Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sc

class Alpha_InOut:
    def __init__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Name = "Alpha_InOut"
        self.var = variables
        # Feed-in constants
        self.INI_WAIT_DAYS = 15  # out for 3 trading weeks
        # stock selection
        self.STKSEL = 'QQQ'
        self.MRKT = 'SPY'
        self.TLT = 'TLT'
        self.IEF = 'IEF'
        self.stocks = [self.STKSEL, self.TLT, self.IEF]
        # Market and list of signals based on ETFs
        self.PRDC = 'XLI'  # production (industrials)
        self.METL = 'DBB'  # input prices (metals)
        self.NRES = 'IGE'  # input prices (natural res)
        self.DEBT = 'SHY'  # cost of debt (bond yield)
        self.USDX = 'UUP'  # safe haven (USD)
        self.GOLD = 'GLD'  # gold
        self.SLVA = 'SLV'  # VS silver
        self.UTIL = 'XLU'  # utilities
        self.SHCU = 'FXF'  # safe haven (CHF)
        self.RICU = 'FXA'  # risk currency (AUD)
        self.INDU = self.PRDC  # vs industrials
        self.FORPAIRS = [self.GOLD, self.SLVA, self.UTIL, self.SHCU, self.RICU]
        self.SIGNALS = [self.PRDC, self.METL, self.NRES, self.DEBT, self.USDX]
        # 'In' and 'out' holdings incl. weights
        self.HLD_IN = {self.STKSEL: 1.0}
        self.HLD_OUT = {self.TLT: .5, self.IEF: .5}
        # Initialize variables
        ## 'In'/'out' indicator
        self.be_in = 1
        ## Day count variables
        self.dcount = 0  # count of total days since start
        self.outday = 0  # dcount when self.be_in=0
        ## Flexi wait days
        self.WDadjvar = self.INI_WAIT_DAYS
        self.allocation = {}
        for symbol in self.stocks:
            self.allocation[symbol] = 0.0
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        insights = []
        if not self.var.Update_InOut:
            return insights
        # Returns sample to detect extreme observations
        hist = self.var.History(
            self.SIGNALS + [self.MRKT] + self.FORPAIRS, 252, Resolution.Daily)['close'].unstack(level=0).dropna()

        # hist_shift = hist.rolling(66).apply(lambda x: x[:11].mean())

        hist_shift = hist.apply(lambda x: (x.shift(65) + x.shift(64) + x.shift(63) + x.shift(62) + x.shift(
            61) + x.shift(60) + x.shift(59) + x.shift(58) + x.shift(57) + x.shift(56) + x.shift(55)) / 11)

        returns_sample = (hist / hist_shift - 1)
        # Reverse code USDX: sort largest changes to bottom
        returns_sample[self.USDX] = returns_sample[self.USDX] * (-1)
        # For pairs, take returns differential, reverse coded
        returns_sample['G_S'] = -(returns_sample[self.GOLD] - returns_sample[self.SLVA])
        returns_sample['U_I'] = -(returns_sample[self.UTIL] - returns_sample[self.INDU])
        returns_sample['C_A'] = -(returns_sample[self.SHCU] - returns_sample[self.RICU])    
        self.pairlist = ['G_S', 'U_I', 'C_A']

        # Extreme observations; statist. significance = 1%
        pctl_b = np.nanpercentile(returns_sample, 1, axis=0)
        extreme_b = returns_sample.iloc[-1] < pctl_b

        # Determine waitdays empirically via safe haven excess returns, 50% decay
        self.WDadjvar = int(
            max(0.50 * self.WDadjvar,
                self.INI_WAIT_DAYS * max(1,
                                         #returns_sample[self.GOLD].iloc[-1] / returns_sample[self.SLVA].iloc[-1],
                                         #returns_sample[self.UTIL].iloc[-1] / returns_sample[self.INDU].iloc[-1],
                                         #returns_sample[self.SHCU].iloc[-1] / returns_sample[self.RICU].iloc[-1]
                                         np.where((returns_sample[self.GOLD].iloc[-1]>0) & (returns_sample[self.SLVA].iloc[-1]<0) & (returns_sample[self.SLVA].iloc[-2]>0), self.INI_WAIT_DAYS, 1),
                                         np.where((returns_sample[self.UTIL].iloc[-1]>0) & (returns_sample[self.INDU].iloc[-1]<0) & (returns_sample[self.INDU].iloc[-2]>0), self.INI_WAIT_DAYS, 1),
                                         np.where((returns_sample[self.SHCU].iloc[-1]>0) & (returns_sample[self.RICU].iloc[-1]<0) & (returns_sample[self.RICU].iloc[-2]>0), self.INI_WAIT_DAYS, 1)
        adjwaitdays = min(60, self.WDadjvar)

        # self.Debug('{}'.format(self.WDadjvar))

        # Determine whether 'in' or 'out' of the market
        if (extreme_b[self.SIGNALS + self.pairlist]).any():
            self.be_in = False
            self.outday = self.dcount
        if self.dcount >= self.outday + adjwaitdays:
            self.be_in = True
        self.dcount += 1
        for symbol in self.stocks:
            # Swap to 'out' assets if applicable
            if not self.be_in:
                if symbol in self.HLD_IN:
                    weight = 0
                    direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                if symbol in self.HLD_OUT:
                    weight = self.HLD_OUT[symbol]
                    direction = InsightDirection.Up
            # Swap to 'in' assets if applicable
            if self.be_in:
                if symbol in self.HLD_IN:
                    weight = self.HLD_IN[symbol]
                    direction = InsightDirection.Up
                if symbol in self.HLD_OUT:
                    weight = 0
                    direction = InsightDirection.Flat        
            if self.allocation[symbol] != weight:
                #insights.append(Insight(symbol, predictionInterval, InsightType.Price, stock_data[symbol][3], stock_data[symbol][2], weight, sourceModel="Test"))
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(days=30), InsightType.Price, direction, None, None, self.Name, weight))
                self.allocation[symbol] = weight
        self.var.Update_InOut = False
        return Insight.Group(insights)
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from scipy.stats import linregress
import decimal as d

class Alpha_AdapVol:    
    def __init__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Name = "Alpha_AdapVol"
        self.allocation = {}
        self.rising = {}
        self.var = variables
        #self.securities = [self.var.Symbol(x) for x in self.var.assets_AdapVol]
        self.securities = [
        self.back_period = 21 * 12 + 1     # 3 months
        self.vol_period = 252    # days for calc vol
        self.target_vol = 0.08 #.2 oRIGINAL
        self.delta = 0.10       #.05 original min rebalancing
        self.w = 0.
        self.x = np.asarray(range(self.vol_period))
        self.fastPeriod = 50
        self.slowPeriod = 200
        self.resolution = Resolution.Daily
        self.symbolDataBySymbol = {}
        self.lookback = 10 #for RoC
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        insights = []
        if not self.var.Update_AdapVol:
            return insights
        # get all weights
            # get daily returns for period = self.back_period
            allPrices = algorithm.History(self.securities, self.back_period, Resolution.Daily).close.unstack(level=0)
            #RoC_history = algorithm.History(self.securities, self.lookback, self.resolution)
            self.w = 1. / len(self.securities)
            pos = {}
            # calculate alpha for EWM
            for symbol in self.securities:
                if symbol not in allPrices: continue
                symbolData = self.symbolDataBySymbol.get(symbol)
                if symbolData is None:
                    # create fast/slow EMAs
                    symbolData = SymbolData(symbol, self.lookback)
                    #symbolData.Fast = algorithm.EMA(symbol, self.fastPeriod, self.resolution)
                    #symbolData.Slow = algorithm.EMA(symbol, self.slowPeriod, self.resolution)
                    if symbolData is None: Continue
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[symbol] = symbolData

                    symbolData.RegisterIndicators(algorithm, self.resolution)
                prices = allPrices[symbol]
                change = prices.pct_change().dropna()
                    rsq = self.rsquared(self.x, prices[-self.vol_period:])
                    alpha = max(0.5, np.exp(-10. * (1. - rsq)))
                    vol = change.ewm(alpha=alpha).std() # alpha = 2/(span+1) = 1-exp(log(0.5)/halflife)
                    ann_vol = np.float(vol.tail(1)) * np.sqrt(252)
                weight = (self.target_vol / ann_vol).clip(0.0, 1.0)  # NB: self.w = 1/no_assets
                pos[symbol] =  weight
                msg = f"{symbol}: {pos[symbol]}, rsqr: {rsq}, alpha: {alpha}, ann_vol = {ann_vol}"
        except Exception as e:
            msg = f'Exception: {e}'
        for symbol, symbolData in self.symbolDataBySymbol.items():
            #if symbolData.Fast.IsReady and symbolData.Slow.IsReady:
            #symbolData.FastIsOverSlow = symbolData.Fast > symbolData.Slow
        total = sum(pos.values())
        if total < 1.0:
            pos[algorithm.Symbol('SHY')] = (1.0-total)
        for symbol, weight in pos.items():
            new_weight = weight
            price = algorithm.ActiveSecurities[symbol].Price
            if price == 0: continue
            # gauge if needs to trade (new weight vs. current one > self.delta)
            if not symbol in self.allocation:
                curr_weight = 0
                self.allocation[symbol] = 0
                curr_weight = self.allocation[symbol]
            #rising1 = self.symbolDataBySymbol[symbol].FastIsOverSlow
            #rising1 = True
            #rising2 = self.symbolDataBySymbol[symbol].ROC_current > 0
            #if not rising1 or not rising2:
                #new_weight = 0
            shall_trade = abs(new_weight - curr_weight) > self.delta or new_weight == 0
            if curr_weight == 0 and new_weight == 0:
                shall_trade == False
            if shall_trade: 
                # store old weights
                self.allocation[symbol] = new_weight
                direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                if self.allocation[symbol] > 0:
                    direction = InsightDirection.Up
                    direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(days=30), InsightType.Price, direction, None, None, self.Name, new_weight))
                msg = f"{symbol} -- weight: {new_weight:.2f} (old weight was: {curr_weight:.2f})"
        self.var.Update_AdapVol = False
        return Insight.Group( insights )

    def rsquared(self, x, y):
        # slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err
        _, _, r_value, _, _ = linregress(x, y)
        return r_value**2
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
class SymbolData:
    def __init__(self, symbol, lookback):
        self.Symbol = symbol
        self.ROC = RateOfChange('{}.ROC({})'.format(symbol, lookback), lookback)
        self.Consolidator = None
        self.previous = 0
        self.Fast = None
        self.Slow = None
        self.FastIsOverSlow = False

    def RegisterIndicators(self, algorithm, resolution):
        self.Consolidator = algorithm.ResolveConsolidator(self.Symbol, resolution)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(self.Symbol, self.ROC, self.Consolidator)

    def RemoveConsolidators(self, algorithm):
        if self.Consolidator is not None:
            algorithm.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(self.Symbol, self.Consolidator)

    def WarmUpIndicators(self, history):
        for tuple in history.itertuples():
            self.ROC.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.close)

    def ROC_current(self):
        return float(self.ROC.Current.Value)

    def CanEmit(self):
        if self.previous == self.ROC.Samples:
            return False

        self.previous = self.ROC.Samples
        return self.ROC.IsReady

    def __str__(self, **kwargs):
        return '{}: {:.2%}'.format(self.ROC.Name, (1 + self.Return)**252 - 1)

    def SlowIsOverFast(self):
        return not self.FastIsOverSlow
from clr import AddReference

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Orders import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import ExecutionModel
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import PortfolioTargetCollection
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

class Zero_Leverage_Execution_Model(ExecutionModel):

    def __init__(self, variables, resolution = Resolution.Daily, min_order = 500):
        self.targetsCollection = PortfolioTargetCollection()
        self.finished = False
        self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        self.rebalancingPeriod = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(resolution)
        self.min_order_value = min_order
        self.var = variables

    def Execute(self, algorithm, targets):
        #Run until all orders are completed once per day
        if (self.finished and algorithm.UtcTime <= self.rebalancingTime) or not algorithm.Securities["QQQ"].Exchange.ExchangeOpen:
        elif algorithm.UtcTime > self.rebalancingTime:
            self.finished = False
            self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
        #if (self.finished and algorithm.UtcTime <= self.rebalancingTime) or not algorithm.Securities["SPY"].Exchange.ExchangeOpen:
        if (self.finished and not self.var.execute) or not algorithm.Securities["SPY"].Exchange.ExchangeOpen:
        #elif algorithm.UtcTime > self.rebalancingTime:
        elif self.var.execute:
            self.finished = False
            self.var.execute = False
            #self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
        open_orders = False
        bought = False
        for target in self.targetsCollection.OrderByMarginImpact(algorithm):
            open_quantity = sum([x.Quantity for x in algorithm.Transactions.GetOpenOrders(target.Symbol)])
            existing = algorithm.Securities[target.Symbol].Holdings.Quantity + open_quantity
            qty_to_order = int(round(target.Quantity) - existing)
            if existing == 0:
                pct_diff = 1
                pct_diff = abs(qty_to_order)/abs(existing)
            value = abs(qty_to_order) * algorithm.Securities[target.Symbol].Price
            portfolio_value = float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
            if portfolio_value == 0:
                port_pct_diff = 1
                port_pct_diff = value/portfolio_value
            cash = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash + algorithm.Portfolio.UnsettledCash
            #Only sell if it exeeds min order value or if selling everything, to prevent being left with a tiny amount of stock unable to sell
            if qty_to_order <= -1.0 or target.Quantity == 0:
                if value < self.min_order_value or port_pct_diff < .005:
                algorithm.MarketOrder(target.Symbol, qty_to_order)
                #algorithm.Debug("Sell = " + str(target.Symbol) + " > " + str(quantity))
                open_orders = True
            #Only buy if it exeeds min order value and no sells have also processed in this same instant to avoid leverage    
            elif qty_to_order >= 1.0 and open_orders == False:
                #Don't buy stocks if there are still open sell orders to prevent leverage
                for order in algorithm.Transactions.GetOpenOrders():
                    if order.Quantity < 0:
                        open_orders = True
                if value < self.min_order_value or port_pct_diff < .005 or value > cash:
                if not open_orders:
                    algorithm.MarketOrder(target.Symbol, qty_to_order)
                    #algorithm.Debug("Buy = " + str(target.Symbol) + " > " + str(quantity))
                    bought = True
        for order in algorithm.Transactions.GetOpenOrders():
            open_orders = True
        if self.targetsCollection.Count == 0 and not open_orders and not bought:
            #algorithm.Debug("execution finished at " + str(algorithm.UtcTime))
            self.finished = True
# QUANTCONNECT.COM - Democratizing Finance, Empowering Individuals.
# Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine v2.0. Copyright 2014 QuantConnect Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import PortfolioTarget
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk import RiskManagementModel

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

class MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity(RiskManagementModel):
    '''Provides an implementation of IRiskManagementModel that limits the drawdown per holding to the specified percentage'''

    def __init__(self, variables, maximumDrawdownPercent = 1000, maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = 1000):
        '''Initializes a new instance of the MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity class
            maximumDrawdownPercent: The maximum percentage drawdown allowed for any single security holding'''
        self.maximumDrawdownPercent = -abs(maximumDrawdownPercent)
        self.maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = abs(maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent)
        self.checkTime = UTCMIN #initialize with Current time
        self.time_between_checks = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(Resolution.Minute)*10 #10 minutes per risk check

    def ManageRisk(self, algorithm, targets):
        '''Manages the algorithm's risk at each time step
            algorithm: The algorithm instance
            targets: The current portfolio targets to be assessed for risk'''
        targets = []
        MarketOpen = algorithm.Securities["SPY"].Exchange.ExchangeOpen
        if (algorithm.UtcTime <= self.checkTime or MarketOpen == False):
            return targets
        for kvp in algorithm.Securities:
            security = kvp.Value

            if not security.Invested:
            #price = security.Holdings.Price
            #close = algorithm.History(algorithm.Symbol(str(security)), 5, Resolution.Daily).close[-1]
            #if close == 0: continue
            #pnl = (price - close)/close
            pnl = security.Holdings.UnrealizedProfitPercent
            if pnl < self.maximumDrawdownPercent or pnl > self.maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent:
                # liquidate
                targets.append(PortfolioTarget(security.Symbol, 0))

        self.checkTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.time_between_checks
        return targets
from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Orders import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import * 
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Selection import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

#from Alpha_VAA import Alpha_VAA
#from Alpha_ACR import Alpha_ACR
#from Alpha_ZScore import Alpha_ZScore
#from Alpha_CAA import Alpha_CAA
from Alpha_AdapVol import Alpha_AdapVol
from Alpha_SimpleRebalance import Alpha_SimpleRebalance
from Alpha_InOut import Alpha_InOut

from Insight_Weighted_Portfolio import Insight_Weighted_Portfolio
#from Optimized_Portfolio_Model import Optimized_Portfolio_Model

#from Risk_Management_Model import MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity
from Risk_Synthetic_Leverage import Risk_Synthetic_Leverage

from Zero_Leverage_Execution_Model import Zero_Leverage_Execution_Model

class Modular_Framework(QCAlgorithmFramework):
    '''Modular Framework Algorithm.'''

    def Initialize(self):
        General Algorithm Parameters
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Hour    #Set Data Resolution
        self.SetStartDate(2020, 6, 26)                           #Set Start Date
        #self.SetEndDate(2020, 5, 4)                             #Set End Date
        self.SetCash(100000)                                     #Set Strategy Cash
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Margin) #Set Brokerage Model
        self.SetWarmup(252) #252
        Portfolio Construction Parameters
        self.max_leverage                 = .99
        self.reserved                     = 750 #Reserved cash will not trade with
        self.normalize                    = True #noramalize leverage (attempt to stay at max leverage always)
        Portfolio Execution Parameters
        self.Minimum_order_value = 500 #This reduces fees by trading only when a large reblance is needed
        Portfolio Risk Management Parameters
        #self.maximumDrawdownPercent     = 0.0017
        #self.maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = 0.0013
        self.drawdown_leverageMax = 0.03
        self.drawdown_leverageMin = 0.06
        self.assets_VAA = [
                            "SPY",      #SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF
                            "VEA",      #Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF
                            "VTI",      #Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF
                            "AGG",      #iShares Barclays Aggregate Bond Fund
                            "HYD",      #VanEck Vectors High-Yield Municipal ETF
                            "VMBS",     #Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities ETF
                            "BKLN",     #Invesco Senior Loan ETF
                            "JNK",      #SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond ETF
                            "VT",       ##Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund
                            "VWO",      #Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF
                            "TLT",      #iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF
        self.assets_ACR = [
                            "XLB",      #Materials
                            "XLY",      #Consumer Cyclical
                            "XLF",      #Financials
                            "IYR",      #ISHARES Real Estate
                            "XLP",      #Consumer Defensive
                            "XLV",      #Healthcare
                            "XLU",      #Utilities
                            "XLE",      #Energy
                            "XLI",      #Industrials
                            "XLK",      #Tech
        self.assets_ZScore = [
        self.assets_CAA = [
        self.assets_AdapVol = [
        self.assets_SimpleRebalance = [
        self.assets_InOut = [
        self.assets_Leveraged = [
        self.universe = self.assets_AdapVol + self.assets_SimpleRebalance + self.assets_Leveraged + self.assets_InOut
        self.universe = (list(set(self.universe)))
        universe = [ Symbol.Create(symbol, SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA) for symbol in self.universe ]
        self.first_run = True
        self.rebalance = False
        self.execute = False
        self.updating = False
        self.Update_AdapVol = False
        self.Update_VAA = False
        self.Update_ZScore = False
        self.Update_ACR = False
        self.Update_CAA = False
        self.Update_SimpleRebalance = False
        self.Update_InOut = False
        #dateRule = self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY")
        #dateRule = self.DateRules.WeekStart("SPY")
        #dateRule = self.DateRules.MonthStart("SPY")
        #timerule = self.TimeRules.At(13,15)
        #timerule = self.TimeRules.At(9,30)
        timerule = self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen("SPY", 0)
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), timerule, self.First_Run_Update_Alphas)
        #self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), self.TimeRules.At(9,30), self.Execute_rebalance)
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen("SPY", 60), self.Execute_rebalance)
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.WeekStart("SPY"), timerule, self.Update_alpha_AdapVol)
        #self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), timerule, self.Update_alpha_VAA)
        #self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), timerule, self.Update_alpha_ZScore)
        #self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), timerule, self.Update_alpha_ACR)
        #self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), timerule, self.Update_alpha_CAA)
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.WeekStart("SPY"), timerule, self.Update_alpha_SimpleRebalance)
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), timerule, self.Update_alpha_InOut)
        Framework Parameters
        self.SetUniverseSelection( ManualUniverseSelectionModel(universe) )
        self.alphas = [  
                    #Alpha_VAA(self), #depreciated 2020
                    #Alpha_ACR(self), #depreciated, high drawdown
                    #Alpha_ZScore(self), #depreciated 2020
        objective function for portfolio optimizer
        options are:    equal (Equal Weighting),
                        return (Maximize Portfolio Return),
                        std (Minimize Portfolio Standard Deviation),
                        sharpe (Maximize Portfolio Sharpe Ratio),
                        no_optimization (use alpha's weighting)
        objectiveFunction = 'no_optimization'
        # rebalancing period (to enable rebalancing enter an integer for number of calendar days, e.g. 1, 7, 30, 365)
        rebalancingParam = 1
                objectiveFunction = objectiveFunction,
                rebalancingParam = rebalancingParam,
                reserve = self.reserved,
                leverage = self.max_leverage,
                num_alphas = len(self.alphas),
                normalize = self.normalize,
        #self.SetRiskManagement( MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity(self.maximumDrawdownPercent,self.maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent)  )
        #self.SetRiskManagement( NullRiskManagementModel() )
        #### END INITIALIZATION ####
    def Update_alpha_SimpleRebalance(self):
        self.Update_SimpleRebalance = True
        self.updating = True
    def Update_alpha_AdapVol(self):
        self.Update_AdapVol = True
        self.updating = True
    def Update_alpha_VAA(self):
        self.Update_VAA = True
        self.updating = True
    def Update_alpha_ZScore(self):
        self.Update_ZScore = True
        self.updating = True
    def Update_alpha_ACR(self):
            self.Update_ACR = True
            self.updating = True
    def Update_alpha_CAA(self):
        self.Update_CAA = True
        self.updating = True
    def Update_alpha_InOut(self):
        self.Update_InOut = True
        self.updating = True
    def First_Run_Update_Alphas(self):
        if self.first_run:
            self.Update_CAA = True
            self.Update_ACR = True
            self.Update_ZScore = True
            self.Update_VAA = True
            self.Update_AdapVol = True
            self.Update_SimpleRebalance = True
            self.Update_InOut = True
            self.updating = True
            self.first_run = False
    def Execute_rebalance(self):
        if self.updating:
            #self.Debug("execute/Rebalance initiated at " + str(self.UtcTime))
            self.rebalance = True
            self.execute = True
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

#from datetime import datetime, timedelta
#from pytz import utc
#UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

import numpy as np

class Alpha_VAA:
    def __init__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Name = "Alpha_VAA"
        self.var = variables
        VAA parameters
        self.periods = [42,21,63,126,252]
        self.weights = [0, 12, 6,  3, 1]
        self.resolution = Resolution.Daily
        #self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        self.days_predicted = 5
        #self.rebalancingPeriod = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(self.resolution)*self.days_predicted
        self.GrowthSymbols = [
                            "SPY",      #SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF
                            "VEA",      #Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF
                            "VTI",      #Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF
                            "VT",       #Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund
                            "VWO",      #Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF
                            "AGG",      #iShares Barclays Aggregate Bond ETF
        self.SafetySymbols = [
                            "HYD",      #VanEck Vectors High-Yield Municipal ETF
                            "VMBS",     #Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities ETF
                            "BKLN",     #Invesco Senior Loan ETF
                            "JNK",      #SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond ETF
                            "TLT",      #iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF
        #Variable Definitions
        self.symbolDataBySymbol = {}
        self.allocation = {}
        self.stocks = self.GrowthSymbols + self.SafetySymbols
        for symbol in self.stocks:
                self.allocation[symbol] = 0.0
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        insights = []
        if (algorithm.UtcTime <= self.rebalancingTime):
            return insights
        if not self.var.Update_VAA:
            return insights
        ##Using a weighted average, compute the score for each risky asset.
        growthdata = []
        for symbol in self.GrowthSymbols:
            if not symbol in self.symbolDataBySymbol.keys(): continue
            temp_values = []
            for i, period in enumerate(self.periods):
                if self.symbolDataBySymbol[symbol][i].CanEmit:
            score = sum([i*j for i,j in zip(temp_values,self.weights)])
            growthdata.append([symbol, score, temp_values[0]])
        orderedGrowthScores = sorted(growthdata, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        ##Using a weighted average, compute the score for each risk-free asset.
        ##This approach overweights the front month momentum value and progressively underweights older momentum values
        safetydata = []
        for symbol in self.SafetySymbols:
            if not symbol in self.symbolDataBySymbol.keys(): continue
            temp_values = []
            for i, period in enumerate(self.periods):
                if self.symbolDataBySymbol[symbol][i].CanEmit:
            #score = np.average(temp_values, weights = self.weights)
            score = sum([i*j for i,j in zip(temp_values,self.weights)])
            safetydata.append([symbol, score, temp_values[0]])
        orderedSafeScores = sorted(safetydata, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        if safetydata == [] or growthdata == []:
            return insights
        ##Count the number of risky assets with negative momentum scores and store in N. If all four of the offensive assets exhibit positive momentum scores, 
        ##select the offensive asset with the highest score and allocate 100% of the portfolio to that asset at the close
        count = 0
        negative_flag = False
        for stock in orderedGrowthScores:
            if stock[1] <= 0.0:
                count += 1
        if count > 0:
            negative_flag = True
        top_growth = orderedGrowthScores[0][0]
        second_growth = orderedGrowthScores[1][0]
        top_safe = orderedSafeScores[0][0]
        second_safe = orderedSafeScores[1][0]
        for data_item in (orderedGrowthScores + orderedSafeScores):
            symbol = data_item[0]
            weight = 0
            if symbol == top_growth:
                if negative_flag:
                    weight = 0.1
                    weight = 0.5
            elif symbol == second_growth:
                if negative_flag:
                    weight = 0.1
                    weight = 0.5
            elif symbol == top_safe:
                if negative_flag:
                    weight = 0.4
                    weight = 0.0
            elif symbol == second_safe:
                if negative_flag:
                    weight = 0.4
                    weight = 0.0
                weight = 0
            direction = InsightDirection.Flat
            if weight > 0:
                direction = InsightDirection.Up
                direction = InsightDirection.Flat
            if self.allocation[symbol] != weight:
                #insights.append(Insight(symbol, predictionInterval, InsightType.Price, stock_data[symbol][3], stock_data[symbol][2], weight, sourceModel="Test"))
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(days=30), InsightType.Price, direction, None, None, self.Name, weight))
                self.allocation[symbol] = weight
        #self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
        self.var.Update_VAA = False
        #return insights
        return Insight.Group( insights )

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        algorithm.Debug("Securities Changed. Added " + str(changes.AddedSecurities))
        symbols = [ x.Symbol for x in changes.AddedSecurities if str(x.Symbol) in self.stocks ]
        history = algorithm.History(symbols, (np.max(self.periods)), Resolution.Daily)
        if history.empty:
            algorithm.Debug("History Error")
        for removed in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            if removed.Symbol in self.stocks:
                symbolData_temp = self.symbolDataBySymbol.pop(removed.Symbol, None)
                if symbolData_temp is not None:
        for stock in history.index.levels[0]:
            symbol = SymbolCache.GetSymbol(stock)
            algorithm.Debug("Getting Data for " + str(symbol))
            if str(symbol) not in self.symbolDataBySymbol.keys():
                algorithm.Debug("registering symboldata for " + str(symbol))
                symbolData_temp = []
                for period in self.periods:
                    tempData = SymbolData(symbol, period)
                    tempData.RegisterIndicators(algorithm, Resolution.Daily)
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[str(symbol)] = symbolData_temp

class SymbolData:
    def __init__(self, symbol, lookback):
        self.Symbol = symbol
        self.MOM = Momentum('{}.MOM({})'.format(symbol, lookback), lookback)
        self.Consolidator = None
        self.previous = 0
    def RegisterIndicators(self, algorithm, resolution):
        #algorithm.Debug("Register Indicators. Alpha")
        self.Consolidator = algorithm.ResolveConsolidator(self.Symbol, resolution)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(self.Symbol, self.MOM, self.Consolidator)
    def RemoveConsolidators(self, algorithm):
        if self.Consolidator is not None:
            algorithm.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(self.Symbol, self.Consolidator)
    def WarmUpIndicators(self, history):
        for tuple in history.itertuples():
            self.MOM.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.close)
    def Return(self):
        return float(self.MOM.Current.Value)
    def CanEmit(self):
        if self.previous == self.MOM.Samples:
            return False
        self.previous = self.MOM.Samples
        return self.MOM.IsReady
    def __str__(self, **kwargs):
        return '{}: {:.2%}'.format(self.MOM.Name, (1 + self.Return)**252 - 1)
from clr import AddReference

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

class Alpha_ZScore:
    def __init__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Name = "Alpha_ZScore"
        self.var = variables
        #zscore assets
        self.stocks = [
        zscore parameters
        self.fixed_wt_pct = 0.0 #.50
        self.fixed_wt = {
        self.vol_factor = 0.50 #TLT = .5, SPY = 1
        self.ext_factor = 4.0 #move too extreme, leave asset
        self.lookback = 252
        self.allocation = {}
        #Variable Definitions
        self.resolution = Resolution.Daily
        self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        self.days_predicted = 5
        self.rebalancingPeriod = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(self.resolution)*self.days_predicted
        for symbol in self.stocks:
            self.allocation[symbol] = 0.0
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        insights = []
        if not self.var.Update_ZScore:
            return insights
        safestock = "TLT"   
        history = algorithm.History([safestock], self.lookback, Resolution.Daily)
        mean = history['close'].mean()
        sigma = history['close'].std()
        price = float(algorithm.Securities[safestock].Price)
        if sigma != 0.0:
            z = (price - mean) / sigma**self.vol_factor
            z = 0.0
        if -self.ext_factor <= z <= self.ext_factor:
            tlt_target = 1.0/(1+math.exp(-1.2*z))*.75 # Pure momentum adding 1 to the sin wave to prevent shorting
            tlt_target = 0.0
        spy_target = (1.0-tlt_target)
        allocation_temp = {}
        magnitude = {}
        direction = InsightDirection.Flat
        for sid in self.stocks:
            allocation_temp[sid] = 0.0
            if sid in self.fixed_wt:
                allocation_temp[sid] = self.fixed_wt[sid] * self.fixed_wt_pct
        allocation_temp[safestock] += tlt_target * (1.0 - self.fixed_wt_pct)
        allocation_temp["SPY"] += spy_target * (1.0 - self.fixed_wt_pct)
        #predictionInterval = Time.Multiply(Extensions.ToTimeSpan(self.resolution), self.days_predicted)
        #expected = algorithm.History(self.stocks, 5, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).dropna().pct_change().dropna().mean() + 1.0
        for symbol in self.allocation:
            if (self.allocation[symbol] != allocation_temp[symbol]) or (self.allocation[symbol] != 0.0) or (allocation_temp[symbol] != 0.0):
                self.allocation[symbol] = allocation_temp[symbol]
                direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                if self.allocation[symbol] > 0:
                    direction = InsightDirection.Up
                    direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                #insights.append(Insight(symbol, predictionInterval, InsightType.Price, direction[symbol], magnitude[symbol], self.allocation[symbol], sourceModel="Test"))
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(days=30), InsightType.Price, direction, None, None, self.Name, self.allocation[symbol]))
                #algorithm.Debug(str(symbol) + " = " + str(self.allocation[symbol]))
        #insights = [] #Remove me
        #return insights
        self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
        self.var.Update_ZScore = False
        return Insight.Group( insights )
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

class Alpha_ACR:
    def __init__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Name = "Alpha_ACR"
        self.ACR_assets = [
                        "SPY", #NEW
                        #"XLU", #NEW
                        #"IYR", #NEW
                        #"XLB", #NEW
        self.ACR_bonds = [
        self.ACR_sectors = [
                            "XLB", #Materials
                            "XLY", #Consumer Cyclical
                            "XLF", #Financials
                            "IYR", #ISHARES Real Estate
                            "XLP", #Consumer Defensive
                            "XLV", #Healthcare
                            "XLU", #Utilities
                            "XLE", #Energy
                            "XLI", #Industrials
                            "XLK", #Tech
        self.ACR_fixed = [
        #self.Hedge = ["VXX",]
        self.stocks = self.ACR_assets+self.ACR_bonds+self.ACR_fixed # + self.Hedge
        self.stocks_all = self.ACR_assets+self.ACR_bonds+self.ACR_fixed+self.ACR_sectors
        ACR (Asset Class Rotation) parameters
        self.ACR_sector_step = 13 #12% step change = all bonds if 9 of 11 sectors down
        self.ACR_asset_step = 20 #20% step change
        self.allocation = {}
        self.ACR_fixed_weight = [
                                0.0, #SPY
        #Variable Definitions
        self.resolution = Resolution.Daily
        self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        self.days_predicted = 5
        self.rebalancingPeriod = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(self.resolution)*self.days_predicted
        self.var = variables
        #for stock in self.ACR_sectors:
        self.symbolData = {}
        for symbol in self.stocks:
                self.allocation[symbol] = 0.0
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        #algorithm.Debug("Updating Alpha Model.")
        insights = []
        if not self.var.Update_ACR:
            return insights
        if not all([data.Bars.ContainsKey(symbol) for symbol in self.stocks_all]):
            return insights
        for sid in self.stocks:
            if not sid in self.allocation:
                self.allocation[sid] = 0.0
        ACR_assets_weight = np.zeros(len(self.ACR_assets))
        ACR_bonds_data = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=['Weight','Ratio','20Day','60Day'],index=self.ACR_bonds) 
        ACR_sectors_data = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=['Ratio','20Day','200Day'],index=self.ACR_sectors)
        Determine sector trends and calculate weight to assets/bonds
        ACR_sectors_data.loc[:,'20Day'] = algorithm.History(self.ACR_sectors, 20, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
        ACR_sectors_data.loc[:, '200Day'] = algorithm.History(self.ACR_sectors, 200, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
        ACR_sectors_data['Ratio'] = ACR_sectors_data['20Day']/ACR_sectors_data['200Day'] - 1
        ACR_bonds_weight = len(ACR_sectors_data[ACR_sectors_data['Ratio'] < 0]) * self.ACR_sector_step/100.0
        if ACR_bonds_weight > 1.0:
            ACR_bonds_weight = 1.0
        ACR_bonds_weight = ACR_bonds_weight * (1-sum(self.ACR_fixed_weight))
        Determine bond trends and which duration to be in
        if ACR_bonds_weight > 0.0:
            ACR_bonds_data.loc[:,'20Day'] = algorithm.History(self.ACR_bonds, 20, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
            ACR_bonds_data.loc[:, '60Day'] = algorithm.History(self.ACR_bonds, 60, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
            ACR_bonds_data['Ratio'] = ACR_bonds_data['20Day']/ACR_bonds_data['60Day'] - 1
            ACR_bonds_data['Weight'] = 0
            ACR_bonds_data.loc[ACR_bonds_data['Ratio'].idxmax(), 'Weight'] = ACR_bonds_weight
        returns = algorithm.History(self.ACR_assets, 126, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).dropna().pct_change().dropna() + 1.0
        expected = algorithm.History(self.stocks, 20, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).dropna().pct_change().dropna().mean() + 1.0
        Create portfolio combinations
        n = len(self.ACR_assets)
        steps = [x/100.0 for x in range(0,101,int(self.ACR_asset_step))]
        a = [steps for x in range(n)]
        b = list(itertools.product(*a))
        x = [sum(i) for i in b]
        port = pd.DataFrame(b)
        port['Sum'] = x
        port = port[port.Sum == 1]
        del port['Sum']
        Score and Weight portoflio
        port_returns = pd.DataFrame(np.dot(returns, port.T), index=returns.index)
        port_metrics = self.ACR_get_specs(port_returns)
        port_metrics = self.ACR_score(port_metrics)
        port_metrics['Z3'] = port_metrics.ZMean\
        port_metrics = port_metrics.sort_values(by='Z3', ascending=False)
        portfolios = port
        portfolios.columns = list(returns.columns.values)
        best = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(portfolios.iloc[port_metrics['Z3'].idxmax()]).T])
        #log.info(best.loc[:, (best != 0).any(axis=0)].T)
        best = pd.DataFrame(portfolios.iloc[port_metrics['Z3'].idxmax()])
        ACR_assets_weight = [i[0]*(1-ACR_bonds_weight-sum(self.ACR_fixed_weight)) for i in best.values]
        predictionInterval = Time.Multiply(Extensions.ToTimeSpan(self.resolution), self.days_predicted)
        allocation_temp = {}
        magnitude = {}
        direction = {}
        risk_weight = 0
        for x in range(n):
            allocation_temp[self.var.Symbol(portfolios.iloc[port_metrics['Z3'].idxmax()].keys()[x]).Value] = portfolios.iloc[port_metrics['Z3'].idxmax()][x]#*.95
            #expected_temp[self.ACR_assets[x]] = 
            risk_weight += ACR_assets_weight[x]
        for stock in self.stocks:
            magnitude[stock] = 0.0075
        #self.allocation[self.Hedge[0]] = risk_weight * .05
        for stock in self.ACR_bonds:
            allocation_temp[stock] = ACR_bonds_data.loc[stock, 'Weight']
        for x in range(len(self.ACR_fixed)):
            allocation_temp[self.ACR_fixed[x]] = self.ACR_fixed_weight[x]
        for symbol in self.allocation:
            if (self.allocation[symbol] != allocation_temp[symbol]) or (self.allocation[symbol] != 0.0) or (allocation_temp[symbol] != 0.0):
                #if allocation_temp[symbol] > self.allocation[symbol]:
                self.allocation[symbol] = allocation_temp[symbol]
                direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                if self.allocation[symbol] > 0:
                    direction = InsightDirection.Up
                    direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                #insights.append(Insight(symbol, predictionInterval, InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up, magnitude[symbol], self.allocation[symbol], sourceModel="Test"))
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(days=30), InsightType.Price, direction, None, None, self.Name, self.allocation[symbol]))
                #algorithm.Debug(str(symbol) + " = " + str(self.allocation[symbol]))
        self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
        self.var.Update_ACR = False

        return Insight.Group( insights )
    def ACR_drawdown(self, returns):
        mat = returns.cumprod().values
        [n, m] = np.shape(mat)
        maxes = np.maximum.accumulate(np.array(mat))
        for i in range(0,n):
            for j in range(m):
                mat[i,j] = mat[i,j] / maxes[i,j]
        df = pd.DataFrame(mat)
        df[df > 1] = 1
        return df
    def ACR_moving_returns(self, returns, w):
        mat = returns.values
        [n, m] = np.shape(mat)
        ret = np.zeros(shape = (n-w+1,m))
        for i in range(w-1,n):
            for j in range(m):
                ret[i-w+1,j] = np.power(np.prod(mat[(i-w+1):i+1,j]),(1.0/w))- 1.0
        return pd.DataFrame(ret)
    def ACR_get_specs(self, returns):
        metrics = pd.DataFrame((returns.mean()),columns=['Mean']) - 1.0
        metrics['STD'] = pd.DataFrame((returns.std()))
        metrics['Annualized'] = np.power(returns.cumprod().values.tolist()[-1],1.0/len(returns))- 1.0
        downside = returns.copy(deep=True) - 1
        downside[downside > 0] = 0
        downside = downside ** 2
        metrics['DownSide'] = pd.DataFrame(downside.mean() ** 0.5)
        draw = self.ACR_drawdown(returns)
        metrics['Max_Draw'] = 1.0 - draw.min().values
        ret15 = self.ACR_moving_returns(returns,21)
        metrics['Minimum15'] = ret15.min().values
        ret10 = self.ACR_moving_returns(returns,21)
        metrics['Mean10'] = ret10.mean().values
        metrics['STD10'] = ret10.std().values
        return metrics
    def ACR_zscore(self, stocks, var, var_save):
        stocks[var_save] = (stocks[var] - stocks[var].mean())/stocks[var].std(ddof=0)
        return stocks 
    def ACR_score(self, metrics):
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Mean', 'ZMean')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'STD', 'ZSTD')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Annualized', 'ZAnnualized')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'DownSide', 'ZDownSide')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Max_Draw', 'ZMax_Draw')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Minimum15', 'ZMinimum15')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'STD10', 'ZSTD10')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Mean10', 'ZMean10')
        return metrics
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import Resolution, Extensions
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import InsightCollection, InsightDirection
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import PortfolioConstructionModel, PortfolioTarget
from itertools import groupby
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

import numpy as np

class Insight_Weighted_Portfolio(PortfolioConstructionModel):

    def __init__(self, variables, resolution = Resolution.Daily, reserve = 0, leverage = 1.0, num_alphas = 1.0, normalize = False):
        self.insightCollection = InsightCollection()
        self.removedSymbols = []
        self.addedSymbols = []
        self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        self.rebalancingPeriod = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(resolution)
        self.allocation = {}
        self.reserved = reserve
        self.max_leverage = leverage
        self.normalize = normalize
        self.num_alphas = num_alphas
        self.var = variables
        self.insight_list = []
        self.symbol_list = []

    def CreateTargets(self, algorithm, insights):
        targets = []
        # Create Sell target for each security that was removed from the universe
        if self.removedSymbols is not None:
            universeDeselectionTargets = [ PortfolioTarget(symbol, 0) for symbol in self.removedSymbols ]
            self.removedSymbols = None
        if self.addedSymbols is not None:
            for symbol in self.addedSymbols:
                self.allocation[symbol] = {}
            self.addedSymbols = None
        #if algorithm.UtcTime <= self.rebalancingTime:
        if not self.var.rebalance:
            return targets
        # Get insight that haven't expired of each symbol that is still in the universe
        activeInsights = self.insightCollection.GetActiveInsights(algorithm.UtcTime)
        # Get the last generated active insight for each symbol
        lastActiveInsights = []
        for symbol, g in groupby(activeInsights, lambda x: x.Symbol):
            lastActiveInsights.append(sorted(g, key = lambda x: x.GeneratedTimeUtc)[-1])
        #Gets Adjusted Portfolio value
        port_value_adjusted = ((float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)* self.max_leverage) - self.reserved)
        for insight in lastActiveInsights:
            if insight in self.insight_list: 
            symbol = insight.Symbol
            alpha = insight.SourceModel
            if insight.Weight:
                allocation = insight.Weight
                allocation = 0
            #Calculate required rebalance amount for each allocation
            if self.num_alphas == 0:
                return targets
                goal_value = (port_value_adjusted * allocation / self.num_alphas)
            #Adjusted % allocation
            if float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue) == 0.0:
                return targets
                    self.allocation[symbol][alpha] = goal_value/float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
                    #algorithm.Log(str(symbol) + " " + str(alpha))
        combined_weight = {}
        for symbol in self.allocation.keys():
            wt = sum(list(self.allocation[symbol].values()))
            combined_weight[symbol] = round(wt*200.0)/200.0
        #option to normalize target_portfolio to fill all availible leverage
        original_wt = sum(np.abs(list(combined_weight.values())))
        if original_wt == 0.0:
            factor = 0.0
            if self.normalize:
                factor = self.max_leverage/original_wt
            elif original_wt > self.max_leverage:
                factor = self.max_leverage/original_wt
                factor = 1.0
        for symbol in combined_weight.keys():        
            combined_weight[symbol] = combined_weight[symbol]*factor
            if algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price == 0.0:
            target = PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, symbol,  combined_weight[symbol])
            if target != None:
                #Log final desired allocation
                if str(symbol) in self.var.assets_Leveraged:
                algorithm.Log(str(symbol) + " : " + str(round(combined_weight[symbol]*100,1)) + "% = " + str(int(target.Quantity)) + " shares.")
                #algorithm.Debug("Target Error on " + str(symbol) + ". Should be " + str(round(combined_weight[symbol]*100,1)) + "%")
        #self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
        #algorithm.Debug("rebalance finished at " + str(algorithm.UtcTime))
        self.var.rebalance = False
        return targets
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        self.addedSymbols = [x.Symbol for x in changes.AddedSecurities]
        # Get removed symbol and invalidate them in the insight collection
        self.removedSymbols = [x.Symbol for x in changes.RemovedSecurities]
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import Resolution, Extensions
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *
from itertools import groupby
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize

class Optimized_Portfolio_Model(PortfolioConstructionModel):
        Allocate optimal weights to each security in order to optimize the portfolio objective function provided
        - The target percent holdings of each security is 1/N where N is the number of securities with active Up/Down insights
        - For InsightDirection.Up, long targets are returned
        - For InsightDirection.Down, short targets are returned
        - For InsightDirection.Flat, closing position targets are returned

    def __init__(self, objectiveFunction = 'std', rebalancingParam = False, reserve = 0, leverage = 1.0, num_alphas = 1.0, normalize = False):
            Initialize a new instance of CustomOptimizationPortfolioConstructionModel
            objectiveFunction: The function to optimize. If set to 'equal', it will just perform equal weighting
            rebalancingParam: Integer indicating the number of days for rebalancing (default set to False, no rebalance)
                - Independent of this parameter, the portfolio will be rebalanced when a security is added/removed/changed direction
        self.optWeights = None
        self.objectiveFunction = objectiveFunction
        self.insightCollection = InsightCollection()
        self.removedSymbols = []
        self.nextExpiryTime = UTCMIN
        self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        self.allocation = {}
        self.reserved = reserve
        self.max_leverage = leverage
        self.normalize = normalize
        self.num_alphas = num_alphas
        if objectiveFunction != 'equal':
            # minWeight set to 0 to ensure long only weights
            self.optimizer = CustomPortfolioOptimizer(minWeight = 0, maxWeight = self.max_leverage, objFunction = objectiveFunction) # initialize the optimize
        # if the rebalancing parameter is not False but a positive integer
        # convert rebalancingParam to timedelta and create rebalancingFunc
        if rebalancingParam > 0:
            self.rebalancing = True
            rebalancingParam = timedelta(days = rebalancingParam)
            self.rebalancingFunc = lambda dt: dt + rebalancingParam
            self.rebalancing = rebalancingParam

    def CreateTargets(self, algorithm, insights):

            Create portfolio targets from the specified insights
            algorithm: The algorithm instance
            insights: The insights to create portfolio targets from
            An enumerable of portfolio targets to be sent to the execution model

        targets = []
        # check if we have new insights coming from the alpha model or if some existing insights have expired
        # or if we have removed symbols from the universe
        if (len(insights) == 0 and algorithm.UtcTime <= self.nextExpiryTime and self.removedSymbols is None):
            return targets
        # here we get the new insights and add them to our insight collection
        for insight in insights:
        # create flatten target for each security that was removed from the universe
        if self.removedSymbols is not None:
            universeDeselectionTargets = [ PortfolioTarget(symbol, 0) for symbol in self.removedSymbols ]
            self.removedSymbols = None

        # get insight that haven't expired of each symbol that is still in the universe
        activeInsights = self.insightCollection.GetActiveInsights(algorithm.UtcTime)

        # get the last generated active insight for each symbol
        lastActiveInsights = []
        for symbol, g in groupby(activeInsights, lambda x: x.Symbol):
            lastActiveInsights.append(sorted(g, key = lambda x: x.GeneratedTimeUtc)[-1])

        # check if we actually want to create new targets for the securities (check function ShouldCreateTargets for details)
        if self.rebalancing and algorithm.UtcTime >= self.rebalancingTime:
            #check for empty insights
            if lastActiveInsights == []:
                return targets
            #Gets Adjusted Portfolio value
            port_value_adjusted = ((float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)* self.max_leverage) - self.reserved)
            for insight in lastActiveInsights:
                symbol = insight.Symbol
                alpha = insight.SourceModel
                if insight.Weight:
                    allocation = insight.Weight
                    allocation = 0
                #Calculate required rebalance amount for each allocation
                if self.num_alphas == 0:
                    return targets
                    goal_value = (port_value_adjusted * allocation / self.num_alphas)
                #Adjusted % allocation
                if float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue) == 0.0:
                    return targets
                    if symbol not in self.allocation:
                        self.allocation[symbol] = 0
                    self.allocation[symbol] += goal_value/float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
                    #self.allocation[symbol][alpha] = goal_value/float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
            combined_weight = {}
            for symbol in self.allocation.keys():
                #if isinstance(self.allocation[symbol],float):
                #    return targets
                wt = self.allocation[symbol]
                if abs(wt) >= 1e-2:
                    combined_weight[symbol] = round(wt*20.0)/20.0
            wt_abs = sum(np.abs(list(combined_weight.values())))
            factor = 1.0
            if wt_abs > self.max_leverage:
                factor = self.max_leverage/wt_abs
            elif self.normalize and wt_abs > 0:
                factor = self.max_leverage/wt_abs
            for symbol in combined_weight.keys():        
                combined_weight[symbol] = combined_weight[symbol]*factor
            # symbols with active insights
            lastActiveSymbols = list(combined_weight.keys())
            # get historical data for all symbols for the last 253 trading days (to get 252 returns)
            history = algorithm.History(lastActiveSymbols, 22, Resolution.Daily) #253
            # empty dictionary for calculations
            calculations = {}
            # iterate over all symbols and perform calculations
            for symbol in lastActiveSymbols:
                if (str(symbol) not in history.index or history.loc[str(symbol)].get('close') is None
                or history.loc[str(symbol)].get('close').isna().any()):
                    algorithm.Log('(Portfolio) no historical data for: ' + str(symbol.Value))
                    # add symbol to calculations
                    calculations[symbol] = SymbolData(symbol)
                        # get series of log-returns
                    except Exception:
                        algorithm.Log('(Portfolio) removing from calculations due to CalculateLogReturnSeries failing: ' + str(symbol.Value))
            # determine target percent for the given insights (check function DetermineTargetPercent for details)
            self.optWeights = self.DetermineTargetPercent(calculations, lastActiveInsights, initial_wt = combined_weight)
            #errorSymbols = {}
            if not self.optWeights.isnull().values.any():
                algorithm.Log('(Portfolio) optimal weights: ' + str(self.optWeights))
                for symbol in self.allocation:
                    if str(symbol) in self.optWeights:
                        # avoid very small numbers and make them 0
                        if self.optWeights[str(symbol)] <= 1e-2:
                            self.optWeights[str(symbol)] = 0
                        #algorithm.Plot('Optimal Allocation', symbol.Value, float(self.optWeights[str(symbol)]))
                        self.allocation[symbol] = self.optWeights[str(symbol)]
                        target = PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, symbol, self.allocation[symbol])
                        if not target is None:
                        #    errorSymbols[symbol] = symbol
                        self.allocation[symbol] = 0.0
                        target = PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, symbol, self.allocation[symbol])
                        if not target is None:
                        #    errorSymbols[symbol] = symbol

            # update rebalancing time
            if self.rebalancing:
                self.rebalancingTime = self.rebalancingFunc(algorithm.UtcTime)

        # get expired insights and create flatten targets for each symbol
        expiredInsights = self.insightCollection.RemoveExpiredInsights(algorithm.UtcTime)

        expiredTargets = []
        for symbol, f in groupby(expiredInsights, lambda x: x.Symbol):
            if not self.insightCollection.HasActiveInsights(symbol, algorithm.UtcTime):
                expiredTargets.append(PortfolioTarget(symbol, 0))

        # here we update the next expiry date in the insight collection
        self.nextExpiryTime = self.insightCollection.GetNextExpiryTime()
        if self.nextExpiryTime is None:
            self.nextExpiryTime = UTCMIN

        return targets
    def ShouldCreateTargets(self, algorithm, optWeights, lastActiveInsights):
            Determine whether we should rebalance the portfolio to keep equal weighting when:
                - It is time to rebalance regardless
                - We want to include some new security in the portfolio
                - We want to modify the direction of some existing security
            optWeights: Series containing the current optimal weight for each security
            lastActiveInsights: The last active insights to check
        # it is time to rebalance
        if self.rebalancing and algorithm.UtcTime >= self.rebalancingTime:
            return True
        for insight in lastActiveInsights:
            # if there is an insight for a new security that's not invested and it has no existing optimal weight, then rebalance
            if (not algorithm.Portfolio[insight.Symbol].Invested
            and insight.Direction != InsightDirection.Flat
            and str(insight.Symbol) not in optWeights):
                return True
            # if there is an insight to close a long position, then rebalance
            elif algorithm.Portfolio[insight.Symbol].IsLong and insight.Direction != InsightDirection.Up:
                return True
            # if there is an insight to close a short position, then rebalance
            elif algorithm.Portfolio[insight.Symbol].IsShort and insight.Direction != InsightDirection.Down:
                return True
        return False
    def DetermineTargetPercent(self, calculations, lastActiveInsights, initial_wt):
            Determine the target percent for each symbol provided
            calculations: Dictionary with calculations for symbols
            lastActiveInsights: Dictionary with calculations for symbols
        if self.objectiveFunction == 'equal':
            # give equal weighting to each security
            count = 0
            for symbol, wt in initial_wt:
                if abs(wt) > 0: count += 1
            percent = 0 if count == 0 else 1.0 / count
            result = {}
            for symbol in initial_wt:
                if wt < 0:
                    result[str(symbol)] = -percent
                    result[str(symbol)] = percent
            weights = pd.Series(result)
            return weights
        elif self.objectiveFunction == 'no_optimization':
            result = {}
            for symbol in initial_wt:
                result[str(symbol)] = initial_wt[symbol]
            weights = pd.Series(result)
            return weights
            # create a dictionary keyed by the symbols in calculations with a pandas.Series as value to create a dataframe of log-returns
            logReturnsDict = { str(symbol): symbolData.logReturnSeries for symbol, symbolData in calculations.items() }
            logReturnsDf = pd.DataFrame(logReturnsDict)
            # portfolio optimizer finds the optimal weights for the given data
            weights = self.optimizer.Optimize(logReturnsDf, initial_wt, covariance = None)
            weights = pd.Series(weights, index = logReturnsDf.columns)
            return weights
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
            Event fired each time the we add/remove securities from the data feed
            algorithm: The algorithm instance that experienced the change in securities
            changes: The security additions and removals from the algorithm

        # get removed symbol and invalidate them in the insight collection
        self.removedSymbols = [x.Symbol for x in changes.RemovedSecurities]
class SymbolData:
    ''' Contain data specific to a symbol required by this model '''
    def __init__(self, symbol):
        self.Symbol = symbol
        self.logReturnSeries = None
    def CalculateLogReturnSeries(self, history):
        ''' Calculate the log-returns series for each security '''
        self.logReturnSeries = np.log(1 + history.loc[str(self.Symbol)]['close'].pct_change(periods = 1).dropna()) # 1-day log-returns
### class containing the CustomPortfolioOptimizer -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class CustomPortfolioOptimizer:
        Implementation of a custom optimizer that calculates the weights for each asset to optimize a given objective function
        Optimization can be:
            - Maximize Portfolio Return
            - Minimize Portfolio Standard Deviation
            - Maximize Portfolio Sharpe Ratio
            - Weights must be between some given boundaries
            - Weights must sum to 1
    def __init__(self, 
                 minWeight = -1,
                 maxWeight = 1,
                 objFunction = 'std'):
            Initialize the CustomPortfolioOptimizer
            minWeight(float): The lower bound on portfolio weights
            maxWeight(float): The upper bound on portfolio weights
            objFunction: The objective function to optimize (return, std, sharpe)
        self.minWeight = minWeight
        self.maxWeight = maxWeight
        self.objFunction = objFunction

    def Optimize(self, historicalLogReturns, initial_wt, covariance = None):
            Perform portfolio optimization using a provided matrix of historical returns and covariance (optional)
            historicalLogReturns: Matrix of historical log-returns where each column represents a security and each row log-returns for the given date/time (size: K x N)
            covariance: Multi-dimensional array of double with the portfolio covariance of returns (size: K x K)
            Array of double with the portfolio weights (size: K x 1)
        # if no covariance is provided, calculate it using the historicalLogReturns
        if covariance is None:
            covariance = historicalLogReturns.cov()

        size = historicalLogReturns.columns.size # K x 1
        #x0 = np.array(size * [1. / size])
        x0 = np.array(list(initial_wt.values())) #initial guess is alpha's allocation
        # apply equality constraints
        constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda weights: self.GetBudgetConstraint(weights)})

        opt = minimize(lambda weights: self.ObjectiveFunction(weights, historicalLogReturns, covariance),   # Objective function
                        x0,                                                                                 # Initial guess
                        bounds = self.GetBoundaryConditions(size),                                          # Bounds for variables
                        constraints = constraints,                                                          # Constraints definition
                        method = 'SLSQP')                                                                   # Optimization method: Sequential Least Squares Programming
        return opt['x']

    def ObjectiveFunction(self, weights, historicalLogReturns, covariance):
            Compute the objective function
            weights: Portfolio weights
            historicalLogReturns: Matrix of historical log-returns
            covariance: Covariance matrix of historical log-returns
        # calculate the annual return of portfolio
        annualizedPortfolioReturns = np.sum(historicalLogReturns.mean() * 21 * weights) #252

        # calculate the annual standard deviation of portfolio
        annualizedPortfolioStd = np.sqrt( np.dot(weights.T, np.dot(covariance * 21, weights)) ) #252
        if annualizedPortfolioStd == 0:
            raise ValueError(f'CustomPortfolioOptimizer.ObjectiveFunction: annualizedPortfolioStd cannot be zero. Weights: {weights}')
        # calculate annual sharpe ratio of portfolio
        annualizedPortfolioSharpeRatio = (annualizedPortfolioReturns / annualizedPortfolioStd)
        if self.objFunction == 'sharpe':
            return -annualizedPortfolioSharpeRatio # convert to negative to be minimized
        elif self.objFunction == 'return':
            return -annualizedPortfolioReturns # convert to negative to be minimized
        elif self.objFunction == 'std':
            return annualizedPortfolioStd
            raise ValueError(f'CustomPortfolioOptimizer.ObjectiveFunction: objFunction input has to be one of sharpe, return or std')

    def GetBoundaryConditions(self, size):
        ''' Create the boundary condition for the portfolio weights '''
        return tuple((self.minWeight, self.maxWeight) for x in range(size))

    def GetBudgetConstraint(self, weights):
        ''' Define a budget constraint: the sum of the weights equal to maximum leverage'''
        return np.sum(weights) - self.maxWeight
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

import numpy as np

class Alpha_CAA:
    def __init__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Name = "Alpha_CAA"
        self.var = variables
        VAA parameters
        self.resolution = Resolution.Daily
        self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        self.days_predicted = 5
        self.rebalancingPeriod = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(self.resolution)*self.days_predicted
        self.tickers = [
        #Variable Definitions
        self.allocation = {}
        for symbol in self.tickers:
                self.allocation[symbol] = 0.0
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        insights = []
        if not self.var.Update_CAA:
            return insights
        df_price = algorithm.History(self.tickers, 252, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0)
        #df_price = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=data.keys())
        daily_return = (df_price / df_price.shift(1)).dropna()
        #algorithm.Debug("df_price = " + str(df_price))
        #algorithm.Debug("daily_return = " + str(daily_return))

        a = PortfolioOptimization(daily_return, 0, len(self.tickers))
        opt_weight = a.opt_portfolio()
        #algorithm.Debug("opt_weight = " + str(opt_weight))
        allocation_temp = {}
        if math.isnan(sum(opt_weight)):
            self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
            return insights
        for i in range(len(self.tickers)):
            symbol = df_price.columns[i]
            weight = opt_weight[i]
            allocation_temp[symbol] = weight
        d = {key: abs(allocation_temp[key] - self.allocation.get(key, 0)) for key in allocation_temp.keys()}
        difference = sum(d.values())
        for ticker, weight in allocation_temp.items():
            symbol = algorithm.Symbol(ticker).Value
            if self.allocation[symbol] != weight and difference >= .05:
                if weight > 0:
                    direction = InsightDirection.Up
                    direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                #insights.append(Insight(symbol, predictionInterval, InsightType.Price, direction, magnitude, weight, sourceModel="Test"))
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(days=30), InsightType.Price, direction, None, None, self.Name, weight))
                self.allocation[symbol] = weight
        self.rebalancingTime = algorithm.UtcTime + self.rebalancingPeriod
        self.var.Update_CAA = False
        return Insight.Group(insights)

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
class PortfolioOptimization(object):

    def __init__(self, df_return, risk_free_rate, num_assets):
        self.daily_return = df_return
        self.n = num_assets # numbers of risk assets in portfolio

    def annual_port_return(self, weights):
        # calculate the annual return of portfolio
        return np.sum(self.daily_return.mean() * weights) * 252

    def annual_port_vol(self, weights):
        # calculate the annual volatility of portfolio
        return np.sqrt(np.dot(weights.T, np.dot(self.daily_return.cov() * 252, weights)))

    def min_func(self, weights):
        # method 1: maximize sharp ratio
        return - (self.annual_port_return(weights)) / self.annual_port_vol(weights)

    def opt_portfolio(self):
        # maximize the sharpe ratio to find the optimal weights
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(np.abs(x)) - 1})
        bnds = [(0, .5)] * self.n
        opt = minimize(self.min_func,                               # object function
                       np.array(self.n * [1. / self.n]),            # initial value
                       method='SLSQP',                              # optimization method
                       bounds=bnds,                                 # bounds for variables 
                       constraints=cons)                            # constraint conditions
        opt_weights = opt['x']
        return opt_weights
from clr import AddReference

import math

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *

class Alpha_SimpleRebalance:
    def __init__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Name = "Alpha_SimpleRebalance"
        self.var = variables
        self.stocks = [
        zscore parameters
        self.fixed_wt_pct = 1.0
        self.fixed_wt = {
                        'QQQ':0.50, #.5
                        'TLT':0.30, #.3
                        'EFZ':0.05, #.05
                        'IEF':0.10, #.1
                        'VXX':0.05, #.05
        self.allocation = {}
        for symbol in self.stocks:
            self.allocation[symbol] = 0.0
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        insights = []
        allocation_temp = {}
        magnitude = {}
        direction = InsightDirection.Flat
        for symbol in self.stocks:
            if not algorithm.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol):
            if algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price == 0.0:
            allocation_temp[symbol] = 0.0
            if symbol in self.fixed_wt:
                allocation_temp[symbol] = self.fixed_wt[symbol] * self.fixed_wt_pct
        if self.var.Update_SimpleRebalance:
            for symbol in allocation_temp:
                self.allocation[symbol] = allocation_temp[symbol]
                if self.allocation[symbol] > 0:
                    direction = InsightDirection.Up
                    direction = InsightDirection.Flat
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(days = 30), InsightType.Price, direction, None, None, self.Name, self.allocation[symbol]))
                #algorithm.Debug(str(symbol) + " = " + str(self.allocation[symbol]))
            self.var.Update_SimpleRebalance = False
        return Insight.Group( insights )
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import PortfolioTarget
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk import RiskManagementModel

class Risk_Synthetic_Leverage(RiskManagementModel):
    '''Provides an implementation of IRiskManagementModel that that limits the sector exposure to the specified percentage'''

    def __init__(self, variables, drawdown_leverageMax = 0.03, drawdown_leverageMin = 0.06):

        self.leverageMax = abs(drawdown_leverageMax) # the % drawdown above which all levearged assets will be used
        self.leverageMin = abs(drawdown_leverageMin) # the % drawdown below which no levearged assets will be used
        self.trailingHighs = dict()
        self.trailingLows = dict()
        self.targetsCollection = PortfolioTargetCollection()
        self.risk_symbols = {

    def ManageRisk(self, algorithm, targets):
        '''Manages the algorithm's risk at each time step
            algorithm: The algorithm instance'''
        #maximumSectorExposureValue = float(algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue) * self.maximumSectorExposure

        risk_targets = list()
        if not list(targets) == []:
            #algorithm.Debug("risk management started at " + str(algorithm.UtcTime))
        for target in targets:
            symbol = target.Symbol
            security = algorithm.Securities[symbol]
            quantity = target.Quantity
            if str(symbol) not in self.risk_symbols:
            if not algorithm.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol):
            if not algorithm.Securities.ContainsKey(self.risk_symbols[str(symbol)]):
            if security.Price == 0.0:
            if algorithm.Securities[self.risk_symbols[str(symbol)]].Price == 0.0:
                self.trailingHighs[symbol] = max(algorithm.History(symbol, 252, Resolution.Daily).high)   # Set to highest of past x days
            # Check for securities past the drawdown limit
            securityHigh = self.trailingHighs[symbol]
            drawdown = -1*((security.Low / securityHigh) - 1)
            non_levered_pct = max(0.0,min(1.0,(drawdown - self.leverageMax)/(self.leverageMin - self.leverageMax)))
            levered_pct = 1.0-non_levered_pct
            profit = security.Holdings.UnrealizedProfitPercent
            if profit > .10:
                levered_pct = levered_pct * .5
                non_levered_pct = 1.0 - levered_pct
            total_value = quantity * security.Price
            non_levered_quant = int((total_value * non_levered_pct) / security.Price)
            levered_quant = int((total_value * levered_pct) / algorithm.Securities[self.risk_symbols[str(symbol)]].Price)
            risk_targets.append(PortfolioTarget(symbol, non_levered_quant))
            risk_targets.append(PortfolioTarget(self.risk_symbols[str(symbol)], levered_quant))
            algorithm.Log("LEVERAGE: " + str(symbol) + " : " + str(round(non_levered_pct*100,1)) + "% = " + str(int(non_levered_quant)) + " shares.")
            algorithm.Log("LEVERAGE: " + str(self.risk_symbols[str(symbol)]) + " : " + str(round(levered_pct*100,1)) + "% = " + str(int(levered_quant)) + " shares.")
        return risk_targets