Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
from clr import AddReference

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Orders import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *

import numpy as np

class ImmediateExecutionWithLogsModel(ExecutionModel):
        Custom implementation of IExecutionModel that immediately submits market orders to achieve the desired portfolio targets
        This custom implementation includes logs with information about number of shares traded, prices, profit and profit percent
        for both long and short positions.

    def __init__(self):
        ''' Initializes a new instance of the ImmediateExecutionModel class '''
        self.targetsCollection = PortfolioTargetCollection()

    def Execute(self, algorithm, targets):
            Immediately submits orders for the specified portfolio targets
            algorithm: The algorithm instance
            targets: The portfolio targets to be ordered
        if self.targetsCollection.Count > 0:
            for target in self.targetsCollection.OrderByMarginImpact(algorithm):
                # calculate remaining quantity to be ordered
                quantity = OrderSizing.GetUnorderedQuantity(algorithm, target)
                # check if quantity is actually different than zero
                if quantity != 0:
                    # get the current holdings quantity, average price and cost
                    beforeHoldingsQuantity = algorithm.ActiveSecurities[target.Symbol].Holdings.Quantity
                    beforeHoldingsAvgPrice = algorithm.ActiveSecurities[target.Symbol].Holdings.AveragePrice
                    beforeHoldingsCost = algorithm.ActiveSecurities[target.Symbol].Holdings.HoldingsCost
                    # place market order
                    algorithm.MarketOrder(target.Symbol, quantity)
                    # get the new holdings quantity, average price and cost
                    newHoldingsQuantity = beforeHoldingsQuantity + quantity
                    newHoldingsAvgPrice = algorithm.ActiveSecurities[target.Symbol].Holdings.AveragePrice
                    newHoldingsCost = algorithm.ActiveSecurities[target.Symbol].Holdings.HoldingsCost
                    # this is just for market on open orders because the avg price and cost won't update until order gets filled
                    # so to avoid getting previous values we just make them zero
                    if newHoldingsAvgPrice == beforeHoldingsAvgPrice and newHoldingsCost == beforeHoldingsCost:
                        newHoldingsAvgPrice = 0
                        newHoldingsCost = 0
                    # calculate the profit percent and dollar profit when closing positions
                    lastPrice = algorithm.ActiveSecurities[target.Symbol].Price
                    if beforeHoldingsAvgPrice != 0 and lastPrice != 0:
                        # profit/loss percent for the trade
                        tradeProfitPercent = (((lastPrice / beforeHoldingsAvgPrice) - 1) * np.sign(beforeHoldingsQuantity)) * 100
                        # dollar profit/loss for the trade
                        tradeDollarProfit = (lastPrice - beforeHoldingsAvgPrice) * beforeHoldingsQuantity
                        tradeProfitPercent = 0
                        tradeDollarProfit = 0
                    ### if we are not invested already the options are: ----------------------------------------------------------
                        # new holdings > 0 => going long
                        # new holdings < 0 => going short
                    if beforeHoldingsQuantity == 0:
                        if newHoldingsQuantity > 0:
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': going long!'
                            + ' current total holdings: ' + str(round(quantity, 0))
                            + '; current average price: ' + str(round(newHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; current total holdings cost: ' + str(round(newHoldingsCost, 2)))
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': going short!'
                            + ' current total holdings: ' + str(round(quantity, 0))
                            + '; average price: ' + str(round(newHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; current total holdings cost: ' + str(round(newHoldingsCost, 2)))
                    ### -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    ### if we are already long the security the options are: ------------------------------------------------------
                        # new quantity > 0 => adding to long position
                        # new quantity < 0 and new holdings < before holdings => partially selling long position
                        # new quantity < 0 and new holdings = 0 => closing entire long position
                        # new quantity < 0 and new holdings < 0 => closing entire long position and going short
                    elif beforeHoldingsQuantity > 0:
                        if quantity > 0:
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': adding to current long position!'
                            + ' additional shares: ' + str(round(quantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; current average price: ' + str(round(newHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; current total holdings cost: ' + str(round(newHoldingsCost, 2)))
                        elif newHoldingsQuantity > 0 and newHoldingsQuantity < beforeHoldingsQuantity:  
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': selling part of current long position!'
                            + ' selling shares: ' + str(round(-quantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; buying average price was: ' + str(round(beforeHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; approx. selling average price is: ' + str(round(lastPrice, 4))
                            + '; profit percent: ' + str(round(tradeProfitPercent, 4))
                            + '; dollar profit: ' + str(round(tradeDollarProfit, 2)))
                        elif newHoldingsQuantity == 0:
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': closing down entire current long position!'
                            + ' selling shares: ' + str(round(-quantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; buying average price was: ' + str(round(beforeHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; approx. selling average price is: ' + str(round(lastPrice, 4))
                            + '; profit percent: ' + str(round(tradeProfitPercent, 4))
                            + '; dollar profit: ' + str(round(tradeDollarProfit, 2)))
                        elif newHoldingsQuantity < 0:
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': closing down entire current long position and going short!'
                            + ' selling shares to close long: ' + str(round(beforeHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; profit percent on long position: ' + str(round(tradeProfitPercent, 4))
                            + '; dollar profit on long position: ' + str(round(tradeDollarProfit, 2))
                            + '; selling shares to go short: ' + str(round(-newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; current average price: ' + str(round(newHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; current total holdings cost: ' + str(round(newHoldingsCost, 2)))
                    ### --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    ### if we are already short the security the options are: --------------------------------------------------------
                        # new quantity < 0 => adding to short position
                        # new quantity > 0 and new holdings > before holdings => partially buying back short position
                        # new quantity > 0 and new holdings = 0 => closing entire short position
                        # new quantity > 0 and new holdings > 0 => closing entire short position and going long
                    elif beforeHoldingsQuantity < 0:
                        if quantity < 0:
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': adding to current short position!'
                            + ' additional shares: ' + str(round(quantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; current average price: ' + str(round(newHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; current total holdings cost: ' + str(round(newHoldingsCost, 2)))
                        elif newHoldingsQuantity < 0 and newHoldingsQuantity > beforeHoldingsQuantity: 
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': buying back part of current short position!'
                            + ' buying back shares: ' + str(round(quantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; shorting average price was: ' + str(round(beforeHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; approx. buying back average price is: ' + str(round(lastPrice, 4))
                            + '; profit percent: ' + str(round(tradeProfitPercent, 4))
                            + '; dollar profit: ' + str(round(tradeDollarProfit, 2)))
                        elif newHoldingsQuantity == 0:
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': closing down entire current short position!'
                            + ' buying back shares: ' + str(round(quantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; shorting average price was: ' + str(round(beforeHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; approx. buying back average price is: ' + str(round(lastPrice, 4))
                            + '; profit percent: ' + str(round(tradeProfitPercent, 4))
                            + '; dollar profit: ' + str(round(tradeDollarProfit, 2)))
                        elif newHoldingsQuantity > 0:
                            algorithm.Log(str(target.Symbol.Value) + ': closing down entire current short position and going long!'
                            + ' buying back shares to close short: ' + str(round(-beforeHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; profit percent on short position: ' + str(round(tradeProfitPercent, 4))
                            + '; dollar profit on short position: ' + str(round(tradeDollarProfit, 2))
                            + '; buying shares to go long: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; current total holdings: ' + str(round(newHoldingsQuantity, 0))
                            + '; current average price: ' + str(round(newHoldingsAvgPrice, 4))
                            + '; current total holdings cost: ' + str(round(newHoldingsCost, 2)))
                    ### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import Resolution, Extensions
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *
from itertools import groupby
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
UTCMIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=utc)

class CustomEqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel(PortfolioConstructionModel):
        Provide a custom implementation of IPortfolioConstructionModel that gives equal weighting to all active securities
        - The target percent holdings of each security is 1/N where N is the number of securities with active Up/Down insights
        - For InsightDirection.Up, long targets are returned
        - For InsightDirection.Down, short targets are returned
        - For InsightDirection.Flat, closing position targets are returned

    def __init__(self, rebalancingParam = False):
            Initialize a new instance of CustomEqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel
            rebalancingParam: Integer indicating the number of days for rebalancing (default set to False, no rebalance)
                - Independent of this parameter, the portfolio will be rebalanced when a security is added/removed/changed direction
        self.insightCollection = InsightCollection()
        self.removedSymbols = []
        self.nextExpiryTime = UTCMIN
        self.rebalancingTime = UTCMIN
        # if the rebalancing parameter is not False but a positive integer
        # convert rebalancingParam to timedelta and create rebalancingFunc
        if rebalancingParam > 0:
            self.rebalancing = True
            rebalancingParam = timedelta(days = rebalancingParam)
            self.rebalancingFunc = lambda dt: dt + rebalancingParam
            self.rebalancing = rebalancingParam

    def CreateTargets(self, algorithm, insights):

            Create portfolio targets from the specified insights
            algorithm: The algorithm instance
            insights: The insights to create portfolio targets from
            An enumerable of portfolio targets to be sent to the execution model

        targets = []
        # check if we have new insights coming from the alpha model or if some existing insights have expired
        # or if we have removed symbols from the universe
        if (len(insights) == 0 and algorithm.UtcTime <= self.nextExpiryTime and self.removedSymbols is None):
            return targets
        # here we get the new insights and add them to our insight collection
        for insight in insights:
        # create flatten target for each security that was removed from the universe
        if self.removedSymbols is not None:
            universeDeselectionTargets = [ PortfolioTarget(symbol, 0) for symbol in self.removedSymbols ]
            self.removedSymbols = None

        # get insight that haven't expired of each symbol that is still in the universe
        activeInsights = self.insightCollection.GetActiveInsights(algorithm.UtcTime)

        # get the last generated active insight for each symbol
        lastActiveInsights = []
        for symbol, g in groupby(activeInsights, lambda x: x.Symbol):
            lastActiveInsights.append(sorted(g, key = lambda x: x.GeneratedTimeUtc)[-1])

        # determine target percent for the given insights (check function DetermineTargetPercent for details)
        percents = self.DetermineTargetPercent(lastActiveInsights)

        errorSymbols = {}
        # check if we actually want to create new targets for the securities (check function ShouldCreateTargets for details)
        if self.ShouldCreateTargets(algorithm, lastActiveInsights):
            for insight in lastActiveInsights:
                target = PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, insight.Symbol, percents[insight])
                if not target is None:
                    errorSymbols[insight.Symbol] = insight.Symbol
            # update rebalancing time
            if self.rebalancing:
                self.rebalancingTime = self.rebalancingFunc(algorithm.UtcTime)

        # get expired insights and create flatten targets for each symbol
        expiredInsights = self.insightCollection.RemoveExpiredInsights(algorithm.UtcTime)

        expiredTargets = []
        for symbol, f in groupby(expiredInsights, lambda x: x.Symbol):
            if not self.insightCollection.HasActiveInsights(symbol, algorithm.UtcTime) and not symbol in errorSymbols:
                expiredTargets.append(PortfolioTarget(symbol, 0))

        # here we update the next expiry date in the insight collection
        self.nextExpiryTime = self.insightCollection.GetNextExpiryTime()
        if self.nextExpiryTime is None:
            self.nextExpiryTime = UTCMIN

        return targets
    def DetermineTargetPercent(self, lastActiveInsights):
            Determine the target percent from each insight
            lastActiveInsights: The active insights to generate a target from
        result = {}

        # give equal weighting to each security
        count = sum(x.Direction != InsightDirection.Flat for x in lastActiveInsights)
        percent = 0 if count == 0 else 1.0 / count
        for insight in lastActiveInsights:
            result[insight] = insight.Direction * percent
        return result
    def ShouldCreateTargets(self, algorithm, lastActiveInsights):
            Determine whether we should rebalance the portfolio to keep equal weighting when:
                - It is time to rebalance regardless
                - We want to include some new security in the portfolio
                - We want to modify the direction of some existing security
            lastActiveInsights: The last active insights to check
        # it is time to rebalance
        if self.rebalancing and algorithm.UtcTime >= self.rebalancingTime:
            return True
        for insight in lastActiveInsights:
            # if there is an insight for a new security that's not invested, then rebalance
            if not algorithm.Portfolio[insight.Symbol].Invested and insight.Direction != InsightDirection.Flat:
                return True
            # if there is an insight to close a long position, then rebalance
            elif algorithm.Portfolio[insight.Symbol].IsLong and insight.Direction != InsightDirection.Up:
                return True
            # if there is an insight to close a short position, then rebalance
            elif algorithm.Portfolio[insight.Symbol].IsShort and insight.Direction != InsightDirection.Down:
                return True
        return False
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
            Event fired each time the we add/remove securities from the data feed
            algorithm: The algorithm instance that experienced the change in securities
            changes: The security additions and removals from the algorithm

        # get removed symbol and invalidate them in the insight collection
        self.removedSymbols = [x.Symbol for x in changes.RemovedSecurities]
### PRODUCT INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright InnoQuantivity.com, granted to the public domain.
# Use entirely at your own risk.
# This algorithm contains open source code from other sources and no claim is being made to such code.
# Do not remove this copyright notice.
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from LongShortMovingAverageCrossoverAlphaCreation import LongShortMovingAverageCrossoverAlphaCreationModel
from CustomEqualWeightingPortfolioConstruction import CustomEqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel
from ImmediateExecutionWithLogs import ImmediateExecutionWithLogsModel

from System.Drawing import Color

class LongOnlyMovingAverageCrossoverFrameworkAlgorithm(QCAlgorithmFramework):
    Trading Logic:
        - This algorithm is a long-short market timing strategy that buys when a Short Moving Average crosses above a Long Moving Average
            and sells short when it crosses below
        - This is a simple technique commonly used to time the market, and can be combined with other strategies to reduce drawdown and improve Sharpe Ratio
        Universe: Manual input of tickers
        Alpha: Creation of Up/Down Insights based on Moving Average Crossover
            - Up Insights when Short Moving Average crosses above Long Moving Average (to go Long)
            - Down Insights when Long Moving Average crosses below Short Moving Average (to go Short)
        Portfolio: Equal Weighting (allocate equal amounts of portfolio % to each security)
            - If some of the tickers did not exist at the start date, it will start processing them when they first appeared in the market
            - To rebalance the portfolio periodically to ensure equal weighting, change the rebalancingParam below
        Execution: Immediate Execution with Market Orders
        Risk: Null

    def Initialize(self):
        ### user-defined inputs --------------------------------------------------------------
        # set timeframe for backtest and starting cash
        self.SetStartDate(2015, 1, 1)   # set start date
        #self.SetEndDate(2019, 1, 1)    # set end date
        self.SetCash(100000)            # set strategy cash
        # set data resolution (Resolution.Daily, Resolution.Hour, Resolution.Minute)
        resolution = Resolution.Daily
        # add tickers to the list
        tickers = ['SPY']
        # select the periods for the moving averages
        shortPeriodSMA = 50
        longPeriodSMA = 200
        # rebalancing period (to enable rebalancing enter an integer for number of days, e.g. 1, 7, 30, 365)
        rebalancingParam = False
        ### -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # set the brokerage model for slippage and fees
        # set requested data resolution and disable fill forward data
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = resolution
        self.UniverseSettings.FillForward = False
        # initialize the moving average crossover plots for all tickers
        # we only plot if we have less than 5 tickers to avoid creating too many charts
        if len(tickers) < 5:
            allowPlots = True
            for ticker in tickers:
                smaPlot = Chart('Moving Average Crossover ' + str(ticker))
                smaPlot.AddSeries(Series('Short SMA', SeriesType.Line, '$', Color.Blue))
                smaPlot.AddSeries(Series('Long SMA', SeriesType.Line, '$', Color.Black))
                smaPlot.AddSeries(Series('Buy',  SeriesType.Scatter, '$', Color.Green, ScatterMarkerSymbol.Triangle))
                smaPlot.AddSeries(Series('Sell Short',  SeriesType.Scatter, '$', Color.Red, ScatterMarkerSymbol.Triangle))
            allowPlots = False
        symbols = []
        # loop through the list and create symbols for the universe
        for i in range(len(tickers)):
            symbols.append(Symbol.Create(tickers[i], SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA))
        # select modules
        self.SetAlpha(LongShortMovingAverageCrossoverAlphaCreationModel(shortPeriodSMA = shortPeriodSMA,
                                                                        longPeriodSMA = longPeriodSMA,
                                                                        resolution = resolution,
                                                                        allowPlots = allowPlots))
        self.SetPortfolioConstruction(CustomEqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel(rebalancingParam = rebalancingParam))
    def CustomSecurityInitializer(self, security):
            Initialize the security with adjusted prices
            security: Security which characteristics we want to change
from clr import AddReference

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import AlphaModel, Insight, InsightType, InsightDirection

import numpy as np

class LongShortMovingAverageCrossoverAlphaCreationModel(AlphaModel):
    * Refer to the research notebook for a visual explanation of this alpha logic
        This Alpha model creates InsightDirection.Up to go Long when a Short Moving Average crosses above a Long Moving Average,
        and InsightDirection.Down to go Short when it crosses below
        The important things to understand here are:
            - We can retrieve historical data by calling algorith.History(symbol, bar_count, resolution)
            - We can easily orginise the code in Python with a class to store calculations for indicators for each symbol
            - We can use InsightDirection.Up/InsightDirection.Down to go Long/Short

    def __init__(self, shortPeriodSMA = 50, longPeriodSMA = 200, resolution = Resolution.Daily, allowPlots = False):
        self.shortPeriodSMA = shortPeriodSMA # period for short moving average
        self.longPeriodSMA = longPeriodSMA # period for long moving average
        self.resolution = resolution # resolution for historical data
        self.allowPlots = allowPlots # boolean to allow plots or not
        self.securities = [] # list to store securities to consider
        self.calculations = {} # store calculations
        self.insightExpiry = Time.Multiply(Extensions.ToTimeSpan(resolution), 0.25) # insight duration
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        # get the symbols for which we have already calculate indicators to simply add last data point to update them
        # we separate this from new symbols to avoid calling full history for all securities every time
        currentSymbols = [x.Symbol for x in self.securities if x.Symbol in self.calculations.keys()]
        if len(currentSymbols) > 0:
            historyCurrentSymbols = algorithm.History(currentSymbols, 1, self.resolution)
        # get the new symbols for which we need to warm up indicators from scratch
        newSymbols = [x.Symbol for x in self.securities if x.Symbol not in self.calculations.keys()]
        if len(newSymbols) > 0:
            historyNewSymbols = algorithm.History(newSymbols, self.longPeriodSMA + 1, self.resolution)
        # now loop through securities to create/update indicators
        for security in self.securities:
            if security.Symbol in newSymbols:
                self.calculations[security.Symbol] = SymbolData(security.Symbol, self.shortPeriodSMA, self.longPeriodSMA)
                history = historyNewSymbols
                history = historyCurrentSymbols
            except Exception as e:
                algorithm.Log('removing from calculations due to ' + str(e))
                self.calculations.pop(security.Symbol, None)
        ### generate insights ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        insights = [] # list to store the new insights to be created
        # loop through active securities and generate insights
        for symbol, symbolData in self.calculations.items():
            # check if there's new data for the security or we're already invested
            # if there's no new data but we're invested, we keep updating the insight since we don't really need to place orders
            if data.ContainsKey(symbol) or algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                # if short sma just crossed above long sma, we go long with an InsightDirection.Up
                if symbolData.crossAbove:
                    insightDirection = InsightDirection.Up
                    if self.allowPlots:
                        algorithm.Plot('Moving Average Crossover ' + str(symbol.Value), 'Buy', float(symbolData.currentShortSMA))
                # if short sma just crossed below long sma, we go short with an InsightDirection.Down
                elif symbolData.crossBelow:
                    insightDirection = InsightDirection.Down
                    if self.allowPlots:
                        algorithm.Plot('Moving Average Crossover ' + str(symbol.Value), 'Sell Short', float(symbolData.currentShortSMA))
                # if no cross happened but we are currently Long, update the InsightDirection.Up to stay Long for another bar
                elif algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].IsLong:
                    insightDirection = InsightDirection.Up
                # if no cross happened but we are currently Short, update the InsightDirection.Down to stay Short for another bar
                elif algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].IsShort:
                    insightDirection = InsightDirection.Down
                # if no cross has happened and we are not invested, emit an InsightDirection.Flat to stay in cash for another bar
                    insightDirection = InsightDirection.Flat
                # append the insights list with the prediction for each symbol
                insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, self.insightExpiry, insightDirection))
                # update the charts
                if self.allowPlots and symbolData.closePrices.IsReady:
                    algorithm.Plot('Moving Average Crossover ' + str(symbol.Value), 'Short SMA', float(symbolData.currentShortSMA))
                    algorithm.Plot('Moving Average Crossover ' + str(symbol.Value), 'Long SMA', float(symbolData.currentLongSMA))
                algorithm.Log('excluding this security due to missing data: ' + str(symbol.Value))
        return insights
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
            Event fired each time the we add/remove securities from the data feed
            algorithm: The algorithm instance that experienced the change in securities
            changes: The security additions and removals from the algorithm
        # add new securities
        for added in changes.AddedSecurities:

        # remove securities
        for removed in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            if removed in self.securities:
                self.calculations.pop(removed.Symbol, None)

# this class is coming from the research nothebook (check its logic there)
class SymbolData:
    make all the calculations needed for each symbol including
    all the indicators and whether the ticker meets the criteria
    def __init__(self, symbol, shortPeriodSMA, longPeriodSMA):
        self.Symbol = symbol
        self.shortPeriod = shortPeriodSMA
        self.longPeriod = longPeriodSMA
        self.closePrices = RollingWindow[float](longPeriodSMA + 1)
    # method to update the rolling window
    def UpdateIndicators(self, history):
        if str(self.Symbol) in history.index:
            for index, row in history.loc[str(self.Symbol)].iterrows():
                if 'close' in row:
                    raise Exception('missing some close prices for: ' + str(self.Symbol.Value))
            raise Exception('symbol not in history index: ' + str(self.Symbol.Value))
    # convert the rolling window to list for easier manipulation
    def listClosePrices(self):
        if self.closePrices.IsReady:
            return [float(x) for x in self.closePrices]
            return [0]
    # update short and long current SMA
    def currentShortSMA(self):
        return np.mean(self.listClosePrices[:self.shortPeriod])
    def currentLongSMA(self):
        return np.mean(self.listClosePrices[:self.longPeriod])
    # update short and long before SMA (the SMA from the previous trading bar)
    def beforeShortSMA(self):
        return np.mean(self.listClosePrices[1:][:self.shortPeriod])
    def beforeLongSMA(self):
        return np.mean(self.listClosePrices[1:][:self.longPeriod])
    # update boolean for cross above/below of moving averages
    def crossAbove(self):
        return (self.currentShortSMA > self.currentLongSMA) and (self.beforeShortSMA < self.beforeLongSMA)
    def crossBelow(self):
        return (self.currentShortSMA < self.currentLongSMA) and (self.beforeShortSMA > self.beforeLongSMA)