Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
using System;
using System.Drawing;

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp
    public class CasualYellowGreenLemur : QCAlgorithm
        string Symbol = "IBM";
        //##### just move tp calculation in here for better flow
        static decimal st = 0.01m;
    	decimal tp = st*2;
    	decimal close = 0.0m;
    	string type = "Buy";
    	int numberOfOrders =0;
    	//##### set up for checking EMA meet TP2 criteria
    	bool activateEMACheck = false;
    	decimal filledQuantity;
    	decimal filledPrice;
        private ExponentialMovingAverage slow;
        private ExponentialMovingAverage fast;
        private ExponentialMovingAverage ema;
        private OrderTicket _limitTicket;
        private OrderTicket _limitTicket2;
    	private OrderTicket _stopMarketTicket;
    	//##### you will not need int limitPrice, int StopMarketOrder, the RollingWindow, list of orders and decimal TP2

        public override void Initialize() 
            SetStartDate(2020, 7, 4);
            SetEndDate(2021, 7, 6);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, Symbol, Resolution.Minute);
            fast = EMA(Symbol, 72, Resolution.Minute); 
            slow = EMA(Symbol, 89, Resolution.Minute);
            ema = EMA(Symbol, 9, Resolution.Minute);
                         TimeRules.At(15, 0),  
            //##### warm up your indicator
	    public void SpecificTime()
	        Debug("liquidated on the last day");
        public override void OnData(Slice data)
        	// ##### please check if the data slice contains the trade bar you need
        	if (IsWarmingUp || !data.Bars.ContainsKey(Symbol)) return;
        	var chart = Portfolio[Symbol];
        	close = data.Bars[Symbol].Close;
        	//we call check on EMA to trigger TP2 first as it would be less expensive than conditions of numberOfOrders==0
        	if(numberOfOrders == 1 && activateEMACheck){
        		Checking(filledQuantity, filledPrice);
        	else if (chart.Price >= slow && numberOfOrders == 0)
            	type= "BUY";
                Log("BUY  >> " + Securities[Symbol].Price);
                _stopMarketTicket = StopMarketOrder(Symbol, -10, close-close * st);		//##### 10 -> -10 (selling if stop hit), and do you mean stop price like this? otherwise it'll be filled right away
                _limitTicket = LimitOrder(Symbol, 10, close+close * tp);
                numberOfOrders = 1;
                Log("1st Stoploss >>" + _stopMarketTicket);
                Log("TP1 >>" + _limitTicket);
            //##### avoid check again
        	else if (chart.Price <= fast && numberOfOrders ==0)
            	type= "SELL";
                Log("SELL >> " + Securities[Symbol].Price);                                                    
                _stopMarketTicket = StopMarketOrder(Symbol, 10, close+close * st);
                _limitTicket = LimitOrder(Symbol, -10, close-close * tp);				//##### 10 -> -10 (selling)
                numberOfOrders = 1;
                Log("1st Stoploss >>" + _stopMarketTicket);
                 Log("TP1 >>" + _limitTicket);
        public override void OnOrderEvent(OrderEvent orderEvent)
        	//##### no need to check filled in here
        	if (numberOfOrders == 0) return;
        	//##### Use swtich, break for speed to save from "if" check loop
	        	case 1:{
	           		//##### do you mean fully filled order? as we have partially filled event also such that your qty might not be as desired
	           		if(_limitTicket.OrderId == orderEvent.OrderId && orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled){		
		            	//##### buy on below 9ema, sell the opposite way, you'll need to check if this is a buy/sell order
		            	//##### the original if condiiton will only run at this instance, it won't wait your ema conditions later, you'll need to specify a function to do so
		            	activateEMACheck = true;
		            	filledQuantity = orderEvent.FillQuantity;
		            	filledPrice = orderEvent.FillPrice;
		            //##### explicitly check if stop loss is hit
		            else if(_stopMarketTicket.OrderId == orderEvent.OrderId && orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled){
		            	Log(" **Hit stop loss: Resetting the Orders **");
		            	//##### this will cancel all open orders
		            	numberOfOrders = 0;
		            	activateEMACheck = false;
	        	} break;
		    	case 2: {
	        		//TP3 goes here
	        		//##### check additional order from TP1
	        		if(_limitTicket2.OrderId == orderEvent.OrderId && orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled)
		            	Log(" ** Hit TP2: Resetting the Orders **");
			            numberOfOrders = 0;
		            else if(_stopMarketTicket.OrderId == orderEvent.OrderId && orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled) {
		            	Log(" **Hit stop loss for TP2: Resetting the Orders **");
		            	numberOfOrders = 0;
		    	} break;
		    	default: {
	            	Log(" **Orders >=3 **");
		            numberOfOrders = 0;
            	} break;
    	private void Checking(decimal fillQuantity, decimal fillPrice){
    		var e = ema.Current.Value;										//##### retrieve last window by .Current.Value
		    var currentprice = Securities[Symbol].Price;
    		if((currentprice < e && fillQuantity > 0m) || (currentprice > e && fillQuantity < 0m)){
	            Log(type + "  >> " + currentprice);
                var qty = fillQuantity * 0.5m;
                _limitTicket2 = LimitOrder(Symbol, qty, close);				//##### price should be same as close in here
                //##### you can just update the stop price in the first stop order
                var response = _stopMarketTicket.Update(new UpdateOrderFields() {
					StopPrice = fillPrice, 
					Quantity = fillQuantity + qty				//##### sum of 1st and 2nd limit orders' quantities
				//##### Check response with the OrderResponse, you may discard if not needed
				if (response.IsSuccess) { 
				     Debug("adjust stop price successfully");
                numberOfOrders = 2;
                Log("STOP >>" + _stopMarketTicket);
                Log("TP2 >>" + _limitTicket2);
                activateEMACheck = false;