Overall Statistics
import math
from System.Drawing import Color

class SJMACD(QCAlgorithm):
    entryStopOrderTicket = {} #entry stop Market order
    slStopOrderTicket = {} #stop loss stop Market Order
    orderPlacedTime = {}
    entryPrice = {}
    stopLossPrice = {}
    quantity = {}

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2014, 6, 15)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2018, 6, 25) # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(100000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily)
        self.secData = {}
        self.smaPeriod = 20
        self.macdFast = 5
        self.macdSlow = 25
        self.macdSignal = 5
        self.waitFillDuration = 3 #number of days unfilled orders stay open for
        self.entryMargin = 0.2/100 # 0.08% entry Margin on market order
        self.stopLossMargin = 0.2/100 # 0.08% stoploss Margin on market order
        self.tradeRisk = 0.01/100 # % Trade Risk
        self.regLPMA = 100 #Regime Long Period Moving Average
        self.regSPMA = 50 #Regime Short Period Moving Average
        # MAIN CHART
        plotter = Chart("Chart")
        plotter.AddSeries(Series("Close", SeriesType.Line, 0))
        plotter.AddSeries(Series("SMA", SeriesType.Line, 0))
        plotter.AddSeries(Series("StopLoss", SeriesType.Scatter, 0))
        # SIGNALS
        signalplotter = Chart("Signals")
        signalplotter.AddSeries(Series("Long", SeriesType.Scatter))
        signalplotter.AddSeries(Series("Short", SeriesType.Scatter))
        # Orders
        signalplotter = Chart("Orders")
        signalplotter.AddSeries(Series("Submitted", SeriesType.Scatter, '$', Color.Red, ScatterMarkerSymbol.Triangle))
        signalplotter.AddSeries(Series("Filled", SeriesType.Scatter, '$', Color.Red, ScatterMarkerSymbol.Triangle))
        signalplotter.AddSeries(Series("Liquidate Order", SeriesType.Scatter, '$', Color.Red, ScatterMarkerSymbol.Triangle))
        # HISTOGRAM
        secondplotter = Chart("Histogram")
        secondplotter.AddSeries(Series("Histogram", SeriesType.Bar, 0))

    def OnData(self, data):
        '''OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
                data: Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data
        for sec, secdata in self.secData.items():
            Define Variables for the loop
            # self.Debug("{} Starting on data".format(self.Time))
            self.goLong = False
            self.goShort = False
            self.allowLong = True
            self.allowShort = True
            closePrice = data.Bars[sec.Symbol].Close
            openPrice = data.Bars[sec.Symbol].Open
            highPrice = data.Bars[sec.Symbol].High
            lowPrice = data.Bars[sec.Symbol].Low
            sma = self.secData[sec].sma.Current.Value
            histo = self.secData[sec].macd.Histogram.Current.Value
            regLPMA = self.secData[sec].regLPMA.Current.Value
            regSPMA = self.secData[sec].regSPMA.Current.Value
            #Update SecurityData
            self.secData[sec].updatedata(self.Time, closePrice, regLPMA, regSPMA,sma)    

            # Waiting for SMA and MACD to be ready
            if self.secData[sec].sma.IsReady and self.secData[sec].macd.IsReady and self.secData[sec].closeWindow.IsReady and self.secData[sec].regLPMAWindow.IsReady:
                prevClose = self.secData[sec].closeWindow[1]
                prevSma = self.secData[sec].smaWindow[1]
                # Plot Graphs
                self.Plot("Chart", "Close", closePrice)
                self.Plot("Chart", "SMA", sma)
                self.Plot("Histogram", "Histogram", histo)
                Check Signals

                # LONG #
                self.Debug("{} prevclose is {} preSma is {} sma {} closePrice {} hist {}".format(self.Time, prevClose, prevSma, sma, closePrice, histo))
                if prevClose < prevSma and closePrice > sma and histo > 0:
                    self.goLong = True
                    self.Plot("Signals", "Long", 1)
                    self.Debug("{} Long signal".format(self.Time))
                # SHORT #
                if prevClose > prevSma and closePrice < sma and histo < 0:
                    self.goShort = True
                    self.Plot("Signals", "Short", -1)
                    self.Debug("{} Short signal".format(self.Time))

                # self.Debug("{} self.self.goLong is {} and self.goshort is {}".format(self.Time, self.goLong, goShort))
                If the security is invested. 
                if self.Portfolio[sec.Symbol].Invested:
                    self.Debug("{} symbol {} in portfolio is invested qty {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol, self.Portfolio[sec.Symbol].Quantity))
                    # CHART THE STOP LOSS #
                    self.Plot("Chart", "StopLoss", self.slStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol].Get(OrderField.StopPrice))
                    If long portfolio switches to goshort signal
                    if self.Portfolio[sec.Symbol].IsLong and self.goShort:
                        self.Debug("{} symbol {} isLong qty {} and goShort is {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol, self.Portfolio[sec.Symbol].Quantity, self.goShort))
                        # EXIT LONG POSITION
                        self.Plot("Orders", "Liquidate Order", closePrice*1.05)
                        self.response = self.slStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol].Cancel("Closed position and cancelled slStopOrderTicket")
                        if self.response.IsSuccess:
                            self.Debug("{} entryStopOrderTicket successfully canceled".format(self.Time))
                        # SUBMIT SHORT ORDER
                        if self.allowShort:
                            self.Debug("{} submitting short order for {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol))
                            #Short Variables
                            self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] = lowPrice * (1 - self.entryMargin)
                            self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol] = highPrice * (1 + self.stopLossMargin)
                            self.quantity[sec.Symbol] = math.floor((self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * self.tradeRisk ) / (self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] - self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol]))
                            #Short Order
                            self.entryStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol] = self.StopMarketOrder(sec.Symbol, self.quantity[sec.Symbol], self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol])
                            self.Debug("{} short entryStopOrder placed {} @ {} sl {} qty {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol, self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol], self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol], self.quantity[sec.Symbol]))
                            self.orderPlacedTime[sec.Symbol] = self.Time
                            self.Plot("Orders", "Submitted", self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol]) #would like to plot this in the OnOrderEvent but can't manage to retrieve the OrderId to match it with the orderEvent.OrderId
                    If short portfolio switches to self.goLong signal
                    if self.Portfolio[sec.Symbol].IsShort and self.goLong:
                        self.Debug("{} symbol {} isShort qty {} and goLong is {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol, self.Portfolio[sec.Symbol].Quantity, self.goLong))

                        # EXIT SHORT POSITION
                        self.Plot("Orders", "Liquidate Order", closePrice*1.05)
                        self.response = self.slStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol].Cancel("Closed position and cancelled slStopOrderTicket")
                        if self.response.IsSuccess:
                            self.Debug("{} entryStopOrderTicket successfully canceled".format(self.Time))
                        # SUBMIT LONG ORDER
                        if self.allowLong:
                            self.Debug("{} submitting long order for {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol))
                            #Long Variables
                            self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] = highPrice * (1 + self.entryMargin)
                            self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol] = lowPrice * (1 - self.stopLossMargin)
                            self.quantity[sec.Symbol] = math.floor((self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * self.tradeRisk ) / (self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] - self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol]))
                            self.Debug("{} 2long order quantity calculation totalportfoliovalue {} tradeRisk {} entryprice {} stoplossprice {}".format(self.Time, self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue, self.tradeRisk, self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol], self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol]))
                            #Long Order
                            self.entryStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol] = self.StopMarketOrder(sec.Symbol, self.quantity[sec.Symbol], self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol])
                            self.Debug("{} long entryStopOrder placed {} @ {} sl {} qty {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol, self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol], self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol], self.quantity[sec.Symbol]))
                            self.orderPlacedTime[sec.Symbol] = self.Time
                            self.Plot("Orders", "Submitted", self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol]) #would like to plot this in the OnOrderEvent but can't manage to retrieve the OrderId to match it with the orderEvent.OrderId

                If the security is not invested
                if not self.Portfolio[sec.Symbol].Invested:
                    self.Debug("{} symbol {} in portfolio is not invested".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol))
                    self.Debug("{} golong is {} allow long is {}".format(self.Time, self.goLong, self.allowLong))
                    self.Debug("{} goShort is {} allow short is {}".format(self.Time, self.goShort, self.allowShort))

                    Cancel unfilled Orders which are older than the waitFillDuration
                    if sec.Symbol in self.entryStopOrderTicket and not self.entryStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol].Status == OrderStatus.Filled and (self.Time - self.orderPlacedTime[sec.Symbol]).days >= self.waitFillDuration:
                        self.Debug("{} cancelling unfilled orders which are older than waitfill duration.".format(self.Time))
                        #Cancel Order
                        self.response = self.entryStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol].Cancel("Canceled entryStopOrderTicket")
                        if self.response.IsSuccess:
                            self.Debug("{} entryStopOrderTicket successfully canceled".format(self.Time))
                        self.entryStopOrderTicket.pop(sec.Symbol) #removes it from the dictionary

                    if sec.Symbol not in self.entryStopOrderTicket and self.goLong and self.allowLong:
                        Submit Long Orders if no long tickets exist
                        self.Debug("{} submitting long order for {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol))
                        #Long Variables
                        self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] = highPrice * (1 + self.entryMargin)
                        self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol] = lowPrice * (1 - self.stopLossMargin)
                        self.quantity[sec.Symbol] = math.floor((self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * self.tradeRisk ) / (self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] - self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol]))
                        self.Debug("{} 1long order quantity calculation totalportfoliovalue {} tradeRisk {} entryprice {} stoplossprice {}".format(
                            self.Time, self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue, self.tradeRisk, self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol], self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol]))
                        #Long Order
                        self.entryStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol] = self.StopMarketOrder(sec.Symbol, self.quantity[sec.Symbol], self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol])
                        self.Debug("{} long entryStopOrder placed {} @ {} sl {} qty {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol, self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol], self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol], self.quantity[sec.Symbol]))
                        self.orderPlacedTime[sec.Symbol] = self.Time

                        # self.Plot("Orders", "Submitted", self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol]) #would like to plot this in the OnOrderEvent but can't manage to retrieve the OrderId to match it with the orderEvent.OrderId
                    if sec.Symbol not in self.entryStopOrderTicket and self.goShort and self.allowShort:
                        Submit Short Orders if no long tickets exist
                        self.Debug("{} submitting short order for {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol))
                        #Short Variables
                        self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] = lowPrice * (1 - self.entryMargin)
                        self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol] = highPrice * (1 + self.stopLossMargin)
                        self.quantity[sec.Symbol] = math.floor((self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * self.tradeRisk ) / (self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol] - self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol]))
                        #Short Order
                        self.entryStopOrderTicket[sec.Symbol] = self.StopMarketOrder(sec.Symbol, self.quantity[sec.Symbol], self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol])
                        self.Debug("{} short entryStopOrder placed {} @ {} sl {} qty {}".format(self.Time, sec.Symbol, self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol], self.stopLossPrice[sec.Symbol], self.quantity[sec.Symbol]))
                        self.orderPlacedTime[sec.Symbol] = self.Time

                        self.Plot("Orders", "Submitted", self.entryPrice[sec.Symbol]) #would like to plot this in the OnOrderEvent but can't manage to retrieve the OrderId to match it with the orderEvent.OrderId

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
        for sec in changes.AddedSecurities:
            self.secData[sec] = SecurityData(sec.Symbol, self, self.smaPeriod, self.macdFast, self.macdSlow, self.macdSignal, self.regLPMA, self.regSPMA)

    def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):
        if orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Submitted:
            self.Debug("{} OnOrderEvent has been submitted {} @ {}(fill price) qty {}".format(self.Time, orderEvent.Symbol, orderEvent.FillPrice, orderEvent.Quantity))

        if orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled:
            self.Plot("Orders", "Filled", orderEvent.FillPrice)
            self.Debug("{} order has been filled {} @ {} qty {} ".format(self.Time, orderEvent.Symbol, orderEvent.FillPrice, orderEvent.Quantity))
            Submit the stop loss order if we are holding a position
            if self.Portfolio[orderEvent.Symbol].Invested:
                self.slStopOrderTicket[orderEvent.Symbol] = self.StopMarketOrder(orderEvent.Symbol, -orderEvent.Quantity, self.stopLossPrice[orderEvent.Symbol], "Stop Loss Order")
                self.Debug("{} submitting the stoploss order for {} @ {} (stop loss) qty {}".format(self.Time, orderEvent.Symbol, self.stopLossPrice[orderEvent.Symbol], -orderEvent.Quantity, ))

class SecurityData():
        def __init__(self, symbol, algorithm, smaPeriod, macdFast, macdSlow, macdSignal, regLPMA, regSPMA):
            # Indicators
            self.sma = SimpleMovingAverage(smaPeriod)
            self.macd = algorithm.MACD(symbol, macdFast, macdSlow, macdSignal, MovingAverageType.Simple, Resolution.Daily)
            self.closeWindow = RollingWindow[float](2)
            self.smaWindow = RollingWindow[float](2)
            # Regimes
            self.regLPMA = SimpleMovingAverage(regLPMA)
            self.regSPMA = SimpleMovingAverage(regSPMA)
            self.regLPMAWindow = RollingWindow[float](2)
            self.regSPMAWindow = RollingWindow[float](2)
        def updatedata(self, time, closePrice, regLPMA, regSPMA, sma):
            # Indicators
            self.sma.Update(time, closePrice)
            # Regimes
            self.regLPMA.Update(time, closePrice)
            self.regSPMA.Update(time, closePrice)