time.date() > LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value]:
            LastDateHandler._last_update_date[config.Symbol.Value] = data.Time.date()

        return data
# https://quantpedia.com/strategies/value-and-momentum-factors-across-asset-classes/
# Create an investment universe containing investable asset classes (could be US large-cap, mid-cap stocks, US REITS, UK, Japan, Emerging market stocks, US treasuries, US Investment grade bonds,
# US high yield bonds, Germany bonds, Japan bonds, US cash) and find a good tracking vehicle for each asset class (best vehicles are ETFs or index funds). Momentum ranking is done on price series.
# Valuation ranking is done on adjusted yield measure for each asset class. E/P (Earning/Price) measure is used for stocks, and YTM (Yield-to-maturity) is used for bonds. US, Japan, and Germany 
# treasury yield are adjusted by -1%, US investment-grade bonds are adjusted by -2%, US High yield bonds are adjusted by -6%, emerging markets equities are adjusted by -1%, and US REITs are 
# adjusted by -2% to get unbiased structural yields for each asset class. Rank each asset class by 12-month momentum, 1-month momentum, and by valuation and weight all three strategies (25% weight
# to 12m momentum, 25% weight to 1-month momentum, 50% weight to value strategy). Go long top quartile portfolio and go short bottom quartile portfolio.
# QC implementation changes:
#   - Country PB data ends in 2019. Last known value is used for further years calculations for the sake of backtest.

#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import data_tools
from typing import List, Dict

class ValueandMomentumFactorsacrossAssetClasses(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self) -> None:
        self.SetStartDate(2010, 1, 1)
        # investable asset, yield symbol, yield data access function, yield adjustment, reverse flag(PE -> EP)
        self.assets: List[Tuple] = [
            ('SPY', 'SP500_EARNINGS_YIELD_MONTH', data_tools.QuantpediaMonthlyData, 0, True),   # US large-cap
            ('MDY', 'MID_CAP_PE', data_tools.QuantpediaPERatio, 0, True),                       # US mid-cap stocks
            ('IYR', 'REITS_DIVIDEND_YIELD', data_tools.QuantpediaPERatio, -2, False),           # US REITS - same csv data format as PERatio files
            ('EWU', 'United Kingdom', None, 0, True),                                           # UK
            ('EWJ', 'Japan', None, 0, True),                                                    # Japan
            ('EEM', 'EMERGING_MARKET_PE', data_tools.QuantpediaPERatio, -1, True),              # Emerging market stocks
            ('LQD', 'ML/AAAEY', data_tools.QuandlAAAYield, -2, False),                          # US Investment grade bonds
            ('HYG', 'ML/USTRI', data_tools.QuandlHighYield, -6, False),                         # US high yield bonds
            ('CME_TY1', 'US10YT', data_tools.QuantpediaBondYield, -1, False),                   # US bonds
            ('EUREX_FGBL1', 'DE10YT', data_tools.QuantpediaBondYield, -1, False),               # Germany bonds
            ('SGX_JB1', 'JP10YT', data_tools.QuantpediaBondYield, -1, False),                   # Japan bonds
            ('BIL', 'IR3TIB01USM156N', data_tools.QuantpediaMonthlyData, 0, False)              # US cash
        # country pe data
        self.country_pe_data: Symbol = self.AddData(data_tools.CountryPE, 'CountryData').Symbol
        self.period: int = 12 * 21
        self.leverage: int = 5
        self.quantile: int = 4

        self.data: Dict[str, RollingWindow] = {}
        for symbol, yield_symbol, yield_access in list(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2]), self.assets)):
            # investable asset
            if yield_access == data_tools.QuantpediaBondYield:
                data = self.AddData(data_tools.QuantpediaFutures, symbol, Resolution.Daily)
                data = self.AddEquity(symbol, Resolution.Daily)

            # yield
            if yield_access != None:
                self.AddData(yield_access, yield_symbol, Resolution.Daily)
            self.data[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](self.period)
        self.Settings.MinimumOrderMarginPortfolioPercentage = 0.
        self.recent_month: int = -1
    def OnData(self, data: Slice) -> None:
        custom_data_last_update_date: Dict[Symbol, datetime.date] = data_tools.LastDateHandler.get_last_update_date()

        if self.IsWarmingUp:
        if all([self.Securities[symbol].GetLastData() for symbol in list(map(lambda x: x[0], self.assets))]) and \
            any([self.Time.date() >= custom_data_last_update_date[yield_symbol] for yield_symbol in list(map(lambda x: x[1], self.assets)) if yield_symbol in custom_data_last_update_date]):

        # store investable asset price data
        for symbol, yield_symbol in list(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), self.assets)):
            symbol_obj: Symbol = self.Symbol(symbol)
            if symbol_obj in data and data[symbol_obj]:
        if self.Time.month == self.recent_month:
        self.recent_month = self.Time.month
        performance_1M: Dict[str, float] = {}
        performance_12M: Dict[str, float] = {}
        valuation: Dict[str, float]  = {}
        # performance and valuation calculation
        if self.Securities[self.country_pe_data].GetLastData() and self.Time.date() < custom_data_last_update_date[self.country_pe_data]:
            for symbol, yield_symbol, yield_access, bond_adjustment, reverse_flag in self.assets:
                if self.data[symbol].IsReady:
                    closes: List[float] = list(self.data[symbol])
                    performance_1M[symbol] = closes[0] / closes[21] - 1
                    performance_12M[symbol] = closes[0] / closes[len(closes) - 1] - 1
                    if yield_access == None:
                        country_pb_data = self.Securities['CountryData'].GetLastData()
                        if country_pb_data:
                            pe: float = country_pb_data[yield_symbol]
                            yield_value: float = pe
                        yield_value = self.Securities[self.Symbol(yield_symbol)].Price
                    # reverse if needed, EP->PE
                    if reverse_flag:
                        yield_value = 1/yield_value
                    if yield_value != 0:
                        valuation[symbol] = yield_value + bond_adjustment

        long: List[str] = []
        short: List[str] = []
        if len(valuation) != 0:
            # sort assets by metrics
            sorted_by_p1: List[Tuple[str, float]] = sorted(performance_1M.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])
            sorted_by_p12: List[Tuple[str, float]] = sorted(performance_12M.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])
            sorted_by_value: List[Tuple[str, float]] = sorted(valuation.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])
            # rank assets
            score = {}
            for i, (symbol, _) in enumerate(sorted_by_p1):
                score[symbol] = i * 0.25
            for i, (symbol, _) in enumerate(sorted_by_p12):
                score[symbol] += i * 0.25 
            for i, (symbol, _) in enumerate(sorted_by_value):
                score[symbol] += i * 0.5
            # sort by rank
            sorted_by_rank: List[Tuple[str, float]] = sorted(score, key = lambda x: score[x], reverse = True)
            quartile: int = int(len(sorted_by_rank) / self.quantile)
            long = sorted_by_rank[:quartile]
            short = sorted_by_rank[-quartile:]
        invested: List[str] = [x.Key.Value for x in self.Portfolio if x.Value.Invested and x.Key.Value not in long + short]
        for ticker in invested:

        # trade execution
        for i, portfolio in enumerate([long, short]):
            for symbol in portfolio:
                if symbol in data and data[symbol]:
                    self.SetHoldings(symbol, ((-1) ** i) / len(portfolio))

# Custom fee model.
class CustomFeeModel(FeeModel):
    def GetOrderFee(self, parameters: OrderFeeParameters) -> OrderFee:
        fee: float = parameters.Security.Price * parameters.Order.AbsoluteQuantity * 0.00005
        return OrderFee(CashAmount(fee, "USD"))