Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from pykalman import KalmanFilter
import statistics
class KalmanFilterIndicator(PythonIndicator):  
    def __init__(self,name, period, selector=Field.Close,
                 transition_matrices = [1], observation_matrices = [1], 
                 initial_state_mean = 0, initial_state_covariance = 1, 
                 observation_covariance=1, transition_covariance=.01):
        self.Name     = name
        self.period   = period
        self.Value    = 0
        self.barCalc  = selector
        self.transition_matrices      = transition_matrices
        self.observation_matrices     = observation_matrices
        self.initial_state_mean       = initial_state_mean 
        self.initial_state_covariance = initial_state_covariance
        self.observation_covariance   = observation_covariance
        self.transition_covariance    = transition_covariance
        self.rollingWindow = RollingWindow[float](self.period)
    # ---------------------------------    
    def Update(self, inputBar):
        effectiveBarValue = self.barCalc(inputBar) # round(float(statistics.median([Field.Open(inputBar), Field.High(inputBar), Field.Low(inputBar), Field.Close(inputBar)])), 4)# self.barCalc(inputBar) 
        if(not self.rollingWindow.IsReady):
            return False

            basisValue = np.flipud(np.array([self.rollingWindow[i] for i in range(self.period)]))
            self.kf = KalmanFilter( transition_matrices = self.transition_matrices,
                                    observation_matrices     = self.observation_matrices,
                                    initial_state_mean       = self.initial_state_mean,
                                    initial_state_covariance = self.initial_state_covariance,
                                    observation_covariance   = self.observation_covariance,
                                    transition_covariance    = self.transition_covariance)
            #self.kf = self.kf.em(basisValue, n_iter=5)
            kf,_ = self.kf.filter(basisValue) # self.kf.smooth(basisValue)
            currKalman = kf[-1]

            self.Value = float(currKalman)
            return True
# LaguerreFilterIndicator
# ==============================
# Laguerre Filter as defined by John F. Ehlers in `Cybernetic Analysis for 
# Stock and Futures`, 2004, published by Wiley. `ISBN: 978-0-471-46307-8
# https://www.mt5users.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/timewarp.pdf
# Copied from @vladimir's implementation
# https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/11788/another-digital-filter-laguerre-filter/p1/comment-34897
class LaguerreFilterIndicator(PythonIndicator):  
    def __init__(self, name, gamma ):
        self.Name = name
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.prices = np.array([])
        self.Value = 0
        self.L0 = 0.0; self.L1 = 0.0; self.L2 = 0.0; self.L3 = 0.0
    def Update(self, input):
        mp = (input.High + input.Low)/2
        self.prices = np.append(self.prices, mp)[-4:]
        if len(self.prices) <= 1:
            self.L0 = mp; self.L1 = mp; self.L2 = mp; self.L3 = mp;
        if len(self.prices) != 4 : return
        L01 = self.L0; L11 = self.L1; L21 = self.L2; L31 = self.L3;
        g = self.gamma  
        self.L0 = (1 - g)*mp + g*L01
        self.L1 = L01 - g*self.L0 + g*L11
        self.L2 = L11 - g*self.L1 + g*L21
        self.L3 = L21 - g*self.L2 + g*L31
        if len(self.prices) != 4 :
            self.Value = mp
            return False
        self.Value = (self.L0 + (2*self.L1) + 2*(self.L2) + self.L3) / 6
        return True        
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *

#  Smart Rolling window
#  ========================
#  Convenience object to build on RollingWindow functionality
#  Methods:
#  -------------------------
#  mySmartWindow.IsRising()
#  mySmartWindow.IsFalling()
#  mySmartWindow.crossedAboveValue(value)
#  mySmartWindow.crossedBelowValue(value)
#  mySmartWindow.crossedAbove(otherWindow)
#  mySmartWindow.crossedBelow(otherWindow)
#  mySmartWindow.IsFlat(decimalPrecision)
#  mySmartWindow.hasAtLeastThisMany(value)

class SmartRollingWindow():
    def __init__(self, windowType, windowLength):
        self.window    = None
        self.winLength = windowLength

        if (windowType is "int"):self.window = RollingWindow[int](windowLength)
        elif (windowType is "bool"):self.window = RollingWindow[bool](windowLength)
        elif (windowType is "float"):self.window = RollingWindow[float](windowLength)
        elif (windowType is "TradeBar"):self.window = RollingWindow[TradeBar](windowLength)
        elif (windowType is "QuoteBar"):self.window = RollingWindow[QuoteBar](windowLength)

    def Add(self,value): 

    def IsReady(self):
        return (self.window is not None) and \
               (self.window.Count >= self.winLength) ## TODO: just use rw.IsReady?

    def crossedAboveValue(self, value): return (self.window[1] <= value < self.window[0])
    def crossedBelowValue(self, value): return (self.window[1] >= value > self.window[0])

    def crossedAbove(self, series): return (any(self.window[i+1] <= series[i+1] and self.window[i] > series[i] for i in range(0, self.winLength-1)))
    def crossedBelow(self, series): return (any(self.window[i+1] >= series[i+1] and self.window[i] < series[i] for i in range(0, self.winLength-1)))

    def isAbove(self, series): return (self.window[0] > series[0])
    def isBelow(self, series): return (self.window[0] < series[0])
    def isFlat(self):    return (self.window[1] == self.window[0])
    def isFalling(self): return (self.window[1] > self.window[0])
    def isRising(self):  return (self.window[1] < self.window[0])
    def Add(self,value): 

    def IsReady(self):
        return (self.window is not None) and \
               (self.window.Count >= self.winLength) ## TODO: just use rw.IsReady?
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.window[index]
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *

import tweepy, statistics
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from AlgorithmImports import *
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.tree import ExtraTreeRegressor, ExtraTreeClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error
from sklearn import preprocessing

from helpers import myTrailingStopRiskManagementModel

class DualMomentumWithOutDaysAlphaModel(AlphaModel):

    def __init__(self, algorithm, VOLA = 126, BASE_RET = 83, resolution = Resolution.Daily, *args, **kwargs):
        self.VOLA = VOLA
        self.BASE_RET = BASE_RET
        self.resolution = Resolution.Daily # resolution
        self.MKT = algorithm.AddEquity('SPY', resolution).Symbol
        self.SLV = algorithm.AddEquity('SLV', resolution).Symbol
        self.GLD = algorithm.AddEquity('GLD', resolution).Symbol
        self.XLI = algorithm.AddEquity('XLI', resolution).Symbol
        self.XLU = algorithm.AddEquity('XLU', resolution).Symbol
        self.DBB = algorithm.AddEquity('DBB', resolution).Symbol
        self.UUP = algorithm.AddEquity('UUP', resolution).Symbol

        self.count = self.BASE_RET
        self.outday = 5

        pairs = [self.MKT, self.SLV, self.GLD, self.XLI, self.XLU, self.DBB, self.UUP]
        for symbol in pairs:
            self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days=1))
            self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.consolidation_handler
            algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(symbol, self.consolidator)

        self.history = np.log(algorithm.History(pairs, self.VOLA + 1, self.resolution))
        # self.history = self.history['close'].unstack(level=0).dropna()

        self.predictionInterval = Time.Multiply(Extensions.ToTimeSpan(self.resolution), 1)
        resolutionString = Extensions.GetEnumString(resolution, Resolution)
        self.Name = f"{self.__class__.__name__}({resolutionString})"

        # Force alpha to only produce insights Daily at 11.10am
        self.set_flag = False
                              algorithm.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen('SPY', 100),
    def SetFlag(self):
        self.set_flag = True

    def consolidation_handler(self, sender, consolidated):
        self.history.loc[consolidated.EndTime, consolidated.Symbol] = consolidated.Close
        self.history = self.history.iloc[-(self.VOLA + 1):]
    def Update(self, algorithm, _data):
        if algorithm.IsWarmingUp or not self.set_flag:
            return []

        self.set_flag = False
        insights = []
        # Volatility
        vola = self.history[self.MKT].pct_change().std() * np.sqrt(252)
        wait_days = int(vola * self.BASE_RET)
        period = int((1.0 - vola) * self.BASE_RET)
        r = self.history.pct_change(period).iloc[-1]

        exit_market = r[self.SLV] < r[self.GLD] and r[self.XLI] < r[self.XLU] and r[self.DBB] < r[self.UUP]
        # # ML Model
        # pairs = [self.MKT, self.SLV, self.GLD, self.XLI, self.XLU, self.DBB, self.UUP]
        # data = self.history
        # data['vola'] = data[self.MKT].pct_change().rolling(246).std() * np.sqrt(252)
        # data['wait_days'] = data['vola'].map(lambda x: int(int(x)*self.BASE_RET), na_action='ignore')
        # data['period'] = data['vola'].map(lambda x: int((1.0 - int(x)) * self.BASE_RET), na_action='ignore')
        # market_signals = list()
        # for i in range(0, len(data['period'])):
        #     if 'na' not in str(data['period'][i]):
        #         count = int(i)
        #         period = int(data['period'][i])
        #         r = data[count:count+246].pct_change(period).iloc[-1]
        #         exit_market = (r[self.SLV] < r[self.GLD] and r[self.XLI] < r[self.XLU] and r[self.DBB] < r[self.UUP])
        #         market_signals.append(exit_market)
        #     else:
        #         market_signals.append('na')
        # data['market_signals'] = market_signals
        # del market_signals
        # data['Market_Change'] = data[self.MKT].pct_change()
        # # # Load LabelEncoder to process string variables
        # le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
        # ml_data = data.dropna()
        # pairs = [self.MKT, self.SLV, self.GLD, self.XLI, self.XLU, self.DBB, self.UUP, 'vola', 'wait_days', 'period', 'Market_Change']
        # X = ml_data.drop(['market_signals'], axis=1)
        # y = np.ravel(ml_data[['market_signals']].astype(str).apply(le.fit_transform))
        # #algorithm.Debug(str(X.shape) + ";" + str(y.shape))
        # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
        # model = ExtraTreeClassifier(max_depth = 40,
        #                      max_features = 'sqrt',
        #                      criterion = 'gini',
        #                      class_weight = 'balanced',
        #                      random_state = 42)
        # model.fit(X_train, y_train)
        # y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
        # algorithm.Plot("Model Score", "Score", model.score(X_test, y_test))
        # algorithm.Plot("MAE:", "Mae", mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred))
        # algorithm.Plot("Coef of Determination:", "r-squared", r2_score(y_test, y_pred))
        # algorithm.Plot("Actual vs Pred", "Actual", r2_score(y_test, y_pred))
        # clf_results = metrics.precision_recall_fscore_support(y_test, y_pred)
        # algorithm.Plot("Confusion_Matrix", "Precision", clf_results[0].round(2))
        # algorithm.Plot("Confusion_Matrix", "Recall", clf_results[1].round(2))
        # algorithm.Plot("Confusion_Matrix", "f1-score", clf_results[2].round(2))
        # algorithm.Plot("Confusion_Matrix", "Support", clf_results[3].round(2))
        # signal_actual = np.log(self.history[self.MKT]).iloc[-1]
        # signal_pred = model.predict(np.ravel(np.log(self.history[pairs]).iloc[-1]).reshape(1, -1))
        # prev = np.log(self.history[self.MKT]).iloc[-2]
        # signal_actual = 1 if signal_actual > prev else -1
        # signal_pred = 1 if signal_pred > prev else -1
        # agreement= 1 if signal_actual == signal_pred else -1
        # algorithm.Plot("Actual vs Pred", "Actual", float(signal_actual))
        # algorithm.Plot("Actual vs Pred", "Pred", float(signal_pred))
        # algorithm.Plot("Actual vs Pred", "Agreement", float(agreement))

        direction = InsightDirection.Down
        if (exit_market):
            algorithm.Plot("In vs Out", "Market", -1)
            direction = InsightDirection.Down
            self.outday = self.count
        elif (self.count >= wait_days + self.outday):
            algorithm.Plot("In vs Out", "Market", 1)
            direction = InsightDirection.Up
            direciton = InsightDirection.Flat
            algorithm.Plot("In vs Out", "Market", 0)
        self.count += 1
        # algorithm.Plot("Wait Days", "Actual", self.count)
        # algorithm.Plot("Wait Days", "Expected", float(wait_days + self.outday))
        # algorithm.Plot("Market Volatility", str(self.MKT), float(vola))
        # if direction == InsightDirection.Down:
        #     val = -1.0
        # elif direction == InsightDirection.Up:
        #     val = 1.0
        # else:
        #     val = 0.0
        # algorithm.Plot("IN vs Out", "Before", float(val))        
        insights.append(Insight.Price(self.MKT, self.predictionInterval, direction))

        return insights
    def returns_custom(self, symbol, timeframe, algorithm):
        frames = [i for i in range(-1, -11, -2)]
        prices = algorithm.History(symbol, TimeSpan.FromDays(timeframe), self.resolution).close.pct_change()
        return round(statistics.median([round(float(prices[i] - min(prices[i-9:i])/ min(prices[i-9:i])), 4) if min(prices[i-9:i]) != 0 else 0 for i in frames]), 4)

#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

class myTrailingStopRiskManagementModel:
    Credit goes to: Alex Catarino and many of his friends at QuantConnect
        Limits the maximum possible loss measured from the highest unrealized profit
    def __init__(self, maximumDrawdownPercent = 0.08):
        '''initializes the class
        Args: maximumDrawdownPercent: The maximum percentage drawdown allowed for algorithm portfolio compared with the highest unrealized profit, defaults to 5% drawdown
        self.maximumDrawdownPercent = -abs(maximumDrawdownPercent)
        self.trailingHighs = dict()

    def setDD(self, maximumDrawdownPercent = 0.08):
        '''allows to change the drawdown
        Args: maximumDrawdownPercent: The maximum percentage drawdown allowed for algorithm portfolio compared with the highest unrealized profit, defaults to 5% drawdown
        self.maximumDrawdownPercent = -abs(maximumDrawdownPercent)

    def setWTtoZeroIfDDtooHigh(self, algorithm, targets=None):
        '''If drawdown is too high, set wt[symbol] to zero
           algo.wt[symbol] = weights which will be set to 0 in case drawdown exceeds the maximum    
        for kvp in algorithm.Securities:
            symbol = kvp.Key
            security = kvp.Value
            # Remove from trailingHighs dict if not invested
            if not security.Invested:
                self.trailingHighs.pop(symbol, None)
            # Add newly invested securities to trailingHighs dict
            if symbol not in self.trailingHighs:
                self.trailingHighs[symbol] = security.Holdings.AveragePrice
            # Check for new highs and update trailingHighs dict
            if self.trailingHighs[symbol] < security.High:
                self.trailingHighs[symbol] = security.High
            # Calc the drawdown
            securityHigh = self.trailingHighs[symbol]
            drawdown = (security.Low / securityHigh) - 1
            # If drawdown is too high, set symbol weight to zero
            if drawdown < self.maximumDrawdownPercent:
                algorithm.wt[symbol] = 0
class myPortfolioOptimizer:
    Credit goes to: Emilio Freire / InnoQuantivity
        Implementation of a custom optimizer that calculates the weights for each asset to optimize a given objective function
        Optimization can be:
            - Equal Weighting
            - Maximize Portfolio Return
            - Minimize Portfolio Standard Deviation
            - Mean-Variance (minimize Standard Deviation given a target return)
            - Maximize Portfolio Sharpe Ratio
            - Maximize Portfolio Sortino Ratio
            - Risk Parity Portfolio
            - Weights must be between some given boundaries
            - Weights must sum to 1
    def __init__(self, 
                 minWeight = 0,
                 maxWeight = 1):
            Initialize the CustomPortfolioOptimizer
            minWeight(float): The lower bound on portfolio weights
            maxWeight(float): The upper bound on portfolio weights
        self.minWeight = minWeight
        self.maxWeight = maxWeight
    def CalcWeights(self, algorithm, symbols, objectiveFunction='riskParity', lookback=63, targetReturn=None):
            Calculate weights from daily returns, return a pandas Series
        history = np.log10(algorithm.History(symbols, lookback, Resolution.Daily)['close'].unstack(level = 0))
        returnsDf = history.pct_change().dropna()
        returnsDf.columns = [algorithm.AddEquity(i).Symbol.Value for i in list(returnsDf.columns)]
        weights = self.Optimize(objectiveFunction, returnsDf, targetReturn)
        return pd.Series(weights, index=returnsDf.columns, name='weights')
    def Optimize(self, objFunction, dailyReturnsDf, targetReturn = None):
            Perform portfolio optimization given a series of returns
            objFunction: The objective function to optimize (equalWeighting, maxReturn, minVariance, meanVariance, maxSharpe, maxSortino, riskParity)
            dailyReturnsDf: DataFrame of historical daily arithmetic returns
            Array of double with the portfolio weights (size: K x 1)
        # initial weights: equally weighted
        size = dailyReturnsDf.columns.size # K x 1
        self.initWeights = np.array(size * [1. / size])
        # get sample covariance matrix
        covariance = dailyReturnsDf.cov()
        # get the sample covariance matrix of only negative returns for sortino ratio
        negativeReturnsDf = dailyReturnsDf[dailyReturnsDf < 0]
        covarianceNegativeReturns = negativeReturnsDf.cov()
        if objFunction == 'equalWeighting':
            return self.initWeights
        bounds = tuple((self.minWeight, self.maxWeight) for x in range(size))
        constraints = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1.0}]
        if objFunction == 'meanVariance':
            # if no target return is provided, use the resulting from equal weighting
            if targetReturn is None:
                targetReturn = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioReturn(dailyReturnsDf, self.initWeights)
            constraints.append( {'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda weights:
                                self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioReturn(dailyReturnsDf, weights) - targetReturn} )
        opt = minimize(lambda weights: self.ObjectiveFunction(objFunction, dailyReturnsDf,
                                                                covariance, covarianceNegativeReturns,
                                                            x0 = self.initWeights,
                                                            bounds = bounds,
                                                            constraints = constraints,
                                                            method = 'SLSQP')
        return opt['x']
    def ObjectiveFunction(self, objFunction, dailyReturnsDf, covariance, covarianceNegativeReturns, weights):
            Compute the objective function
            objFunction: The objective function to optimize (equalWeighting, maxReturn, minVariance, meanVariance,
                                                                maxSharpe, maxSortino, riskParity)
            dailyReturnsDf: DataFrame of historical daily returns
            covariance: Sample covariance
            covarianceNegativeReturns: Sample covariance matrix of only negative returns
            weights: Portfolio weights
        if objFunction == 'maxReturn':
            f = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioReturn(dailyReturnsDf, weights)
            return -f # convert to negative to be minimized
        elif objFunction == 'minVariance':
            f = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioStd(covariance, weights)
            return f
        elif objFunction == 'meanVariance':
            f = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioStd(covariance, weights)
            return f
        elif objFunction == 'maxSharpe':
            f = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioSharpeRatio(dailyReturnsDf, covariance, weights)
            return -f # convert to negative to be minimized
        elif objFunction == 'maxSortino':
            f = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioSortinoRatio(dailyReturnsDf, covarianceNegativeReturns, weights)
            return -f # convert to negative to be minimized
        elif objFunction == 'riskParity':
            f = self.CalculateRiskParityFunction(covariance, weights)
            return f
            raise ValueError(f'PortfolioOptimizer.ObjectiveFunction: objFunction input has to be one of equalWeighting,'
             + ' maxReturn, minVariance, meanVariance, maxSharpe, maxSortino or riskParity')
    def CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioReturn(self, dailyReturnsDf, weights):
        annualizedPortfolioReturns = np.sum( ((1 + dailyReturnsDf.mean())**252 - 1) * weights )
        return annualizedPortfolioReturns
    def CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioStd(self, covariance, weights):
        annualizedPortfolioStd = np.sqrt( np.dot(weights.T, np.dot(covariance * 252, weights)) )
        if annualizedPortfolioStd == 0:
            raise ValueError(f'PortfolioOptimizer.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioStd: annualizedPortfolioStd cannot be zero. Weights: {weights}')
        return annualizedPortfolioStd
    def CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioNegativeStd(self, covarianceNegativeReturns, weights):
        annualizedPortfolioNegativeStd = np.sqrt( np.dot(weights.T, np.dot(covarianceNegativeReturns * 252, weights)) )        
        if annualizedPortfolioNegativeStd == 0:
            raise ValueError(f'PortfolioOptimizer.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioNegativeStd: annualizedPortfolioNegativeStd cannot be zero. Weights: {weights}')
        return annualizedPortfolioNegativeStd
    def CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioSharpeRatio(self, dailyReturnsDf, covariance, weights):
        annualizedPortfolioReturn = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioReturn(dailyReturnsDf, weights)
        annualizedPortfolioStd = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioStd(covariance, weights)
        annualizedPortfolioSharpeRatio = annualizedPortfolioReturn / annualizedPortfolioStd
        return annualizedPortfolioSharpeRatio
    def CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioSortinoRatio(self, dailyReturnsDf, covarianceNegativeReturns, weights):
        annualizedPortfolioReturn = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioReturn(dailyReturnsDf, weights)
        annualizedPortfolioNegativeStd = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioNegativeStd(covarianceNegativeReturns, weights)
        annualizedPortfolioSortinoRatio = annualizedPortfolioReturn / annualizedPortfolioNegativeStd
        return annualizedPortfolioSortinoRatio
    def CalculateRiskParityFunction(self, covariance, weights):
        ''' Spinu formulation for risk parity portfolio '''
        assetsRiskBudget = self.initWeights
        portfolioVolatility = self.CalculateAnnualizedPortfolioStd(covariance, weights)
        x = weights / portfolioVolatility
        riskParity = (np.dot(x.T, np.dot(covariance, x)) / 2) - np.dot(assetsRiskBudget.T, np.log(x))
        return riskParity
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import math 

class SupportResistance:
    # Get the S&R's for the last 2 weeks.
    def __init__(self, algorithm, ticker):
        self.Ticker = ticker
        self.Algorithm = algorithm
        self.Daily = RollingWindow[TradeBar](7);
        self.Min    = algorithm.MIN(self.Ticker, 390, Resolution.Minute)     # Range of today; breaking out of new highs/lows
        self.Max    = algorithm.MAX(self.Ticker, 390, Resolution.Minute)
        algorithm.Consolidate(self.Ticker, Resolution.Daily, self.SaveDailyBars)
    def NextSupport(self):
        support = []
        price = self.Algorithm.Securities[self.Ticker].Price
        # Rounded Price to $1
        support.append( round(price) )
        # Rounded Price to $10
        support.append( int(math.floor(price / 10.0)) * 10 )
        # Yesterday's OHLC Price
        support.append( self.Daily[0].Close )
        support.append( self.Daily[0].Low )
        # Append 7 day Low:
        support.append( min([bar.Low for bar in self.Daily]) )
        support = sorted(support, reverse=True)
        return support[0]
    def NextResistance(self):
        resistance = []
        price = self.Algorithm.Securities[self.Ticker].Price
        # Round Price Up to $1
        resistance.append( math.ceil(price) )
        # Rounded Price Up to $10
        resistance.append( int(math.ceil(price / 10.0)) * 10 )
        # Yesterday's Close, High
        resistance.append( self.Daily[0].Close )
        resistance.append( self.Daily[0].High )
        # Append 7 Day High
        resistance.append( max([bar.High for bar in self.Daily]) )
        # Take the lowest value on the list
        resistance = sorted(resistance)
        return resistance[0]
    # Build a 14 day historical rolling window of underlying prices.
    def SaveDailyBars(self, bar):
    # Reset any "daily" indicators
    def Reset(self):
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from itertools import groupby
import tweepy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re, math
import scipy
from math import ceil
from collections import deque
from itertools import chain
from pytz import timezone
import statistics

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Market import TradeBar
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import StandardDeviationExecutionModel, VolumeWeightedAveragePriceExecutionModel
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk import MaximumDrawdownPercentPortfolio, MaximumUnrealizedProfitPercentPerSecurity, MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity, TrailingStopRiskManagementModel

from dual_momentum_with_out_days_alpha import DualMomentumWithOutDaysAlphaModel
from portfolio_management import PortfolioManagementModel
from trade_execution import ScheduledExecutionModel
from manage_risk import CustomRiskModel

VOLA = 126; BASE_RET = 83; RET = 252; EXCL = 21; LEV = 1.00;

class HorizontalQuantumCoil(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.Portfolio.MarginCallModel = MarginCallModel.Null
        self.EnableAutomaticIndicatorWarmUp = True
        self.SetStartDate(2008, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 3, 1)
        self.added_cash = 115
        self.upkeep = 28
        self.simulate_live = False
        self.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage = 0.05
        # self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.AlphaStreams)
        self.SetAlpha(DualMomentumWithOutDaysAlphaModel(self, VOLA, BASE_RET, Resolution.Daily))

        stonks = ['FDN', 'QQQ', 'IWM', 'SPY', 'VTI', 'DIA', 'IWF', 'TLT', 'TLH', 'IEI', 'IEF'] # IWY, SH, SQQQ
        symbols = []
        # stonks = stonks + lev_stonks
        for stonk in stonks:
            val = Symbol.Create(stonk, SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA)
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily
        self.SetPortfolioConstruction(PortfolioManagementModel(self, RET, EXCL, LEV, Resolution.Daily, portfolioBias = PortfolioBias.Long))
        self.SetRiskManagement(CustomRiskModel(self, maximumDrawdownPercent = 0.025, maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = 0.175, resolution = Resolution.Daily, ))
        #self.SetRiskManagement(MaximumUnrealizedProfitPercentPerSecurity(maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = 0.15)) # 0.15
        #self.SetRiskManagement(MaximumDrawdownPercentPerSecurity(maximumDrawdownPercent = 0.025))
        #self.SetRiskManagement(MaximumDrawdownPercentPortfolio(maximumDrawdownPercent = 0.04, isTrailing = True))
        #self.SetRiskManagement(TrailingStopRiskManagementModel(maximumDrawdownPercent = 0.04))

        for time in range(55, 295, 30):
            self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), \
                             self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen("SPY", time), \
        if self.simulate_live:
            self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.Every(DayOfWeek.Monday), \
                             self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("SPY", 0), \
            self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.MonthStart("SPY"), \
                             self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("SPY", 0), \
    def AddCash(self):
        self.Portfolio.SetCash(self.Portfolio.Cash + self.added_cash)

    def UpKeep(self):
        self.Portfolio.SetCash(self.Portfolio.Cash - self.upkeep)        

    def consolidation_handler(self, sender, consolidated):
        self.history.loc[consolidated.EndTime, consolidated.Symbol] = consolidated.Close
        self.history = self.history.iloc[-(VOLA + 1):]

    def createPlots(self, benchmark):
        self.__benchmark = benchmark

        self.__plot_every_n_days = 5
        self.__plot_every_n_days_i = 0
        plot = Chart('Performance')
        plot.AddSeries(Series(self.__benchmark, SeriesType.Line, 0, '%'))
        plot.AddSeries(Series("Algorithm", SeriesType.Line, 0, '%'))


    def ResetPlot(self):
        self.year = self.Time.year
        self.__cost_portfolio = None
        self.__cost_benchmark = None

    def CalculateBenchmarkPerformance(self):
        price = self.Securities[self.__benchmark].Price
        if self.__cost_benchmark == None:
            self.__cost_benchmark = price
        return 100.0 * ((price / self.__cost_benchmark) - 1.0)
    def CalculatePortfolioPerformance(self):
        if self.__cost_portfolio == None:
            self.__cost_portfolio = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
        return 100.0 * ((self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / self.__cost_portfolio) - 1.0)
    def OnEndOfDay(self):
        if self.IsWarmingUp or not self.Securities[self.__benchmark].HasData:

        openOrders = self.Transactions.GetOpenOrders()
        openLimitOrders = [order for order in openOrders if (order.Type == OrderType.Limit) or (order.Type == OrderType.StopMarket)]
        if len(openLimitOrders)> 0:
            for x in openLimitOrders:

        if self.Time.year != self.year:
            self.__plot_every_n_days_i == -1

        self.__plot_every_n_days_i += 1
        if self.__plot_every_n_days_i % self.__plot_every_n_days != 0:
        self.Plot('Performance', self.__benchmark, self.CalculateBenchmarkPerformance())
        self.Plot('Performance', "Algorithm", self.CalculatePortfolioPerformance())
        # self.Plot(f"Cash", "Remaining", self.Portfolio.Cash)
        # for kvp in self.Portfolio:
        #     security_holding = kvp.Value
        #     sec = security_holding.Symbol.Value
        #     if self.Portfolio[sec].Invested:
                # security_holding = round(float(self.Portfolio[sec].AveragePrice*self.Portfolio[sec].Quantity), 3)
                # if security_holding >= int(self.Portfolio.Cash*0.4):
                #     self.Plot(f"UnrealizedProfitPercent", str(sec)+"_at 0.5 bp", self.Portfolio[sec].UnrealizedProfitPercent)
                # elif security_holding >= int(self.Portfolio.Cash*0.1):
                #     self.Plot(f"UnrealizedProfitPercent", str(sec)+"_at 0.1 bp", self.Portfolio[sec].UnrealizedProfitPercent)
                # self.Plot(f"UnrealizedProfitPercent", str(sec), self.Portfolio[sec].UnrealizedProfitPercent)
                # self.Plot(f"Cash", str(sec), round(self.Portfolio[sec].AveragePrice*self.Portfolio[sec].Quantity, 4))
    def MarketOpen(self):
        return self.Time.hour != 0 and self.Time.minute == 1
    def UpdateTickets(self):
        openOrders = self.Transactions.GetOpenOrders()
        openLimitOrders = [order for order in openOrders if (order.Type == OrderType.Limit) or (order.Type == OrderType.StopMarket)]
        if len(openLimitOrders)> 0:
            for x in openLimitOrders:
        invested = [x.Key for x in self.Portfolio if x.Value.Invested]
        for symbol in invested:
            security_holding = self.Portfolio[symbol]
            quantity = security_holding.Quantity
            price = security_holding.AveragePrice
            unrealized_profit_pct = self.Portfolio[symbol].UnrealizedProfitPercent
            security_holding = round(float(self.Portfolio[symbol].AveragePrice*self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity), 3)
            if security_holding >= int(self.Portfolio.Cash*0.4):
                if self.Securities[symbol].Price > round(self.Portfolio[symbol].AveragePrice*1.1, 3):
                    stopPrice  = self.Securities[symbol].Price * 0.9725
                    limitPrice = self.Securities[symbol].Price * 1.0375
                    self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, -quantity, stopPrice)
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, -quantity, limitPrice)
            elif security_holding <= int(self.Portfolio.Cash*0.25):
                if self.Securities[symbol].Price > round(self.Portfolio[symbol].AveragePrice*1.1, 3):
                    stopPrice  = self.Securities[symbol].Price * 0.97
                    limitPrice = self.Securities[symbol].Price * 1.05
                    self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, -quantity, stopPrice)
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, -quantity, limitPrice)

from AlgorithmImports import *

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Market import TradeBar
from QuantConnect.Indicators.CandlestickPatterns import *

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import statistics
from operator import itemgetter
from functools import reduce
from symbol_data_functions import SymbolData

class CustomRiskModel(RiskManagementModel):
    def __init__(self, algorithm, maximumDrawdownPercent = 0.025, maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = 0.175, resolution = Resolution.Daily, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Initializes a new instance class with various risk management systems
            maximumDrawdownPercent: The maximum percentage drawdown allowed for algorithm portfolio compared with the highest unrealized profit, defaults to 5% drawdown
            maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent: The maximum percentage unrealized profit allowed for any single security holding, defaults to 5% drawdown per security'''
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = abs(maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent)
        self.TotalmaximumUnrealizedProfitPercent = abs(maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent) + 0.075
        self.maximumDrawdownPercent = -abs(maximumDrawdownPercent)
        self.TotalmaximumDrawdownPercent = -abs(maximumDrawdownPercent) * 1.5
        self.Liquidate_all = False
        self.total_unrealized_profit_pct = 0.0
        self.total_drawdown_pct = 0.0
        self.trailing = dict()

    def ManageRisk(self, algorithm, targets):
        '''Manages the algorithm's risk at each time step
            algorithm: The algorithm instance
            targets: The current portfolio targets to be assessed for risk'''
        targets = []
        for kvp in algorithm.Securities:
            symbol = kvp.Key
            security = kvp.Value
            # # Remove if not invested
            # if not security.Invested:
            #     self.trailing.pop(symbol, None)
            #     continue
            unrealized_profit_pct = security.Holdings.UnrealizedProfitPercent
            # # Add newly invested securities
            # value = self.trailing.get(symbol)
            # if value == None:
            #     newValue = unrealized_profit_pct if unrealized_profit_pct > 0 else 0
            #     self.trailing[symbol] = newValue
            #     continue
            # # Check for new high and update
            # if value < unrealized_profit_pct:
            #     self.trailing[symbol] = unrealized_profit_pct
            #     continue
            # self.total_unrealized_profit_pct += unrealized_profit_pct
            # # Liquidate if Drawdown from MaximumUnrealizedProfitPercent is reached:
            # pnl = self.GetDrawdownPercent(unrealized_profit_pct, symbol)
            # if len(targets) != 0:
            #     unreal_pct = self.maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent
            #     if unreal_pct > 0.175:
            #         if pnl < float(self.maximumDrawdownPercent - 2.0):
            #             targets.append(PortfolioTarget(security.Symbol, 0))
            #     elif unreal_pct > 0.15:
            #         if pnl < float(self.maximumDrawdownPercent - 2.0):
            #             targets.append(PortfolioTarget(security.Symbol, 0))
            #     elif unreal_pct > 0.1:
            #         if pnl < float(self.maximumDrawdownPercent - 2.0):
            #             targets.append(PortfolioTarget(security.Symbol, 0))
            #     elif unreal_pct <= -0.04:
            #         if pnl < float(self.maximumDrawdownPercent - 0.0):
            #             targets.append(PortfolioTarget(security.Symbol, 0))
            # self.total_drawdown_pct += pnl
            # If maximum unrealized profit percent reached, liquidate
            if unrealized_profit_pct > self.maximumUnrealizedProfitPercent:
                targets.append(PortfolioTarget(security.Symbol, 0))
        # # If Total Porfolio Drawdown Percent is Met
        # if len(targets) != 0:
        #     total_unreal_pct = self.TotalmaximumUnrealizedProfitPercent
        #     if total_unreal_pct > 0.225:
        #         if self.total_drawdown_pct < float(self.TotalmaximumDrawdownPercent - 4.0):
        #             self.Liquidate_all = True
        #     elif total_unreal_pct > 0.2:
        #         if self.total_drawdown_pct < float(self.TotalmaximumDrawdownPercent - 4.0):
        #             self.Liquidate_all = True
        #     elif total_unreal_pct > 0.18:
        #         if self.total_drawdown_pct < float(self.TotalmaximumDrawdownPercent - 4.0):
        #             self.Liquidate_all = True
        #     elif total_unreal_pct <= -0.8:
        #         if self.total_drawdown_pct < float(self.TotalmaximumDrawdownPercent - 0.0):
        #             self.Liquidate_all = True
        # If Total Porfolio Unrealized Profit Percent is Met
        # if self.total_unrealized_profit_pct > self.TotalmaximumUnrealizedProfitPercent:
        #     self.Liquidate_all = True
        # if self.Liquidate_all is True:
        #     targets = [ PortfolioTarget(target.Symbol, 0) for target in targets ]
        # if algorithm.Time.hour == 16 and algorithm.Time.minute == 0.00:
        #     self.total_unrealized_profit_pct = 0.0
            #self.total_drawdown_pct = 0.0
        return targets
    # def GetDrawdownPercent(self, unrealized_profit_pct, symbol):
    #     max_holding_pct = self.trailing.get(symbol)
    #     cur_holding_pct = unrealized_profit_pct
    #     return float(cur_holding_pct) - float(max_holding_pct)
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import numpy as np

class Market_Profile:
    def __init__(self):
        # Define lists, dictionaries needed for storing values
        self.slope_dict = {}
        self.ranked_ra = {}
        self.volume_profiles = {}
        self.val = {}
        self.vah = {}
        self.pct_change = {}
        self.top_stocks = {}

    def OnData(self, data):
        '''OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
                data: Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data
        if self.Time.hour == 10 and self.Time.minute == 30:
            for key, value in self.ranked_ra.items():
                if data.ContainsKey(key) and data[key] is not None:
                    self.pct_change[key] = data[key].Price # some calculation with price at 10:30 AM; resulting value is stored in a dictionary as value with according key pair (I removed the calculation on purpose)
            self.pct_change = dict(sorted(self.pct_change.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
            ranked_pct_change = {item:index for index, item in enumerate(self.pct_change,1)}

            #Combine ranking of both ranked_ra & val_pct_change; Data is pulled from dictionaries stored in Initialize and they according was generated with DataGenerator-Function
            for key, value in self.ranked_ra.items():
                if key not in ranked_pct_change:
                value_2 = ranked_pct_change[key]
                self.top_stocks[key] = value + value_2
            #Rank stocks according to total rank
            self.top_stocks = dict(sorted(self.top_stocks.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False))
    def CalcMarketProfile(self, algorithm, timeframe, symbols):
        # Clear all the data from the past before starting the calculation for this day again
        history = algorithm.History(symbols, timeframe, Resolution.Daily)
        if history.empty or 'close' not in history.columns:
        for symbol in symbols:
            price_data = history.loc[str(symbol)]["close"].iloc[-len(history):]
            y = np.log(price_data)
            x = np.arange(len(y))
            slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = sp.stats.linregress(x,y)
            self.slope_dict[str(symbol)] = {"Slope":slope, "R²":r_value**2}
        self.slope_dict = dict(sorted(self.slope_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["R²"], reverse=True))
        self.ranked_ra = {}
        for index, (key, item) in enumerate(self.slope_dict.items(),1):
            #if index >= len(self.slope_dict.keys())*0.1:
            #    break
            self.ranked_ra[key] = index

        slices_vp = algorithm.History(list(self.ranked_ra.keys()), int(timeframe*8), Resolution.Hour) # timeframe*60
        #Code to create volume profiles for all requested stocks
        for i in self.ranked_ra.keys():
            #create stock keys in volume profile
            self.volume_profiles[str(i)] = {}
            low = round(min(slices_vp.loc[str(i)]["close"]), 2)
            high = round(max(slices_vp.loc[str(i)]["close"]), 2)
            price_range = high - low
            total_volume = sum(slices_vp.loc[str(i)]["volume"])

            #create volume profile for every stock in keys
            for row in slices_vp.loc[str(i)].itertuples():
                if row.volume > 0:
                    key = round(row.close, 2)
                    volume_per_level = row.volume
                    if key not in self.volume_profiles[str(i)].keys():
                        self.volume_profiles[str(i)][str(key)] = volume_per_level
                        self.volume_profiles[str(i)][str(key)] += volume_per_level
            # Set target volume - 70% of daily volume
            target_vol = sum(self.volume_profiles[str(i)].values()) * 0.7
            # Get the price level that had the largest volume
            max_vol_price = max(self.volume_profiles[str(i)], key=self.volume_profiles[str(i)].get)
            # Setup a window to capture the POC, centered at the most liquid level
            curr_max_price = float(max_vol_price)
            curr_min_price = float(max_vol_price)
            curr_vol = self.volume_profiles[str(i)][max_vol_price]
            price_levels = sorted([float(price_level) for price_level, vol in self.volume_profiles[str(i)].items() if vol > 0])
            # Grow window bounds until we have 70% of the day's volume captured
            while curr_vol < target_vol:
                # Price one level up
                price_up = None
                price_up_vol = 0
                up_prices = [price for price in price_levels if price > curr_max_price]
                if len(up_prices) > 0:
                    price_up = up_prices[0]
                    price_up_vol = self.volume_profiles[str(i)][str(price_up)]
                # Price one level down
                price_down = None
                price_down_vol = 0
                down_prices = [price for price in price_levels if price < curr_min_price]
                if len(down_prices) > 0:
                    price_down = down_prices[-1]
                    price_down_vol = self.volume_profiles[str(i)][str(price_down)]
                #Grow windows in the direction of more volume
                if price_up is not None and (price_up_vol > price_down_vol):
                    curr_max_price = round(price_up, 2)
                    curr_vol += price_up_vol
                    curr_min_price = round(price_down, 2)
                    curr_vol += price_down_vol
            # Save VAL, value area low & VAH, value area high for each stock    
            self.val[str(i)] = curr_min_price
            self.vah[str(i)] = curr_max_price

        for key, value in self.ranked_ra.items():
            self.pct_change[key] = algorithm.Securities[key].Price # some calculation with price at 10:30 AM; resulting value is stored in a dictionary as value with according key pair (I removed the calculation on purpose)
        self.pct_change = dict(sorted(self.pct_change.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
        ranked_pct_change = {item:index for index, item in enumerate(self.pct_change,1)}

        #Combine ranking of both ranked_ra & val_pct_change; Data is pulled from dictionaries stored in Initialize and they according was generated with DataGenerator-Function
        for key, value in self.ranked_ra.items():
            if key not in ranked_pct_change:
            value_2 = ranked_pct_change[key]
            self.top_stocks[key] = value + value_2

        #Rank stocks according to total rank
        self.top_stocks = dict(sorted(self.top_stocks.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)[:2])
        return self.volume_profiles, self.val, self.vah, self.ranked_ra, self.top_stocks
    def GetMarketProfile(self, algorithm, symbol):
        return self.volume_profiles, self.val.get(str(symbol)), self.vah.get(str(symbol)), self.ranked_ra.get(str(symbol)), self.top_stocks
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Market import TradeBar
from QuantConnect.Indicators.CandlestickPatterns import *

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import statistics
from operator import itemgetter
from functools import reduce

from helpers import myPortfolioOptimizer
from symbol_data_functions import SymbolData

class PortfolioManagementModel(PortfolioConstructionModel):
    def __init__(self,
                 resolution = Resolution.Daily,
                 portfolioBias = PortfolioBias.Long,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        algorithm.PortfolioBias = portfolioBias
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.RET = RET
        self.EXCL = EXCL
        self.LEV = LEV
        self.VOLA = 126
        self.STK1 = algorithm.AddEquity('SPY', self.resolution).Symbol # SPXL/SPY
        self.STK2 = algorithm.AddEquity('QQQ', self.resolution).Symbol # TQQQ/QQQ
        self.STK3 = algorithm.AddEquity('IWM', self.resolution).Symbol # URTY/IWM
        self.STK4 = algorithm.AddEquity('DIA', self.resolution).Symbol # FDN/FDN
        self.STK5 = algorithm.AddEquity('VTI', self.resolution).Symbol # AGQ/VTI
        self.STK6 = algorithm.AddEquity('FDN', self.resolution).Symbol # AGQ/VTI
        self.STK7 = algorithm.AddEquity('IWF', self.resolution).Symbol # AGQ/VTI
        self.BND1 = algorithm.AddEquity('TLH', self.resolution).Symbol # TMF/TLH
        self.BND2 = algorithm.AddEquity('TLT', self.resolution).Symbol # UGL/TLT
        self.BND3 = algorithm.AddEquity('IEI', self.resolution).Symbol # TMF/TLH
        self.BND4 = algorithm.AddEquity('IEF', self.resolution).Symbol # UGL/TLT
        #self.SHT1 = algorithm.AddEquity('SQQQ', self.resolution).Symbol # UGL/TLT
        #self.SHT2 = algorithm.AddEquity('SH', self.resolution).Symbol # UGL/TLT
        # self.LEV1 =  algorithm.AddEquity('SPXL', self.resolution).Symbol
        # self.LEV2 =  algorithm.AddEquity('TQQQ', self.resolution).Symbol
        # self.LEV3 =  algorithm.AddEquity('URTY', self.resolution).Symbol
        # self.LEV4 =  algorithm.AddEquity('TMF', self.resolution).Symbol
        self.STOCKS = [self.STK1, self.STK2, self.STK3, self.STK4, self.STK5, self.STK6, self.STK7]
        #self.STOCKS_LEV = [self.LEV1, self.LEV2, self.LEV3]
        self.BONDS = [self.BND1, self.BND2, self.BND3, self.BND4]
        self.ASSETS = self.STOCKS + self.BONDS #+ self.STOCKS_LEV + self.BONDS_LEV
        self.data = dict()
        for symbol in self.ASSETS:
            self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days=1))
            self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.consolidation_handler
            algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(symbol, self.consolidator)
        self.history = np.log(algorithm.History(self.ASSETS, self.VOLA + 1, self.resolution))
        self.pfo = myPortfolioOptimizer(minWeight=0, maxWeight=1)

        for symbol in self.ASSETS:
    def consolidation_handler(self, sender, consolidated):
        self.history.loc[consolidated.EndTime, consolidated.Symbol] = consolidated.Close
        self.history = self.history.iloc[-(self.VOLA + 1):]
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        addedSymbols = []
        for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
            if security.Symbol not in self.data:
                self.data[security.Symbol] = SymbolData(algorithm, security.Symbol)
        if len(addedSymbols) > 0:
            history = algorithm.History(addedSymbols, self.VOLA + 1, self.resolution).loc[addedSymbols]
            for symbol in addedSymbols:
                    history = np.log(history)
    def returns_custom(self, symbol, timeframe):
        prices = np.log(algorithm.History(symbol, TimeSpan.FromDays(21), self.resolution).close)
        return round((prices[-timeframe] - prices[-5]) / prices[-5], 4)        

    def calc_cndl_score(self, asset, res = "Daily"):
        if res == "Daily":
            cndl_coef = sum([x.Current.Value for x in self.data[asset].candles])
        return cndl_coef

    def custom_filter(self, algorithm, symbol, filter_type = 'both'):
        data_list = [self.data]# [self.datathirtyMin, self.datafourHour, self.data]
        count = 0
        for _dict in data_list:
            slope_cond = (_dict[symbol].roc_slope > 0.00) and (_dict[symbol].vol_slope > 0.00)
            slope_down = (_dict[symbol].roc_slope > 0.00) and (_dict[symbol].vol_slope > 0.00)
            signals = (_dict[symbol].breakout or (_dict[symbol].vpnIndicator and (_dict[symbol].is_uptrend and _dict[symbol].trix_uptrend or (_dict[symbol].roc_vol_signal_up and _dict[symbol].entry_signal and _dict[symbol].kal_entry_signal and _dict[symbol].rsi_entry_signal and _dict[symbol].macd_entry_signal and _dict[symbol].williams_entry_signal))) or (_dict[symbol].macd_uptrend and _dict[symbol].rsi_uptrend))
            quick_signals = (_dict[symbol].vpnIndicator and (_dict[symbol].breakout or _dict[symbol].entry_signal or _dict[symbol].kal_entry_signal or _dict[symbol].rsi_entry_signal or _dict[symbol].macd_entry_signal or _dict[symbol].williams_entry_signal or _dict[symbol].quick_up))
            down_signals = (_dict[symbol].breakdown or ((not _dict[symbol].vpnIndicator) and (_dict[symbol].is_downtrend and _dict[symbol].trix_downtrend or (_dict[symbol].roc_vol_signal_down and _dict[symbol].exit_signal and _dict[symbol].kal_exit_signal and _dict[symbol].rsi_exit_signal and _dict[symbol].macd_exit_signal and _dict[symbol].williams_exit_signal))) or (_dict[symbol].macd_downtrend and _dict[symbol].rsi_downtrend))
            hh_cond = _dict[symbol].hh_all and _dict[symbol].hh_sum
            ll_cond = _dict[symbol].ll_all and _dict[symbol].ll_sum
            market_uptrend = (_dict[symbol].mp_entry_signal or _dict[symbol].mp_uptrend) and _dict[symbol].roc_vol_signal_up
            market_downtrend = (_dict[symbol].mp_exit_signal or _dict[symbol].mp_downtrend) and _dict[symbol].roc_vol_signal_down
            if filter_type == 'both':
                if (slope_cond) and (signals):
                    count += 1
            if filter_type == 'either':
                if (slope_cond) or (signals):
                    count += 1
            if filter_type == 'quick':
                if quick_signals and market_uptrend: 
                    count += 1
            if filter_type == 'pullback':
                if (slope_cond) and (down_signals) and market_downtrend:
                    count += 1
            if filter_type == 'lev':
                if (slope_cond) and (_dict[symbol].median_roc_momentum >= 0.005) and (signals):
                    count += 1
        if count == len(data_list):
            return True
            return False
    def CreateTargets(self, algorithm, insights):
        if algorithm.IsWarmingUp:
            return []

        targets = []
        # We expect at most only one active insight since we only
        # generate insights for one equity.
        assert len(insights) <= 1
        if len(insights) == 1:
            insight = insights[0]
            # for sec in self.STOCKS:
            #     algorithm.Plot('CandleSticks', sec, self.calc_candle_score(sec))
            # algorithm.Plot('RSI', str(self.STK2)+"_RSI", self.data[self.STK2].rsi.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('RSI', str(self.STK2)+"_StochRsiFastStoch", self.data[self.STK2].stochasticRSI.FastStoch.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('RSI', str(self.STK2)+"_StochRsiK", self.data[self.STK2].stochasticRSI.StochK.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('RSI', str(self.STK2)+"_StochRsiD", self.data[self.STK2].stochasticRSI.StochD.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACD", self.data[self.STK2].macd.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACDHist", self.data[self.STK2].macd.Histogram.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACDSignal", self.data[self.STK2].macd.Signal.Current.Value)
            # delta = round(float(self.data[self.STK2].macd.Current.Value - self.data[self.STK2].macd.Signal.Current.Value) / self.data[self.STK2].macd.Fast.Current.Value, 4)
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACDDelta", float(delta))
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACDStoch", self.data[self.STK2].stochasticMACD.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACDStochFast", self.data[self.STK2].stochasticMACD.FastStoch.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACDStochK", self.data[self.STK2].stochasticMACD.StochK.Current.Value)
            # algorithm.Plot('MACD', str(self.STK2)+"_MACDStochD", self.data[self.STK2].stochasticMACD.StochD.Current.Value)
            if insight.Direction != InsightDirection.Flat:
                williams_fast = ((self.data[self.STK1].williamsPR.Current.Value >= -95.00) and (self.data[self.STK2].williamsPR.Current.Value >= -95.00))
                williams_slow = ((self.data[self.STK1].williamsPR_slow.Current.Value >= -95.00) and (self.data[self.STK2].williamsPR_slow.Current.Value >= -95.00))
                williams_median = ((self.data[self.STK1].williams_median >= -80.00) and (self.data[self.STK2].williams_median >= -80.00))
                williams = williams_fast and williams_slow and williams_median
                market_uptrend = all(self.custom_filter(algorithm, symbol, filter_type = 'both') for symbol in [self.STK1, self.STK2, self.STK3, self.STK4]) and all(self.data[symbol].trix_uptrend for symbol in [self.STK1, self.STK2, self.STK3, self.STK4]) and all(self.data[symbol].mp_uptrend for symbol in [self.STK1, self.STK2, self.STK3, self.STK4])
                bond_uptrend = all(self.custom_filter(algorithm, symbol, filter_type = 'both') for symbol in self.BONDS) and all(self.data[symbol].trix_uptrend for symbol in self.BONDS) and all(self.data[symbol].mp_uptrend for symbol in self.BONDS)
                if insight.Direction == InsightDirection.Down and williams and (not market_uptrend):
                    self.bull = False
                elif not bond_uptrend:
                    self.bull = True
                selected = list()
                if self.bull:
                    stocks = [(symbol, self.data[symbol].median_roc, self.data[symbol].volatility) for symbol in self.STOCKS if self.custom_filter(algorithm, symbol, filter_type = 'both')]
                    stocks.sort(key=itemgetter(1, 2), reverse=True)
                    for sec, roc, vola in stocks:
                        if (len(selected) < 2):
                    if len(selected) < 2:
                        stocks = [(symbol, self.data[symbol].median_roc, self.data[symbol].volatility) for symbol in self.STOCKS if self.custom_filter(algorithm, symbol, filter_type = 'either')]
                        stocks.sort(key=itemgetter(1, 2), reverse=True)
                        for sec, roc, vola in stocks:
                            if (len(selected) < 2) and (sec not in selected):
                elif not self.bull:
                    bonds = [(symbol, self.data[symbol].median_roc, self.data[symbol].volatility) for symbol in self.BONDS if self.custom_filter(algorithm, symbol, filter_type = 'both')]
                    bonds.sort(key=itemgetter(1, 2), reverse=True)
                    for sec, roc, vola in bonds:
                        if (len(selected) < 2):
                    if len(selected) < 2:
                        bonds = [(symbol, self.data[symbol].median_roc, self.data[symbol].volatility) for symbol in self.BONDS if self.custom_filter(algorithm, symbol, filter_type = 'either')]
                        bonds.sort(key=itemgetter(1, 2), reverse=True)
                        for sec, roc, vola in bonds:
                            if (len(selected) < 2) and (sec not in selected):
            if insight.Direction == InsightDirection.Flat: 
                return []

            for asset in self.ASSETS:
                cond_both = self.custom_filter(algorithm, asset, filter_type = 'both')
                cond_either = self.custom_filter(algorithm, asset, filter_type = 'either')
                cond_pullback = self.custom_filter(algorithm, asset, filter_type = 'pullback')
                median_price = statistics.median([algorithm.Securities[asset].Open, algorithm.Securities[asset].High, algorithm.Securities[asset].Low, algorithm.Securities[asset].Close])

                profit_pct_cond = algorithm.Portfolio[asset].UnrealizedProfitPercent <= -0.05
                holdings_pct = round(float(algorithm.Portfolio[asset].HoldingsValue)/algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue, 4)
                rocsignal = all(x > 0.0 for x in [self.data[asset].rocSignal_quick.Current.Value, self.data[asset].rocSignal_fast.Current.Value, self.data[asset].rocSignal_med.Current.Value, self.data[asset].rocSignal_long.Current.Value])
                volsignal = all(x > 0.0 for x in [self.data[asset].volSignal_quick.Current.Value, self.data[asset].volSignal_fast.Current.Value, self.data[asset].volSignal_med.Current.Value, self.data[asset].volSignal_long.Current.Value])
                roc_vol_signal = rocsignal and volsignal
                cond1 = ((all((self.calc_cndl_score(asset, res = tf) > 0) for tf in ["Daily"])) and cond_both) 
                cond2 = ((all((self.calc_cndl_score(asset, res = tf) >= -2) for tf in ["Daily"])) or (cond_both and self.data[asset].cndl_uptrend))
                cond3 = ((all((self.calc_cndl_score(asset, res = tf) >= -2) for tf in ["Daily"])) or (cond_either and self.data[asset].cndl_uptrend))
                if (asset in selected) and (not cond_pullback):
                    # weight = self.asset_weights[self.asset_weights.index == str(asset.Value)][0]
                    # weight_max = self.asset_weights_max_two[self.asset_weights_max_two.index == str(asset.Value)][0]
                    if ((algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Invested and (cond2 or cond3)) or cond1):
                        if cond_pullback and ((profit_pct_cond) and (holdings_pct >= 0.1)):
                            targets.append(PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, asset, 0.0))
                            targets.append(PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, asset, 0.5))
                    elif not algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Invested and (cond2 or cond3):
                        if cond_pullback:
                            targets.append(PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, asset, 0.0))
                        elif roc_vol_signal:
                            targets.append(PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, asset, 0.25))
                            targets.append(PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, asset, 0.1))
                    targets.append(PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, asset, 0.0))
        return targets

from AlgorithmImports import *

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Market import TradeBar
from QuantConnect.Indicators.CandlestickPatterns import *

import inspect
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
import statistics
from operator import itemgetter
from functools import reduce

from FilterIndicators import *
from SmartRollingWindow import *
from pykalman import KalmanFilter

from levels import *
from market_profile import Market_Profile

class SymbolData(object):
    def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Symbol = symbol
        self.resolution = Resolution.Daily
        self.lookback = 20
        self.ceiling = 30
        self.floor = 10
        self.hh_all = False
        self.ll_all = False
        self.hh_sum = False
        self.ll_sum = False
        self.breakout = False
        self.breakdown = False
        self.fir = 0.00
        self.EXCL = 21
        self.scale = 0.00
        self.tol = 0.98
        self.is_uptrend = False
        self.is_downtrend = False
        self.volatility = 0.00
        self.tolerance = 0.98
        self.vwap = IntradayVwap()
        self.vol_slope = 0.00
        self.roc_slope = 0.00
        self.median_roc = 0.00
        self.median_vol = 0.00
        # Support Resistance
        self.long = False
        self.short = False
        self.Daily = RollingWindow[TradeBar](21)
        ### Market Profile
        self.market_profile = Market_Profile()
        self.mp_uptrend = False
        self.mp_downtrend = False
        self.mp_entry_signal = False
        self.mp_exit_signal = False
        self.poc_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.pocWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.val_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.valWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.vah_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.vahWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.price_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.priceWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.medpri_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.medpriWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.vwap_fst = VolumeWeightedAveragePriceIndicator(50)
        self.vwap_med = VolumeWeightedAveragePriceIndicator(100)
        self.vwap_mlng = VolumeWeightedAveragePriceIndicator(150)
        self.vwap_lng = VolumeWeightedAveragePriceIndicator(200)
        self.vwap_fst_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.vwap_fstWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.vwap_med_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.vwap_medWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.vwap_lng_Win =  RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.vwap_lngWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.dont_buy = False

        self.fast = RateOfChange(int(8*1.0))
        self.fast_Win = RollingWindow[float](41)
        self.slow = RateOfChange(int(14*1.0))
        self.slow_Win = RollingWindow[float](41)
        self.roc = RateOfChange(int(5*1.0))
        self.roc_fast = RateOfChange(int(3*1.0))
        self.roc_med = RateOfChange(int(8*1.0))
        self.roc_long = RateOfChange(int(14*1.0))
        self.vol_roc = RateOfChange(int(5*1.0))
        self.vol_roc_fast = RateOfChange(int(3*1.0))
        self.vol_roc_med = RateOfChange(int(8*1.0))
        self.vol_roc_long = RateOfChange(int(14*1.0))
        self.roc_Win = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.roclen_Win = RollingWindow[float](int(5))
        self.rocSum_Win = RollingWindow[float](int(5))
        self.vol_Win = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.prices_Win = RollingWindow[float](41)
        self.low_Win = RollingWindow[float](41)
        self.high_Win = RollingWindow[float](41)
        self.roc_prices_Win = RollingWindow[float](41)
        self.roc_prices_lev_Win = RollingWindow[float](10)
        self.roc_volume_Win = RollingWindow[float](41)
        self.stochasticMACD = Stochastic(30, 3, 3)
        self.macd = MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence(12, 26, 9, MovingAverageType.Exponential)
        self.macd_stochfast_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdStochFastWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.macd_stochk_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdStochKWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.macd_stochd_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdStochDWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)      
        self.macd_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macd_stoch_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdHist_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdFast_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdSlow_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdSignal_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macdDelta_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.macd_uptrend = False
        self.macd_downtrend = False
        self.stochasticRSI = Stochastic(21, 3, 3)
        self.rsi = RelativeStrengthIndex(14, MovingAverageType.Wilders)
        self.rsi_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.rsiWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.rsiFastStoch_Win = RollingWindow[float](8)
        self.rsiFastStochWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.rsiStochD_Win = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.rsiStochKWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.rsiStochK_Win = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.rsiStochDWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.rsi_uptrend = False
        self.rsi_downtrend = False
        self.williamsPR = WilliamsPercentR(14)
        self.williamsPR_slow = WilliamsPercentR(21)
        self.williamsWindow = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.williams_median_roc = 0.00
        self.williams_median = 0.00
        self.vpnIndicator = False
        self.vpnScale = 0.00
        self.vpn_period = 10
        self.atr = AverageTrueRange(self.vpn_period, MovingAverageType.Exponential)
        self.vpn_vol_Win = RollingWindow[float](self.vpn_period)
        self.vpn_hlc_Win = RollingWindow[float](self.vpn_period)
        self.vpn_list = RollingWindow[float](6)
        self.stochasticTrix = Stochastic(21, 3, 3)
        self.trix = Trix(9)
        self.trix_slow = Trix(18)
        self.trixFastStoch_Win = RollingWindow[float](int(5))
        self.trixStochFastWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.trixStochK_Win = RollingWindow[float](int(5))
        self.trixStochKWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.trixStochD_Win = RollingWindow[float](int(5))
        self.trixStochDWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.trix_uptrend = False
        self.trix_downtrend = False
        self.rocSignal_quick = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.roc_fast, self.roc_med)
        self.volSignal_quick = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.vol_roc_fast, self.vol_roc_med)
        self.rocSignal_fast = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.roc_fast, self.roc)
        self.volSignal_fast = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.vol_roc_fast, self.vol_roc)
        self.rocSignal_med = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.roc, self.roc_med)
        self.volSignal_med = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.vol_roc, self.vol_roc_med)
        self.rocSignal_long = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.roc_med, self.roc_long)
        self.volSignal_long = IndicatorExtensions.Over(self.vol_roc_med, self.vol_roc_long)
        self.rocvolSignal_Win = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.rocvolSignal_median = 0.00
        self.kalFilter  = KalmanFilterIndicator(name='Kalman', period=5, selector=Field.Close)
        self.kalFilterLow  = KalmanFilterIndicator(name='Kalman', period=5, selector=Field.Low)
        self.kalFilterHigh  = KalmanFilterIndicator(name='Kalman', period=5, selector=Field.High)
        self.kalWindow    = SmartRollingWindow("float", 2)
        self.kalWindowLow    = SmartRollingWindow("float", 2)
        self.kalWindowHigh    = SmartRollingWindow("float", 2)
        self.priceWindow  = SmartRollingWindow("float", 2)
        self.priceWindowLow  = SmartRollingWindow("float", 2)
        self.priceWindowHigh  = SmartRollingWindow("float", 2)
        self.exit_signal = False
        self.entry_signal = False
        # Candles
        self.cndl_abandonedbaby = AbandonedBaby()
        self.cndl_advanceblock = AdvanceBlock()
        self.cndl_belthold = BeltHold()
        self.cndl_breakway = Breakaway()
        self.cndl_closingmarubozu = ClosingMarubozu()
        self.cndl_concealedbabyswallow = ConcealedBabySwallow()
        self.cndl_counterattack = Counterattack()
        self.cndl_darkcloudcover = DarkCloudCover()
        self.cndl_doji = Doji()
        self.cndl_dojistar = DojiStar()
        self.cndl_dragonflydoji = DragonflyDoji()
        self.cndl_engulfing = Engulfing()
        self.cndl_eveningdojistar = EveningDojiStar()
        self.cndl_eveningstar = EveningStar()
        self.cndl_gapsidebysidewhite = GapSideBySideWhite()
        self.cndl_gravestonedoji = GravestoneDoji()
        self.cndl_hammer = Hammer()
        self.cndl_hangingman = HangingMan()
        self.cndl_harami = Harami()
        self.cndl_haramicross = HaramiCross()
        self.cndl_highwavecandle = HighWaveCandle()
        self.cndl_hikkake = Hikkake()
        self.cndl_hikkakemodified = HikkakeModified()
        self.cndl_homingpigeon = HomingPigeon()
        self.cndl_identicalthreecrows = IdenticalThreeCrows()
        self.cndl_inneck = InNeck()
        self.cndl_invertedhammer = InvertedHammer()
        self.cndl_kicking = Kicking()
        self.cndl_kickingbylength = KickingByLength()
        self.cndl_ladderbottom = LadderBottom()
        self.cndl_longleggeddoji = LongLeggedDoji()
        self.cndl_longlinecandle = LongLineCandle()
        self.cndl_marubozu = Marubozu()
        self.cndl_mathold = MatHold()
        self.cndl_matchinglow = MatchingLow()
        self.cndl_morningdojistar = MorningDojiStar()
        self.cndl_morningstar = MorningStar()
        self.cndl_onneck = OnNeck()
        self.cndl_pierce = Piercing()
        self.cndl_rickshawman = RickshawMan()
        self.cndl_risefallthreemethods = RiseFallThreeMethods()
        self.cndl_separatinglines = SeparatingLines()
        self.cndl_shootingstar = ShootingStar()
        self.cndl_shortlinecandle = ShortLineCandle()
        self.cndl_spinningtop = SpinningTop()
        self.cndl_stalledpattern = StalledPattern()
        self.cndl_sticksandwich = StickSandwich()
        self.cndl_takuri = Takuri()
        self.cndl_tasukigap = TasukiGap()
        self.cndl_threeblackcrows = ThreeBlackCrows()
        self.cndl_threeinside = ThreeInside()
        self.cndl_threelinest = ThreeLineStrike()
        self.cndl_threeoutside = ThreeOutside()
        self.cndl_threestarsinsouth = ThreeStarsInSouth()
        self.cndl_threewhitesoldiers = ThreeWhiteSoldiers()
        self.cndl_thrusting = Thrusting()
        self.cndl_tristar = Tristar()
        self.cndl_twocrows = TwoCrows()
        self.cndl_uniquethreeriver = UniqueThreeRiver()
        self.cndl_updowngapthreemethods = UpDownGapThreeMethods()
        self.cndl_upsidegaptwocrows = UpsideGapTwoCrows()
        self.candleWin = SmartRollingWindow("float", 5)
        self.candleavgWindow  = SmartRollingWindow("float", 2)
        self.candleContainer = RollingWindow[float](2)
        self.cndl_uptrend = False
        self.cndl_downtrend = False
        self.candlescore = 0.00
        self.indicators = [self.roc, self.roc_fast, self.roc_med, self.roc_long, 
                            self.vol_roc, self.vol_roc_fast, self.vol_roc_med, self.vol_roc_long, 
                            self.vwap, self.fast, self.slow,
                            self.macd, self.stochasticMACD, self.rsi, self.stochasticRSI, self.williamsPR, self.williamsPR_slow, self.atr, 
                            self.stochasticTrix, self.trix, self.trix_slow, self.kalFilter, self.kalFilterLow, self.kalFilterHigh]
        self.candles = [self.cndl_abandonedbaby, self.cndl_advanceblock, self.cndl_belthold, self.cndl_breakway, self.cndl_closingmarubozu, 
                            self.cndl_concealedbabyswallow, self.cndl_counterattack, self.cndl_darkcloudcover, self.cndl_doji, self.cndl_dojistar, 
                            self.cndl_dragonflydoji, self.cndl_engulfing, self.cndl_eveningdojistar, self.cndl_eveningstar, self.cndl_gapsidebysidewhite,
                            self.cndl_gravestonedoji, self.cndl_hammer, self.cndl_hangingman, self.cndl_harami, self.cndl_haramicross, 
                            self.cndl_highwavecandle, self.cndl_hikkake, self.cndl_hikkakemodified, self.cndl_homingpigeon, self.cndl_identicalthreecrows,
                            self.cndl_inneck, self.cndl_invertedhammer, self.cndl_kicking, self.cndl_kickingbylength, self.cndl_ladderbottom, 
                            self.cndl_longleggeddoji, self.cndl_longlinecandle, self.cndl_marubozu, self.cndl_mathold, self.cndl_matchinglow, 
                            self.cndl_morningdojistar, self.cndl_morningstar, self.cndl_onneck, self.cndl_pierce, self.cndl_rickshawman, 
                            self.cndl_risefallthreemethods, self.cndl_separatinglines, self.cndl_shootingstar, self.cndl_shortlinecandle, 
                            self.cndl_spinningtop, self.cndl_stalledpattern, self.cndl_sticksandwich, self.cndl_takuri, self.cndl_tasukigap, 
                            self.cndl_threeblackcrows, self.cndl_threeinside, self.cndl_threelinest, self.cndl_threeoutside, self.cndl_threestarsinsouth, 
                            self.cndl_threewhitesoldiers, self.cndl_thrusting, self.cndl_tristar, self.cndl_twocrows, self.cndl_uniquethreeriver, 
                            self.cndl_updowngapthreemethods, self.cndl_upsidegaptwocrows]
        self.indicators = self.indicators + self.candles
        for indicator in self.indicators:
            consolidator = algorithm.ResolveConsolidator(symbol, self.resolution)
            algorithm.RegisterIndicator(symbol, indicator, consolidator)
        # Warm up
        history = algorithm.History(self.Symbol, 126, self.resolution)
        if history.empty or 'close' not in history.columns:

        for tuple in history.loc[symbol].itertuples():
            tradeBar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, symbol, tuple.open, tuple.high, tuple.low, tuple.close, tuple.volume)
            median_price = round(float(statistics.median([tuple.open, tuple.high, tuple.low, tuple.close])), 4)
            self.roc.Update(tuple.Index, median_price)
            self.vol_roc.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.volume)
            self.vol_roc_fast.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.volume)
            self.vol_roc_med.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.volume)
            self.vol_roc_long.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.volume)
            self.volSignal_fast.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.volume)
            self.volSignal_med.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.volume)
            self.volSignal_long.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.volume)
            self.macd.Update(tuple.Index, tuple.close)
            self.fast.Update(tuple.Index, median_price)
            self.slow.Update(tuple.Index, median_price)
            self.rsi.Update(tuple.Index, median_price)
            # candles

           # Support Resistance
            def CloseTo(x, y, delta):
                return abs(x-y) < delta

            def Next_RS(self, algorithm, symbol):
                s, r = [], []
                price = algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price
                # Rounded Price to $1

                # Rounded Price to $10
                s.append(int(math.floor(price / 10.0)) * 10)
                # Rounded Price Up to $10
                r.append(int(math.ceil(price / 10.0)) * 10)

                # Yesterday's OHLC Price
                s.append( self.Daily[0].Close)
                s.append( self.Daily[0].Low )
                r.append( self.Daily[0].Close)
                r.append( self.Daily[0].High)

                # Append 7 day Low:
                s.append( min([bar.Low for bar in self.Daily]) )
                r.append( max([bar.High for bar in self.Daily]) )

                s = sorted(s, reverse=True)
                r = sorted(r)
                return s[0], r[0]

            if self.Daily.IsReady:
                support, resistance = Next_RS(self, algorithm, symbol)

                price = algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price
                mean = self.slow.Current.Value

                if CloseTo(price, support, 0.10) and mean > support*self.tol:
                    self.long = True
                if CloseTo(price, resistance, 0.10) and mean < resistance*self.tol:
                    self.short = True

            def calc_divergence(obj):
                x = np.array(list(obj))
                local_maxima = argrelextrema(x, np.greater)[0]
                local_minima = argrelextrema(x, np.less)[0]
                if x[-1] > x[-2]:
                    x = np.append(x, len(x) - 1)
                elif x[-1] > x[-2]:
                    x = np.append(x, len(x) - 1)
                hh_all = all(x[local_maxima][i] < x[local_maxima][i+1] for i in range(len(local_maxima)-1))
                ll_all = all(x[local_minima][i] > x[local_minima][i+1] for i in range(len(local_minima)-1))
                return hh_all, ll_all

            # Stochastic RSI
            if self.rsi.IsReady:
                rsi = self.rsi.Current.Value
                trade_bar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, symbol, rsi, rsi, rsi, rsi, 0)
                if self.stochasticRSI.IsReady:
                    if self.rsi_Win.IsReady:
                        rsi_list = list(self.rsi_Win)
                        rsifast_list = list(self.rsiFastStoch_Win)
                        rsistochk_list = list(self.rsiStochK_Win)
                        rsistochd_list = list(self.rsiStochD_Win)
                        curr_rsi, prev_rsi, last_rsi, min_rsi, max_rsi = rsi_list[-1], rsi_list[-2], rsi_list[-3], min(rsi_list), max(rsi_list)
                        curr_fast, prev_fast, last_fast, min_fast, max_fast = rsifast_list[-1], rsifast_list[-2], rsifast_list[-3], min(rsifast_list), max(rsifast_list)
                        curr_stochk, prev_stochk, last_stochk, min_stochk, max_stochk = rsistochk_list[-1], rsistochk_list[-2], rsistochk_list[-3], min(rsistochk_list), max(rsistochk_list)
                        curr_stochd, prev_stochd, last_stochd, min_stochd, max_stochd = rsistochd_list[-1], rsistochd_list[-2], rsistochd_list[-3], min(rsistochd_list), max(rsistochd_list)
                        cond1 = (curr_fast >= curr_stochk*self.tolerance) and (curr_stochk >= curr_stochd*self.tolerance)
                        cond11 = (curr_rsi >= max_rsi*self.tolerance) and (curr_fast >= max_fast*self.tolerance) and (curr_stochk >= max_stochk*self.tolerance) and (curr_stochd >= max_stochd*self.tolerance)
                        cond2 = (curr_rsi >= prev_rsi*self.tolerance) and (curr_fast >= prev_fast*self.tolerance) and (curr_stochk >= prev_stochk*self.tolerance) and (curr_stochd >= prev_stochd*self.tolerance)
                        cond3 = (prev_rsi >= last_rsi*self.tolerance) and (prev_fast >= last_fast*self.tolerance) and (prev_stochk >= last_stochk*self.tolerance) and (prev_stochd >= last_stochd*self.tolerance)

                        cond4 = (curr_fast*self.tolerance <= curr_stochk) and (curr_stochk*self.tolerance <= curr_stochd)
                        cond41 = (min_rsi*self.tolerance <= curr_rsi) and (min_fast*self.tolerance <= curr_fast) and (min_stochk*self.tolerance <= curr_stochk) and (min_stochd*self.tolerance <= curr_stochd)
                        cond5 = (curr_rsi*self.tolerance <= prev_rsi) and (curr_fast*self.tolerance <= prev_fast) and (curr_stochk*self.tolerance <= prev_stochk) and (curr_stochd*self.tolerance <= prev_stochd)
                        cond6 = (prev_rsi*self.tolerance <= last_rsi) and (prev_fast*self.tolerance <= last_fast) and (prev_stochk*self.tolerance <= last_stochk) and (prev_stochd*self.tolerance <= last_stochd)

                        hh_rsi, ll_rsi = calc_divergence(rsi_list)
                        hh_rsifast, ll_rsifast = calc_divergence(rsifast_list)
                        hh_rsik, ll_rsik = calc_divergence(rsistochk_list)
                        hh_rsid, ll_rsid = calc_divergence(rsistochd_list)
                        cond7 = hh_rsi, hh_rsifast, hh_rsik, hh_rsid
                        cond8 = ll_rsi, ll_rsifast, ll_rsik, ll_rsid

                        if (cond1 and cond7) and (cond2 and cond3):
                            self.rsi_uptrend = True
                            self.rsi_uptrend = False
                        if (cond4 and cond8) and (cond5 and cond6):
                            self.rsi_downtrend = True
                            self.rsi_downtrend = False

                        exit = self.rsiFastStochWin.crossedBelow(self.rsiWin) and self.rsiFastStochWin.crossedBelow(self.rsiStochKWin) and self.rsiStochKWin.crossedBelow(self.rsiStochDWin)
                        entry = self.rsiFastStochWin.crossedAbove(self.rsiWin) and self.rsiFastStochWin.crossedAbove(self.rsiStochKWin) and self.rsiStochKWin.crossedAbove(self.rsiStochDWin)
                        if algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                            if exit and self.short:
                                self.rsi_exit_signal = True
                                self.rsi_exit_signal = False
                        if not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                            if entry and self.long:
                                self.rsi_entry_signal = True
                                self.rsi_entry_signal = False

            # MACD Trend
            if self.macd.IsReady:
                macd = self.macd.Current.Value
                trade_bar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, symbol, macd, macd, macd, macd, 0)
                if self.stochasticMACD.IsReady:
                    macd = self.macd.Current.Value
                    macd_fast = self.macd.Fast.Current.Value
                    macd_slow = self.macd.Slow.Current.Value
                    macd_hist = self.macd.Histogram.Current.Value
                    signal = self.macd.Signal.Current.Value
                    delta = (macd - signal)/macd_fast
                    macd_stoch = self.stochasticMACD.Current.Value
                    macd_stochfast = self.stochasticMACD.FastStoch.Current.Value
                    macd_stochk = self.stochasticMACD.StochK.Current.Value
                    macd_stochd = self.stochasticMACD.StochD.Current.Value
                    if self.macd_Win.IsReady:
                        macd_list = list(self.macd_Win)
                        macdhist_list = list(self.macdHist_Win)
                        macdfast_list = list(self.macdFast_Win)
                        macdslow_list = list(self.macdSlow_Win)
                        macdsignal_list = list(self.macdSignal_Win)
                        macddelta_list = list(self.macdDelta_Win)
                        macdstoch_list = list(self.macd_stoch_Win)
                        macdstochfast_list = list(self.macd_stochfast_Win)
                        macdstochk_list = list(self.macd_stochk_Win)
                        macdstochd_list = list(self.macd_stochd_Win)
                        curr_macd, prev_macd, last_macd, min_macd, max_macd = macd_list[-1], macd_list[-2], macd_list[-3], min(macd_list), max(macd_list)
                        curr_macd_fast, prev_macd_fast, last_macd_fast, min_macd_fast, max_macd_fast = macdfast_list[-1], macdfast_list[-2], macdfast_list[-3], min(macdfast_list), max(macdfast_list)
                        curr_macd_slow, prev_macd_slow, last_macd_slow, min_macd_slow, max_macd_slow = macdslow_list[-1], macdslow_list[-2], macdslow_list[-3], min(macdslow_list), max(macdslow_list)
                        curr_macd_hist, prev_macd_hist, last_macd_hist, min_macd_hist, max_macd_hist = macdhist_list[-1], macdhist_list[-2], macdhist_list[-3], min(macdhist_list), max(macdhist_list)
                        curr_signal, prev_signal, last_signal, min_signal, max_signal = macdsignal_list[-1], macdsignal_list[-2], macdsignal_list[-3], min(macdsignal_list), max(macdsignal_list)
                        curr_delta, prev_delta, last_delta, min_delta, max_delta = macddelta_list[-1], macddelta_list[-2], macddelta_list[-3], min(macddelta_list), max(macddelta_list)
                        curr_macdstoch, prev_macdstoch, last_macdstoch, min_macdstoch, max_macdstoch = macdstoch_list[-1], macdstoch_list[-2], macdstoch_list[3], min(macdstoch_list), max(macdstoch_list)
                        curr_macdstochfast, prev_macdstochfast, last_macdstochfast, min_macdstochfast, max_macdstochfast = macdstochfast_list[-1], macdstochfast_list[-2], macdstochfast_list[-3], min(macdstochfast_list), max(macdstochfast_list)
                        curr_macdstochk, prev_macdstochk, last_macdstochk, min_macdstochk, max_macdstochk = macdstochk_list[-1], macdstochk_list[-2], macdstochk_list[-3], min(macdstochk_list), max(macdstochk_list)
                        curr_macdstochd, prev_macdstochd, last_macdstochd, min_macdstochd, max_macdstochd = macdstochd_list[-1], macdstochd_list[-2], macdstochd_list[-3], min(macdstochd_list), max(macdstochd_list)
                        cond1 = ((curr_macd_hist-curr_delta)>=0.0025) and (curr_macd >= curr_signal*self.tolerance) and (curr_macdstochfast >= curr_macdstochk*self.tolerance) and (curr_macdstochk >= curr_macdstochd*self.tolerance)
                        cond11 = (curr_macd >= max_macd*self.tolerance) and (curr_macdstochfast >= max_macdstochfast*self.tolerance) and (curr_macdstochk >= max_macdstochk*self.tolerance) and (curr_macdstochd >= max_macdstochd*self.tolerance)
                        cond2 = (curr_macd >= prev_macd*self.tolerance) and (curr_macd_fast >= prev_macd_fast*self.tolerance) and (curr_macd_hist >= prev_macd_hist*self.tolerance) and (curr_signal >= prev_signal*self.tolerance)
                        cond3 = (prev_macd >= last_macd*self.tolerance) and (prev_macd_fast >= last_macd_fast*self.tolerance) and (prev_macd_hist >= last_macd_hist*self.tolerance) and (prev_signal >= last_signal*self.tolerance)
                        cond4 = ((curr_macd_hist-curr_delta) <= -0.0025) and (curr_macd*self.tolerance <= curr_signal) and (curr_macdstochfast*self.tolerance <= curr_macdstochk) and (curr_macdstochk*self.tolerance <= curr_macdstochd)
                        cond41 = (min_macd*self.tolerance <= curr_macd) and (min_macdstochfast*self.tolerance <= curr_macdstochfast) and (min_macdstochk*self.tolerance <= curr_macdstochk) and (min_macdstochd*self.tolerance <= curr_macdstochd)
                        cond5 = (curr_macd*self.tolerance <= prev_macd) and (curr_macd_fast*self.tolerance <= prev_macd_fast) and (curr_macd_hist*self.tolerance <= prev_macd_hist) and (curr_signal*self.tolerance <= prev_signal)
                        cond6 = (prev_macd*self.tolerance <= last_macd) and (prev_macd_fast*self.tolerance <= last_macd_fast) and (prev_macd_hist*self.tolerance <= last_macd_hist) and (prev_signal*self.tolerance <= last_signal)

                        hh_macd, ll_macd = calc_divergence(macd_list)
                        hh_macdhist, ll_macdhist = calc_divergence(macdhist_list)
                        hh_macdfast, ll_macdfast = calc_divergence(macdfast_list)
                        hh_macdslow, ll_macdslow = calc_divergence(macdslow_list)
                        hh_macdsignal, ll_macdsignal = calc_divergence(macdsignal_list)
                        hh_macdstochfast, ll_macdstochfast = calc_divergence(macdstochfast_list)
                        hh_macdstochk, ll_macdstochk = calc_divergence(macdstochk_list)
                        hh_macdstochd, ll_macdstochd = calc_divergence(macdstochd_list)
                        cond7 = hh_macd, hh_macdhist, hh_macdfast, hh_macdslow, hh_macdsignal, hh_macdstochfast, hh_macdstochk, hh_macdstochd
                        cond8 = ll_macd, ll_macdhist, ll_macdfast, ll_macdslow, ll_macdsignal, ll_macdstochfast, ll_macdstochk, ll_macdstochd

                        if (cond1 and cond7) and (cond2 and cond3):
                            self.macd_uptrend = True
                            self.macd_uptrend = False
                        if (cond4 and cond8) and (cond5 and cond6):
                            self.macd_downtrend = True
                            self.macd_downtrend = False

                        exit = self.macdStochFastWin.crossedBelow(self.macdStochKWin) and self.macdStochKWin.crossedBelow(self.macdStochDWin)
                        entry = self.macdStochFastWin.crossedAbove(self.macdStochKWin) and self.macdStochKWin.crossedAbove(self.macdStochDWin)                        
                        if algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                            if exit and self.short:
                                self.macd_exit_signal = True
                                self.macd_exit_signal = False
                        if not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                            if entry and self.long:
                                self.macd_entry_signal = True
                                self.macd_entry_signal = False

            def roc_calc(obj):
                obj_list = list(obj)
                output_list = list()
                for i in range(-1, -len(obj_list)+1, -1):
                    if obj_list[i-1] != 0:
                        val = round((obj_list[i] - obj_list[i-1])/obj_list[i-1], 4)
                        val = 0
                return output_list
            self.roc_Win.Add(round(float(statistics.median([self.roc.Current.Value, self.roc_fast.Current.Value, self.roc_med.Current.Value, self.roc_long.Current.Value])), 4))
            if self.roc_Win.IsReady:
                val = statistics.median(roc_calc(self.roc_Win))
                roc_sum, roc_len = sum(list(self.roc_Win)), len(list(self.roc_Win))
                self.roc_slope = round(float(roc_sum)/roc_len, 4)

            def calc_divergence(obj):
                x = np.array(list(obj))
                local_maxima = argrelextrema(x, np.greater)[0]
                local_minima = argrelextrema(x, np.less)[0]
                if x[-1] > x[-2]:
                    x = np.append(x, len(x) - 1)
                elif x[-1] > x[-2]:
                    x = np.append(x, len(x) - 1)
                hh_all = all(x[local_maxima][i] < x[local_maxima][i+1] for i in range(len(local_maxima)-1))
                ll_all = all(x[local_minima][i] > x[local_minima][i+1] for i in range(len(local_minima)-1))
                return hh_all, ll_all

            self.rocSum_Win.Add(round(float(sum([self.roc.Current.Value, self.roc_fast.Current.Value, self.roc_med.Current.Value, self.roc_long.Current.Value])), 4))
            self.roclen_Win.Add(round(float(statistics.median([self.roc.Current.Value, self.roc_fast.Current.Value, self.roc_med.Current.Value, self.roc_long.Current.Value])), 4))
            if self.rocSum_Win.IsReady:
                self.hh_all, self.ll_all = calc_divergence(self.roclen_Win)
                self.hh_sum, self.ll_sum = calc_divergence(self.rocSum_Win)    
            self.vol_Win.Add(round(float(statistics.median([self.vol_roc.Current.Value, self.vol_roc_fast.Current.Value, self.vol_roc_med.Current.Value, self.vol_roc_long.Current.Value])), 4))
            if self.vol_Win.IsReady:
                val = statistics.median(roc_calc(self.vol_Win))
                vol_sum, vol_len = sum(list(self.vol_Win)), len(list(self.vol_Win))
                self.vol_slope = round(float(vol_sum)/vol_len, 4)
            self.roc_prices_Win.Add(round(statistics.median([self.roc.Current.Value, self.roc_fast.Current.Value, self.roc_med.Current.Value, self.roc_long.Current.Value]), 4))
            self.roc_prices_lev_Win.Add(round(statistics.median([self.roc.Current.Value, self.roc_fast.Current.Value, self.roc_med.Current.Value]), 4))
            self.roc_volume_Win.Add(round(statistics.median([self.vol_roc.Current.Value, self.vol_roc_fast.Current.Value, self.vol_roc_med.Current.Value, self.vol_roc_long.Current.Value]), 4))
            if self.prices_Win.IsReady and self.roc_prices_Win.IsReady:
                prices = list(self.roc_prices_Win)
                volumes = list(self.roc_volume_Win)
                frames = [i for i in range(-2, -21, -2)]
                frames_ = [i for i in range(-1, -21, -1)]
                prices_lev = list(self.roc_prices_lev_Win)
                _frames = [i for i in range(-1, -3, -1)]
                v1 = round(statistics.median([round(float(prices[i] - prices[i-5]/ prices[i-5]), 4) if prices[i-5] != 0 else 0 for i in frames]), 4)
                v11 = round(statistics.median([round(float(prices[i] - prices[i-5]/ prices[i-5]), 4) if prices[i-5] != 0 else 0 for i in frames_]), 4)
                v1_mom = round(statistics.median([round(float(prices_lev[i] - prices_lev[i-1]/ abs(abs(i)+(i-1))), 4) if abs(abs(i)+(i-1)) != 0 else 0 for i in _frames]), 4)
                self.median_roc = v1 if (v1 > v11) else -1
                self.median_roc_momentum = v1_mom
                self.median_vol = round(statistics.median([round(float(volumes[i] - volumes[i-5]/ volumes[i-5]), 4) if volumes[i-5] != 0 else 0 for i in frames]), 4)
                C = list(self.prices_Win)
                avg = sum(list(self.prices_Win))/len(list(self.prices_Win))
                self.volatility = float(np.sqrt(252)*reduce(lambda a,b:a+abs(avg-b),C,0)/len(C))/C[-1]
            self.williamsWindow.Add(round(statistics.median([self.williamsPR.Current.Value, self.williamsPR_slow.Current.Value]), 4))
            if self.williamsWindow.IsReady:
                williams = list(self.williamsWindow)
                w_length = len(williams)
                frames = [i for i in range(-1, (w_length*-1)+1, -1)]
                self.williams_median_roc = round(statistics.median([round(float(williams[i] - williams[i-1]/ williams[i-1]), 4) if williams[i-1] != 0 else 0 for i in frames]), 4)
                self.williams_median = round(statistics.median(williams), 4)
            if self.high_Win.IsReady and self.low_Win.IsReady and self.prices_Win.IsReady:
                close = list(self.prices_Win)
                todayvol = np.std(close[1:31])
                yesterdayvol = np.std(close[0:30])
                deltavol = (todayvol - yesterdayvol) / todayvol
                self.lookback = round(self.lookback * (1 + deltavol))
                # Account for upper/lower limit of lockback length
                if self.lookback > self.ceiling:
                    self.lookback = self.ceiling
                elif self.lookback < self.floor:
                    self.lookback = self.floor
                high = list(self.high_Win)
                low = list(self.low_Win)

                # Buy in case of breakout
                breakout_condition1 = (algorithm.Securities[symbol].Close >= max(high[:-1]))
                if breakout_condition1:
                    self.breakout = True
                breakdown_condition1 = (algorithm.Securities[symbol].Close >= min(low[:-1]))
                if breakdown_condition1:
                    self.breakdown = True
            fast = self.fast.Current.Value
            slow = self.slow.Current.Value
            median_roc = round(statistics.median([self.roc.Current.Value, self.roc_fast.Current.Value, self.roc_med.Current.Value, self.roc_long.Current.Value]), 4)
            self.is_uptrend = (((slow) >= (median_roc*self.tolerance)) and (tuple.close >= (median_roc*self.tolerance)))
            self.is_downtrend = (((slow*self.tolerance) <= (median_roc)) and (tuple.close*self.tolerance <= (median_roc)))
        if self.is_uptrend or self.fast_Win.IsReady:
            # triangle formula
            # base * height * 0.5
            curr_fast, curr_slow = fast, slow
            prev_fast, prev_slow = min(list(self.fast_Win)), min(list(self.slow_Win))
            self.scale = round(float(fast - slow) / ((fast+slow)/2.0), 4)
            self.scale = 0.00
        self.priceWindow.Add(statistics.median([algorithm.Securities[symbol].Open, algorithm.Securities[symbol].High, algorithm.Securities[symbol].Low, algorithm.Securities[symbol].Close]))
        if self.kalFilterLow.IsReady:
            exit = self.priceWindowLow.crossedBelow(self.kalWindowLow) and self.priceWindowHigh.crossedBelow(self.kalWindowHigh) and self.priceWindow.crossedBelow(self.kalWindow)
            entry = self.priceWindowLow.crossedAbove(self.kalWindowLow) and self.priceWindowHigh.crossedAbove(self.kalWindowHigh) and self.priceWindow.crossedAbove(self.kalWindow)
            if algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                # exit 
                if exit is True:
                    self.exit_signal = True
                    self.exit_signal = False
            elif not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                # entry
                if entry is True:
                    self.entry_signal = True
                    self.entry_signal = False

        # VPN Indicator
        iATR = 0.1
        ema_smooth = 3
        vp = 0.0
        vn = 0.0
        vtot = 0.0
        dist = self.atr.Current.Value * iATR
        self.vpn_hlc_Win.Add(round(statistics.median([tuple.high, tuple.low, tuple.close]), 4))
        if self.vpn_vol_Win.IsReady and self.vpn_hlc_Win.IsReady:
            vpn_vol_Win = list(self.vpn_vol_Win)
            vpn_hlc_Win = list(self.vpn_hlc_Win)
            for i in range(-1, -self.vpn_period, -1):
                if (vpn_hlc_Win[i] >= vpn_hlc_Win[i-1] + dist):
                    vp += vpn_vol_Win[i]
                elif (vpn_hlc_Win[i] <= vpn_hlc_Win[i-1] - dist):
                    vn += vpn_vol_Win[i]
                vtot += vpn_vol_Win[i]
            vpn_val = (((vp - vn) / (vtot/self.vpn_period)) / self.vpn_period) * 100

        if self.vpn_list.IsReady:
            vpn_ema = pd.DataFrame(list(self.vpn_list)).ewm(span=ema_smooth, adjust=False).mean().iloc[-1][0]
            vpn_scale = self.vpn_list[-1]
            vpnIndicator = ((vpn_scale) >= (vpn_ema*self.tolerance)) and ((vpn_scale) >= (self.vpn_list[-2]*self.tolerance))
            self.vpnIndicator = vpnIndicator
        if self.vpnIndicator:
            curr_vpn, curr_vpn_ema = vpn_scale, vpn_ema
            low_vpn, low_vpn_ema = min(self.vpn_list), min(pd.DataFrame(list(self.vpn_list)).ewm(span=ema_smooth, adjust=False).mean().iloc[-1])
            vpnScale = round(float(curr_vpn - curr_vpn_ema) / ((low_vpn + low_vpn_ema) / 2.0), 4)
            self.vpnScale = vpnScale
            self.vpnScale = 0.00
        # Candles
        cndl_coef =  float(sum([x.Current.Value for x in self.candles]))
        if self.candleContainer.IsReady and self.candleWin.IsReady:
            cndl_avg = statistics.median(list(self.candleContainer))
            if self.candleWin.IsReady and self.candleavgWin.IsReady:
                exit = self.candleWin.crossedBelow(self.candleavgWin)
                entry = self.candleWin.crossedAbove(self.candleavgWin)
                if algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                    if exit and self.short:
                        self.cndl_downtrend = True
                if not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                    if entry and self.long:
                        self.cndl_uptrend = True

        # Price is Favorable
        if (algorithm.Securities[symbol].BidPrice < self.VWAP):
            self.PriceIsFavorable = True
        elif (algorithm.Securities[symbol].AskPrice > self.VWAP):
            self.PriceIsFavorable = True
            self.PriceIsFavorable = False
        # Market Profile
        if self.vwap_lng.IsReady:
            self.market_profile.CalcMarketProfile(algorithm, 21, [symbol])
            a, val, vah, d = self.market_profile.GetMarketProfile(algorithm, symbol)
            poc = float(max(a, key=a.get))
            mp_fst = self.vwap_fst.Current.Value
            mp_med = self.vwap_med.Current.Value    
            mp_lng = self.vwap_lng.Current.Value
            if self.poc_Win.IsReady:
                poc_lst = list(self.poc_Win)
                val_lst = list(self.val_Win)
                vah_lst = list(self.vah_Win)
                pri_lst = list(self.price_Win)
                medp_lst = list(self.medpri_Win)
                fst_lst = list(self.vwap_fst_Win)
                med_lst = list(self.vwap_med_Win)
                lng_lst = list(self.vwap_lng_Win)
                cur_poc, pre_poc, lst_poc = poc_lst[-1], poc_lst[-2], poc_lst[-3]
                cur_val, pre_val, lst_val = val_lst[-1], val_lst[-2], val_lst[-3]
                cur_vah, pre_vah, lst_vah = vah_lst[-1], vah_lst[-2], vah_lst[-3]
                cur_pri, pre_pri, lst_pri = pri_lst[-1], pri_lst[-2], pri_lst[-3]
                cur_medp, pre_medp, lst_medp = medp_lst[-1], medp_lst[-2], medp_lst[-3]
                cur_fst, pre_fst, lst_fst = fst_lst[-1], fst_lst[-2], fst_lst[-3]    
                cur_med, pre_med, lst_med = med_lst[-1], med_lst[-2], med_lst[-3]
                cur_lng, pre_lng, lst_lng = lng_lst[-1], lng_lst[-2], lng_lst[-3]
                cond1 = (cur_pri >= cur_poc*self.tol) and (cur_pri >= cur_medp*self.tol) and (cur_fst >= cur_med*self.tol) and (cur_med >= cur_lng*self.tol)    
                cond2 = (cur_pri >= pre_pri*self.tol) and (cur_medp >= pre_medp*self.tol) and (cur_poc >= pre_poc*self.tol) and (cur_val >= pre_val*self.tol) and (cur_vah >= pre_vah*self.tol) and (cur_fst >= pre_fst*self.tol) and (cur_med >= pre_med*self.tol) and (cur_lng >= pre_lng*self.tol)
                cond3 = (pre_pri >= lst_pri*self.tol) and (pre_medp >= lst_medp*self.tol) and (pre_poc >= lst_poc*self.tol) and (pre_val >= lst_val*self.tol) and (pre_vah >= lst_vah*self.tol) and (pre_fst >= lst_fst*self.tol) and (pre_med >= lst_med*self.tol) and (pre_lng >= lst_lng*self.tol)    
                cond4 = (cur_pri <= cur_poc*self.tol) and (cur_pri <= cur_medp*self.tol) and (cur_fst <= cur_med*self.tol) and (cur_med <= cur_lng*self.tol) 
                cond5 = (cur_pri <= pre_pri*self.tol) and (cur_medp <= pre_medp*self.tol) and (cur_poc <= pre_poc*self.tol) and (cur_val <= pre_val*self.tol) and (cur_vah <= pre_vah*self.tol) and (cur_fst <= pre_fst*self.tol) and (cur_med <= pre_med*self.tol) and (cur_lng <= pre_lng*self.tol)    
                cond6 = (pre_pri <= lst_pri*self.tol) and (pre_medp <= lst_medp*self.tol) and (pre_poc <= lst_poc*self.tol) and (pre_val <= lst_val*self.tol) and (pre_vah <= lst_vah*self.tol) and (pre_fst <= lst_fst*self.tol) and (pre_med <= lst_med*self.tol) and (pre_lng <= lst_lng*self.tol)     
                hh_poc, ll_poc = calc_divergence(poc_lst)
                hh_val, ll_val = calc_divergence(val_lst)
                hh_vah, ll_vah = calc_divergence(vah_lst)
                hh_pri, ll_pri = calc_divergence(pri_lst)
                hh_mpr, ll_mpr = calc_divergence(medp_lst)
                hh_fst, ll_fst = calc_divergence(fst_lng) 
                hh_med, ll_med = calc_divergence(med_lng)    
                hh_long, ll_long = calc_divergence(lng_lst)    
                cond7 = hh_poc, hh_val, hh_vah, hh_pri, hh_mpr, hh_fst, hh_med, hh_long
                cond8 = ll_poc, ll_val, ll_vah, ll_pri, hh_mpr, ll_fst, ll_med, ll_long    
                if (cond1 and cond7) and (cond2 and cond3):
                    self.mp_uptrend = True
                if (cond4 and cond8) and (cond5 and cond6):
                    self.mp_downtrend = True
                exit = self.valWin.crossedBelow(self.vwap_medWin) and self.valWin.crossedBelow(self.vwap_mlngWin) and self.valWin.crossedBelow(self.medpriWin)
                entry = self.valWin.crossedAbove(self.vwap_medWin) and self.valWin.crossedAbove(self.vwap_mlngWin) and self.valWin.crossedAbove(self.medpriWin)
                if algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                    if exit and self.short:
                        self.mp_exit_signal = True
                        self.mp_exit_signal = False
                if not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                    if entry and self.long:
                        self.mp_entry_signal = True
                        self.mp_entry_signal = False
                # if algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                #     if self.pocWin.crossedBelow(self.vwap_lngWin): #and self.medpriWin.crossedBelow(self.vwap_medWin) and self.valWin.crossedBelow(self.vwap_mlngWin) and self.valWin.crossedBelow(self.vwap_lngWin):
                #         self.dont_buy = True
                #     else:
                #         self.dont_buy = False
                # if not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                #     if all(self.medpriWin[0] < x[0] for x in [self.vwap_lngWin]):
                #         self.dont_buy = True
                #     else:
                #         self.dont_buy = False               
                behavior = poc < mp_lng
                if behavior:
                    self.dont_buy = True
                    self.dont_buy = False     

    def VWAP(self):
       return self.vwap.Value
class IntradayVwap:
    '''Defines the canonical intraday VWAP indicator'''
    def __init__(self):
        self.Value = 0.0
        self.lastDate = datetime.min
        self.sumOfVolume = 0.0
        self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume = 0.0

    def IsReady(self):
        return self.sumOfVolume > 0.0

    def Update(self, input):
        '''Computes the new VWAP'''
        success, volume, averagePrice = self.GetVolumeAndAveragePrice(input)
        if not success:
            return self.IsReady

        # reset vwap on daily boundaries
        if self.lastDate != input.EndTime.date():
            self.sumOfVolume = 0.0
            self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume = 0.0
            self.lastDate = input.EndTime.date()

        # running totals for Σ PiVi / Σ Vi
        self.sumOfVolume += volume
        self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume += averagePrice * volume

        if self.sumOfVolume == 0.0:
           # if we have no trade volume then use the current price as VWAP
           self.Value = input.Value
           return self.IsReady

        self.Value = self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume / self.sumOfVolume
        return self.IsReady

    def GetVolumeAndAveragePrice(self, input):
        '''Determines the volume and price to be used for the current input in the VWAP computation'''

        if type(input) is Tick:
            if input.TickType == TickType.Trade:
                return True, float(input.Quantity), float(input.LastPrice)

        if type(input) is TradeBar:
            if not input.IsFillForward:
                averagePrice = round(float(statistics.median([input.Open, input.High, input.Low, input.Close])), 4)
                return True, float(input.Volume), averagePrice

        return False, 0.0, 0.0
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Data import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Market import *
from QuantConnect.Orders import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators.CandlestickPatterns import *

import numpy as np
import tweepy
import statistics
from pykalman import KalmanFilter
from FilterIndicators import *
from SmartRollingWindow import *
from symbol_data_functions import SymbolData

# import datetime
from datetime import timedelta, datetime

class ScheduledExecutionModel(ExecutionModel):
    '''Execution model that submits orders while the current market price is more favorable that the current volume weighted average price.'''

    def __init__(self, algorithm, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Initializes a new instance of the VolumeWeightedAveragePriceExecutionModel class'''
        self.targetsCollection = PortfolioTargetCollection()
        self.deviations = 2
        self.symbolData = {}
        self.data = {}

        # Gets or sets the maximum order quantity as a percentage of the current bar's volume.
        # This defaults to 0.01m = 1%. For example, if the current bar's volume is 100,
        # then the maximum order size would equal 1 share.
        self.MaximumOrderQuantityPercentVolume = 0.1 # algorithm.Portfolio.Cash/(algorithm.Portfolio.Cash + algorithm.Portfolio.UnsettledCash)

        # Gets or sets the maximum spread compare to current price in percentage.
        self.acceptingSpreadPercent = 0.001
    def Execute(self, algorithm, targets):
        '''Executes market orders if the standard deviation of price is more
       than the configured number of deviations in the favorable direction.
           algorithm: The algorithm instance
           targets: The portfolio targets'''

        # update the complete set of portfolio targets with the new targets

        # for performance we check count value, OrderByMarginImpact and ClearFulfilled are expensive to call
        if self.targetsCollection.Count > 0:
            for target in self.targetsCollection.OrderByMarginImpact(algorithm):
                symbol = target.Symbol

                # calculate remaining quantity to be ordered
                unorderedQuantity = OrderSizing.GetUnorderedQuantity(algorithm, target)
                # fetch our symbol data containing our VWAP indicator
                data = self.symbolData.get(symbol, None)
                if data is None: return
                # check order entry conditions  
                if self.PriceIsFavorable(data, unorderedQuantity):# or self.SpreadIsFavorable(data, unorderedQuantity):
                    # adjust order size to respect maximum order size based on a percentage of current volume
                    orderSize = OrderSizing.GetOrderSizeForPercentVolume(data.Security, self.MaximumOrderQuantityPercentVolume, unorderedQuantity)
                    if (data.Security.BidPrice < data.VWAP):    
                        price_est = round(statistics.median([data.VWAP, data.Security.BidPrice]), 4)    
                    elif (data.Security.AskPrice > data.VWAP):    
                        price_est = round(statistics.median([data.VWAP, data.Security.AskPrice]), 4)
                    max_quantity = algorithm.CalculateOrderQuantity(symbol, 0.95)
                    # suggested amount divided by the total possible amount
                        order_percent = round(float(orderSize/max_quantity), 4)
                        if max_quantity == 0:
                            order_percent = 0.0
                            cash = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash
                            max_quantity = int(cash/price_est)
                            order_percent = round(float(orderSize/max_quantity), 4)
                    if ((orderSize != 0) and (abs(order_percent) >= 0.1)):
                        coef = abs(order_percent) * 0.5
                        if algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                            if coef <= 0.25:
                                coef = int(abs(float(order_percent))/0.025)*10
                            rocsignal = all(x > 0.0 for x in [self.data[symbol].rocSignal_quick.Current.Value, self.data[symbol].rocSignal_fast.Current.Value, self.data[symbol].rocSignal_med.Current.Value, self.data[symbol].rocSignal_long.Current.Value])
                            volsignal = all(x > 0.0 for x in [self.data[symbol].volSignal_quick.Current.Value, self.data[symbol].volSignal_fast.Current.Value, self.data[symbol].volSignal_med.Current.Value, self.data[symbol].volSignal_long.Current.Value])
                            roc_vol_signal = rocsignal and volsignal
                            coef = int(abs(float(order_percent))/0.025)*5
                        signals = (self.data[symbol].breakout or (self.data[symbol].vpnIndicator and (self.data[symbol].is_uptrend and self.data[symbol].trix_uptrend or (self.data[symbol].roc_vol_signal_up and self.data[symbol].entry_signal and self.data[symbol].kal_entry_signal and self.data[symbol].rsi_entry_signal and self.data[symbol].macd_entry_signal and self.data[symbol].williams_entry_signal))) or (self.data[symbol].macd_uptrend and self.data[symbol].rsi_uptrend))
                        slope_cond = (self.data[symbol].roc_slope > 0.00) and (self.data[symbol].vol_slope > 0.00) 
                        down_signals = ((self.data[symbol].breakdown or ((not self.data[symbol].vpnIndicator) and (self.data[symbol].is_downtrend and self.data[symbol].trix_downtrend) or (self.data[symbol].roc_vol_signal_down and self.data[symbol].exit_signal and self.data[symbol].kal_exit_signal and self.data[symbol].rsi_exit_signal and self.data[symbol].macd_exit_signal and self.data[symbol].williams_exit_signal and self.data[symbol].trix_exit_signal))) or (self.data[symbol].macd_downtrend and self.data[symbol].rsi_downtrend))
                        slope_down = (self.data[symbol].roc_slope > 0.00) and (self.data[symbol].vol_slope > 0.00)
                        if (slope_cond) and (signals):
                            if self.data[symbol].breakout or self.data[symbol].breakdown:
                                coef = coef * 30+10
                                coef = coef * 30
                        elif (slope_cond) or (signals):
                            if self.data[symbol].breakout or self.data[symbol].breakdown:
                                coef = coef * 10+10
                                coef = coef * 10
                        elif (slope_down) and (down_signals):
                            coef = 0
                        orderSize = OrderSizing.GetOrderSizeForPercentVolume(data.Security, self.MaximumOrderQuantityPercentVolume*coef, unorderedQuantity)
                        projected_cost = round(price_est * orderSize, 4) * 1.0

                        if (algorithm.Portfolio.Cash > projected_cost) and (orderSize != 0):
                            algorithm.MarketOrder(symbol, orderSize)                        

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        '''Event fired each time the we add/remove securities from the data feed
            algorithm: The algorithm instance that experienced the change in securities
            changes: The security additions and removals from the algorithm'''
        for removed in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            # clean up removed security data
            if removed.Symbol in self.symbolData:
                if self.IsSafeToRemove(algorithm, removed.Symbol):
                    data = self.symbolData.pop(removed.Symbol)
                    algorithm.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(removed.Symbol, data.Consolidator)
            if removed.Symbol in self.data:
                if self.IsSafeToRemove(algorithm, removed.Symbol):
                    data = self.data.pop(removed.Symbol)
                    algorithm.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(removed.Symbol, data.Consolidator)

        for added in changes.AddedSecurities:
            if added.Symbol not in self.symbolData:
                self.symbolData[added.Symbol] = SymbolDataExecuteModel(algorithm, added)
            if added.Symbol not in self.data:
                self.data[added.Symbol] = SymbolData(algorithm, added.Symbol)

    def PriceIsFavorable(self, data, unorderedQuantity):
        '''Determines if the current price is favorable in the favorable direction.'''
        sma = data.SMA.Current.Value
        deviations = self.deviations * data.STD.Current.Value
        sto = ((data.STO.StochK.Current.Value >= data.STO.StochD.Current.Value) and (data.STO_Med.StochK.Current.Value >= data.STO_Med.StochD.Current.Value)) or \
                     (((data.KWindow[0] >= data.DWindow[0]) and (data.KWindow[1] <= data.DWindow[1])) and ((data.KWindow_Med[0] >= data.DWindow_Med[0]) and (data.KWindow_Med[0] <= data.DWindow_Med[0])))
        if unorderedQuantity > 0:
            if (data.Security.BidPrice < data.VWAP) or (data.Security.BidPrice < sma - deviations) and sto:
                return True
            if (data.Security.AskPrice > data.VWAP) or (data.Security.AskPrice > sma + deviations) and sto:
                return True

        return False

    def SpreadIsFavorable(self, data, unorderedQuantity):
        '''Determines if the spread is in desirable range.'''
        # Price has to be larger than zero to avoid zero division error, or negative price causing the spread percentage < 0 by error
        # Has to be in opening hours of exchange to avoid extreme spread in OTC period
        return data.Security.Price > 0 and data.Security.AskPrice > 0 and data.Security.BidPrice > 0 \
            and (data.Security.AskPrice - data.Security.BidPrice) / data.Security.Price <= self.acceptingSpreadPercent

    def IsSafeToRemove(self, algorithm, symbol):
        '''Determines if it's safe to remove the associated symbol data'''
        # confirm the security isn't currently a member of any universe
        return not any([kvp.Value.ContainsMember(symbol) for kvp in algorithm.UniverseManager])
class SymbolDataExecuteModel:
    def __init__(self, algorithm, security):
        self.Security = security
        self.tolerance = 0.98
        self.is_uptrend = False
        self.macd_uptrend = False
        self.scale = 0.00
        self.period = 21
        self.Consolidator = algorithm.ResolveConsolidator(security.Symbol, security.Resolution)
        name = algorithm.CreateIndicatorName(security.Symbol, "VWAP", security.Resolution)
        self.vwap = IntradayVwap(name)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(security.Symbol, self.vwap, self.Consolidator)

        smaName = algorithm.CreateIndicatorName(security.Symbol, f"SMA{self.period}", security.Resolution)
        self.SMA = SimpleMovingAverage(smaName, self.period)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(security.Symbol, self.SMA, self.Consolidator)

        smaName_med = algorithm.CreateIndicatorName(security.Symbol, f"SMA{self.period+13}", security.Resolution)
        self.SMA_Med = SimpleMovingAverage(smaName_med, self.period+13)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(security.Symbol, self.SMA_Med, self.Consolidator)

        stoName = algorithm.CreateIndicatorName(security.Symbol, f"STO{self.period}", security.Resolution)
        self.STO = Stochastic(smaName, self.period, 3, 3)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(security.Symbol, self.STO, self.Consolidator)
        self.DWindow = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.KWindow = RollingWindow[float](5)

        stoName_med = algorithm.CreateIndicatorName(security.Symbol, f"STO{self.period+13}", security.Resolution)
        self.STO_Med = Stochastic(smaName_med, self.period+13, 3, 3)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(security.Symbol, self.STO_Med, self.Consolidator)
        self.DWindow_Med = RollingWindow[float](5)
        self.KWindow_Med = RollingWindow[float](5)

        stdName = algorithm.CreateIndicatorName(security.Symbol, f"STD{self.period}", security.Resolution)
        self.STD = StandardDeviation(stdName, self.period)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(security.Symbol, self.STD, self.Consolidator)

        roc_fName = algorithm.CreateIndicatorName(security.Symbol, f"ROC_F{self.period}", security.Resolution)

        # warmup our indicators by pushing history through the indicators
        history = algorithm.History(security.Symbol, 84, security.Resolution)
        if 'close' in history:
            for tuple in history.loc[security.Symbol].itertuples():
                tradeBar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, security.Symbol, tuple.open, tuple.high, tuple.low, tuple.close, tuple.volume)
                median_price = round(float(statistics.median([tuple.open, tuple.high, tuple.low, tuple.close])), 4)
                self.SMA.Update(tuple.Index, median_price)
                self.SMA_Med.Update(tuple.Index, median_price)                
                self.STD.Update(tuple.Index, median_price)
                sma = self.SMA.Current.Value
                sma_bar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, security.Symbol, sma, sma, sma, sma, 0)
                if self.STO.IsReady:
                sma = self.SMA_Med.Current.Value
                sma_bar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, security.Symbol, sma, sma, sma, sma, 0)
                if self.STO_Med.IsReady:

    def VWAP(self):
       return self.vwap.Value
    def dispose(self, algorithm):
        algorithm.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(security.Symbol, self.consolidator)

class IntradayVwap:
    '''Defines the canonical intraday VWAP indicator'''
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.Name = name
        self.Value = 0.0
        self.lastDate = datetime.min
        self.sumOfVolume = 0.0
        self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume = 0.0

    def IsReady(self):
        return self.sumOfVolume > 0.0

    def Update(self, input):
        '''Computes the new VWAP'''
        success, volume, averagePrice = self.GetVolumeAndAveragePrice(input)
        if not success:
            return self.IsReady

        # reset vwap on daily boundaries
        if self.lastDate != input.EndTime.date():
            self.sumOfVolume = 0.0
            self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume = 0.0
            self.lastDate = input.EndTime.date()

        # running totals for Σ PiVi / Σ Vi
        self.sumOfVolume += volume
        self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume += averagePrice * volume

        if self.sumOfVolume == 0.0:
           # if we have no trade volume then use the current price as VWAP
           self.Value = input.Value
           return self.IsReady

        self.Value = self.sumOfPriceTimesVolume / self.sumOfVolume
        return self.IsReady

    def GetVolumeAndAveragePrice(self, input):
        '''Determines the volume and price to be used for the current input in the VWAP computation'''

        if type(input) is Tick:
            if input.TickType == TickType.Trade:
                return True, float(input.Quantity), float(input.LastPrice)

        if type(input) is TradeBar:
            if not input.IsFillForward:
                averagePrice = round(float(statistics.mean([input.Open, input.High, input.Low, input.Close])), 4)
                return True, float(input.Volume), averagePrice

        return False, 0.0, 0.0