Overall Statistics |
Total Trades 427 Average Win 0.34% Average Loss -0.10% Compounding Annual Return 18.623% Drawdown 19.400% Expectancy 3.067 Net Profit 352.627% Sharpe Ratio 1.01 Loss Rate 4% Win Rate 96% Profit-Loss Ratio 3.23 Alpha 0.067 Beta 5.98 Annual Standard Deviation 0.181 Annual Variance 0.033 Information Ratio 0.903 Tracking Error 0.181 Treynor Ratio 0.031 Total Fees $504.06 |
import numpy as np from scipy import stats from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF from scipy.stats import kendalltau, pearsonr, spearmanr from scipy.optimize import minimize from scipy.integrate import quad import sys class CopulaPairsTradingAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm): def Initialize(self): ## Initialise the data and resolution required, as well as the cash and start-end dates for your algorithm. All algorithms must initialized. self.SetStartDate(2010,1,1) self.SetEndDate(2018,11,11) self.SetCash(100000) self.numdays = 1000 # set the length of formation period which determine the copula we use self.lookbackdays = 250 # set the length of history data in trading period self.cap_CL = 0.95 # set the cap confidence level self.floor_CL = 0.05 # set the floor confidence level self.ticker = self._pair_selection() ## Pull history daily close data of past one year self.syl = [] for i in self.ticker: equity = self.AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, i, Resolution.Daily) self.syl.append(equity.Symbol.Value) self.price_list = {} self.price_list[self.syl[0]] = [] self.price_list[self.syl[1]] = [] history = self.History(self.syl, self.numdays,Resolution.Daily) close = history['close'].unstack(level=0) logreturn = (np.log(close) - np.log(close.shift(1))).dropna() x, y = logreturn[self.ticker[0]], logreturn[self.ticker[1]] logreturn={} # A dictionary to store the history log return series of paired stocks ''' Convert the two returns series to two uniform values u and v using the empirical distribution functions ''' ecdf_x, ecdf_y = ECDF(x), ECDF(y) u, v = [ecdf_x(a) for a in x], [ecdf_y(a) for a in y] # compute the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for different copulas and choose copula with minimum AIC self.family = ['clayton', 'frank', 'gumbel'] tau = kendalltau(x, y)[0] # estimate Kendall'rank correlation AIC ={} # generate a dict with key being the copula family, value = [theta, AIC] for i in self.family: lpdf = [self._lpdf_copula(i, float(self._parameter(i,tau)), x, y) for (x, y) in zip(u, v)] # Replace nan with zero and inf with finite numbers in lpdf list lpdf = np.nan_to_num(lpdf) loglikelihood = sum(lpdf) AIC[i] = [self._parameter(i,tau), -2*loglikelihood + 2] # choose the copula with the minimum AIC self.copula = min(AIC.items(), key = lambda x: x[1][1])[0] self.Log(str(self.copula)) self.Log(str(AIC)) # schedule an event to fire on first day each month for a security # the action compute the mispricing indices to generate the trading signals self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.MonthStart(self.syl[0]), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.syl[0]), Action(self._set_signal)) def OnData(self,data): for i in self.syl: if data.Bars.ContainsKey(i): self.price_list[i].append(self.Portfolio[i].Price) # compute today's log return of 2 stocks if len(self.price_list[self.syl[0]]) < 2 or len(self.price_list[self.syl[1]]) < 2: return else: return_x = np.log(float(self.price_list[self.syl[0]][-1]/self.price_list[self.syl[0]][-2])) return_y = np.log(float(self.price_list[self.syl[1]][-1]/self.price_list[self.syl[1]][-2])) # Convert the two returns to uniform values u and v using the empirical distribution functions u_value = self.ecdf_x(return_x) v_value = self.ecdf_y(return_y) # Compute the mispricing indices for u and v by using estimated copula self._misprice_index(self.copula, self.theta, u_value, v_value) quantity = float(self.CalculateOrderQuantity(self.syl[1],0.4)) if self.MI_u_v < self.floor_CL and self.MI_v_u > self.cap_CL: if self.Portfolio[self.syl[0]].Quantity < 0 and self.Portfolio[self.syl[1]].Quantity > 0: self.Liquidate() quantity = float(self.CalculateOrderQuantity(self.syl[1],0.4)) self.Sell(self.syl[1], 1 * quantity ) self.Buy(self.syl[0], self.coef * quantity) else: self.Sell(self.syl[1], 1 * quantity ) self.Buy(self.syl[0], self.coef * quantity) elif self.MI_u_v > self.cap_CL and self.MI_v_u < self.floor_CL: if self.Portfolio[self.syl[0]].Quantity > 0 and self.Portfolio[self.syl[1]].Quantity < 0: self.Liquidate() quantity = float(self.CalculateOrderQuantity(self.syl[1],0.4)) self.Buy(self.syl[1], 1 * quantity ) self.Sell(self.syl[0], self.coef * quantity) else: self.Buy(self.syl[1], 1 * quantity ) self.Sell(self.syl[0], self.coef * quantity) def _set_signal(self): history = self.History(self.ticker, self.lookbackdays,Resolution.Daily) # generate the log return series of paired stocks close = history['close'].unstack(level=0) logreturn = (np.log(close) - np.log(close.shift(1))).dropna() x, y = logreturn[self.ticker[0]], logreturn[self.ticker[1]] # estimate Kendall'rank correlation each trading day tau = kendalltau(x, y)[0] # etstimate the copula parameter: theta self.theta = self._parameter(self.copula, tau) # simulate the empirical distribution function for returns of two paired stocks self.ecdf_x, self.ecdf_y = ECDF(x), ECDF(y) # run linear regression over the two history return series self.coef = stats.linregress(x,y).slope def _parameter(self, family, tau): ''' estimate the parameters for three kinds of Archimedean copulas According to association between Archimedean copulas and the Kendall rank correlation measure ''' if family == 'clayton': return 2*tau/float(1-tau) elif family == 'frank': ''' debye = quad(integrand, sys.float_info.epsilon, theta)[0]/theta is first order Debye function frank_fun is the squared difference Minimize the frank_fun would give the parameter theta for the frank copula ''' integrand = lambda t: t/(np.exp(t)-1) # generate the integrand frank_fun = lambda theta: ((tau - 1)/4.0 - (quad(integrand, sys.float_info.epsilon, theta)[0]/theta - 1)/theta)**2 return minimize(frank_fun, 4, method='BFGS', tol=1e-5).x elif family == 'gumbel': return 1/float(1-tau) def _lpdf_copula(self, family, theta, u, v): # Estimate the log probability density function of three kinds of Archimedean copulas if family == 'clayton': pdf = (theta+1) * ((u**(-theta)+v**(-theta)-1)**(-2-1/theta)) * (u**(-theta-1)*v**(-theta-1)) elif family == 'frank': num = -theta * (np.exp(-theta)-1) * (np.exp(-theta*(u+v))) denom = ((np.exp(-theta*u)-1) * (np.exp(-theta*v)-1) + (np.exp(-theta)-1))**2 pdf = num/denom elif family == 'gumbel': A = (-np.log(u))**theta + (-np.log(v))**theta c = np.exp(-A**(1/theta)) pdf = c * (u*v)**(-1) * (A**(-2+2/theta)) * ((np.log(u)*np.log(v))**(theta-1)) * (1+(theta-1)*A**(-1/theta)) return np.log(pdf) def _misprice_index(self, family, theta, u, v): ''' Calculate mispricing index for every day in the trading period by using estimated copula Mispricing indices are the conditional probability P(U < u | V = v) and P(V < v | U = u) ''' if family == 'clayton': self.MI_u_v = v**(-theta-1) * (u**(-theta)+v**(-theta)-1)**(-1/theta-1) # P(U<u|V=v) self.MI_v_u = u**(-theta-1) * (u**(-theta)+v**(-theta)-1)**(-1/theta-1) # P(V<v|U=u) elif family == 'frank': A = (np.exp(-theta*u)-1) * (np.exp(-theta*v)-1) + (np.exp(-theta*v)-1) B = (np.exp(-theta*u)-1) * (np.exp(-theta*v)-1) + (np.exp(-theta*u)-1) C = (np.exp(-theta*u)-1) * (np.exp(-theta*v)-1) + (np.exp(-theta)-1) self.MI_u_v = B/float(C) self.MI_v_u = A/float(C) elif family == 'gumbel': A = (-np.log(u))**theta + (-np.log(v))**theta C_uv = np.exp(-A**(1/theta)) # C_uv is gumbel copula function C(u,v) self.MI_u_v = C_uv * (A**((1-theta)/theta)) * (-np.log(v))**(theta-1) * (1.0/v) self.MI_v_u = C_uv * (A**((1-theta)/theta)) * (-np.log(u))**(theta-1) * (1.0/u) def _pair_selection(self): tick_syl = [["QQQ","XME","TNA","FAS","XLF","EWC","QLD"], ["XLK","EWG","TLT","FAZ","XLU","EWA","QID"]] logreturn={} for i in range(2): syl = [self.AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, x, Resolution.Daily).Symbol.Value for x in tick_syl[i]] history = self.History(syl, self.lookbackdays,Resolution.Daily) # generate the log return series of paired stocks close = history['close'].unstack(level=0) df_logreturn = (np.log(close) - np.log(close.shift(1))).dropna() for j in tick_syl[i]: logreturn[j] = df_logreturn[j] # estimate coefficients of different correlation measures tau_coef,pr_coef,sr_coef= [],[],[] for i in range(len(tick_syl[i])): tik_x, tik_y= logreturn[tick_syl[0][i]], logreturn[tick_syl[1][i]] tau_coef.append(kendalltau(tik_x, tik_y)[0]) pr_coef.append(pearsonr(tik_x, tik_y)[0]) sr_coef.append(spearmanr(tik_x, tik_y)[0]) index_max = tau_coef.index(max(tau_coef)) pair = [tick_syl[0][index_max],tick_syl[1][index_max]] self.Log("tau" + str(tau_coef)) self.Log("pr" + str(pr_coef)) self.Log("sr" + str(sr_coef)) self.Log(str(pair)) return pair