Overall Statistics
Total Orders
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Start Equity
End Equity
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Sortino Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
Portfolio Turnover
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from datetime import timedelta
from utils import get_position_size
from futures import categories
import pandas as pd

class FastTrendFollowingLongAndShortWithTrendStrenthAlphaModel(AlphaModel):

    _futures = []
    _FORECAST_SCALAR_BY_SPAN = {64: 1.91, 32: 2.79, 16: 4.1, 8: 5.95, 4: 8.53, 2: 12.1} # Given by author on https://gitfront.io/r/user-4000052/iTvUZwEUN2Ta/AFTS-CODE/blob/chapter7.py

    def __init__(self, algorithm, slow_ema_span, abs_forecast_cap, sigma_span, target_risk, blend_years):
        self._algorithm = algorithm
        self._slow_ema_span = slow_ema_span
        self._fast_ema_span = int(self._slow_ema_span / 4)                  # "Any ratio between the two moving average lengths of two and six gives statistically indistinguishable results." (p.165)
        self._annulaization_factor = self._BUSINESS_DAYS_IN_YEAR ** 0.5

        self._abs_forecast_cap = abs_forecast_cap
        self._sigma_span = sigma_span
        self._target_risk = target_risk
        self._blend_years = blend_years

        self._idm = 1.5                                                    # Instrument Diversification Multiplier. Hardcoded in https://gitfront.io/r/user-4000052/iTvUZwEUN2Ta/AFTS-CODE/blob/chapter8.py
        self._forecast_scalar = self._FORECAST_SCALAR_BY_SPAN[self._fast_ema_span] 

        self._categories = categories
        self._total_lookback = timedelta(365*self._blend_years+self._slow_ema_span)

        self._day = -1

    def update(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, data: Slice) -> List[Insight]:
        # Record the new contract in the continuous series
        if data.quote_bars.count:
            for future in self._futures:
                future.latest_mapped = future.mapped

        # If warming up and still > 7 days before start date, don't do anything
        # We use a 7-day buffer so that the algorithm has active insights when warm-up ends
        if algorithm.start_date - algorithm.time > timedelta(7):
            return []

        if self._day == data.time.day or data.bars.count == 0:
            return []

        # Estimate the standard deviation of % daily returns for each future
        sigma_pct_by_future = {}
        for future in self._futures:
            # Estimate the standard deviation of % daily returns
            sigma_pct = self._estimate_std_of_pct_returns(future.raw_history, future.adjusted_history)
            if sigma_pct is None:
            sigma_pct_by_future[future] = sigma_pct
        # Create insights
        insights = []
        weight_by_symbol = get_position_size({future.symbol: self._categories[future.symbol] for future in sigma_pct_by_future.keys()})
        for symbol, instrument_weight in weight_by_symbol.items():
            future = algorithm.securities[symbol]
            current_contract = algorithm.securities[future.mapped]
            daily_risk_price_terms = sigma_pct_by_future[future] / (self._annulaization_factor) * current_contract.price # "The price should be for the expiry date we currently hold (not the back-adjusted price)" (p.55)

            # Calculate target position
            position = (algorithm.portfolio.total_portfolio_value * self._idm * instrument_weight * self._target_risk)                       /(future.symbol_properties.contract_multiplier * daily_risk_price_terms * (self._annulaization_factor))

            # Adjust target position based on forecast
            risk_adjusted_ewmac = future.ewmac.current.value / daily_risk_price_terms
            scaled_forecast_for_ewmac = risk_adjusted_ewmac * self._forecast_scalar 
            forecast = max(min(scaled_forecast_for_ewmac, self._abs_forecast_cap), -self._abs_forecast_cap)

            if forecast * position == 0:
            # Save some data for the PCM
            current_contract.forecast = forecast
            current_contract.position = position

            # Create the insights
            local_time = Extensions.convert_to(algorithm.time, algorithm.time_zone, future.exchange.time_zone)
            expiry = future.exchange.hours.get_next_market_open(local_time, False) - timedelta(seconds=1)
            insights.append(Insight.price(future.mapped, expiry, InsightDirection.UP if forecast * position > 0 else InsightDirection.DOWN))
        if insights:
            self._day = data.time.day

        return insights

    def _estimate_std_of_pct_returns(self, raw_history, adjusted_history):
        # Align history of raw and adjusted prices
        idx = sorted(list(set(adjusted_history.index).intersection(set(raw_history.index))))
        adjusted_history_aligned = adjusted_history.loc[idx]
        raw_history_aligned = raw_history.loc[idx]

        # Calculate exponentially weighted standard deviation of returns
        returns = adjusted_history_aligned.diff().dropna() / raw_history_aligned.shift(1).dropna() 
        rolling_ewmstd_pct_returns = returns.ewm(span=self._sigma_span, min_periods=self._sigma_span).std().dropna()
        if rolling_ewmstd_pct_returns.empty: # Not enough history
            return None
        # Annualize sigma estimate
        annulized_rolling_ewmstd_pct_returns = rolling_ewmstd_pct_returns * (self._annulaization_factor)
        # Blend the sigma estimate (p.80)
        blended_estimate = 0.3*annulized_rolling_ewmstd_pct_returns.mean() + 0.7*annulized_rolling_ewmstd_pct_returns.iloc[-1]
        return blended_estimate

    def _consolidation_handler(self, sender: object, consolidated_bar: TradeBar) -> None:
        security = self._algorithm.securities[consolidated_bar.symbol]
        end_date = consolidated_bar.end_time.date()
        if security.symbol.is_canonical():
            # Update adjusted history
            security.adjusted_history.loc[end_date] = consolidated_bar.close
            security.adjusted_history = security.adjusted_history[security.adjusted_history.index >= end_date - self._total_lookback]
            # Update raw history
            continuous_contract = self._algorithm.securities[security.symbol.canonical]
            if consolidated_bar.symbol == continuous_contract.latest_mapped:
                continuous_contract.raw_history.loc[end_date] = consolidated_bar.close
                continuous_contract.raw_history = continuous_contract.raw_history[continuous_contract.raw_history.index >= end_date - self._total_lookback]

    def on_securities_changed(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, changes: SecurityChanges) -> None:
        for security in changes.added_securities:
            symbol = security.symbol

            # Create a consolidator to update the history
            security.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(1))
            security.consolidator.data_consolidated += self._consolidation_handler
            algorithm.subscription_manager.add_consolidator(symbol, security.consolidator)

            if security.symbol.is_canonical():
                # Add some members to track price history
                security.adjusted_history = pd.Series()
                security.raw_history = pd.Series()
                # Create indicators for the continuous contract
                security.fast_ema = algorithm.EMA(security.symbol, self._fast_ema_span, Resolution.DAILY)
                security.slow_ema = algorithm.EMA(security.symbol, self._slow_ema_span, Resolution.DAILY)
                security.ewmac = IndicatorExtensions.minus(security.fast_ema, security.slow_ema)

                security.automatic_indicators = [security.fast_ema, security.slow_ema]


        for security in changes.removed_securities:
            # Remove consolidator + indicators
            algorithm.subscription_manager.remove_consolidator(security.symbol, security.consolidator)
            if security.symbol.is_canonical():
                for indicator in security.automatic_indicators:
# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
# endregion

categories = {
    Symbol.create(Futures.Financials.Y_10_TREASURY_NOTE, SecurityType.FUTURE, Market.CBOT): ("Fixed Income", "Bonds"),
    Symbol.create(Futures.Indices.SP_500_E_MINI, SecurityType.FUTURE, Market.CME): ("Equity", "US")
# region imports
from datetime import timedelta
from AlgorithmImports import *
from QuantConnect.DataSource import *
import math 
import QuantConnect
from QuantConnect import Symbol
from typing import List 

#from futures import future_datas
from universe import AdvancedFuturesUniverseSelectionModel
from alpha import FastTrendFollowingLongAndShortWithTrendStrenthAlphaModel
from portfolio import BufferedPortfolioConstructionModel
# endregion

class SkewStats: 
    position: int = 0 # Current position, in contract units
    buy_qty: int = 0 # Number of long contract sides traded
    sell_qty: int = 0 # Number of short contract sides traded
    real_total_buy_px: float = 0 ## Total realized buy price
    real_total_sell_px: float = 0 ## Total realized sell price
    theo_total_buy_px: float = 0 # Total buy price to liquidate current position
    theo_total_sell_px: float = 0 # Total sell price to liquidate current position

class USEquityDataAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        self.set_start_date(2015, 1, 1)
        self.set_end_date(2024, 6, 2)
        self.security_list = {}
        self.universe_settings.resolution = Resolution.TICK
        self.symbols: List[Symbol] = [
            Symbol.create("AAPL", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
            Symbol.create("MSFT", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
            Symbol.create("AMZN", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
            Symbol.create("GOOG", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
            Symbol.create("NFLX", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
            Symbol.create("NVDA", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
            Symbol.create("META", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
            Symbol.create("TSLA", SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA), 
        # self.add_universe_selection(ManualUniverseSelectionModel(list(self.symbols)))    
        self.positions = {}
        for symbol in self.symbols: 
            self.add_equity(symbol.value, Resolution.MINUTE).symbol
            self.positions[symbol.value] = SkewStats()
        self.log_num = 0 

    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        for key_value in slice.quote_bars: 
            symbol = key_value.key
            ticker = symbol.value 
            bar = key_value.value
            ask_size = bar.last_ask_size
            bid_size = bar.last_bid_size
            ask_price = bar.ask.close
            bid_price = bar.bid.close

                skew = math.log10(bid_size) - math.log10(ask_size)
                stock = self.positions[ticker]
                self.positions[ticker] = SkewStats()
                stock = self.positions[ticker]
            # Buy/sell based when skew signal is large
            if skew > stock.POS_ALPHA_THRESHOLD and stock.position < stock.POSITION_MAX:
                pos = round(1 * skew) 
                stock.position += pos
                self.market_order(symbol, pos) 
            elif skew < -stock.NEG_ALPHA_THRESHOLD and stock.position > -stock.POSITION_MAX:
                pos = round(1 * skew) 
                stock.position += pos
                self.market_order(symbol, pos)
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *

class BufferedPortfolioConstructionModel(EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel):

    def __init__(self, rebalance, buffer_scaler):
        self._buffer_scaler = buffer_scaler

    def create_targets(self, algorithm: QCAlgorithm, insights: List[Insight]) -> List[PortfolioTarget]:
        targets = super().create_targets(algorithm, insights)
        adj_targets = []
        for insight in insights:
            future_contract = algorithm.securities[insight.symbol]
            optimal_position = future_contract.forecast * future_contract.position / 10

            ## Create buffer zone to reduce churn
            buffer_width = self._buffer_scaler * abs(future_contract.position)
            upper_buffer = round(optimal_position + buffer_width)
            lower_buffer = round(optimal_position - buffer_width)
            # Determine quantity to put holdings into buffer zone
            current_holdings = future_contract.holdings.quantity
            if lower_buffer <= current_holdings <= upper_buffer:
            quantity = lower_buffer if current_holdings < lower_buffer else upper_buffer

            # Place trades
            adj_targets.append(PortfolioTarget(insight.symbol, quantity))
        # Liquidate contracts that have an expired insight
        for target in targets:
            if target.quantity == 0:

        return adj_targets
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
# 08/29/2023: -Adjusted insight expiry so all insights end at the same time each day
#             https://www.quantconnect.com/terminal/processCache?request=embedded_backtest_e1c8af207b1a4da945a4696f7db3ef9a.html
# 08/31/2023: -Adjusted universe filter to ensure the Mapped contract is always in the universe
#             -Updated the Alpha model to rely on warm-up rather than history requests
#             -Reduced the `blend_years` parameter to 3 to avoid any data issues from far in the past
#             https://www.quantconnect.com/terminal/processCache?request=embedded_backtest_ecb85ecf7a6ea332088f4b369017fa09.html
# 04/15/2024: -Updated to PEP8 style
#             https://www.quantconnect.com/terminal/processCache?request=embedded_backtest_f8e01739e5624ee03aa3a6e2ac5c5108.html 
# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from pandas import Timedelta as timedelta
from datetime import datetime
from Selection.FutureUniverseSelectionModel import FutureUniverseSelectionModel
from futures import categories
# endregion

class AdvancedFuturesUniverseSelectionModel(FutureUniverseSelectionModel):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__(timedelta(1), self.select_future_chain_symbols)
        self.symbols = list(categories.keys())

    def select_future_chain_symbols(self, utc_time: datetime) -> List[Symbol]:
        return self.symbols

    def filter(self, filter: FutureFilterUniverse) -> FutureFilterUniverse:
        return filter.expiration(0, 365)
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *

def get_position_size(group):
    subcategories = {}
    for category, subcategory in group.values():
        if category not in subcategories:
            subcategories[category] = {subcategory: 0}
        elif subcategory not in subcategories[category]:
            subcategories[category][subcategory] = 0
        subcategories[category][subcategory] += 1

    category_count = len(subcategories.keys())
    subcategory_count = {category: len(subcategory.keys()) for category, subcategory in subcategories.items()}
    weights = {}
    for symbol in group:
        category, subcategory = group[symbol]
        weight = 1 / category_count / subcategory_count[category] / subcategories[category][subcategory]
        weights[symbol] = weight
    return weights