Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
import warnings
import math 
import matplotlib 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.dates as dates
import dateutil
import random
from random import randrange
import scipy.ndimage.filters
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline


PROJECT_ID = 12797570

# one day algo is aa856e5f51a79fd3f57aacdbccb30202
#2k backtest is 6aabfd389d5ce3d779512e4412e16bc9
#one week algo is 61bb7406cd005e423845463a76c8ea1e
#21k backtest is 14e626a9183c8676e4b7f10c3d0a6046

class EntryModel:

    def __init__(self, api: Api, projectId: int = 12797570, backtestId: str = "14e626a9183c8676e4b7f10c3d0a6046"):
        Initializes an instance of EntryModel for a given Project ID.

            api (Api): The instance of QuantConnect.Api
            projectId (int): The ID of the project the backtest is associated with
            backtestId (str): The ID of the backtest to run the entry model analysis for
        self.qb = QuantBook()
        self.api = api
        if projectId is None:
            projectId = PROJECT_ID 
            if projectId is None:
                print(f"Please pass a Project ID or assign it to the variable PROJECT_ID in entry_analyzer.py.")
        self.projectId = projectId 
        if backtestId is None:
            backtestId = sorted([b for b in api.ListBacktests(projectId).Backtests if b.Completed], key=lambda b: b.Created, reverse=True)[0].BacktestId
        self.backtestId = backtestId 
        self.backtest = api.ReadBacktest(projectId, backtestId)
        self.backtest_orders = FetchBacktestOrders(api, projectId, backtestId)
        self.trades_df = pd.DataFrame([(order.Symbol.Canonical.Value, order.Time, order.Price, order.Quantity) 
                                    for order in self.backtest_orders], 
                                    columns=['symbol', 'entry_time', 'entry_price', 'quantity'])

        self.trades_df.loc[:,'entry_time'] =  pd.to_datetime(self.trades_df.entry_time, utc=True) \
                                                .dt.tz_convert('US/Eastern') \

        qb = self.qb 
        canonical_ticker = self.trades_df.symbol.unique().tolist()[0].lstrip('/')                           
        self.future = qb.AddFuture(canonical_ticker, 
        qb.SetStartDate(qb.Time - timedelta(1)) 
        self.lastPrice = self.future.Price 
        if self.future.Price == 0:
            prev_trading_day = self.future.Exchange.Hours.GetPreviousTradingDay(qb.Time - timedelta(1))
            _end = self.future.Exchange.Hours.GetNextMarketClose(prev_trading_day, False)
            _start = _end - timedelta(minutes=1)
            lastPrice = qb.History(Tick, self.future.Symbol, _start, _end).lastprice.dropna().iloc[-1]
            self.lastPrice = lastPrice 

        print(f"Entry Model initialized for backtest '{self.backtest.Name}' requested at {self.backtest.Created} with Algorithm ID: {self.backtest.BacktestId} number of trades: {len(self.trades_df)}.")

    def generate_random_entries(self, 
                        ignore_fees: bool = False, 
                        fwd_period: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=30), 
                        resolution: Resolution = Resolution.Second, 
                        ignore_overnight_returns: bool = True,
                        figscale: float = 1.0) -> None:

        global trades_df_r
        global random_histogram

        trades_df_r = self.trades_df.copy()
        qb = QuantBook()
        future = qb.AddFuture("ES", 

        printcount = 0
        marketclose = 16*60

        d1 = datetime.strptime(str(trades_df_r.min(axis=0)['entry_time']), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f').replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) #need to get the hour minutes to 0
        d2 = datetime.strptime(str(trades_df_r.max(axis=0)['entry_time']), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f').replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
        delta = d2 - d1

        day_delta = (delta.days) #+ delta.seconds
        trades_df_r = pd.DataFrame(columns=['symbol', 'entry_time', 'entry_price', 'quantity'])
        fwd_minutes = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())/60

        while printcount < 5000:

            random_day = randrange(day_delta)
            random_hour = random.randint(9,15)

            if random_hour == 9:
                random_minute = random.randint(30, 59)
                random_minute = random.randint(0, 59)

            random_second = random.randint(0, 60)
            random_milli = random.randint(0, 999)

            day = d1 + timedelta(days=random_day, hours=random_hour, minutes=random_minute, seconds=random_second, milliseconds=random_milli) #day is the random timestamp
            hourmin = (int(day.strftime('%H'))*60)+int(day.strftime('%M')) #extract hourmin from timestamp for checks

            if np.is_busday(day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) == True and hourmin <= marketclose - fwd_minutes:
                #print('date chosen is:',day)
                start = day
                end = start + timedelta(seconds=1)

                if not qb.History(future.Symbol, start,end,Resolution.Second).empty:
                    price = qb.History(future.Symbol, start,end,Resolution.Second).close #close or open??
                    printcount += 1

                    trades_df2 = pd.DataFrame([(future.Symbol.Canonical.Value, day, price[0], 0)], 
                                    columns=['symbol', 'entry_time', 'entry_price', 'quantity'])

                    trades_df_r = trades_df_r.append(trades_df2) #this will be deprecated in future version

                    trades_df_r.loc[:,'entry_time'] =  pd.to_datetime(trades_df_r.entry_time, utc=True) \
                                                .dt.tz_convert('US/Eastern') \

        """ Histogram section """
        trades_df = trades_df_r
        qb = self.qb 
        trades_df.loc[:,'exit_time'] = trades_df.entry_time + fwd_period 
        future = self.future

        intervals = [*map(tuple, trades_df.loc[:,['entry_time', 'exit_time']].to_numpy().astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(datetime).tolist())]
        df_list = []
        prev_end = datetime.min

        for i, interval in enumerate(intervals):
            start, end = interval
            start = start.replace(microsecond=0) - timedelta(seconds=1)
            end = end.replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1)
            start = max(start, prev_end) 
            if abs((end-start).total_seconds()) <= 1:
            ticks = qb.History[Tick](future.Symbol, start, end, Resolution.Tick)
            df = pd.DataFrame([(future.Symbol.Value, tick.Time, tick.Price) for tick in ticks if not tick.Suspicious and tick.TickType is TickType.Trade], 
                            columns=['symbol', 'time', 'price'])
            if df.empty:
            df.loc[:,'time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.time)
            df.set_index(['symbol', 'time'], inplace=True)
            prev_end = min(end, df.droplevel(0).index[-1].to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1))

        data = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0, sort=True)
        data = data.loc[~data.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
        price_ranges_long = []
        price_ranges_short = [] 
        ignore_overnight_returns = True 
        fwd_minutes = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())/60
        r_ten_tick = pd.DataFrame([])

        for trade in trades_df.itertuples(): #remove head
            path = data.loc[future.Symbol.Value].loc[trade.entry_time:trade.exit_time].pct_change().fillna(0).add(1).cumprod() - 1
            if ignore_overnight_returns:
                s = path.groupby(path.index.date).head(1)
                path.loc[s.index] = 0
            if path.empty:
            path_price = data.loc[future.Symbol.Value].loc[trade.entry_time:trade.exit_time]
            path_price.columns = ['ticks']
            path_entry_price = path_price.iloc[path_price.index.argmin()].iloc[0]
            path_price = path_price.sort_values(by=['ticks'], ascending=True).drop_duplicates()
            if trade.quantity == 0:
                price_range_pct = (min(math.ceil(path.min().iloc[0]*2e3)/2e3, 0), max(math.floor(path.max().iloc[0]*2e3)/2e3, 0)) 
                ticksbelow = len(path_price.loc[path_price.ticks < path_entry_price])*-1
                if ticksbelow < -10: ticksbelow = -10
                ticksabove = len(path_price.loc[path_price.ticks > path_entry_price])
                if ticksabove > 10: ticksabove = 10
                ten_ticks = np.arange(ticksbelow,ticksabove+1,1)
                new_list = pd.DataFrame([[p,1] for p in ten_ticks])
                r_ten_tick = r_ten_tick.append(new_list)

        r_ten_tick.columns = ['tick','count']
        r_ten_tick = r_ten_tick.groupby(['tick']).sum().sort_values(by=['tick'], ascending=True)
        r_ten_tick /= r_ten_tick.loc[0]

        bins = np.linspace(-.01, .01, 41) #
        binsarr = [round(i,8) for i in bins.tolist()]

        ranges_long_df = pd.DataFrame(price_ranges_long, columns=['low', 'high']).clip(lower=bins[0], upper=bins[-1])
        ranges_long_flat = ranges_long_df.to_numpy().flatten()
        binlocation = [binsarr.index(i.item()) for i in ranges_long_flat]
        counts_long = pd.Series(bins[binlocation]).value_counts().sort_index().reindex(bins).fillna(0)

        counts_long.loc[counts_long.index >= 0] = counts_long.loc[counts_long.index >= 0].sort_index(ascending=False).cumsum() #need to subtract a 1 here??
        counts_long.loc[counts_long.index <= 0] = counts_long.loc[counts_long.index <= 0].cumsum()
        counts_long /= counts_long.loc[0]

        random_histogram = counts_long

    def plot_avg_returns(self, 
                        ignore_fees: bool = False, 
                        fwd_period: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=30), 
                        resolution: Resolution = Resolution.Second, 
                        ignore_overnight_returns: bool = True,
                        figscale: float = 1.0) -> None:
        Visualizes the average forward returns for the given entry model

            ignore_fees (bool): Specifies whether fees should be ignored when computing returns. Defaults to `False`. 
            fwd_period (timedelta): Specifies the forward-looking period to compute the returns for. Default is `timedelta(minutes=10)`. 
            resolution (Resolution): The data resolution in use when computing returns. Defaults to `Resolution.Second`. 
            ignore_overnight_returns (bool): Specifies whether the first data point after market open should be ignored (to avoid outliers from gaps). Defaults to `True`.
            figscale (float): The scaling factor of the figure to plot. 
        trades_df = self.trades_df.copy()
        qb = self.qb 
        if resolution is Resolution.Second:
            trades_df.loc[:,'entry_time'] = trades_df.entry_time.astype('datetime64[s]') + timedelta(seconds=1)
        future = self.future 
        min_pct_change = future.SymbolProperties.MinimumPriceVariation / self.lastPrice   
        shift = timedelta(seconds=1) if resolution is Resolution.Second else timedelta(seconds=0)
        intervals = [(entry_time.to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) - shift, entry_time.to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1) + fwd_period) 
                        for entry_time in trades_df.entry_time]
        df_list = []
        prev_end = datetime.min
        for interval in intervals:
            start, end = interval 
            start = max(start, prev_end) 
            if abs((end - start).total_seconds()) <= 1:
            if resolution is Resolution.Tick:
                ticks = qb.History[Tick](future.Symbol, start, end, Resolution.Tick)  
                df = pd.DataFrame([(future.Symbol.Value, tick.Time, tick.Price) for tick in ticks if not tick.Suspicious and tick.TickType is TickType.Trade], 
                                columns=['symbol', 'time', 'close'])
                if df.empty:
                df.loc[:,'time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.time)
                df = df.set_index(['symbol', 'time'])  
            elif resolution is Resolution.Second:
                df = qb.History(future.Symbol, start, end, resolution, extendedMarket=False)   
                if df.empty:
                df = df.droplevel(0).loc[:,['close']].rename(lambda x: future.Symbol.Value, level=0)
            prev_end = min(end, df.droplevel(0).index[-1])  

        if len(df_list) == 0:
            print(f"No historical data found for the specified period.")
        history = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0, sort=True)
        history = history.loc[~history.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
        if history.empty:
            print(f"No historical data found for the specified period.")
        returns = history.groupby(level=0).close.pct_change().fillna(0)

        if ignore_overnight_returns:
            s = returns.groupby(returns.index.get_level_values(1).date).head(1)
            returns.loc[s.index] = 0
            returns.clip(lower=-min_pct_change, upper=min_pct_change, inplace=True) 

        paths_long = []
        paths_short = []
        fees_pct = 0
        shortcount = 0
        longcount = 0
        allcount = 0
        yy_shorts = []
        zz_shorts = []
        max_shorts = []
        min_shorts = []
        high_shorts = []
        minutes = 600
        printtrue = True
        aa_array = []
        bb_array = []
        cc_array = []       
        fwd_minutes = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())/60

        d1 = datetime.strptime(str(trades_df.min(axis=0)['entry_time']), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        d2 = datetime.strptime(str(trades_df.max(axis=0)['entry_time']), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

        df2 = qb.History(future.Symbol, d1, d2, Resolution.Minute, extendedMarket=False)
        df2 = df2.droplevel(level=0).droplevel(level=0)
        df2 = df2['open'].pct_change(freq=timedelta(minutes=1)).dropna()
        df_avg = df2.mean(axis=0)
        x_avg = [i*60 for i in range(int(fwd_minutes)+1)]
        y_avg = [i*df_avg for i in range(int(fwd_minutes)+1)]
        if not ignore_fees:
            scaling_factor = max(qb.Securities[self.future.Symbol].SymbolProperties.ContractMultiplier , 1)
            fees_amount = GetOrderFeeAmount(qb, self.backtest_orders[0])
            fees_pct = fees_amount / trades_df.entry_price.mean() / scaling_factor 
        for trade in trades_df.itertuples():
            path = returns.loc[trade.symbol].loc[trade.entry_time : trade.entry_time + fwd_period]

            if path.empty:
            if trade.quantity >= 0:

        flag_long = False
        flag_short = False
        if len(paths_long) > 1:
            flag_long = True 
            paths_df_long = pd.concat(paths_long, axis=1, ignore_index=True).fillna(0)   
            paths_df_long = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1, paths_df_long.columns.size)), columns=paths_df_long.columns), paths_df_long], ignore_index=True, axis=0)
            paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'] = paths_df_long.mean(axis=1)
            if ignore_overnight_returns:
                min_pct_change /= future.SymbolProperties.ContractMultiplier
                paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'].iloc[1] = paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'].clip(lower=-min_pct_change, upper=min_pct_change).iloc[1]
            paths_df_long.loc[:,'stdev'] = paths_df_long.std(axis=1)
            td_idx_long = pd.TimedeltaIndex(data=[timedelta(seconds=i) for i in paths_df_long.index])
            paths_df_long.index = td_idx_long.seconds  
            post_entry_mean_returns_long = paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'].add(1).cumprod() - fees_pct - 1
            post_entry_stdev_long = paths_df_long.loc[:,'stdev'].iloc[1:].rolling(100).mean().fillna(method='bfill')
        if len(paths_short) > 1:
            flag_short = True 
            paths_df_short = pd.concat(paths_short, axis=1, ignore_index=True).fillna(0)
            paths_df_short = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1, paths_df_short.columns.size)), columns=paths_df_short.columns), paths_df_short], ignore_index=True, axis=0)
            paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'] = paths_df_short.mean(axis=1)
            if ignore_overnight_returns:
                min_pct_change /= future.SymbolProperties.ContractMultiplier
                paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'].iloc[1] = paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'].clip(lower=-min_pct_change,upper=min_pct_change).iloc[1]
            paths_df_short.loc[:,'stdev'] = paths_df_short.std(axis=1)
            td_idx_short = pd.TimedeltaIndex(data=[timedelta(seconds=i) for i in paths_df_short.index])
            paths_df_short.index = td_idx_short.seconds 
            post_entry_mean_returns_short = paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'].add(1).cumprod() - fees_pct - 1
            post_entry_stdev_short = paths_df_short.loc[:,'stdev'].iloc[1:].rolling(100).mean().fillna(method='bfill') 

        maxls = max(post_entry_mean_returns_long.max(),post_entry_mean_returns_short.max(),max(y_avg))*1.05
        minls = min(post_entry_mean_returns_long.min(),post_entry_mean_returns_short.min(),min(y_avg))*1.05

        maxls = max(maxls,minls*-1)
        minls = max(minls,maxls*-1)

        figsize_x, figsize_y = 15*figscale, 10*figscale 
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=2, figsize=(figsize_x, figsize_y), sharex=False)  
        if flag_long:
            post_entry_mean_returns_long.plot(ax=ax[0], color='tab:purple', lw=2, label='long avg')
            post_entry_mean_returns_long.add(2*post_entry_stdev_long).plot(ax=ax[0], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':', label='stdv')
            post_entry_mean_returns_long.sub(2*post_entry_stdev_long).plot(ax=ax[0], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':', label='stdv')
        if flag_short:
            post_entry_mean_returns_short.plot(ax=ax[1], color='tab:purple', lw=2, label='short avg')
            post_entry_mean_returns_short.add(2*post_entry_stdev_short).plot(ax=ax[1], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':', label='stdv')
            post_entry_mean_returns_short.sub(2*post_entry_stdev_short).plot(ax=ax[1], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':', label='stdv')

        ax[0].plot(x_avg,y_avg, color='tab:gray', lw=1)
        ax[1].plot(x_avg,y_avg, color='tab:gray', lw=1)

        ax[0].set_title(f'Trade Direction Long minutes: {fwd_minutes}')
        ax[1].set_title(f'Trade Direction Short minutes: {fwd_minutes}')
        ax[1].set_xlabel('Time after entry (minutes)')
        ax[0].set_xlabel('Time after entry (minutes)')
        ax[0].set_ylabel('Average return (%)')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('Average return (%)')
        formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(format_func) 
        ax[0].legend(loc="upper left")
        ax[1].legend(loc="upper left")

    def plot_random_avg_returns(self, 
                        ignore_fees: bool = False, 
                        fwd_period: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=30), 
                        resolution: Resolution = Resolution.Second, 
                        ignore_overnight_returns: bool = True,
                        figscale: float = 1.0) -> None:
        Visualizes the average random forward returns for the given entry model

        trades_df = trades_df_r
        qb = QuantBook()
        future = qb.AddFuture("ES", 

        printcount = 0
        marketclose = 16*60 #for futures

        qb = self.qb 
        if resolution is Resolution.Second:
            trades_df.loc[:,'entry_time'] = trades_df.entry_time.astype('datetime64[s]') + timedelta(seconds=1)
        future = self.future 
        min_pct_change = future.SymbolProperties.MinimumPriceVariation / self.lastPrice   
        shift = timedelta(seconds=1) if resolution is Resolution.Second else timedelta(seconds=0)
        intervals = [(entry_time.to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) - shift, entry_time.to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1) + fwd_period) 
                        for entry_time in trades_df.entry_time]
        df_list = []
        prev_end = datetime.min
        for interval in intervals:
            start, end = interval 
            start = max(start, prev_end) 
            if abs((end - start).total_seconds()) <= 1:
            if resolution is Resolution.Tick:
                ticks = qb.History[Tick](future.Symbol, start, end, Resolution.Tick)  
                df = pd.DataFrame([(future.Symbol.Value, tick.Time, tick.Price) for tick in ticks if not tick.Suspicious and tick.TickType is TickType.Trade], 
                                columns=['symbol', 'time', 'close'])
                if df.empty:
                df.loc[:,'time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.time)
                df = df.set_index(['symbol', 'time'])  
            elif resolution is Resolution.Second:
                df = qb.History(future.Symbol, start, end, resolution, extendedMarket=False)   
                if df.empty:
                df = df.droplevel(0).loc[:,['close']].rename(lambda x: future.Symbol.Value, level=0)
            prev_end = min(end, df.droplevel(0).index[-1])  

        if len(df_list) == 0:
            print(f"No historical data found for the specified period.")
        history = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0, sort=True)
        history = history.loc[~history.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
        if history.empty:
            print(f"No historical data found for the specified period.")
        returns = history.groupby(level=0).close.pct_change().fillna(0)

        if ignore_overnight_returns:
            s = returns.groupby(returns.index.get_level_values(1).date).head(1)
            returns.loc[s.index] = 0
            returns.clip(lower=-min_pct_change, upper=min_pct_change, inplace=True) 

        fwd_minutes = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())/60     
        paths_long = []
        paths_short = []
        fees_pct = 0
        shortcount = 0
        longcount = 0
        allcount = 0
        yy_shorts = []
        zz_shorts = []
        max_shorts = []
        min_shorts = []
        high_shorts = []
        minutes = 600
        printtrue = True
        aa_array = []
        bb_array = []
        cc_array = []
        if not ignore_fees:
            scaling_factor = max(qb.Securities[self.future.Symbol].SymbolProperties.ContractMultiplier , 1)
            fees_amount = GetOrderFeeAmount(qb, self.backtest_orders[0])
            fees_pct = fees_amount / trades_df.entry_price.mean() / scaling_factor 
        for trade in trades_df.itertuples():
            path = returns.loc[trade.symbol].loc[trade.entry_time : trade.entry_time + fwd_period]

            if path.empty:
            if trade.quantity == 0:
                paths_short.append(path.reset_index(drop=True)) #path.mul(-1) is default

        flag_long = False 
        flag_short = False
        if len(paths_long) > 1:
            flag_long = True
            paths_df_long = pd.concat(paths_long, axis=1, ignore_index=True).fillna(0)
            paths_df_long = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1, paths_df_long.columns.size)), columns=paths_df_long.columns), paths_df_long], ignore_index=True, axis=0)
            paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'] = paths_df_long.mean(axis=1)
            if ignore_overnight_returns:
                min_pct_change /= future.SymbolProperties.ContractMultiplier
                paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'].iloc[1] = paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'].clip(lower=-min_pct_change, upper=min_pct_change).iloc[1]
            paths_df_long.loc[:,'stdev'] = paths_df_long.std(axis=1)
            td_idx_long = pd.TimedeltaIndex(data=[timedelta(seconds=i) for i in paths_df_long.index])
            paths_df_long.index = td_idx_long.seconds
            post_entry_mean_returns_long = paths_df_long.loc[:,'mean'].add(1).cumprod() - fees_pct - 1
            post_entry_stdev_long = paths_df_long.loc[:,'stdev'].iloc[1:].rolling(100).mean().fillna(method='bfill')
            #print('paths max',post_entry_mean_returns_long.max())

        if len(paths_short) > 1:
            flag_short = True
            paths_df_short = pd.concat(paths_short, axis=1, ignore_index=True).fillna(0)
            paths_df_short = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1, paths_df_short.columns.size)), columns=paths_df_short.columns), paths_df_short], ignore_index=True, axis=0)
            paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'] = paths_df_short.mean(axis=1)
            if ignore_overnight_returns:
                min_pct_change /= future.SymbolProperties.ContractMultiplier
                paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'].iloc[1] = paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'].clip(lower=-min_pct_change,upper=min_pct_change).iloc[1]
            paths_df_short.loc[:,'stdev'] = paths_df_short.std(axis=1)
            td_idx_short = pd.TimedeltaIndex(data=[timedelta(seconds=i) for i in paths_df_short.index])
            paths_df_short.index = td_idx_short.seconds 
            post_entry_mean_returns_short = paths_df_short.loc[:,'mean'].add(1).cumprod() - fees_pct - 1
            post_entry_stdev_short = paths_df_short.loc[:,'stdev'].iloc[1:].rolling(100).mean().fillna(method='bfill') 

        figsize_x, figsize_y = 15*figscale, 10*figscale 
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=2, figsize=(figsize_x, figsize_y), sharex=False)  
        if flag_long:
            post_entry_mean_returns_long.plot(ax=ax[0], color='tab:purple', lw=2)
            #post_entry_mean_returns_long.add(2*post_entry_stdev_long).plot(ax=ax[0], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':')
            #post_entry_mean_returns_long.sub(2*post_entry_stdev_long).plot(ax=ax[0], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':')
        if flag_short:
            post_entry_mean_returns_short.plot(ax=ax[1], color='tab:purple', lw=2)
            #post_entry_mean_returns_short.add(2*post_entry_stdev_short).plot(ax=ax[1], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':')
            #post_entry_mean_returns_short.sub(2*post_entry_stdev_short).plot(ax=ax[1], alpha=.5, color='y', lw=1, ls=':')

        ax[0].set_title(f'Trade Direction Long period: {fwd_minutes}')
        ax[1].set_title(f'Trade Direction Short period: {fwd_minutes}')
        ax[1].set_xlabel('Time after entry (minutes)')
        ax[0].set_xlabel('Time after entry (minutes)')
        ax[0].set_ylabel('Average return (%)')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('Average return (%)')
        formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(format_func) 

        #yticklabels = [f"{float(item.get_text()):.3%}" for item in ax[1].get_yticklabels()]

    def plot_3d_avg_returns(self, 
                        ignore_fees: bool = False, 
                        fwd_period: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=10), 
                        resolution: Resolution = Resolution.Second, 
                        ignore_overnight_returns: bool = True,
                        figscale: float = 1.3) -> None:
        Visualizes the average forward returns for the given entry model and turns it into a 3d chart
        trades_df = self.trades_df.copy()
        qb = self.qb 
        if resolution is Resolution.Second:
            trades_df.loc[:,'entry_time'] = trades_df.entry_time.astype('datetime64[s]') + timedelta(seconds=1)
        future = self.future 
        min_pct_change = future.SymbolProperties.MinimumPriceVariation / self.lastPrice   
        shift = timedelta(seconds=1) if resolution is Resolution.Second else timedelta(seconds=0)
        intervals = [(entry_time.to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) - shift, entry_time.to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1) + fwd_period) 
                        for entry_time in trades_df.entry_time]
        df_list = []
        prev_end = datetime.min
        for interval in intervals:
            start, end = interval 
            start = max(start, prev_end) 
            if abs((end - start).total_seconds()) <= 1:
            if resolution is Resolution.Tick:
                ticks = qb.History[Tick](future.Symbol, start, end, Resolution.Tick)  
                df = pd.DataFrame([(future.Symbol.Value, tick.Time, tick.Price) for tick in ticks if not tick.Suspicious and tick.TickType is TickType.Trade], 
                                columns=['symbol', 'time', 'close'])
                if df.empty:
                df.loc[:,'time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.time)
                df = df.set_index(['symbol', 'time'])  
            elif resolution is Resolution.Second:
                df = qb.History(future.Symbol, start, end, resolution, extendedMarket=False)   
                if df.empty:
                df = df.droplevel(0).loc[:,['close']].rename(lambda x: future.Symbol.Value, level=0)
            prev_end = min(end, df.droplevel(0).index[-1])  

        if len(df_list) == 0:
            print(f"No historical data found for the specified period.")
        history = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0, sort=True)
        history = history.loc[~history.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
        if history.empty:
            print(f"No historical data found for the specified period.")
        returns = history.groupby(level=0).close.pct_change().fillna(0)

        if ignore_overnight_returns:
            s = returns.groupby(returns.index.get_level_values(1).date).head(1)
            returns.loc[s.index] = 0
            returns.clip(lower=-min_pct_change, upper=min_pct_change, inplace=True) 

        paths_long = []
        paths_short = []
        fees_pct = 0
        shortcount = 0
        longcount = 0
        allcount = 0
        emptycount = 0
        yy_longs = []
        zz_longs = []
        yy_shorts = []
        zz_shorts = []
        seconds = 900 # mean 15 minutes before and after entry
        printtrue = True
        aa_array = []
        bb_array = []
        cc_array = []
        aa2_array = []
        bb2_array = []
        cc2_array = []

        shortpath = 0
        path600 = 0
        path601 = 0

        fpsec = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())
        fwd_minutes = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())/60

        if not ignore_fees:
            scaling_factor = max(qb.Securities[self.future.Symbol].SymbolProperties.ContractMultiplier , 1)
            fees_amount = GetOrderFeeAmount(qb, self.backtest_orders[0])
            fees_pct = fees_amount / trades_df.entry_price.mean() / scaling_factor 
        for trade in trades_df.itertuples():
            path = returns.loc[trade.symbol].loc[trade.entry_time : trade.entry_time + fwd_period]
            allcount += 1
            ttime = int(datetime.strftime(trade.entry_time, '%M')) + (int(datetime.strftime(trade.entry_time, '%H'))*60)
            zz = trade.entry_time
            ztime = (int(datetime.strftime(zz, '%H'))*60*60 +
                int(datetime.strftime(zz, '%M'))*60 +
                int(datetime.strftime(zz, '%S')))
            if path.empty:
                emptycount += 1
            if trade.quantity >= 0 and len(path) >= fpsec and ttime < 950:
                yy_long_path = path.add(1).cumprod() - 1
                longcount += 1
            elif trade.quantity < 0 and len(path) >= fpsec and ttime < 950:
                yy_short_path = path.add(1).cumprod() - 1  #does not include fees
                shortcount += 1

            elif trade.quantity >= 0 and len(path) < fpsec and ttime < 950:
                shortpath += 1
            elif trade.quantity < 0 and len(path) < fpsec and ttime < 950:
                shortpath += 1

        print('count of all trades:',allcount)
        print('count of empty paths:',emptycount)
        print('count of long trades:',longcount)
        print('count of short trades:',shortcount)
        print('count of paths with 600:', path600)
        print('count of paths < fwd_period:', shortpath)
        short_yy_l = 0
        short_yy_s = 0

        flag_long = False 
        flag_short = False
        yy_longs2 = np.array(yy_longs)
        yy = yy_longs2.flatten() #dont need?
        zz_longs2 = np.array(zz_longs)

        yy_shorts2 = np.array(yy_shorts)
        yy = yy_shorts2.flatten() #dont need?
        zz_shorts2 = np.array(zz_shorts)

        for v in zz_longs2:
            lookup = ([])
            for d in zz_longs2: 
                if v - d <= seconds and d - v <= seconds: #can encounter duplicates, if its duplicate it should do each one individually
                    if np.where(zz_longs2 == d)[0].size > 1:
                            multilook = np.array(np.where(zz_longs2 == d)[0])
                            for i in multilook:
                        lookupx = np.where(zz_longs2 == d)[0] #if single

            lookup_np = np.array(lookup) # convert array into numpy array
            rows_looked_up_already = []

            for r in lookup_np: #Now we have the lookup value for rows, find all matching y columns for those rows
                i = r.item() # get number value
                if len(yy_longs2[i]) == fpsec:  # remove this logic later on
                elif len(yy_longs2[i]) != fpsec:
                    short_yy_l += 1
            ox = np.mean(rows_looked_up_already, axis=0) #sum temp rows, axis=0 is default
            xx = [1*i for i in range(len(ox))] #create data points for x for every value in y
            zz = [v for i in range(len(ox))] #same with timestamp of original trade
        print('short yy_longs2 len count:', short_yy_l)
        a = np.array(aa_array) 
        b = np.array(bb_array)  
        c = np.array(cc_array)  

        for v in zz_shorts2:
            lookup = ([])
            lookup_new = np.array(lookup)
            for d in zz_shorts2: 
                if v - d <= seconds and d - v <= seconds: #can encounter duplicates, if its duplicate it should do each one individually
                    if np.where(zz_shorts2 == d)[0].size > 1:
                        multilook = np.array(np.where(zz_shorts2 == d)[0])
                        for i in multilook:
                        lookupx = np.where(zz_shorts2 == d)[0] #if single
                        np.append(lookup_new,lookupx) #add single to a lookup array

            lookup_np = np.array(lookup) # convert array into numpy array
            rows_looked_up_already = []

            for r in lookup_np: #Now we have the lookup value for rows, find all matching y columns for those rows
                i = r.item() # get number value
                if len(yy_shorts2[i]) == fpsec:  # remove this logic later on
                elif len(yy_shortss2[i]) != fpsec:
                    short_yy_s += 1
            ox = np.mean(rows_looked_up_already, axis=0) #sum temp rows
            xx = [1*i for i in range(len(ox))]
            zz = [v for i in range(len(ox))]
        print('short yy_shorts2 len count:', short_yy_s)
        a2 = np.array(aa2_array) 
        b2 = np.array(bb2_array)  
        c2 = np.array(cc2_array)  

        #maxbb = max(bb.max(), bb2.max(), bb.min()*-1, bb2.min()*-1)
        mtime = np.arange(34200, 57600, 60,dtype='int64')

        countlong = []
        countlong2 = []

        for item in mtime:
            count = np.where((cc<(item+300))&(cc>(item-300)))[0].size
            countx = count/fpsec

        countshort = []
        countshort2 = []

        for item in mtime:
            count = np.where((cc2<(item+60))&(cc2>(item-60)))[0].size
            countx = count/fpsec

        bbend = bb[::(fpsec-1)] # do I need the -1???
        ccend = cc[::(fpsec-1)]
        bb2end = bb2[::(fpsec-1)]
        cc2end = cc2[::(fpsec-1)]

        yyend = yy_longs[::(fpsec-1)]
        zzend = zz_longs[::(fpsec-1)]

        maxbb = max(max(bbend), max(bb2end), min(bbend)*-1, min(bb2end)*-1)
        cs, bs = zip(*sorted(zip(ccend, bbend)))
        cs2, bs2 = zip(*sorted(zip(cc2end, bb2end)))

        df = pd.DataFrame([ccend,bbend])
        df = df.T
        df.columns = ['entry_time', 'gain']
        df = df.groupby(['entry_time']).mean().reset_index()
        xnp = df['entry_time'].to_numpy()
        ynp = df['gain'].to_numpy()

        cubic_interploation_model = interp1d(xnp,ynp, kind = "linear")
        X2_=np.linspace(xnp.min(), xnp.max(), 175)

        filtered = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(ynp, sigma=2)
        filtered3 = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(ynp, sigma=2)
        filtered6 = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(bs2, sigma=2)

        filteredcountlong = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(countlong2, sigma=2)
        filteredcountshort = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(countshort2, sigma=2)

        def HMSFormatter(value, loc):
            h = value // 3600
            m = (value - h * 3600) // 60
            s = value % 60
            #return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h,m,s)
            return "%02d:%02d" % (h,m)
        fig = plt.figure(plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.5)*3))

        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1,projection='3d')
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2,projection='3d')
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(4,2,5)
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(4,2,6)
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(4,2,7)
        ax6 = fig.add_subplot(4,2,8)


        major_ticks = np.arange(34200, 57600, 3600)
        ax3.plot(countlong,countlong2, color='tab:red', alpha=0.2)
        ax4.plot(countshort,countshort2, color='tab:red', alpha=0.2)
        ax3.plot(countlong,filteredcountlong, color='tab:purple')
        ax4.plot(countshort,filteredcountshort, color='tab:purple')
        ax5.plot(cs,bs, color='tab:green', lw=1, label="mean", alpha=0.2)
        ax6.plot(cs2,bs2, color='tab:green', lw=1, label="mean", alpha=0.2)
        ax5.plot(X2_,Y2_, color='tab:grey', lw=1, label="cubic spline")
        #ax5.plot(xnp,filtered, color='tab:red', lw=1, label="gauss filter 3")
        ax5.plot(xnp,filtered3, color='tab:purple', lw=1, label="gauss filter")
        ax6.plot(cs2,filtered6, color='tab:purple', lw=1, label="gauss filter")

        ax3.set_title('Long Entries Count')
        ax3.set_xlim([34200, 57600])
        ax4.set_title('Short Entries Count')
        ax4.set_xlim([34200, 57600])
        ax5.set_title('Long Final Value')
        ax5.set_xlim([34200, 57600])
        ax5.set_ylim([maxbb*-1, maxbb])
        ax6.set_title('Short Final Value')
        ax6.set_xlim([34200, 57600])
        ax6.set_ylim([maxbb*-1, maxbb])
        ax1.plot_trisurf(aa, cc, bb, cmap=cm.plasma, edgecolor='none') #switch z and y values
        ax1.view_init(elev=33., azim=353)
        ax1.set_box_aspect(aspect = (1,3,1))
        ax1.set_title(f'Trade Direction Long period: {fwd_minutes}')
        ax1.set_xlabel('Seconds after entry')
        ax1.set_ylabel('Entry Time',labelpad=20)
        ax1.set_zlabel('Percent Gain',labelpad=20)
        ax1.set_zlim([maxbb*-1, maxbb])
        ax2.plot_trisurf(aa2, cc2, bb2, cmap=cm.plasma, edgecolor='none')
        ax2.view_init(elev=33., azim=345)
        ax2.set_box_aspect(aspect = (1,3,1))
        ax2.set_title(f'Trade Direction short period: {fwd_minutes}')
        ax2.set_xlabel('Seconds after entry')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Entry Time',labelpad=20)
        ax2.set_zlabel('Percent Gain',labelpad=20)
        ax2.set_zlim([maxbb*-1, maxbb])
        ax3.legend(loc="upper left")
        ax4.legend(loc="upper left")
        ax5.legend(loc="upper left")
        ax6.legend(loc="upper left")

    def plot_histogram(self, fwd_period: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=30), 
                    ignore_overnight_returns: bool = True,
                    figscale: float = 1.0) -> None:
        Visualizes the chance to hit a percent away from entry price. 

        trades_df = self.trades_df.copy()
        qb = self.qb 
        trades_df.loc[:,'exit_time'] = trades_df.entry_time + fwd_period 
        future = self.future

        intervals = [*map(tuple, trades_df.loc[:,['entry_time', 'exit_time']].to_numpy().astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(datetime).tolist())]
        df_list = []
        prev_end = datetime.min

        for i, interval in enumerate(intervals):
            start, end = interval
            start = start.replace(microsecond=0) - timedelta(seconds=1)
            end = end.replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1)
            start = max(start, prev_end) 
            if abs((end-start).total_seconds()) <= 1:
            ticks = qb.History[Tick](future.Symbol, start, end, Resolution.Tick)
            df = pd.DataFrame([(future.Symbol.Value, tick.Time, tick.Price) for tick in ticks if not tick.Suspicious and tick.TickType is TickType.Trade], 
                            columns=['symbol', 'time', 'price'])
            if df.empty:
            df.loc[:,'time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.time)
            df.set_index(['symbol', 'time'], inplace=True)
            prev_end = min(end, df.droplevel(0).index[-1].to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1))

        data = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0, sort=True)
        data = data.loc[~data.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
        price_ranges_long = []
        price_ranges_short = [] 
        ignore_overnight_returns = True 
        fwd_minutes = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())/60
        min_tick = 0.25
        long_ten_tick = pd.DataFrame([])
        short_ten_tick = pd.DataFrame([])

        for trade in trades_df.itertuples(): 
            path = data.loc[future.Symbol.Value].loc[trade.entry_time:trade.exit_time].pct_change().fillna(0).add(1).cumprod() - 1
            path_price = data.loc[future.Symbol.Value].loc[trade.entry_time:trade.exit_time]
            path_price.columns = ['ticks']
            path_entry_price = path_price.iloc[path_price.index.argmin()].iloc[0]
            path_price = path_price.sort_values(by=['ticks'], ascending=True).drop_duplicates()
            if ignore_overnight_returns:
                s = path.groupby(path.index.date).head(1)
                path.loc[s.index] = 0
            if path.empty:
            if trade.quantity >= 0:
                price_range_pct = (min(math.ceil(path.min().iloc[0]*2e3)/2e3, 0), max(math.floor(path.max().iloc[0]*2e3)/2e3, 0)) 

                ticksbelow = len(path_price.loc[path_price.ticks < path_entry_price])*-1
                if ticksbelow < -10: ticksbelow = -10
                ticksabove = len(path_price.loc[path_price.ticks > path_entry_price])
                if ticksabove > 10: ticksabove = 10
                ten_ticks = np.arange(ticksbelow,ticksabove+1,1)
                new_list = pd.DataFrame([[p,1] for p in ten_ticks])
                long_ten_tick = long_ten_tick.append(new_list)

                price_range_pct = (min(math.ceil(path.min().iloc[0]*2e3)/2e3, 0), max(math.floor(path.max().iloc[0]*2e3)/2e3, 0))

                ticksbelow = len(path_price.loc[path_price.ticks < path_entry_price])*-1
                if ticksbelow < -10: ticksbelow = -10
                ticksabove = len(path_price.loc[path_price.ticks > path_entry_price])
                if ticksabove > 10: ticksabove = 10
                ten_ticks = np.arange(ticksbelow,ticksabove+1,1)
                new_list = pd.DataFrame([[p,1] for p in ten_ticks])
                short_ten_tick = short_ten_tick.append(new_list)

        long_ten_tick.columns = ['tick','count']
        short_ten_tick.columns = ['tick','count']
        long_ten_tick = long_ten_tick.groupby(['tick']).sum().sort_values(by=['tick'], ascending=True)
        short_ten_tick = short_ten_tick.groupby(['tick']).sum().sort_values(by=['tick'], ascending=True)
        long_ten_tick /= long_ten_tick.loc[0]
        short_ten_tick /= short_ten_tick.loc[0]

        bins = np.linspace(-.01, .01, 41) 
        binsarr = [round(i,8) for i in bins.tolist()]

        ranges_long_df = pd.DataFrame(price_ranges_long, columns=['low', 'high']).clip(lower=bins[0], upper=bins[-1])
        ranges_long_flat = ranges_long_df.to_numpy().flatten()
        binlocation = [binsarr.index(i.item()) for i in ranges_long_flat]
        counts_long = pd.Series(bins[binlocation]).value_counts().sort_index().reindex(bins).fillna(0)

        ranges_short_df = pd.DataFrame(price_ranges_short, columns=['low', 'high']).clip(lower=bins[0], upper=bins[-1])
        ranges_short_flat = ranges_short_df.to_numpy().flatten()
        binlocation = [binsarr.index(i.item()) for i in ranges_short_flat]
        counts_short = pd.Series(bins[binlocation]).value_counts().sort_index().reindex(bins).fillna(0)

        counts_long.loc[counts_long.index >= 0] = counts_long.loc[counts_long.index >= 0].sort_index(ascending=False).cumsum() #need to subtract a 1 here
        counts_long.loc[counts_long.index <= 0] = counts_long.loc[counts_long.index <= 0].cumsum()
        counts_long /= counts_long.loc[0]

        counts_short.loc[counts_short.index >= 0] = counts_short.loc[counts_short.index >= 0].sort_index(ascending=False).cumsum()
        counts_short.loc[counts_short.index <= 0] = counts_short.loc[counts_short.index <= 0].cumsum()
        counts_short /= counts_short.loc[0] 

        major_ticks = np.linspace(0, 1, 21) ##will this work?

        figsize_x, figsize_y = (30, 10)
        fig = plt.figure(plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.5)*3))

        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3)
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4)

        fig.suptitle(f'Chance to hit % away', fontsize=16)
        if 'random_histogram' in globals():
            random_histogram.plot.barh(ax=ax1, title=f'Trade Direction Long period: {fwd_minutes}', color='red', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='random')
            random_histogram.plot.barh(ax=ax3, title=f'Trade Direction Short period: {fwd_minutes}', color='red', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='random')

            r_ten_tick.plot.barh(ax=ax2, title=f'10 Tick Histogram period: {fwd_minutes}', color='red', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='random')
            r_ten_tick.plot.barh(ax=ax4, title=f'10 Tick Histogram period: {fwd_minutes}', color='red', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='random')

        counts_long.plot.barh(ax=ax1, title=f'Trade Direction Long period: {fwd_minutes}', color='blue', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='long')
        counts_short.plot.barh(ax=ax3, title=f'Trade Direction Short period: {fwd_minutes}', color='blue', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='short')

        long_ten_tick.plot.barh(ax=ax2, title=f'10 Tick Histogram period: {fwd_minutes}', color='blue', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='long')
        short_ten_tick.plot.barh(ax=ax4, title=f'10 Tick Histogram period: {fwd_minutes}', color='blue', width=1, lw=.5, alpha=0.35, label='short')
        ##xticklabels = [f"{float(item.get_text()):.0%}" for item in ax1.get_xticklabels()]
        yticklabels = [f"{float(item.get_text()):.3%}" for item in ax1.get_yticklabels()] #need to change this too, default is [f"{round(float(item.get_text()),3):.1%}" for item in ax1.get_yticklabels()]
        ax1.set_xticks(major_ticks) # will these work?
        ax2.set_xticks(major_ticks) #did this change the ticks?
        #plt.grid(visible=True, which='major', color='grey', linestyle='--')
        ax1.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=6)
        ax1.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=6)
        ax3.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=6)
        ax3.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=6)
        ax1.xaxis.grid(lw=.1, color='grey')
        ax2.xaxis.grid(lw=.1, color='grey')
        ax3.xaxis.grid(lw=.1, color='grey')
        ax4.xaxis.grid(lw=.1, color='grey')
        ax1.legend(loc="upper left")
        ax3.legend(loc="upper left")

    def plot_volume_profile(self, fwd_period: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=5), 
                    ignore_overnight_returns: bool = True,
                    figscale: float = 1.0) -> None:
        Visualizes the volume profile after entry for the fwd_period
        trades_df = self.trades_df.copy()
        qb = self.qb 
        trades_df.loc[:,'exit_time'] = trades_df.entry_time + fwd_period 
        future = self.future

        intervals = [*map(tuple, trades_df.loc[:,['entry_time', 'exit_time']].to_numpy().astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(datetime).tolist())]
        df_list = []
        prev_end = datetime.min

        for i, interval in enumerate(intervals):
            start, end = interval
            start = start.replace(microsecond=0) - timedelta(seconds=1)
            end = end.replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1)
            start = max(start, prev_end) 
            if abs((end-start).total_seconds()) <= 1:
            ticks = qb.History[Tick](future.Symbol, start, end, Resolution.Tick)
            df = pd.DataFrame([(future.Symbol.Value, tick.Time, tick.Price, tick.Quantity) for tick in ticks if not tick.Suspicious and tick.TickType is TickType.Trade], 
                            columns=['symbol', 'time', 'price', 'quantity'])
            if df.empty:
            df.loc[:,'time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.time)
            df.set_index(['symbol', 'time'], inplace=True) 
            prev_end = min(end, df.droplevel(0).index[-1].to_pydatetime().replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1))

        data = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0, sort=True)
        data = data.loc[~data.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
        price_ranges_long = []
        price_ranges_short = []
        ignore_overnight_returns = True
        l_paths_sum = pd.DataFrame(columns=['price', 'quantity'])
        s_paths_sum = pd.DataFrame(columns=['price', 'quantity'])
        paths_sum = pd.DataFrame(columns=['price', 'quantity'])
        fpaths_sum = pd.DataFrame(columns=['price', 'quantity'])
        p_emptycount = 0
        bins = np.linspace(-.01, .01, 201) 
        binsarr = [round(i,8) for i in bins.tolist()]
        fbins = np.linspace(-.01, .01, 21) 
        fbinsarr = [round(i,8) for i in fbins.tolist()]
        fwd_minutes = int(fwd_period.total_seconds())/60

        for trade in trades_df.itertuples(): 
            path = data.loc[future.Symbol.Value].loc[trade.entry_time:trade.exit_time]
            path2 = path.price.pct_change().fillna(0).add(1).cumprod() - 1
            trades_path = pd.concat([path2,path.quantity], axis=1)
            trades_path_sum = trades_path.groupby(['price']).quantity.sum().reset_index().sort_values(by=['price'], ascending=False)
            if len(trades_path_sum) > 0:
            path = data.loc[future.Symbol.Value].loc[trade.entry_time:trade.exit_time].pct_change().fillna(0).add(1).cumprod() - 1
            if ignore_overnight_returns: #how does this affect it??
                s = path.groupby(path.index.date).head(1)
                path.loc[s.index] = 0
            if path.empty:
                p_emptycount += 1
            if trade.quantity >= 0 and len(trades_path_sum) > 0:
                l_paths_sum = l_paths_sum.append(trades_path_sum, ignore_index = True)
            if trade.quantity < 0 and len(trades_path_sum) > 0:
                s_paths_sum = s_paths_sum.append(trades_path_sum, ignore_index = True)

        """ No need to split by >0 and <0 here as the rounding function will work the same for both """
        l_paths_sum['price'] = l_paths_sum['price'].apply(lambda x: round(x,4))

        paths_sum = l_paths_sum.groupby(['price']).quantity.sum().reset_index().sort_values(by=['price'], ascending=False)
        binsdf = pd.DataFrame([(i,0) for i in binsarr],columns=['price', 'quantity'])
        paths_sum = binsdf.append(paths_sum, ignore_index = True)
        paths_sum = paths_sum.groupby(['price']).quantity.sum().reset_index().sort_values(by=['price'], ascending=False)
        paths_sum = paths_sum.set_index(['price'])

        s_paths_sum['price'] = s_paths_sum['price'].apply(lambda x: round(x,3))

        fpaths_sum = s_paths_sum.groupby(['price']).quantity.sum().reset_index().sort_values(by=['price'], ascending=False)
        fbinsdf = pd.DataFrame([(i,0) for i in fbinsarr],columns=['price', 'quantity'])
        fpaths_sum = fbinsdf.append(fpaths_sum, ignore_index = True)
        fpaths_sum = fpaths_sum.groupby(['price']).quantity.sum().reset_index().sort_values(by=['price'], ascending=False)
        fpaths_sum = fpaths_sum.set_index(['price'])

        figscale = float(1.0)
        figsize_x, figsize_y = (figscale*15, figscale*10)
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(figsize_x,figsize_y))
        fig.suptitle(f'Volume Profile %', fontsize=16)

        paths_sum.plot.barh(ax=ax1, title=f'Trade Direction Long period: {fwd_minutes}', color='tab:purple', width=1, edgecolor='k', lw=.5)
        fpaths_sum.plot.barh(ax=ax2, title=f'Trade Direction Short period: {fwd_minutes}', color='tab:purple', width=1, edgecolor='k', lw=.5)

        yticklabels = [f"{float(item.get_text()):.4%}" for item in ax1.get_yticklabels()]
        for index, label in enumerate(ax1.yaxis.get_ticklabels()):
            if index % 10 != 0:

        yticklabels = [f"{float(item.get_text()):.4%}" for item in ax2.get_yticklabels()]

        ax1.xaxis.grid(lw=.1, color='grey')
        ax2.xaxis.grid(lw=.1, color='grey')
        ax1.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=6)
        ax1.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=6)
        ax2.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=6)
        ax2.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=6)

def FetchBacktestOrders(api: Api, projectId: int, backtestId: str) -> list: 
    '''Fetches the orders of a given backtest using QuantConnect.Api
        api (Api): The instance of QuantConnect.Api that is automatically created on start of the research environment
        projectId (int): The ID of the project the backtest is associated with 
        backtestId (str): The ID of the backtest fetch the orders for
        backtestOrders (list): The list of orders 
    backtestOrders = []
    start = 0
    stepsize = 100
    end = start + stepsize
    while True:
        orders = api.ReadBacktestOrders(projectId, backtestId, start, end)
        start += stepsize 
        end = start + stepsize 
        if len(orders) < 100:
    return backtestOrders 

def GetOrderFeeAmount(qb: QuantBook, order: Order) -> float:
    '''Computes the order fee amount for a given order
        qb (QuantBook): The QuantBook instance
        order (Order): The order to compute the fees for
        fee_amount (float): The cash amount of the order fee
    symbol = order.Symbol 
    if symbol in qb.Securities.Keys:
        security = qb.Securities[symbol]
        security = qb.AddFutureContract(order.Symbol)
    feeModel = security.FeeModel
    submitOrderRequest = SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, SecurityType.Future, symbol, 1, 0, 0, 0, qb.Time, "", None)
    order = Order.CreateOrder(submitOrderRequest)
    orderFeeParameters = OrderFeeParameters(security, order)
    fee_amount = feeModel.GetOrderFee(orderFeeParameters).Value.Amount 
    return fee_amount  

def format_func(x: float, pos) -> None: 
    minutes = int((x%3600)//60)
    seconds = int(x%60)
    #return "{:d}:{:02d}".format(minutes, seconds) 
    return "{:d}".format(minutes) 
    #region imports
from datetime import timedelta
from AlgorithmImports import *
class RetrospectiveTanButterfly(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2020, 9, 17)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 9, 24)
        self.SetCash(1000000000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.symbolData = {}

        self.canLong = True
        self.canShort = True

        #symbol = self.AddSecurity(SecurityType.Future, Futures.Indices.SP500EMini , Resolution.Tick, extendedMarketHours = False, dataNormalizationMode = DataNormalizationMode.BackwardsRatio, dataMappingMode = DataMappingMode.OpenInterest, contractDepthOffset = 0).Symbol
        self.contract = self.AddFuture(Futures.Indices.SP500EMini , Resolution.Tick, extendedMarketHours = False, dataNormalizationMode = DataNormalizationMode.BackwardsRatio, dataMappingMode = DataMappingMode.OpenInterest, contractDepthOffset = 0)
        symbol = self.contract.Symbol
        #symbol.SetFilter(0, 90)
        #self.futureSP500 = self.AddFuture(Futures.Indices.SP500EMini, extendedMarketHours = True)
        #self.futureGold = self.AddFuture(Futures.Metals.Gold, extendedMarketHours = True)

        #future = self.AddFuture(Futures.Indices.SP500EMini , Resolution.Tick, extendedMarketHours = False) 
        #future.SetFilter(0, 90)
        #symbol = future.Symbol
        #continuousContract = [Futures.Indices.SP500EMini]
        #currentContract = self.Securities[symbol.Mapped]
        self.symbolData[symbol] = SymbolData()
        self.symbolData[symbol].bidPrice = self.Securities[symbol].BidPrice
        self.symbolData[symbol].askPrice = self.Securities[symbol].AskPrice

        #symbol.SetFilter(lambda x: x.FrontMonth().OnlyApplyFilterAtMarketOpen())
        #self.contracts = [symbol]

        #tickers = ["SPY", "QQQ"]
        #for ticker in tickers:
        #    symbol = self.AddEquity(ticker, Resolution.Tick).Symbol
        #    self.symbolData[symbol] = SymbolData()
        #    self.symbolData[symbol].bidPrice = self.Securities[symbol].BidPrice
        #    self.symbolData[symbol].askPrice = self.Securities[symbol].AskPrice
    def OnData(self, data):
        for symbol, symbolData in self.symbolData.items():
            if not data.Ticks.ContainsKey(symbol): continue
            #underlying = symbol.Underlying

            if self.Time.second == 00 or self.Time.second == 30:
                symbolData.buyRollingVolume5 = symbolData.buyRollingVolume4
                symbolData.sellRollingVolume5 = symbolData.sellRollingVolume4

                symbolData.buyRollingVolume4 = symbolData.buyRollingVolume3
                symbolData.sellRollingVolume4 = symbolData.sellRollingVolume3

                symbolData.buyRollingVolume3 = symbolData.buyRollingVolume2
                symbolData.sellRollingVolume3 = symbolData.sellRollingVolume2

                symbolData.buyRollingVolume2 = symbolData.buyRollingVolume1
                symbolData.sellRollingVolume2 = symbolData.sellRollingVolume1

                symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 = 0
                symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 = 0

            ticks = data.Ticks[symbol]
            for tick in ticks:
                if tick.TickType == TickType.Quote:
                    symbolData.bidPrice = tick.BidPrice if tick.BidPrice != 0 else symbolData.bidPrice
                    symbolData.askPrice = tick.AskPrice if tick.AskPrice != 0 else symbolData.askPrice

                elif tick.TickType == TickType.Trade:
                    if tick.Price - symbolData.bidPrice > symbolData.askPrice - tick.Price:
                        symbolData.sellVolume += tick.Quantity
                        symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 += tick.Quantity
                        symbolData.buyVolume += tick.Quantity
                        symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 += tick.Quantity
                if (symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume2 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume3 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume4 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume5) - (symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume2 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume3 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume4 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume5) < 5: #and > 5:
                    #self.Log(f"Can Long volume buy Delta: {symbolData.buyIntraVolume - symbolData.sellIntraVolume}")
                    self.canLong = True
                elif (symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume2 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume3 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume4 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume5) - (symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume2 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume3 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume4 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume5) < 5:
                    #self.Log(f"Can Short volume sell Delta: {symbolData.sellIntraVolume - symbolData.buyIntraVolume}")
                    self.canShort = True

                if (symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume2 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume3 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume4 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume5) - (symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume2 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume3 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume4 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume5) >= 1500 and self.canLong == True:
                    self.Log(f"volume buy Delta: {(symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume2 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume3 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume4 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume5) - (symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume2 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume3 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume4 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume5)}")
                    self.canLong = False
                    self.MarketOrder(self.contract.Mapped, 1)
                    #self.Buy(symbol, 1)

                elif (symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume2 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume3 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume4 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume5) - (symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume2 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume3 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume4 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume5) >= 1500 and self.canShort == True:
                    self.Log(f"volume sell Delta: {(symbolData.sellRollingVolume1 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume2 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume3 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume4 + symbolData.sellRollingVolume5) - (symbolData.buyRollingVolume1 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume2 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume3 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume4 + symbolData.buyRollingVolume5)}")
                    self.canShort = False
                    self.MarketOrder(self.contract.Mapped, -1)
                    #self.Buy(symbol, -1)
    def OnEndOfDay(self, symbol):
        symbolData = self.symbolData[symbol]
        self.Debug(f"{symbol.Value}'s buy volume is {symbolData.buyVolume} and sell volume is {symbolData.sellVolume} for today")
        self.Log(f"{symbol.Value}'s buy volume is {symbolData.buyVolume} and sell volume is {symbolData.sellVolume} for today")

class SymbolData:
    def __init__(self):
        self.buyVolume = 0
        self.sellVolume = 0
        self.buyRollingVolume1 = 0
        self.sellRollingVolume1 = 0
        self.buyRollingVolume2 = 0
        self.sellRollingVolume2 = 0
        self.buyRollingVolume3 = 0
        self.sellRollingVolume3 = 0
        self.buyRollingVolume4 = 0
        self.sellRollingVolume4 = 0
        self.buyRollingVolume5 = 0
        self.sellRollingVolume5 = 0
        self.buyRollingVolume = self.buyRollingVolume1 + self.buyRollingVolume2 + self.buyRollingVolume3 + self.buyRollingVolume4 + self.buyRollingVolume5
        self.sellRollingVolume = self.sellRollingVolume1 + self.sellRollingVolume2 + self.sellRollingVolume3 + self.sellRollingVolume4 + self.sellRollingVolume5
        self.bidPrice = 0
        self.askPrice = 0
        self.canShort = True
        self.canLong = True
    def ClearDay(self):
        self.buyVolume = 0
        self.sellVolume = 0

    def ClearIntra(self):
        self.buyIntraVolume = 0
        self.sellIntraVolume = 0