Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

class SymbolData:
    '''Contains data specific to a symbol required by this model'''
    def __init__(self, security):
        self.Security = security
        self.Symbol = security.Symbol
        self.Fast = None
        self.Slow = None

        # True if the fast is above the slow, otherwise false.
        # This is used to prevent emitting the same signal repeatedly
        self.FastIsOverSlow = False

    def SlowIsOverFast(self):
        return not self.FastIsOverSlow

class PairsTradingAlphaModel(AlphaModel):

    def __init__(self,universeObject,leverage=1):
        self.pair = [ ]
        self.spreadMean = SimpleMovingAverage(25)
        self.spreadStd = StandardDeviation(25)
        self.period = timedelta(hours=2)
        self.leverage = leverage
        self.lastDatetime = datetime(1800,1,1)
        self.rebalanceDelta = relativedelta(days=1)
        self.universeObject = universeObject
        self.hasOpenPositions = False
        self.leverage = 1.0
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        if algorithm.Time + self.rebalanceDelta < self.lastDatetime:
            return []
        outputInsights = []
        # Open positions in the morning
        if not self.hasOpenPositions and algorithm.Time.hour == 10:
            for pos,symb in enumerate(self.universeObject.unweightedComponentPortfolio["symbols"]):
                weight = self.universeObject.unweightedComponentPortfolio[0]["rescaledEtfWeights"][pos]
                prop = self.universeObject.unweightedComponentPortfolio[0]["explainedVarianceProportion"] 
                if weight < 0:
                    outputInsights.append(Insight(symb, timedelta(minutes=20), InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Down, 0.0025, 1.00, None, prop*weight*self.leverage))
                elif weight > 0:
                    outputInsights.append(Insight(symb, timedelta(minutes=20), InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up, 0.0025, 1.00, None, prop*weight*self.leverage))
            self.hasOpenPositions = True
        # Close positions at the end of the day
        if algorithm.Time.hour == 15 and self.hasOpenPositions:
            self.hasOpenPositions = False
        algorithm.Plot("Explained Variance", "Exp.Var", 100.0*self.universeObject.unweightedComponentPortfolio[0]["lastReturn"])
        self.lastDatetime = algorithm.Time
        if outputInsights == []:
            return []
            return Insight.Group(outputInsights)
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
from Alphas.PearsonCorrelationPairsTradingAlphaModel import PearsonCorrelationPairsTradingAlphaModel
from Execution.ImmediateExecutionModel import ImmediateExecutionModel
#from Portfolio.MeanVarianceOptimizationPortfolioConstructionModel import MeanVarianceOptimizationPortfolioConstructionModel
from PortfolioConstruction import EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel
from Risk.MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity import MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity
from UniverseSelection import QC500UniverseSelectionModel
from PaperAlpha import PairsTradingAlphaModel

class FatOrangeMonkey(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2006, 5, 2)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2007, 3, 2)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetCash(100000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        # self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Minute)
        universeObject = QC500UniverseSelectionModel()
        #self.AddAlpha(PearsonCorrelationPairsTradingAlphaModel(252, Resolution.Daily))


from QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection import *
from Selection.FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel import FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel
from itertools import groupby
from math import ceil
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

class QC500UniverseSelectionModel(FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel):
    '''Defines the QC500 universe as a universe selection model for framework algorithm
    For details: https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/pull/1663'''

    def __init__(self, filterFineData = True, universeSettings = None, securityInitializer = None):
        '''Initializes a new default instance of the QC500UniverseSelectionModel'''
        super().__init__(filterFineData, universeSettings, securityInitializer)
        self.numberOfSymbolsCoarse = 100 #1000
        self.numberOfSymbolsFine = 500
        self.dollarVolumeBySymbol = {}
        self.historyPointsLookback = 30
        self.historyResolution = Resolution.Daily

        self.lastDatetime = datetime(1800,1,1)
        self.rebalanceDelta = relativedelta(days=1)
        self.targetExplainedVariance = 0.8  # Proportion of the variance explained by PCA components
        self.stock_std = None
        self.unweightedComponentPortfolio = {}
        self.beta_loading = {}
        # Toggle rescaling per component
        self.rescale_eigenportfolio = False
    def SelectCoarse(self, algorithm, coarse):
        '''Performs coarse selection for the QC500 constituents.
        The stocks must have fundamental data
        The stock must have positive previous-day close price
        The stock must have positive volume on the previous trading day'''
        if algorithm.Time + self.rebalanceDelta < self.lastDatetime:
            return Universe.Unchanged
        sortedByDollarVolume = sorted([x for x in coarse if x.HasFundamentalData  
                                                            and x.Volume > 0 
                                                            and x.Price > 0
                                                            and x.Market == "usa"],
                                     key = lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)[:self.numberOfSymbolsCoarse]

        self.dollarVolumeBySymbol = {x.Symbol:x.DollarVolume for x in sortedByDollarVolume}

        # If no security has met the QC500 criteria, the universe is unchanged.
        # A new selection will be attempted on the next trading day as self.lastMonth is not updated
        if len(self.dollarVolumeBySymbol) == 0:
            return Universe.Unchanged

        # return the symbol objects our sorted collection
        return list(self.dollarVolumeBySymbol.keys())

    def SelectFine(self, algorithm, fine):
        '''Performs fine selection for the QC500 constituents
        The company's headquarter must in the U.S.
        The stock must be traded on either the NYSE or NASDAQ
        At least half a year since its initial public offering
        The stock's market cap must be greater than 500 million'''
        # Might want to add Volume, DollarVolume filters
        sortedBySector = sorted([x for x in fine if (algorithm.Time - x.SecurityReference.IPODate).days > 180
                                        and x.MarketCap > 5e8],
                               key = lambda x: x.CompanyReference.IndustryTemplateCode)

        count = len(sortedBySector)
        # If no security has met the QC500 criteria, the universe is unchanged.
        # A new selection will be attempted on the next trading day as self.lastMonth is not updated
        if count == 0:
            return Universe.Unchanged

        # Update self.lastMonth after all QC500 criteria checks passed
        self.lastDatetime = algorithm.Time

        #percent = self.numberOfSymbolsFine / count
        #sortedByDollarVolume = []

        # select stocks with top dollar volume in every single sector
        #for code, g in groupby(sortedBySector, lambda x: x.CompanyReference.IndustryTemplateCode):
        #    y = sorted(g, key = lambda x: self.dollarVolumeBySymbol[x.Symbol], reverse = True)
        #    c = ceil(len(y) * percent)
        #    sortedByDollarVolume.extend(y[:c])

        #sortedByDollarVolume = sorted(sortedByDollarVolume, key = lambda x: self.dollarVolumeBySymbol[x.Symbol], reverse=True)
        #selectedSymbols =  [x.Symbol for x in sortedByDollarVolume[:self.numberOfSymbolsFine]]
        # Calculate Returns matrix
        for c,s in enumerate(sortedBySector):
            history = algorithm.History(s.Symbol, self.historyPointsLookback+1, self.historyResolution)

            pct_col = history[["close"]].pct_change().reset_index(drop=True).rename(columns={"close":s.Symbol})
            if c == 0:
                comb_returns = pct_col
        # Drop top NA row, followed by any other columns with mising da
        comb_returns = comb_returns[1:].dropna(axis=1)
        symbols = comb_returns.keys()
        self.stock_std = comb_returns.std()
        standard_return = (comb_returns-comb_returns.mean())/self.stock_std
        # Calculate corralation matrix
        corr_mat = standard_return.corr()
        pca = PCA()
        pca_obj = pca.fit(corr_mat)
        # Find number of components required for the target explained variance
        sum_var = 0
        for num_vars,var in enumerate(pca_obj.explained_variance_ratio_):
            sum_var += var
            if sum_var > self.targetExplainedVariance:
                num_vars += 1
        #componentReturns = pd.Dataframe()
        # Create a dictionary of weights per component
        self.unweightedComponentPortfolio["symbols"] =  symbols
        for i in range(num_vars):
            # "Normalise" components i.e., "buy" ETF at 1x leverage
            tmp_comp = pca_obj.components_[i]/self.stock_std
            if self.rescale_eigenportfolio:
                tmp_comp = tmp_comp/(abs(tmp_comp).sum())
            componentReturns_tmp = (comb_returns*tmp_comp).sum(axis=1)
            # Calculate historic returns per Component
            if i == 0:
                componentReturns = pd.DataFrame(componentReturns_tmp)
            self.unweightedComponentPortfolio[i] = {
        # Calculate Beta loadings per component. Equation (11) page 16
        for i in componentReturns:
            tmp_ret = componentReturns[i]
            self.beta_loading[i] = comb_returns.apply(lambda x: tmp_ret.cov(x))/tmp_ret.var()
        return symbols
class EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel(PortfolioConstructionModel):
    '''Provides an implementation of IPortfolioConstructionModel that gives equal weighting to all securities.
    The target percent holdings of each security is 1/N where N is the number of securities.
    For insights of direction InsightDirection.Up, long targets are returned and
    for insights of direction InsightDirection.Down, short targets are returned.'''

    def __init__(self, rebalance = Resolution.Daily, portfolioBias = PortfolioBias.LongShort):
        '''Initialize a new instance of EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel
            rebalance: Rebalancing parameter. If it is a timedelta, date rules or Resolution, it will be converted into a function.
                              If None will be ignored.
                              The function returns the next expected rebalance time for a given algorithm UTC DateTime.
                              The function returns null if unknown, in which case the function will be called again in the
                              next loop. Returning current time will trigger rebalance.
            portfolioBias: Specifies the bias of the portfolio (Short, Long/Short, Long)'''
        self.portfolioBias = portfolioBias

        # If the argument is an instance of Resolution or Timedelta
        # Redefine rebalancingFunc
        rebalancingFunc = rebalance
        if isinstance(rebalance, int):
            rebalance = Extensions.ToTimeSpan(rebalance)
        if isinstance(rebalance, timedelta):
            rebalancingFunc = lambda dt: dt + rebalance
        if rebalancingFunc:

    def DetermineTargetPercent(self, activeInsights):
        '''Will determine the target percent for each insight
            activeInsights: The active insights to generate a target for'''
        result = {}

        # give equal weighting to each security
        count = sum(x.Direction != InsightDirection.Flat and self.RespectPortfolioBias(x) for x in activeInsights)
        percent = 0 if count == 0 else 1.0 / count
        for insight in activeInsights:
            result[insight] = (insight.Direction if self.RespectPortfolioBias(insight) else InsightDirection.Flat) * insight.Weight
        return result

    def RespectPortfolioBias(self, insight):
        '''Method that will determine if a given insight respects the portfolio bias
            insight: The insight to create a target for
        return self.portfolioBias == PortfolioBias.LongShort or insight.Direction == self.portfolioBias