Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
# from BankingIndustryStocks import BankingIndustryStocks
from custom_sp500 import QC500UniverseSelectionModel_V2
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from numpy import sum
from gid_func import *
from collections import deque

class CalibratedParticleAtmosphericScrubbers(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2010, 1, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2011, 4, 12)  # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(21000000)  # Set Strategy Cash

        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily
        # self.SetPortfolioConstruction( EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel() )
        # self.SetPortfolioConstruction(EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel(self.DateRules.Every(DayOfWeek.Wednesday)))
        self.SetExecution( ImmediateExecutionModel() )

        # Add QC500 Universe
        # self.SetUniverseSelection(BankingIndustryStocks())

        MAX_REDRAW = self.GetParameter("MAX_REDRAW_LENGTH")
        BLUE_DEG = self.GetParameter("blue_deg")
        GREEN_DEG = self.GetParameter("green_deg")

        self.SetAlpha(Grid_indicator("Grid", MAX_REDRAW, BLUE_DEG, GREEN_DEG))

class Grid_indicator(AlphaModel):

    def __init__(self, name, MAX_REDRAW, BLUE_DEG, GREEN_DEG):
        self.symbolDataBySymbol = {}
        self.HIGH_HIST  = {}
        self.LOW_HIST   = {}
        self.TIME_HIST  = {}
        self.CHART_HIGH = {}
        self.CHART_LOW  = {}
        self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH = {}
        self.SOFT_HIST_LOW  = {}
        self.SOFT_CHART_HIGH = {}
        self.SOFT_CHART_LOW = {}

        self.Name = name
        self.Time = datetime.min
        self.Value = 0
        self.dfdf = {}
        self.mean_HIGH = {}
        self.STD_four = {}
        self.High_value = {}

        self.MAX_REDRAW = float(MAX_REDRAW) # Since the Algorithm Parameter is a string we must convert it to a float
        self.BLUE_DEG = float(BLUE_DEG)
        self.GREEN_DEG = float(GREEN_DEG)

    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        insights = []
        for symbol, item in self.symbolDataBySymbol.items():
            Error checking 
            past 122 high bars
            6 standard diviations of the mean + mean 
            if high 
            if data.ContainsKey(item.Symbol) and data[item.Symbol] is not None :
                self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[item.Symbol] = list(self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[item.Symbol])
                self.SOFT_HIST_LOW[item.Symbol] = list(self.SOFT_HIST_LOW[item.Symbol])
                self.mean_HIGH[item.Symbol]  = round(np.mean(self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[item.Symbol][-122:]),2)
                self.STD_four[item.Symbol] = round((np.std(self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[item.Symbol][-122:]) * 6),4)
                if data[item.Symbol].High >  self.mean_HIGH[item.Symbol] + self.STD_four[item.Symbol]:
                    # print("here")
                    algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} SKIP THIS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! High_value: {data[item.Symbol].High}, mean_{item.Symbol.Value}: {self.mean_HIGH[item.Symbol]} STD_{item.Symbol.Value}_4: {self.STD_four[item.Symbol]}")
                    # return insights
            #can redraw if in trade 
            #close out trade first 
            if item.BASE_series_index >= self.MAX_REDRAW and not algorithm.Portfolio[item.Symbol].Invested:#
                for mod in list(self.symbolDataBySymbol.values()):
                    if symbol == mod.Symbol and data.ContainsKey(item.Symbol) and data[item.Symbol] is not None:
                        algorithm.Debug(f"{mod.Symbol.Value} HIT max grid length  {self.MAX_REDRAW} for BASE_series_index of {item.BASE_series_index}, HARD RESET HERE")
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].PAUSED = True
                        data_IN = {'Open'   : data[item.Symbol].Open,
                                                          'High'   : data[item.Symbol].High,
                                                          'Low'    : data[item.Symbol].Low,
                                                          'Close'  : data[item.Symbol].Close,
                                                          'EndTime': algorithm.Time
                        ##This resets the dict with the latest grid for the specific symbol
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol] = SymbolData(item.Symbol, data_IN, algorithm, self.Name, self.BLUE_DEG, self.GREEN_DEG)
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].REBUILD_CHECK = data[item.Symbol].High
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_RESET = True
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT = False
                        #Set CONFIRMING_GRID to true
                        #This means the next three bars are used to see if the lows are greater than blue 0
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMING_GRID = True
                        #This gets the low of the bar that the potential OP is set on
                        #This is used to compare if any of HIGH's the next 3 bars are less than this VALUE
                        #IF a high is LOWER then the grid fails
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE = data[item.Symbol].Low
                        item.BASE_series_index = 0
                        item.series_index = 0
                        item.UNDERNEATH_LIST = []

            crude 5% stop loss 
            if data.ContainsKey(item.Symbol) and data[item.Symbol] is not None :
                if round((algorithm.Portfolio[item.Symbol].UnrealizedProfitPercent*100),3) < -5:
                            algorithm.EmitInsights(Insight.Price(item.Symbol, timedelta(100000), InsightDirection.Flat))
                            # algorithm.SetHoldings(item.Symbol, 0, False, f"{item.Symbol.Value} THIS IS WHERE WE WOULD STOP OUT BASED ON RISK_MANAGMENT ALONE")
                            item.TRADE_INITIATED = True
                            # return insights

            soft reset logic
            SOFT reset
            - OP set at chart low
            if data.ContainsKey(item.Symbol) and data[item.Symbol] is not None:

                if item.TRADE_INITIATED and data.ContainsKey(item.Symbol) and data[item.Symbol] is not None:

                    algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} LastTradeProfit: ${round(algorithm.Portfolio[item.Symbol].LastTradeProfit,2)}")
                    item.TRADE_INITIATED = False
                #make lists of the arrays
                self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[item.Symbol] = list(self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[item.Symbol])
                self.SOFT_HIST_LOW[item.Symbol] = list(self.SOFT_HIST_LOW[item.Symbol])
                self.SOFT_CHART_HIGH[item.Symbol] = max(self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[item.Symbol][-12:])
                self.SOFT_CHART_LOW[item.Symbol]  = min(self.SOFT_HIST_LOW[item.Symbol][-12:])
                self.CHART_HIGH[item.Symbol] = max(self.HIGH_HIST[item.Symbol])
                self.CHART_LOW[item.Symbol]  = min(self.LOW_HIST[item.Symbol])
                algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} 12 day Low: {round(self.SOFT_CHART_LOW[item.Symbol],2)} Current Low: {round(data[item.Symbol].Low,2)} Current Open: {round(data[item.Symbol].Open,2)} blue_zero @ Index: {item.series_index}: {round(item.blue_zero.values[item.series_index][0],2)}")
                #Here is where we check if the low of the stock is lower than the 12 day low
                #if so then set grid 
                if data[item.Symbol].Low <= self.SOFT_CHART_LOW[item.Symbol] :
                    algorithm.Debug(f"12 day LOW for {item.Symbol.Value}: {round(self.SOFT_CHART_LOW[item.Symbol],2)}: is today ")
                    algorithm.Debug(f"Setting the grid for {item.Symbol.Value}: {round(self.SOFT_CHART_LOW[item.Symbol],2)}")
                    data_IN = {                        'Open'   : data[item.Symbol].Open,
                                                       'High'   : data[item.Symbol].High,
                                                       'Low'    : data[item.Symbol].Low,
                                                       'Close'  : data[item.Symbol].Close,
                                                       'EndTime': algorithm.Time

                    ##This resets the dict with the latest grid for the specific symbol
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol] = SymbolData(item.Symbol, data_IN, algorithm, self.Name, self.BLUE_DEG, self.GREEN_DEG)
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].REBUILD_CHECK = data[item.Symbol].High
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_RESET = True
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT = False
                    #This gets the low of the bar that the potential OP is set on
                    #This is used to compare if any of HIGH's the next 3 bars are less than this VALUE
                    #IF a high is LOWER then the grid fails
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE = data[item.Symbol].Low
                    #Set CONFIRMING_GRID to true
                    #This means the next three bars are used to see if the lows are greater than blue 0
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMING_GRID = True
                    self.CHART_HIGH[item.Symbol] = max(self.HIGH_HIST[item.Symbol])
                    self.CHART_LOW[item.Symbol] = min(self.LOW_HIST[item.Symbol])
                    item.BASE_series_index = 0
                    item.series_index = 0
                    item.UNDERNEATH_LIST = []
                HERE is where we do the confirming
                - 3 bars go by which must be above the BLUE angle 0
                if data[item.Symbol].High >= self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE and self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].PRINTED_CONFORMATION == False:
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMED_DAYS += 1
                    algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value}: High {round(data[item.Symbol].High, 2)} is ABOVE LOW_OF_RANGE {round(self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE, 2)} PASS: {self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMED_DAYS}")
                    if self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMED_DAYS == 2:
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].SECOND_BAR_HIGH = round(data[item.Symbol].High,2)
                        algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} GET HIGH {round(data[item.Symbol].High,2)} OF THIS BAR (2nd) TO USE WHEN COMPARING TO 3rd BAR")

                    if data[item.Symbol].High < self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE:
                        algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value}: High {round(data[item.Symbol].High, 2)} is BELOW LOW_OF_RANGE {round(self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE, 2)} FAIL: REDRAW GRID WITH LOWEST LOW SINCE OP")
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMING_GRID = False
                        data_IN = {'Open'   : data[item.Symbol].Open,
                                       'High'   : data[item.Symbol].High,
                                       'Low'    : data[item.Symbol].Low,
                                       'Close'  : data[item.Symbol].Close,
                                       'EndTime': algorithm.Time
                        ##This resets the dict with the latest grid for the specific symbol
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol] = SymbolData(item.Symbol, data_IN, algorithm, self.Name, self.BLUE_DEG, self.GREEN_DEG)
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].REBUILD_CHECK = data[item.Symbol].High
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_RESET = True
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT = False
                        #This gets the low of the bar that the potential OP is set on
                        #This is used to compare if any of HIGH's the next 3 bars are less than this VALUE
                        #IF a high is LOWER then the grid fails
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE = data[symbol].Low
                        #Set CONFIRMING_GRID to true
                        #This means the next three bars are used to see if the lows are greater than blue 0
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMING_GRID = True
                        self.CHART_HIGH[item.Symbol] = max(self.HIGH_HIST[item.Symbol])
                        self.CHART_LOW[item.Symbol] = min(self.LOW_HIST[item.Symbol])
                        item.BASE_series_index = 0
                        item.series_index = 0
                        item.UNDERNEATH_LIST = []
                if self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMED_DAYS >= 3 and self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT == False and self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].PRINTED_CONFORMATION == False:
                    algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} TIME TO COMPARE 3rd BAR {round(data[item.Symbol].High,2)} to 2nd BAR {self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].SECOND_BAR_HIGH}")
                    if round(data[item.Symbol].High,2) > self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].SECOND_BAR_HIGH :
                        algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} GRID CONFIRMED - OP point {item.Time}")
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMED = True
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].PAUSED = False
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].PRINTED_CONFORMATION = True
                        algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} GRID FAILED 3rd bar HIGH was lower than 2nd HIGH - REDRAW GRID WITH LOWEST LOW SINCE OP")
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMING_GRID = False
                        data_IN = {'Open'   : data[item.Symbol].Open,
                                       'High'   : data[item.Symbol].High,
                                       'Low'    : data[item.Symbol].Low,
                                       'Close'  : data[item.Symbol].Close,
                                       'EndTime': algorithm.Time

                        ##This resets the dict with the latest grid for the specific symbol
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol] = SymbolData(item.Symbol, data_IN, algorithm, self.Name, self.BLUE_DEG, self.GREEN_DEG)
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].REBUILD_CHECK = data[item.Symbol].High
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_RESET = True
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT = False
                        #This gets the low of the bar that the potential OP is set on
                        #This is used to compare if any of HIGH's the next 3 bars are less than this VALUE
                        #IF a high is LOWER then the grid fails
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE = data[item.Symbol].Low
                        #Set CONFIRMING_GRID to true
                        #This means the next three bars are used to see if the lows are greater than blue 0
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMING_GRID = True
                        self.CHART_HIGH[item.Symbol] = max(self.HIGH_HIST[item.Symbol])
                        self.CHART_LOW[item.Symbol] = min(self.LOW_HIST[item.Symbol])
                        item.BASE_series_index = 0
                        item.series_index = 0
                        item.UNDERNEATH_LIST = []
            Here is the trading logic
            as we have a confirmed grid OP
            if data.ContainsKey(item.Symbol) and data[item.Symbol] is not None and self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMED and not algorithm.Portfolio[item.Symbol].Invested and self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].PAUSED == False and item.TRADE_INITIATED==False:
                if data[item.Symbol].Open <= item.blue_zero.values[item.series_index][0] or data[item.Symbol].Low <= item.blue_zero.values[item.series_index][0]:
                    algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} - BUY POINT - Enter Long trade - OP {item.Time}")
                    algorithm.EmitInsights(Insight.Price(item.Symbol, timedelta(100000), InsightDirection.Up))
                    item.TRADE_INITIATED = True
            6 Stoping out due to logic
            if data.ContainsKey(item.Symbol) and data[item.Symbol] is not None and algorithm.Portfolio[item.Symbol].Invested and self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].PAUSED == False and item.TRADE_INITIATED==False:
                if data[item.Symbol].High <= item.blue_pos_two.values[item.series_index][0]:

                    #2 bars needing to be under blue pos 2 to stop out the position
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].BARS_BELOW_BLUE_ZERO += 1
                    if self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].BARS_BELOW_BLUE_ZERO >=2:
                        algorithm.Debug(f"{item.Symbol.Value} - SELL POINT - Stopped out logic - Close Long trade - OP {item.Time}")
                        algorithm.EmitInsights(Insight.Price(item.Symbol, timedelta(100000), InsightDirection.Flat))
                        item.TRADE_INITIATED = True
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].CONFIRMED = False
                        self.symbolDataBySymbol[item.Symbol].HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT = True

            item.series_index += 1
            item.BASE_series_index += 1
        return insights

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        for removed in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            self.symbolDataBySymbol.pop(removed.Symbol, None)
            algorithm.Debug(f"REMOVED Symbol in OnSecuritiesChanged: {removed.Symbol.Value}")
            algorithm.EmitInsights(Insight.Price(removed.Symbol, timedelta(100000), InsightDirection.Flat))

        for added in changes.AddedSecurities:
            if added.Symbol not in self.symbolDataBySymbol:
                algorithm.Debug(f"Added Symbol in OnSecuritiesChanged: {added.Symbol.Value}")

                self.dfdf[added.Symbol] = algorithm.History(added.Symbol, 99)
                time_out = []
                for index, row in self.dfdf[added.Symbol].loc[added.Symbol].iterrows():
                #Log the highs and lows of the past 99 days
                self.SOFT_HIST_HIGH[added.Symbol] = self.dfdf[added.Symbol].high.values
                self.SOFT_HIST_LOW[added.Symbol] = self.dfdf[added.Symbol].low.values
                self.df = algorithm.History(added.Symbol, 1)

                data_IN = {'Open'   : self.df.open[0],
                          'High'   : self.df.high[0],
                          'Low'    : self.df.low[0],
                          'Close'  : self.df.close[0],
                          'EndTime': algorithm.Time

                ##This resets the dict with the latest grid for the specific symbol
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[added.Symbol] = SymbolData(added.Symbol, data_IN, algorithm, self.Name, self.BLUE_DEG, self.GREEN_DEG)
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[added.Symbol].REBUILD_CHECK = self.df.high[0]
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[added.Symbol].HAS_RESET = True
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[added.Symbol].HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT = False
                self.HIGH_HIST[added.Symbol] = [self.df.high[0]]
                self.LOW_HIST[added.Symbol]  = [self.df.low[0]]
                self.TIME_HIST[added.Symbol] = [algorithm.Time]
                #This gets the low of the bar that the potential OP is set on
                #This is used to compare if any of HIGH's the next 3 bars are less than this VALUE
                #IF a high is LOWER then the grid fails
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[added.Symbol].LOW_OF_RANGE = self.df.low[0]
                #Set CONFIRMING_GRID to true
                #This means the next three bars are used to see if the lows are greater than blue 0
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[added.Symbol].CONFIRMING_GRID = True

                self.CHART_HIGH[added.Symbol] = max(self.HIGH_HIST[added.Symbol])
                self.CHART_LOW[added.Symbol] = min(self.LOW_HIST[added.Symbol])

class SymbolData:
    def __init__(self, symbol, data_IN, algorithm, name, BLUE_DEG, GREEN_DEG):
        self.Symbol = symbol
        self.Name = name
        self.Time = data_IN["EndTime"]
        self.Value = 0
        self.BLUE_DEG = float(BLUE_DEG)
        self.GREEN_DEG = float(GREEN_DEG)

        self.PAUSED               = True
        self.CONFIRMING_GRID      = False
        self.CONFIRMED_DAYS       = 0
        self.CONFIRMED            = False
        self.HAS_BEEN_STOPPED_OUT = False
        self.BARS_BELOW_BLUE_ZERO = 0
        self.PRINTED_CONFORMATION = False
        self.TRADE_INITIATED      = False
        self.REBUILD_CHECK        = 0 
        self.HAS_RESET            = False
        self.blue_zero         = None
        self.blue_neg_one      = None
        self.blue_neg_two      = None
        self.blue_neg_three    = None
        self.blue_neg_four     = None
        self.blue_neg_five     = None
        self.blue_neg_six      = None
        self.blue_neg_severn   = None
        self.blue_neg_eight    = None
        self.blue_neg_nine     = None
        self.blue_neg_ten      = None
        self.blue_neg_eleven   = None
        self.blue_neg_twelve   = None
        self.blue_neg_thirteen = None
        self.blue_neg_fourteen = None
        self.blue_neg_fifteen  = None
        self.blue_pos_one      = None
        self.blue_pos_two      = None
        self.blue_pos_three    = None
        self.blue_pos_four     = None
        self.blue_pos_five     = None
        self.blue_pos_six      = None
        self.blue_pos_severn   = None
        self.blue_pos_eight    = None
        self.blue_pos_nine     = None
        self.blue_pos_ten      = None
        self.blue_pos_eleven   = None
        self.blue_pos_twelve   = None
        self.blue_pos_thirteen = None
        self.blue_pos_fourteen = None
        self.blue_pos_fifteen  = None
        self.green_zero         = None
        self.green_neg_one      = None
        self.green_neg_two      = None
        self.green_neg_three    = None
        self.green_neg_four     = None
        self.green_neg_five     = None
        self.green_neg_six      = None
        self.green_neg_severn   = None
        self.green_neg_eight    = None
        self.green_neg_nine     = None
        self.green_neg_ten      = None
        self.green_neg_eleven   = None
        self.green_neg_twelve   = None
        self.green_neg_thirteen = None
        self.green_neg_fourteen = None
        self.green_neg_fifteen  = None
        self.green_pos_one      = None
        self.green_pos_two      = None
        self.green_pos_three    = None
        self.green_pos_four     = None
        self.green_pos_five     = None
        self.green_pos_six      = None
        self.green_pos_severn   = None
        self.green_pos_eight    = None
        self.green_pos_nine     = None
        self.green_pos_ten      = None
        self.green_pos_eleven   = None
        self.green_pos_twelve   = None
        self.green_pos_thirteen = None
        self.green_pos_fourteen = None
        self.green_pos_fifteen  = None

        self.UNDERNEATH_LIST = []
        self.series_index = 0
        self.BASE_series_index = 0 
        self.indicator = self.makeIndicator(symbol, data_IN)
    def makeIndicator(self, symbol, data_IN):

        self.LOW_series = get_price_series(price_point="Low", interval="1d", data=data_IN, csv_records = 222, blue_deg = self.BLUE_DEG, green_deg = self.GREEN_DEG)
        self.blue_zero         = self.LOW_series['blue 0']
        self.blue_neg_one      = self.LOW_series['blue neg1']
        self.blue_neg_two      = self.LOW_series['blue neg2']
        self.blue_neg_three    = self.LOW_series['blue neg3']
        self.blue_neg_four     = self.LOW_series['blue neg4']
        self.blue_neg_five     = self.LOW_series['blue neg5']
        self.blue_neg_six      = self.LOW_series['blue neg6']
        self.blue_neg_severn   = self.LOW_series['blue neg7']
        self.blue_neg_eight    = self.LOW_series['blue neg8']
        self.blue_neg_nine     = self.LOW_series['blue neg9']
        self.blue_neg_ten      = self.LOW_series['blue neg10']
        self.blue_neg_eleven   = self.LOW_series['blue neg11']
        self.blue_neg_twelve   = self.LOW_series['blue neg12']
        self.blue_neg_thirteen = self.LOW_series['blue neg13']
        self.blue_neg_fourteen = self.LOW_series['blue neg14']
        self.blue_neg_fifteen  = self.LOW_series['blue neg15']
        self.blue_pos_one      = self.LOW_series['blue pos1']
        self.blue_pos_two      = self.LOW_series['blue pos2']
        self.blue_pos_three    = self.LOW_series['blue pos3']
        self.blue_pos_four     = self.LOW_series['blue pos4']
        self.blue_pos_five     = self.LOW_series['blue pos5']
        self.blue_pos_six      = self.LOW_series['blue pos6']
        self.blue_pos_severn   = self.LOW_series['blue pos7']
        self.blue_pos_eight    = self.LOW_series['blue pos8']
        self.blue_pos_nine     = self.LOW_series['blue pos9']
        self.blue_pos_ten      = self.LOW_series['blue pos10']
        self.blue_pos_eleven   = self.LOW_series['blue pos11']
        self.blue_pos_twelve   = self.LOW_series['blue pos12']
        self.blue_pos_thirteen = self.LOW_series['blue pos13']
        self.blue_pos_fourteen = self.LOW_series['blue pos14']
        self.blue_pos_fifteen  = self.LOW_series['blue pos15']
        self.green_zero         = self.LOW_series['green 0']
        self.green_neg_one      = self.LOW_series['green neg1']
        self.green_neg_two      = self.LOW_series['green neg2']
        self.green_neg_three    = self.LOW_series['green neg3']
        self.green_neg_four     = self.LOW_series['green neg4']
        self.green_neg_five     = self.LOW_series['green neg5']
        self.green_neg_six      = self.LOW_series['green neg6']
        self.green_neg_severn   = self.LOW_series['green neg7']
        self.green_neg_eight    = self.LOW_series['green neg8']
        self.green_neg_nine     = self.LOW_series['green neg9']
        self.green_neg_ten      = self.LOW_series['green neg10']
        self.green_neg_eleven   = self.LOW_series['green neg11']
        self.green_neg_twelve   = self.LOW_series['green neg12']
        self.green_neg_thirteen = self.LOW_series['green neg13']
        self.green_neg_fourteen = self.LOW_series['green neg14']
        self.green_neg_fifteen  = self.LOW_series['green neg15']
        self.green_pos_one      = self.LOW_series['green pos1']
        self.green_pos_two      = self.LOW_series['green pos2']
        self.green_pos_three    = self.LOW_series['green pos3']
        self.green_pos_four     = self.LOW_series['green pos4']
        self.green_pos_five     = self.LOW_series['green pos5']
        self.green_pos_six      = self.LOW_series['green pos6']
        self.green_pos_severn   = self.LOW_series['green pos7']
        self.green_pos_eight    = self.LOW_series['green pos8']
        self.green_pos_nine     = self.LOW_series['green pos9']
        self.green_pos_ten      = self.LOW_series['green pos1']
        self.green_pos_eleven   = self.LOW_series['green pos11']
        self.green_pos_twelve   = self.LOW_series['green pos12']
        self.green_pos_thirteen = self.LOW_series['green pos13']
        self.green_pos_fourteen = self.LOW_series['green pos14']
        self.green_pos_fifteen  = self.LOW_series['green pos15']

        self.Value = self.blue_zero.iloc[0].values[0]
        #This check does not seem to do anything 
        return len(self.blue_zero) == 150
from Selection.FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel import FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel

class BankingIndustryStocks(FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel):
    This module selects the most liquid stocks listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.
    def __init__(self, filterFineData = True, universeSettings = None, securityInitializer = None):
        '''Initializes a new default instance of the TechnologyUniverseModule'''
        super().__init__(filterFineData, universeSettings, securityInitializer)
        self.numberOfSymbolsCoarse = 1000
        self.numberOfSymbolsFine = 100
        self.dollarVolumeBySymbol = {}
        self.lastMonth = -1

    def SelectCoarse(self, algorithm, coarse):
        Performs a coarse selection:
        -The stock must have fundamental data
        -The stock must have positive previous-day close price
        -The stock must have positive volume on the previous trading day
        if algorithm.Time.month == self.lastMonth: 
            return Universe.Unchanged

        sortedByDollarVolume = sorted([x for x in coarse if x.HasFundamentalData and x.Volume > 0 and x.Price > 0],
            key = lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)[:self.numberOfSymbolsCoarse]

        self.dollarVolumeBySymbol = {x.Symbol:x.DollarVolume for x in sortedByDollarVolume}
        # If no security has met the QC500 criteria, the universe is unchanged.
        if len(self.dollarVolumeBySymbol) == 0:
            return Universe.Unchanged

        return list(self.dollarVolumeBySymbol.keys())

    def SelectFine(self, algorithm, fine):
        Performs a fine selection for companies in the Morningstar Banking Sector
        # Filter stocks and sort on dollar volume
        sortedByDollarVolume = sorted([x for x in fine if x.AssetClassification.MorningstarIndustryGroupCode == MorningstarIndustryGroupCode.Banks],
            key = lambda x: self.dollarVolumeBySymbol[x.Symbol], reverse=True)

        if len(sortedByDollarVolume) == 0:
            return Universe.Unchanged
        self.lastMonth = algorithm.Time.month

        return [x.Symbol for x in sortedByDollarVolume[:self.numberOfSymbolsFine]]#[:5]
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
from math import *
import os

def get_price_series(price_point: str, interval: str = "1d",
                     csv_records: int = 125, data=None,
                     blue_deg: int = 39, green_deg: int = 141.2):
    class Line:
        slope = 0.0
        intercept = 0.0
        point = (0, 0)
        color = ""

        def __init__(self, slope: float, intercept: float, color: str, point: tuple, label: str):
            self.slope = slope
            self.intercept = intercept
            self.label = label
            self.point = point
            self.color = color

        def get_y(self, x: float):
            return self.slope * float(x) + self.intercept

    lines = []
    date_price_series = {}
    grid_lines = []

    col = price_point

    blue_d            = 73.2
    green_d           = 76.1
    blue_deg          = blue_deg 
    green_deg         = green_deg 
    const_blue_d      = 1.06
    const_green_d     = 0.67
    const_blue_angle  = 1.3800000000000001
    const_green_angle = 1.1300000000000001
    xminratio         = -1.2826428983835214
    xmaxratio         = 117.42191299143596
    yminratio         = 0.6681857061381054
    ymaxratio         = 1.0065736915744727
    xpx               = 2095.351999999999
    dpi               = 100.0

    # We will be using x_y_angle everywhere since it is in radians
    blue_angle = radians(blue_deg)
    green_angle = radians(green_deg)

    frequency_unit = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+|\d+', interval)[1]
    frequency = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+|\d+', interval)[0]
    interval = frequency + frequency_unit

    if interval != "1d":
        matplotlib.rcParams['timezone'] = 'US/Eastern'
        matplotlib.rcParams['timezone'] = 'UTC'
    global stock
    # tmp_data = yf.download(stock, dataStart, dataEnd, interval)
    if isinstance(data["High"], float):
        leny = abs(data["High"] - data["Low"])
        xmin = xminratio #* len(data)
        xmax = xmaxratio #* len(data)
        ymin = yminratio * data["Low"]
        ymax = ymaxratio * data["High"]
        xp = 0.0
        yp = data[col]
        leny = abs(data["High"][0] - data["Low"][0])
        xmin = xminratio #* len(data)
        xmax = xmaxratio #* len(data)
        ymin = yminratio * data["Low"][0]
        ymax = ymaxratio * data["High"][0]
        xp = 0.0
        yp = data[col][int(xp)]

    ratio = (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin)
    xpx = xpx / abs(xmax - xmin)

    point = (xp, yp)
    y_line_slope = 1.0 / tan(green_angle * const_green_angle) * ratio
    y_line_intercept = yp - y_line_slope * xp
    x_line_slope = tan(blue_angle * const_blue_angle) * ratio
    x_line_intercept = yp - x_line_slope * xp

    lines.append(Line(x_line_slope, x_line_intercept, 'blue', point, "blue 0"))
    lines.append(Line(y_line_slope, y_line_intercept, "green", point, "green 0"))
    for line in lines:
        if line.color == "green":
            g_d_inches = green_d / 25.4
            inches = g_d_inches / sin(green_angle - pi / 2.0)
            xp = inches * dpi / xpx * const_green_d
            b_d_inches = blue_d / 25.4
            inches = b_d_inches / sin(blue_angle)
            xp = inches * dpi / xpx * const_blue_d

        for direction in (-1.0, 1.0):
            intercept = float(line.intercept)
            for x in range(15):
                yp = float(intercept)
                intercept = yp + abs(line.slope) * xp * direction
                point = (xp, yp)
                if direction == 1:  # going up
                    pos = "pos" + str(x + 1)
                else:  # going down
                    pos = "neg" + str(x + 1)
                label = line.color + " " + pos

                li = Line(line.slope, intercept, line.color, point, label)

    all_lines = lines + grid_lines
    xp = lines[0].point[0]
    for line in all_lines:
        new_intercept = xp * float(line.slope) + float(line.intercept)
        prices = []
        for x in range(csv_records):
            price = round(float(line.slope) * x + new_intercept, 8)

        df = {col: prices}
        df = pd.DataFrame(df)
        df.index.name = "Date"

        date_price_series[line.label] = df

    return date_price_series
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection import *
from Selection.FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel import FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel
from itertools import groupby
from math import ceil

class QC500UniverseSelectionModel_V2(FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel):
    '''Defines the QC500 universe as a universe selection model for framework algorithm
    For details: https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/pull/1663'''

    def __init__(self, filterFineData = True, universeSettings = None, securityInitializer = None):
        '''Initializes a new default instance of the QC500UniverseSelectionModel'''
        super().__init__(filterFineData, universeSettings, securityInitializer)
        self.numberOfSymbolsCoarse = 1000
        self.numberOfSymbolsFine = 500
        self.dollarVolumeBySymbol = {}
        self.lastMonth = -1

    def SelectCoarse(self, algorithm, coarse):
        '''Performs coarse selection for the QC500 constituents.
        The stocks must have fundamental data
        The stock must have positive previous-day close price
        The stock must have positive volume on the previous trading day'''
        if algorithm.Time.month == self.lastMonth:
            return Universe.Unchanged

        sortedByDollarVolume = sorted([x for x in coarse if x.HasFundamentalData and x.Volume > 0 and x.Price > 0],
                                     key = lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)[:self.numberOfSymbolsCoarse]

        self.dollarVolumeBySymbol = {x.Symbol:x.DollarVolume for x in sortedByDollarVolume}

        # If no security has met the QC500 criteria, the universe is unchanged.
        # A new selection will be attempted on the next trading day as self.lastMonth is not updated
        if len(self.dollarVolumeBySymbol) == 0:
            return Universe.Unchanged

        # return the symbol objects our sorted collection
        return list(self.dollarVolumeBySymbol.keys())

    def SelectFine(self, algorithm, fine):
        '''Performs fine selection for the QC500 constituents
        The company's headquarter must in the U.S.
        The stock must be traded on either the NYSE or NASDAQ
        At least half a year since its initial public offering
        The stock's market cap must be greater than 500 million'''

        sortedBySector = sorted([x for x in fine if x.CompanyReference.CountryId == "USA"
                                        and x.CompanyReference.PrimaryExchangeID in ["NYS","NAS"]
                                        and (algorithm.Time - x.SecurityReference.IPODate).days > 180
                                        and x.MarketCap > 5e8],
                               key = lambda x: x.CompanyReference.IndustryTemplateCode)

        count = len(sortedBySector)

        # If no security has met the QC500 criteria, the universe is unchanged.
        # A new selection will be attempted on the next trading day as self.lastMonth is not updated
        if count == 0:
            return Universe.Unchanged

        # Update self.lastMonth after all QC500 criteria checks passed
        self.lastMonth = algorithm.Time.month

        percent = self.numberOfSymbolsFine / count
        sortedByDollarVolume = []

        # select stocks with top dollar volume in every single sector
        for code, g in groupby(sortedBySector, lambda x: x.CompanyReference.IndustryTemplateCode):
            y = sorted(g, key = lambda x: self.dollarVolumeBySymbol[x.Symbol], reverse = True)
            c = ceil(len(y) * percent)

        sortedByDollarVolume = sorted(sortedByDollarVolume, key = lambda x: self.dollarVolumeBySymbol[x.Symbol], reverse=True)
        return [x.Symbol for x in sortedByDollarVolume[:self.numberOfSymbolsFine]][475:]