#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
class ParticleTransdimensionalAutosequencers(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2022, 11, 29)
self.SetEndDate(2022, 11, 30)
# List of equities that would cause trouble when running the algo and needed to be manually added at initialization
self.equityls = ['SPY','HCM','MWGP','EXPD','PLAY','PRGS','ADPT','CDW','SIX','TWOU','DHR']
for symbol in self.equityls:
self.AddEquity(symbol, Resolution.Minute, extendedMarketHours=True)
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
self.UniverseSettings.extendedMarketHours = True
# Track open price of the day
self.TimeRules.At(9, 31),
# Select stocks with highest RVOL in the first 15 mins of trading
self.TimeRules.At(9, 35),
# List or dictionary to keep track of values for the universe selection
self.universe = []
self.volume_by_symbol = {}
self.open_by_symbol = {}
self.gap = {}
self.vol_after_gap = {}
self.rvol_by_symbol = {}
self.logged = False
# Essential to have this automatic warmup, otherwise indicators are all zero and indicator.is_ready = False
self.EnableAutomaticIndicatorWarmUp = True
# List of dictionary to keep track of indicators that determines entry and exit criteria
self.green_vol = {}
self.red_vol = {}
self.vwap_dict = {}
self.vwap_cross_flag = {}
# Coarse Selection Filter executed at 00:00 on every day (once only) based on data of the previous trading day
def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse):
self.volume_by_symbol = {c.Symbol: 0 for c in coarse if c.Price > 10 and c.Price < 400 and c.Volume > 2000000 and c.HasFundamentalData}
self.Debug(f"Universe size before volume filter: {len(self.volume_by_symbol)} at {self.Time}")
self.green_vol = self.volume_by_symbol.copy()
self.red_vol = self.volume_by_symbol.copy()
#for symbol, volume in self.volume_by_symbol.items():
# try:
# self.vwap_dict[symbol] = SymbolData(symbol, self)
# except:
# self.Debug(f'{symbol} cannot log vwap data')
return list(self.volume_by_symbol.keys())
# OnData executed whenever there is new data arriving. In this case, new data arrive at 9:30 every day at minute interval (due to Resolution.Minute)
def OnData(self, data):
# register VWAP indicator at 9:30
if self.Time.hour == 9 and self.Time.minute == 30:
for symbol in self.volume_by_symbol.keys():
self.vwap_dict[symbol] = SymbolData(symbol, self)
# Every minute, data got pumped in for many securities. We record the minute volume data for stocks that passes our coarse selection filter
for symbol in self.volume_by_symbol.keys():
if data.ContainsKey(symbol):
#self.Log(f'{symbol} has minute volume of {data[symbol].Volume}')
self.volume_by_symbol[symbol] += data[symbol].Volume
# if the bar is green, record the volume in a seperate dictionary
if data[symbol].Close > data[symbol].Open:
self.green_vol[symbol] += data[symbol].Volume
if data[symbol].Close < data[symbol].Open:
self.red_vol[symbol] += data[symbol].Volume
self.vwap_dict[symbol].Update(data[symbol].EndTime, data[symbol].Close)
self.Log(f'{symbol} has data[symbol] as non-type')
# When volume_by_symbol is cleared (it is cleared at 9:35 by a scheduled event), it will print the length of the final universe to be traded
if len(self.volume_by_symbol) == 0:
if not self.logged:
self.logged = True
self.Debug(f"Universe size after volume filter: {len(self.universe)} at {self.Time}")
# from 9:35 onwards, only keep track of indicators for selected universe
for symbol in self.universe:
if data.ContainsKey(symbol):
# Track green and red bar volume
if data[symbol].Close > data[symbol].Open:
self.green_vol[symbol] += data[symbol].Volume
if data[symbol].Close < data[symbol].Open:
self.red_vol[symbol] += data[symbol].Volume
self.Log(f'{symbol} has data[symbol] as non-type')
for symbol in self.universe:
self.vwap_cross_flag[symbol] = 0 # reset flag to 0 every bar
if data.ContainsKey(symbol):
# Track vwap
#self.vwap_dict[symbol].Update(data[symbol].EndTime, data[symbol].Close)
vwap = self.vwap_dict[symbol].vwap.Current.Value
if (data[symbol].Close > vwap and data[symbol].Open < vwap):
self.vwap_cross_flag[symbol] = 1
elif (data[symbol].Close < vwap and data[symbol].Open > vwap):
self.vwap_cross_flag[symbol] = -1
self.vwap_cross_flag[symbol] = False
self.Debug(f"{symbol} has vwap of {self.vwap_dict[symbol].vwap.Current.Value} vs open price of {data[symbol].Open} and close price of {data[symbol].Close} and vwap flag of {self.vwap_cross_flag[symbol]} at {self.Time}")
if self.vwap_cross_flag[symbol] == 1:
self.Debug(f"{symbol} has cross vwap at {self.Time}")
# Check if variables are tracked throughout the session by looking at various dict at 15:49 every day
#if self.Time.hour == 9 and self.Time.minute > 34 and self.Time.minute <= 45:
if self.Time.hour == 15 and self.Time.minute == 59:
self.Debug(f"it is {self.Time} now.")
for symbol in self.universe:
bullishness = self.green_vol[symbol] / (self.green_vol[symbol] + self.red_vol[symbol])
self.Debug(f"{symbol} has green volume of {self.green_vol[symbol]} and red volume of {self.red_vol[symbol]} and bullishness of {bullishness} at {self.Time}")
#self.Debug(f"{symbol} has vwap of {self.vwap_dict[symbol].vwap.Current.Value} vs open price of {data[symbol].Open} and close price of {data[symbol].Close} at {self.Time}")
# TrackOpen is executed everyday at 9:31 and track the opening price of the current trading day. Slight descrepency with actual opening price but close enough
def TrackOpen(self):
for symbol, volume in self.volume_by_symbol.items():
historyDataMin = self.History(symbol,1,Resolution.Minute)
open_price_sym = historyDataMin['open'][-1]
self.Debug(f"Opening price data for current day unavailable for {symbol.Value}")
self.open_by_symbol[symbol] = open_price_sym
#self.Debug(f'{symbol} has open price of {open_price_sym} at {self.Time}')
# Calculate gap%
for symbol, volume in self.volume_by_symbol.items():
historyData = self.History(symbol,2,Resolution.Daily)
#openDayAfterEarnings = historyData['open'][0]
openDayAfterEarnings = self.open_by_symbol[symbol]
closeDayBeforeEarnings = historyData['close'][-1]
self.Debug(f"History data unavailable for {symbol.Value}")
priceGap = openDayAfterEarnings - closeDayBeforeEarnings
percentGap = priceGap / closeDayBeforeEarnings
if (percentGap > 0.05) or (percentGap < -0.05):
self.gap[symbol] = percentGap
self.Debug(f'{symbol} closes at {closeDayBeforeEarnings} previously and opens at {openDayAfterEarnings} now, it has gap percentage of {percentGap} at {self.Time}')
self.vol_after_gap[symbol] = volume
#self.vwap_dict[symbol] = SymbolData(symbol, self)
self.Debug(f'Universe size after gap filter: {len(self.gap)}')
# SelectUniverse is executed at 9:35 everyday to calculate gap %, filter by +-5%, then calculate rvol, sort the narrowed list after gap filter by rvol, then output the top 10
def SelectUniverse(self):
self.universe = []
# Calculate rvol and sort that. Get top 10 stocks
for symbol, gap in self.gap.items():
volume = self.vol_after_gap[symbol]
symbol_sma = self.SMA(symbol, 20, Resolution.Daily, Field.Volume)
symbol_rvol = volume / symbol_sma.Current.Value
self.rvol_by_symbol[symbol] = symbol_rvol
sorted_rvol_ls = sorted(self.rvol_by_symbol.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
temp_ls = []
for tuple in sorted_rvol_ls:
self.universe = temp_ls[:10]
for symbol in self.universe:
self.Debug(f'{symbol} has avg daily volume of {self.SMA(symbol, 20, Resolution.Daily, Field.Volume)} and intraday volume of {self.volume_by_symbol[symbol]} and rvol of {self.rvol_by_symbol[symbol]} and gap of {self.gap[symbol]} and green vol of {self.green_vol[symbol]} and red vol of {self.red_vol[symbol]} at {self.Time}')
#self.vwap_dict[symbol] = SymbolData(symbol, self)
# Clear all dictionary to start fresh the next day
self.logged = False
class SymbolData:
def __init__(self,symbol,algo):
self.algo = algo
self.symbol = symbol
self.vwap = algo.VWAP(self.symbol)
def Update(self,time,close):