Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
# Typical imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import sklearn as sk
from sklearn import linear_model
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthEnd
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from io import StringIO

class FINA4803(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        ### The below is required for self.History, but can't get it to work yet
        #historydate = datetime.date(datetime.now()) - datetime.date(datetime(1998,12,23))
        #self.history_days = int(historydate.days)+1
        #self.alpha_file_df = self.getRegressionCoefficients()
        ### Alpha data import
        #Download regression results from dropbox, relevant links below:
        # 6 Strategies, 36 Months Rolling Alpha, Monthly Trading
        FF5_Against_FF_Portfolio = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/a64gl0yxgx285xl/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF5%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_FF_Portfolio = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqeqt8yag7cpydi/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF3%20Factors%20%2836m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        FF5_Against_6_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/cn4v6oqhvvm3g5t/Alphas%20-%206%20ETF%20Against%20FF5%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_6_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/622igj5olkys3sv/Alphas%20-%206%20ETF%20Against%20FF3%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF5_Against_9_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2c915qgyjmcgpw/Alphas%20-%209%20ETFs%20Against%20FF5%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_9_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/377ig3soc14oo65/Alphas%20-%209%20ETFs%20Against%20FF3%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        #FF5 Against 6 ETFs, different Months Rolling Alpha, Monthly Trading
        FF5_Against_6_ETFs_12m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/h76ui942e8plik7/Alphas%20-%206%20ETFs%20Against%20FF5%20Factors%20%2812m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        FF5_Against_6_ETFs_24m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/65e9ppia8459hw1/Alphas%20-%206%20ETFs%20Against%20FF5%20Factors%20%2824m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        FF5_Against_6_ETFs_48m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/dxrwn000oseusdr/Alphas%20-%206%20ETFs%20Against%20FF5%20Factors%20%2848m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        FF5_Against_6_ETFs_60m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/julwqwrjtx46qr0/Alphas%20-%206%20ETFs%20Against%20FF5%20Factors%20%2860m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        #FF3 Against FF Portfolio, different Months Rolling Alpha, Monthly Trading
        FF3_Against_FF_Portfolio_12m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/bky0qsajvpe4g3l/Alphas%20-FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF3%20Factors%20%2812m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_FF_Portfolio_24m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/b387fnoqfi7kbla/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF3%20Factors%20%2824m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_FF_Portfolio_48m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/vm725yhiz9v8gm3/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF3%20Factors%20%2848m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_FF_Portfolio_60m = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/lcxieiesba13rcj/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF3%20Factors%20%2860m%20Rolling%20Alpha%29.csv?dl=1"
        #FF5 Against FF Portfolio, trade starting from Jan 1999
        FF5_Against_FF_Portfolio_1999Start = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/41hxz2rstojohk0/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF5%20Factors%20%28Trade%20from%201999%29.csv?dl=1"
        #Download the relevant files from the dropbox and make it into a dataframe
        alpha_file = self.Download(FF3_Against_FF_Portfolio)
        self.alpha_file_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(alpha_file)))
        self.alpha_file_df = self.alpha_file_df.rename({'Unnamed: 0':'Date'}, axis=1) #Added "Date" column name
        self.first_date = self.alpha_file_df.at[0,'Date'] #Used for self.First_Trading_date
        self.first_date = pd.to_datetime(self.first_date) 
        self.alpha_file_df.drop('Date', axis=1, inplace=True) #Removes "Date" column
        ### Dates, Starting Cash, Cash Percentage of Portfolio
        #The alpha_file_df's first date. Do NOT modify this
        self.First_Trading_Date = datetime(self.first_date.year, self.first_date.month, self.first_date.day)
        #Backtest period begin. Do NOT use dates before 1/31/2002 for FF Portfolio, and 2/28/2002 for ETFs, if not algo will quit
        self.Start_Date = datetime(2002, 1, 31)
        if self.Start_Date < self.first_date:
        #Backtest period end. The latest date is last month's last day (e.g. if now is 2021/02/25, then latest is 2021/01/31)
        self.End_Date = datetime(2020,12,31)
        #Starting Cash
        #Number of months between backtest period begin and the ETF's first start trading dates. Do NOT modify this
        self.counter = (self.Start_Date.year - self.First_Trading_Date.year) * 12 + (self.Start_Date.month - self.First_Trading_Date.month)
        #Start Date and End Date, taken from the above variables. Do NOT modify this

        ### US NBER Recession Index data import
        nber_link = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxigxh2fi0hb8si/USREC%20%28New%29.csv?dl=1"
        nber_file = self.Download(nber_link)
        self.nber_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(nber_file)))
        self.nber_df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(self.nber_df['DATE']) - MonthEnd(1) #Changed dates to datetime format, added MonthEnd(1) so that the dates are consistent with the ETF's dates
        self.nber_df = self.nber_df.loc[self.nber_df['DATE']>=self.First_Trading_Date] #Filter dataframe to include dates, dependent on the regression results' first date
        self.nber_df = self.nber_df.reset_index(drop=True) #Reset Index to start from 0
        self.nber_df["USREC"] = self.nber_df["USREC"].replace([0],'NO') #Replace 0 to 'NO', which is no recession
        self.nber_df["USREC"] = self.nber_df["USREC"].replace([1],'YES')#Replace 1 to 'YES', which is recession.
        ### ETF Beta data import for shorting benchmark purposes
        etf_beta_link = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8lqd5p05f9chpn/ETF%20Betas.csv?dl=1"
        etf_file = self.Download(etf_beta_link)
        self.etf_beta_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(etf_file)))
        self.etf_beta_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.etf_beta_df['Date'])
        self.etf_beta_df = self.etf_beta_df.loc[self.etf_beta_df['Date']>=self.First_Trading_Date]
        self.etf_beta_df = self.etf_beta_df.reset_index(drop=True) #Reset Index to start from 0
        ### VIX data import
        Business_Days = 660 #660 Days = roughly 36 months
        SD = 1
        vix_link = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/vk9837wd5pbj551/VIX_Daily.csv?dl=1"
        vix_file = self.Download(vix_link)
        self.vix_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(vix_file)))
        self.vix_df = self.vix_df[['Date','Close']]
        self.vix_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.vix_df['Date'])
        self.vix_df['MAvg'] = self.vix_df.iloc[:,1].rolling(window=Business_Days).mean()
        self.vix_df['StdDev'] = self.vix_df.iloc[:,1].rolling(Business_Days).std()
        self.vix_df['MAvg+StdDev'] = self.vix_df['MAvg'] + SD * self.vix_df['StdDev']
        self.vix_df['MAvg-StdDev'] = self.vix_df['MAvg'] - SD * self.vix_df['StdDev']
        self.vix_df = self.vix_df.set_index('Date')
        self.vix_df = pd.DataFrame(self.vix_df.resample("1M").mean())
        self.vix_df = self.vix_df.reset_index(drop=False)
        self.vix_df = self.vix_df.loc[self.vix_df['Date']>=self.First_Trading_Date]
        self.vix_df = self.vix_df.reset_index(drop=True) #Reset Index to start from 0
        ### SPY data import for moving average purposes
        Moving_Average_Days = 200
        spy_link = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/manlxifnghujh0i/SPY.csv?dl=1"
        spy_file = self.Download(spy_link)
        self.spy_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(spy_file)))
        self.spy_df = self.spy_df[['Date','close']]
        self.spy_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.spy_df['Date'])
        self.spy_df = self.spy_df.set_index('Date')
        self.spy_df["MA"] = self.spy_df.rolling(window=Moving_Average_Days).mean()
        self.spy_sma_df = pd.DataFrame(self.spy_df.resample("1M").last())
        self.spy_sma_df = self.spy_sma_df.reset_index(drop=False)
        self.spy_sma_df = self.spy_sma_df.loc[self.spy_sma_df['Date']>=self.First_Trading_Date]
        self.spy_sma_df = self.spy_sma_df.reset_index(drop=True)

        ### ETF Tickers, safe havens, leverage, and cash percentage settings
        self.safe_haven_status = True #Set status to True if you want a safe haven, False if you do not want a safe haven
        self.safe_haven_cash = False #Set status to True if you want the safe haven to be cash, False if you want it to be the below ticker
        self.safe_haven = "TLT" #Safe haven ticker
        self.leverage = 1.5 #Overall allowed leverage. If 1, then maximum weightings are 100%, if 2 then 200%, so on and so forth
        self.apply_leverage = True #Change to true if you want to apply leverage to our positions
        tickers = ["XLB","XLE","XLF","XLI","XLK","XLP","XLU","XLV","XLY",self.safe_haven]
        for ticker in tickers:
            symbol = self.AddEquity(ticker, Resolution.Minute).Symbol #Add equity to portfolio and assigns symbol. Remember to change Resolution to Minute as required
            self.Securities[symbol].SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Adjusted) # Pricing data - use adjusted to acccount for dividend reinvestment and equity splits
            self.Securities[symbol].SetLeverage(self.leverage) #Leverage is set to what was defined earlier
            self.Securities[symbol].SetSlippageModel(CustomSlippageModel(self)) #Remember to set slippage from the CustomSlippageModel class below - default should be 0
        #Set Cash Percentage of Portfolio
        self.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage = 0.02 
        ### Benchmark Settings
        self.benchmark = "SPY" #Benchmark ticker
        bmark = self.AddEquity(self.benchmark,Resolution.Minute).Symbol #Add equity to benchmark and assigns symbol. Remember to change Resolution to Minute as required
        self.Securities[bmark].SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Adjusted) # Pricing data - use adjusted to acccount for dividend reinvestment and equity splits
        self.Securities[bmark].SetLeverage(self.leverage) #Leverage is set to 1 to ensure no margin used
        # Benchmark graph plotting variables
        self.lastBenchmarkValue = None
        self.BenchmarkPerformance = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue #Our inital benchmark value scaled to match our portfolio
        ### Scheduled events for trading and graph plotting
        # Strategy Names:
        # self.Long_NBER_SafeHaven                  : Long Only, with NBER as safe haven indicator
        # self.Long_MA_NBER_SafeHaven               : Long Only, with a mix of MA and NBER as safe haven indicator
        # self.Long_MA_SafeHaven                    : Long Only, with MA as a safe haven indicator
        # self.Long_Short_Benchmark                 : Long ETFs, Short benchmark, with weighting according to portfolio beta
        # self.Long_VIX_SafeHaven                   : Long Only, with VIX as a safe haven indicator
        # self.Long_MA_NBER_SafeHaven_ETFNumbers    : Long Only, with a mix of MA and NBER as a safe haven indicator, and includes a minimum/absolute number of ETFs each month
        # self.Long_MA_NBER_SafeHaven_ETFNumbers_Graham7525Rule : Long Only, with a mix of MA and NBER as a safe have indicator, and includes a minimum/absolute number of ETFs each month. Also includes Graham's 75/25 rule
        Strategy_Name = self.Long_MA_NBER_SafeHaven_ETFNumbers_Graham7525Rule
        #Runs the relevant function on the first trading day each month right after market open, according to whether the benchmark is trading or not
        #Plots  graphs everyday before market close, according to whether the benchmark is trading or not
        #UPI (Ulcer Performance Index) Calculation, results show in "Logs" in the backtest tabs
        self.UPIcounter = 0
        self.CurrentValue = 0
        self.SumSq = 0
        self.MaxValue = 0
        #Runs the UPI calculation function everyday before market close, according to whether the benchmark is trading or not
        #Calculates the final UPI index number at the last date

        ### Strategy Functions:


    def Long_NBER_SafeHaven(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        nber_datapoint = self.nber_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #Number of positive alphas - gets the number of ETFs that are larger than 0
        num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
        ### Trading Conditions and Loops

        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        ### Test Trading
        if self.apply_leverage == False:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        self.counter = self.counter+1
    def Long_MA_NBER_SafeHaven(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        nber_datapoint = self.nber_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        spy_datapoint = self.spy_sma_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #Number of positive alphas - gets the number of ETFs that are larger than 0
        num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
        ### Trading Conditions and Loops

        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        ### Test Trading
        if self.apply_leverage == False:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"])) or (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"])):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"])) or (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"])):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        self.counter = self.counter+1
    def Long_MA_SafeHaven(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        spy_datapoint = self.spy_sma_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #Number of positive alphas - gets the number of ETFs that are larger than 0
        num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
        ### Trading Conditions and Loops

        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        ### Test Trading
        if self.apply_leverage == False:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:

                elif float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        self.counter = self.counter+1


    def Long_Short_Benchmark(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        nber_datapoint = self.nber_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        beta_datapoint = self.etf_beta_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #Number of positive alphas - gets the number of ETFs that are larger than 0
        num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
        #Variable that calculates portfolio beta
        portfolio_beta = 0
        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        if self.apply_leverage == False:

            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
                        portfolio_beta = portfolio_beta + (float(beta_datapoint[ticker])*1/num_of_pos)
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                                portfolio_beta = portfolio_beta + (float(beta_datapoint[ticker])*1/num_of_pos)
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
                        portfolio_beta = portfolio_beta + (float(beta_datapoint[ticker])*1/num_of_pos*self.leverage)
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                                portfolio_beta = portfolio_beta + (float(beta_datapoint[ticker])*1/num_of_pos*self.leverage)
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        self.counter = self.counter+1
    def Long_VIX_SafeHaven(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        vix_datapoint = self.vix_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #Number of positive alphas - gets the number of ETFs that are larger than 0
        num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        if self.apply_leverage == False:

            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0

            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if float(vix_datapoint["Close"])<float(vix_datapoint["MAvg-StdDev"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:

                elif float(vix_datapoint["MAvg-StdDev"]) <= float(vix_datapoint["Close"]) <= float(vix_datapoint["MAvg"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif float(vix_datapoint["MAvg"]) <= float(vix_datapoint["Close"]) <= float(vix_datapoint["MAvg+StdDev"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:

                elif float(vix_datapoint["Close"])>float(vix_datapoint['MAvg+StdDev']):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:

        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0

            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if float(vix_datapoint["Close"])<float(vix_datapoint["MAvg-StdDev"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:

                elif float(vix_datapoint["MAvg-StdDev"]) <= float(vix_datapoint["Close"]) <= float(vix_datapoint["MAvg+StdDev"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                        if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif float(vix_datapoint["Close"])>float(vix_datapoint['MAvg+StdDev']):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        self.counter = self.counter+1

    def Long_MA_NBER_SafeHaven_ETFNumbers(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        nber_datapoint = self.nber_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        spy_datapoint = self.spy_sma_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #If True, then minimum number of ETFs are implemented (e.g. at least 3). If False, then absolute number of ETFs are implemented (e.g. exactly 3)
        minimumtrue_absolutefalse = True
        #Number for minimum/absolute number of ETFs
        number_of_etf = 2
        #If conditions depending on minimum/absolute number of ETFs
        if minimumtrue_absolutefalse == True:
            num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
            if num_of_pos < number_of_etf:
                num_of_pos = number_of_etf
        elif minimumtrue_absolutefalse == False:
            num_of_pos = number_of_etf
        alpha_datapoint = alpha_datapoint.apply(pd.Series.nlargest, axis=1, n=num_of_pos)
        ### Trading Conditions and Loops

        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        ### Test Trading
        if self.apply_leverage == False:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                elif (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"])) or (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"])):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                elif (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"])) or (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"])):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        self.counter = self.counter+1


    def Long_MA_NBER_SafeHaven_ETFNumbers_Graham7525Rule(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint/spy_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df and spy_sma_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        nber_datapoint = self.nber_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        spy_datapoint = self.spy_sma_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #If True, then minimum number of ETFs are implemented (e.g. at least 3). If False, then absolute number of ETFs are implemented (e.g. exactly 3)
        minimumtrue_absolutefalse = True
        #Number for minimum/absolute number of ETFs
        number_of_etf = 2
        #If conditions depending on minimum/absolute number of ETFs
        if minimumtrue_absolutefalse == True:
            num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
            if num_of_pos < number_of_etf:
                num_of_pos = number_of_etf
        elif minimumtrue_absolutefalse == False:
            num_of_pos = number_of_etf
        alpha_datapoint = alpha_datapoint.apply(pd.Series.nlargest, axis=1, n=num_of_pos)
        ### Trading Conditions and Loops

        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        ### Test Trading
        if self.apply_leverage == False:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"])) or (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"])):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"])) or (nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])>float(spy_datapoint["MA"])):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES" and float(spy_datapoint["close"])<float(spy_datapoint["MA"]):
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
        self.counter = self.counter+1

    def JackyMethod(self):
        #Gets datapoints according to the dates - counter will increase by 1 for every trading month
        #alpha_datapoint extracts one line at a time from alpha_file_df. Similarly, nber_datapoint extracts one line at a time from nber_df
        alpha_datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        nber_datapoint = self.nber_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        #Number of positive alphas - gets the number of ETFs that are larger than 0
        num_of_pos = int(alpha_datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
        ### Trading Conditions and Loops

        Portfolio_Holdings_List = []
        ### Test Trading
        if self.apply_leverage == False:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                        for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if ticker != "XLV" or ticker != "XLP":
        elif self.apply_leverage == True:
            if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following
                for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
            elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
                if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                    for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
                    if self.safe_haven_cash == True:
                    elif self.safe_haven_cash == False:
                        for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                            if ticker != "XLV" or ticker != "XLP":
        self.counter = self.counter+1

    ### Plot Graphs for Backtest
    def PlotGraph(self):
        #Plot Portfolio Cash
        self.Plot('Portfolio Cash', 'Cash', self.Portfolio.Cash)
        #Gets benchmark's daily close
        benchmark = self.Securities[self.benchmark].Close
        #Gets benchmark's performance
        if self.lastBenchmarkValue is not None:
           self.BenchmarkPerformance = self.BenchmarkPerformance * (benchmark/self.lastBenchmarkValue)
        # store today's benchmark close price for use tomorrow
        self.lastBenchmarkValue = benchmark
        #Plots our strategy versus the benchmark
        self.Plot("Strategy vs Benchmark", "Portfolio Value", self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
        self.Plot("Strategy vs Benchmark", "Benchmark", self.BenchmarkPerformance)
    ### UPI functions
    def UPI(self):
        #UPI calculation based on https://www.tangotools.com/ui/ui.htm
        self.CurrentValue = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
        self.UPIcounter = self.UPIcounter+1
        if self.CurrentValue > self.MaxValue:
            self.MaxValue = self.CurrentValue
            self.SumSq = self.SumSq + ((100 * ((self.CurrentValue/self.MaxValue) -1))**2)
    def UPICalc(self):
        UI = (self.SumSq / self.UPIcounter)**0.5
        self.Debug(UI) #Final UPI is calculated and is printed under "Logs"
    ### Slippage Model
class CustomSlippageModel:
    def __init__(self, algorithm):
        self.algorithm = algorithm
    def GetSlippageApproximation(self, asset, order):
        constantslippage = 0 #This is the only variable that needs to be changed. If you want to add 0.1% slippage then 0.001, so on and so forth
        slippage = asset.Price * constantslippage
        return slippage
### Unused / Draft Functions
# Trading Function
    if self.safe_haven_status == False: #If there is no safe haven then do the following

        for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
            if first_in_list == True:
                if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
                    self.SetHoldings(ticker,1/num_of_pos*self.leverage,True) #Unwind all existing positions, then sets an equal weighting to all ETFs with positive alpha
                    first_in_list = False
            elif first_in_list == False:
                if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0: #Checks if ETF's alpha is larger than 0
                    self.SetHoldings(ticker,1/num_of_pos*self.leverage) #Sets an equal weighting to all ETFs with positive alpha
    elif self.safe_haven_status == True: #If there is safe haven then do the following. No difference with the above loop, but checks if a particular month is counted as a recession
        if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
            for ticker in alpha_datapoint.columns:
                if first_in_list == True:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                        first_in_list = False
                elif first_in_list == False:
                    if float(alpha_datapoint[ticker]) >0:

        elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
    self.counter = self.counter+1

def OnData(self, data):
    OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
            data: Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data
def getRegressionCoefficients(self):
    # .py version of Regression.ipynb 
    # each qb instance is changed to self
    ### FF5 Factors
    ff5_path = self.Download("https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dyjtlyf1g4ulvn/F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3.CSV?dl=1")
    #Below are standard code just to modify the data:
    ff5_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(ff5_path), skiprows = 3)) #skiprows since I'm skipping the text and directly to the data
    ff5_df = ff5_df.rename({'Unnamed: 0':'Date'}, axis=1) #Added "Date" column name
    ff5_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(ff5_df['Date'],format='%Y%m') + MonthEnd(1) #Changed dates to datetime format, added MonthEnd(1) so that the dates are consistent with the ETF's dates
    ff5_df = ff5_df.loc[ff5_df['Date']>='1998-12-22'] #Cut off is 22 Dec 1998 since ETFs only have data after this date
    ff5_df.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) #Reset Index to reflect the date cutoff
    ff5_df.drop(ff5_df.index[:1],inplace=True) #Drops the first date since it's not required for the regression
    ff5_df.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) #Reset Index to start from 0
    ff5_date = ff5_df.at[len(ff5_df)-1,'Date'] #Variable that is used later

    ### etf_ticker_list & history
    etf_ticker_list = ['XLB', 'XLE', 'XLF', 'XLI', 'XLK', 'XLP', 'XLU', 'XLV', 'XLY'] #etf ticker list, doesn't change
    self.history_df = {}
    for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
        ticker_symbol = self.AddEquity(ticker).Symbol #QuantConnect's way of adding securities. The securities will be added to self.Securities
        self.Securities[ticker_symbol].SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.TotalReturn) #This adjusts the price data so that all the prices have dividends reinvested and splits are adjusted
        self.history_df[ticker] = self.History(ticker_symbol,self.history_days,Resolution.Daily)
    startDate = datetime(2019,12,22) #First trading dates of all of the ETFs
    endDate = datetime(ff5_date.year, ff5_date.month, ff5_date.day) #Taken from a variable that is defined in the previous cell
    #self.history_df = self.History([self.Securities.Keys],timedelta(days=self.history_days),Resolution.Daily)
    #tester = True
    #while tester == True:
         #if self.history_df["XLB"].empty == True:
         #elif self.history_df["XLB"].empty == False:
    ticker_data = {}

    ### close_prices
    #modifies the dataframe above into a dictionary containing each ETF's closing price

    for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
        close_prices[ticker] = self.history_df[ticker]["close"]
    ### close_prices_monthly
    close_prices_monthly = {}
    #changes daily closing data into monthly using resample
    for ticker in close_prices:
        close_prices_monthly[ticker] = pd.DataFrame(close_prices[ticker].resample("1M").last()) #simply takes the last trading price of each month
        close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['close'].pct_change(periods = 1) #price change from each month
        close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'].fillna(0) #fills NaN's data with 0 (there shouldn't be any NaNs, but just in case)
        close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change']*100 #multiply by 100 so it's consistent with Fama French's RF
        close_prices_monthly[ticker].drop(close_prices_monthly[ticker].index[:1],inplace=True) #drops the first datapoint, since we can't find the price change because it's the first trading month
        close_prices_monthly[ticker]["Price Change - RF"] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] - ff5_df["RF"].values
    ### etf_alphas
    etf_alphas = {}
    #dictionary to store the alphas (or intercepts) of each ETF, regressed with Fama French's 5 factors
    for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
        counter = 0
        counter1 = 36
        #counters are 0 to 36 (36 months worth of data is regressed)
        etf_alphas[ticker] = pd.DataFrame()
        placeholder = []
        while counter1 < len(close_prices_monthly[ticker].index): #Runs the while loop as long as data is available
            X = ff5_df[['Mkt-RF','SMB','HML','RMW','CMA']].iloc[counter:counter1,] #Dependent variable, which are Fama French's 5 factors
            Y = close_prices_monthly[ticker]["Price Change - RF"].iloc[counter:counter1,] #Independent variable
            regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
            counter = counter+1
            counter1 = counter1+1
        etf_alphas[ticker][ticker] = placeholder
    ### combined_etf_alpha
    #Basically combines all of the etf_alphas dictionary into one dataframe
    combined_etf_alpha = pd.DataFrame() 
    for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
        combined_etf_alpha = pd.concat([combined_etf_alpha,etf_alphas[ticker]],axis=1)
    #The below is probably bad practice since I set my own dates
    #It starts at 2002/02/28, since the data begins from 1999/01/31 + 36 months (3 years) = 2002/01/31 (call this date t)
    #This signal is practically only generated during t+1 month, that's why I began at 2002/02/28.
    combined_etf_alpha = combined_etf_alpha.set_index(pd.date_range(start='2/28/2002', periods=len(etf_alphas["XLE"]),freq="M"),"Trading Dates")
    return combined_etf_alpha