Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
using System.Collections.Generic;
using QuantConnect.Data;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using QuantConnect.Orders;
using System.Globalization;
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using QuantConnect.Algorithm;
using QuantConnect.Securities;
using QuantConnect.Brokerages;

namespace QuantConnect
	public class PortfolioOfStrategies : QCAlgorithm
    	// Algorithm parameters
        private int mStartYear = 							2011;
        public int mStartMonth = 							1;
        public int mStartDay = 								28;
        private decimal mStartingCash = 					10000;
        private Resolution mResolution = 					Resolution.Minute; // Hourly or more frequent. Daily and up bugs.
        private decimal mLeverage = 						0.95m;
        private bool mRebalanceOnLaunch = 					true; // Whether the algorithms should trigger a rebalance when launching the algorithm (true) or wait until the next rebalance period (false)
        protected decimal mAvoidRebalancesBelowThisAmount = 500.0m; // 500 is a good value. Value, in dollars, under which small rebalances will be ignored to cut on fees.
        private decimal mAllocationRatioUIS = 				1.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioUISZIV = 			0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioBRS =				0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioGLDUSD =			0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioMYRS = 				0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioNASDAQ_LI_SIGNALS = 0.0m;
		private decimal mAllocationRatioGLD_LI_SIGNALS = 	0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioUIS_LI_SIGNALS = 	0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioFFA = 				0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioEMPTYALGO = 		0.0m;
        private decimal mAllocationRatioSRCTEST =			0.0m;
        //Other variables
        public bool mBacktestDatesOverriden =		false;
        private List<SubAlgorithm> mSubAlgorithms = null;
        EquityExchange mEquityMarket = new EquityExchange();

        public override void Initialize()
	        Portfolio.MarginCallModel = MarginCallModel.Null;
            // Request SPY and USDCAD data
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "SPY", mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Forex, "USDCAD", mResolution, true, 3, false);
            // Instantiate our subalgorithm classes
            mSubAlgorithms = new List<SubAlgorithm>();
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new UIS				(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioUIS, 				mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new UISZIV			(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioUISZIV, 			mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new MYRS				(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioMYRS, 				mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new BRS				(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioBRS, 				mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new GLDUSD			(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioGLDUSD, 			mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new NASDAQ_LI_SIGNALS(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioNASDAQ_LI_SIGNALS, 	mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new GLD_LI_SIGNALS	(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioGLD_LI_SIGNALS, 	mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new UIS_LI_SIGNALS	(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioUIS_LI_SIGNALS, 	mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new FFA				(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioFFA, 				mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new EMPTYALGO		(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioEMPTYALGO, 			mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
            mSubAlgorithms.Add(new Test_SRC			(this, mResolution, mAllocationRatioSRCTEST, 			mStartYear, mRebalanceOnLaunch));
        	// Initialize the subalgorithms
        	foreach(SubAlgorithm wSubAlgorithm in mSubAlgorithms)
        		if(wSubAlgorithm.mAllocationRatio > 0.01m)
        			wSubAlgorithm.Initialize(mLeverage * wSubAlgorithm.mAllocationRatio * (Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue - GetUnconvertedCadValueInUsd()));
        	// Set up our analysis span (unless a strategy has overridden them)
        	if (!mBacktestDatesOverriden)
        		SetStartDate(mStartYear, mStartMonth, mStartDay);
        public void OnData(TradeBars data)
        		// Set allocation of money in the different subalgorithms, and dispatch them
	            bool wAllAlgosCommunicatedDesiredAllocation = true;
	        	foreach(SubAlgorithm wSubAlgorithm in mSubAlgorithms)
	        		if(wSubAlgorithm.mAllocationRatio > 0.01m)
	        			wSubAlgorithm.SetAllocationAmount(mLeverage * wSubAlgorithm.mAllocationRatio * (Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue - GetUnconvertedCadValueInUsd()));
	        			wAllAlgosCommunicatedDesiredAllocation &= wSubAlgorithm.CommunicatedDesiredAllocation;
	        	// Process the reallocation requests from all sub-algorithms, if all algos ran at least once and gave their required symbols
        		if (wAllAlgosCommunicatedDesiredAllocation) ProcessReallocations(data);
			// If there is more than 1000 USD worth of CAD, convert it to USD
        private decimal GetUnconvertedCadValueInCad()
        	Cash wUnconvertedCAD;
			Portfolio.CashBook.TryGetValue("CAD",out wUnconvertedCAD);
			return wUnconvertedCAD.Amount;
        private decimal GetUnconvertedCadValueInUsd()
        	Cash wUnconvertedCAD;
			Portfolio.CashBook.TryGetValue("CAD",out wUnconvertedCAD);
			return wUnconvertedCAD.ValueInAccountCurrency;
        private void ConvertCadToUsd()
			decimal wUnconvertedCADValueInUSD = GetUnconvertedCadValueInUsd();
			if (wUnconvertedCADValueInUSD >= 1000)
				decimal wHowManyUSDToBuy = Math.Floor(wUnconvertedCADValueInUSD/1000)*1000;
				Log("Converting CAD to USD: Buying " + wHowManyUSDToBuy + " USD");	
				MarketOrder("USDCAD", wHowManyUSDToBuy);
        public SharpeRatioCalculator SRC(List<decimal> iSymbolsRatios, int period, decimal volatilityFactor)
            var src = new SharpeRatioCalculator(iSymbolsRatios, period, volatilityFactor);
            return src;
        public SharpeRatioCalculator SRC(int period, decimal volatilityFactor)
            var src = new SharpeRatioCalculator(period, volatilityFactor);
            return src;
        private void ProcessReallocations(TradeBars data)
        	Dictionary<string,int> wDesiredEquityAmounts = new Dictionary<string,int>();
        	foreach (KeyValuePair<Symbol,Security> wSymbolSecurity in Securities)
        		if (wSymbolSecurity.Key == "USDCAD") continue;

            foreach (SubAlgorithm wSubAlgorithm in mSubAlgorithms)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string,int> wSymbolAmount in wSubAlgorithm.mDesiredEquityAmounts)
        			if (!wDesiredEquityAmounts.ContainsKey(wSymbolAmount.Key))
        				wDesiredEquityAmounts.Add(wSymbolAmount.Key, 0);
        			wDesiredEquityAmounts[wSymbolAmount.Key] = wDesiredEquityAmounts[wSymbolAmount.Key] + wSymbolAmount.Value;
        	SetHoldingsSellFirst(data, wDesiredEquityAmounts);        	
        private void SetHoldingsSellFirst(TradeBars data, Dictionary<string,int> wSymbolsAndAmounts)
        	Dictionary<string,int> wTransactions = new Dictionary<string,int>();
        	int wDesiredAmount = 0;
        	int wActualAmount = 0;
        	int wDelta = 0;
        	foreach (KeyValuePair<string,int> wSymbolAndAmount in wSymbolsAndAmounts)
        		wDesiredAmount = wSymbolAndAmount.Value;
        		wActualAmount = (int)Securities[wSymbolAndAmount.Key].Holdings.Quantity;
        		wDelta = wDesiredAmount - wActualAmount;
        		if (wDelta != 0 && data.ContainsKey(wSymbolAndAmount.Key))
        			if ((Math.Abs(wDelta) * data[wSymbolAndAmount.Key].Close) > mAvoidRebalancesBelowThisAmount)
	        			wTransactions.Add(wSymbolAndAmount.Key, wDelta);
        	foreach (KeyValuePair<string,int> wTransaction in wTransactions)
        		if (wTransaction.Value < 0)
        			MarketOrder(wTransaction.Key, wTransaction.Value);
        	foreach (KeyValuePair<string,int> wTransaction in wTransactions)
        		if (wTransaction.Value > 0)
        			MarketOrder(wTransaction.Key, wTransaction.Value);
        // Helper function to get week of year
		public int GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateTime time)
		    // Seriously cheat.  If its Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, then it'll 
		    // be the same week# as whatever Thursday, Friday or Saturday are,
		    // and we always get those right
		    DayOfWeek day = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetDayOfWeek(time);
		    if (day >= DayOfWeek.Monday && day <= DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
		        time = time.AddDays(3);
		    // Return the week of our adjusted day
		    return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// Empty algorithm. To be used to run live to only monitor IB account without trading.
    /// </summary>
    public class EMPTYALGO : SubAlgorithm
		public EMPTYALGO(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			mDataFeedFrequency = "Weekly";
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Weekly";
			mName = "EMPTYALGO";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()


        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
            mCommunicatedDesiredAllocation = true;
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
            return true;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using QuantConnect.Securities;
using QuantConnect.Orders;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// Universal Investment Strategy (UIS) as described here: http://seekingalpha.com/article/2714185-the-spy-tlt-universal-investment-strategy
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class SubAlgorithm
    	// Strategy parameters
        protected bool EnableLogs = 				false;
        protected string mDataFeedFrequency = 		"Daily"; // Minute, Hour, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. If shorter than algo resolution, resolution will be used.
        protected string mRebalanceFrequency = 		"Daily"; // Must be a longer timeframe, or equal, to mDataFeedFrequency
        private bool mRebalanceOnLaunch = true;
        protected decimal mLastAllocationAmount;
        protected bool mFirstPass = true;
        public decimal mAllocationRatio = 0.0m;
        protected decimal mAllocationAmount = 0.0m;
        protected DateTime mPrevious;
        protected PortfolioOfStrategies mAlgorithm;
        protected Resolution mResolution;
        protected int mStartYear;
        protected bool mKeepFeedingData = false; // If, for some reason, a sub-algorithm needs to keep receiving data (more than just once a day/week/month), toggle this to true.
        public Dictionary<string,int> mDesiredEquityAmounts;
        protected Dictionary<DateTime,Dictionary<string,string>> mHistoryDictionary;
        protected string mName = "";
        protected bool mCommunicatedDesiredAllocation = false;
        protected DateTime Time
		        return this.mAlgorithm.Time;
		protected SecurityManager Securities
		        return this.mAlgorithm.Securities;
		public bool RanOnce
		        return !mFirstPass;
        public bool CommunicatedDesiredAllocation
                return mCommunicatedDesiredAllocation;
        public string Name
		        return mName;
		protected bool LiveMode
		        return this.mAlgorithm.LiveMode;
		public bool RebalanceOnLaunch
		        return this.mRebalanceOnLaunch;
        public SubAlgorithm(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch)
        	mAlgorithm = iAlgorithm;
        	mResolution = iResolution;
        	mAllocationRatio = iAllocationRatio;
        	mStartYear = iStartYear;
        	mRebalanceOnLaunch = iRebalanceOnLaunch;
        	mDesiredEquityAmounts = new Dictionary<string,int>();
        	mHistoryDictionary = new Dictionary<DateTime,Dictionary<string,string>>();

        public void Initialize(decimal iAllocationAmount)
        	mAllocationAmount = iAllocationAmount;
	        mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
	        mDesiredEquityAmounts = new Dictionary<string,int>();
        abstract public void Initialize_Specific();
        public void SetAllocationAmount(decimal iAllocationAmount)
        	mAllocationAmount = iAllocationAmount;

        public void OnData(TradeBars data)
        	if (!IsDataValid(data)) return;

        	if (!mKeepFeedingData) // If the algo requested to keep feeding data more frequently, do so.
            	if (mDataFeedFrequency == "Minute")
					// Only once per minute
					if ((mPrevious.Minute == mAlgorithm.Time.Minute) && (mPrevious.Hour == mAlgorithm.Time.Hour) && (mPrevious.Date == mAlgorithm.Time.Date)) return;
				else if (mDataFeedFrequency == "Hour" || mDataFeedFrequency == "Hourly")
					// Only once per hour
					if ((mPrevious.Hour == mAlgorithm.Time.Hour) && (mPrevious.Date == mAlgorithm.Time.Date)) return;
				else if (mDataFeedFrequency == "Daily")
					// Only once per day
					if (mPrevious.Date == mAlgorithm.Time.Date) return; 
				else if (mDataFeedFrequency == "Weekly")
					// only once per week
					if ((GetIso8601WeekOfYear(mPrevious) == GetIso8601WeekOfYear(mAlgorithm.Time)) && (mPrevious.Year == mAlgorithm.Time.Year)) return; // Added year check, because at start of algo, month = Jan 1997, so if we start in jan 2010 for example, the first month used to be skipped.            
					// only once per month
	            	if ((mPrevious.Month == mAlgorithm.Time.Month) && (mPrevious.Year == mAlgorithm.Time.Year)) return; // Added year check, because at start of algo, month = Jan 1997, so if we start in jan 2010 for example, the first month used to be skipped.
            // Dispatch the algorithm
            mPrevious = mAlgorithm.Time;
            mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
            mFirstPass = false;
        abstract public void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data);
        // Helper function to get week of year
		public int GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateTime time)
		    // Seriously cheat.  If its Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, then it'll 
		    // be the same week# as whatever Thursday, Friday or Saturday are,
		    // and we always get those right
		    DayOfWeek day = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetDayOfWeek(time);
		    if (day >= DayOfWeek.Monday && day <= DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
		        time = time.AddDays(3);
		    // Return the week of our adjusted day
		    return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
		// Helper function to initialize a SharpeRatioCalculator indicator
		public SharpeRatioCalculator SRC(List<decimal> iSymbolsRatios, int period, decimal volatilityFactor)
            var src = new SharpeRatioCalculator(iSymbolsRatios, period, volatilityFactor);
            return src;
        public SharpeRatioCalculator SRC(int period, decimal volatilityFactor)
            var src = new SharpeRatioCalculator(period, volatilityFactor);
            return src;
        protected void Reallocate(TradeBars data, List<KeyValuePair<string,decimal>> wSymbolsAndRatios)
        	mDesiredEquityAmounts = new Dictionary<string,int>();
        	foreach (KeyValuePair<string,decimal> wSymbolAndRatio in wSymbolsAndRatios)
        		mDesiredEquityAmounts.Add(wSymbolAndRatio.Key, (int)(wSymbolAndRatio.Value * mAllocationAmount / data[wSymbolAndRatio.Key].Close));
            mCommunicatedDesiredAllocation = true;
        protected abstract bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData);
        protected bool IsTimeToRebalance()
        	if (!mRebalanceOnLaunch && mFirstPass)
        		return false;
        	else if (mRebalanceFrequency == "Daily")
				// Only once per day
				return (mPrevious.Date != mAlgorithm.Time.Date); 
			else if (mRebalanceFrequency == "Weekly")
				// only once per week
				return ((GetIso8601WeekOfYear(mPrevious) != GetIso8601WeekOfYear(mAlgorithm.Time)) || (mPrevious.Year != mAlgorithm.Time.Year)); // Added year check, because at start of algo, month = Jan 1997, so if we start in jan 2010 for example, the first month used to be skipped.
				// only once per month
            	return ((mPrevious.Month != mAlgorithm.Time.Month) || (mPrevious.Year != mAlgorithm.Time.Year)); // Added year check, because at start of algo, month = Jan 1997, so if we start in jan 2010 for example, the first month used to be skipped.
        protected void ReadHistoryFromLogicalInvest(string iStrategyPrefix, string iHistoryURL)
			WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
			byte[] raw = null;
			string webData = "";
				raw = wc.DownloadData(iHistoryURL);
				Log("Could not retrieve " + mName + " history from Logical Invest, at " + iHistoryURL);
			if (raw == null)
				Log("Data retrieved from " + iHistoryURL + " is null.");

			webData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(raw).Replace("</td><td>",",").Replace("<tr><td>","").Replace("</td></tr>","");
			var lines = webData.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine },StringSplitOptions.None);
			DateTime wPreviousDate = new DateTime();
			DateTime wDate = new DateTime();
			int wValuesCounter = 1;
			string wSymbol = "";
			string wRatio = "";
			foreach (string line in lines)
				Dictionary<string,string> wEntry = new Dictionary<string,string>();
				if(line.Contains("table")) continue;
				if(line.Contains("###")) continue;

				List<string> values = line.Split(',').ToList();
				if (values.Count < 4) continue;
				if (values[0] == "") continue;
				wDate = DateTime.Parse(values[1]);
				wDate = new DateTime(wDate.Year, wDate.Month, 1);
				if (wDate != wPreviousDate)
					wValuesCounter = 1;
					mHistoryDictionary.Add(wDate,new Dictionary<string,string>());
					wPreviousDate = wDate;
            	wSymbol = values[2];
            	wRatio = (values[3].ToDecimal()/100).ToString();
            	mHistoryDictionary[wDate].Add(iStrategyPrefix + "_Symbol" + wValuesCounter, wSymbol);
            	mHistoryDictionary[wDate].Add(iStrategyPrefix + "_Symbol" + wValuesCounter + "_Ratio", wRatio);
				wValuesCounter += 1;
        protected void Trade(TradeBars data, List<string> iSymbolsList, List<decimal> iSymbolsRatios)
        	if (iSymbolsList.Count() != iSymbolsRatios.Count()) {Log("Error in " + Name + ", Trade: Symbols list count must match symbols ratios list count. Number of symbols = " + iSymbolsList.Count() + ", number of ratios = " + iSymbolsRatios.Count()); return;}
        	List<KeyValuePair<string,decimal>> wSymbolsAndRatios = new List<KeyValuePair<string,decimal>>();
			for (int i = 0; i < iSymbolsList.Count; i++)
				wSymbolsAndRatios.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, decimal>(iSymbolsList[i], iSymbolsRatios[i]));
			Reallocate(data, wSymbolsAndRatios);
        protected void Trade(TradeBars data, string iSymbol1, decimal iSymbol1Ratio)
        	List<string> wSymbolsList = new List<string>();
        	List<decimal> wSymbolRatiosList = new List<decimal>();
        	Trade(data, wSymbolsList, wSymbolRatiosList);
        protected void Trade(TradeBars data, string iSymbol1, decimal iSymbol1Ratio, string iSymbol2, decimal iSymbol2Ratio)
        	List<string> wSymbolsList = new List<string>();
        	List<decimal> wSymbolRatiosList = new List<decimal>();
        	Trade(data, wSymbolsList, wSymbolRatiosList);
        protected void Trade(TradeBars data, string iSymbol1, decimal iSymbol1Ratio, string iSymbol2, decimal iSymbol2Ratio, string iSymbol3, decimal iSymbol3Ratio)
        	List<string> wSymbolsList = new List<string>();
        	List<decimal> wSymbolRatiosList = new List<decimal>();
        	Trade(data, wSymbolsList, wSymbolRatiosList);
        protected void Trade(TradeBars data, string iSymbol1, decimal iSymbol1Ratio, string iSymbol2, decimal iSymbol2Ratio, string iSymbol3, decimal iSymbol3Ratio, string iSymbol4, decimal iSymbol4Ratio)
        	List<string> wSymbolsList = new List<string>();
        	List<decimal> wSymbolRatiosList = new List<decimal>();
        	Trade(data, wSymbolsList, wSymbolRatiosList);
        protected void Trade(TradeBars data, string iSymbol1, decimal iSymbol1Ratio, string iSymbol2, decimal iSymbol2Ratio, string iSymbol3, decimal iSymbol3Ratio, string iSymbol4, decimal iSymbol4Ratio, string iSymbol5, decimal iSymbol5Ratio)
        	List<string> wSymbolsList = new List<string>();
        	List<decimal> wSymbolRatiosList = new List<decimal>();
        	Trade(data, wSymbolsList, wSymbolRatiosList);
        protected void SetStartDate(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay)
        	mAlgorithm.mBacktestDatesOverriden = true;
        	mAlgorithm.SetStartDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay);
        protected void SetEndDate(DateTime iEndDate)
        	mAlgorithm.mBacktestDatesOverriden = true;
        protected void Log(string iString)
        protected void Log(int iString)
        protected void Log(decimal iString)
        protected void Log(TradeBars iString)
        protected void AddSecurity(SecurityType securityType, string symbol, Resolution resolution, bool fillDataForward, decimal leverage, bool extendedMarketHours)
        	mAlgorithm.AddSecurity(securityType, symbol, resolution, fillDataForward, leverage, extendedMarketHours);
        protected void SetHoldings(Symbol symbol, decimal percentage)
        	mAlgorithm.SetHoldings(symbol, percentage);
        protected void Plot(string chart, string series, decimal value)
        	mAlgorithm.Plot(chart, series, value);
        protected void Plot(string chart, string series, double value)
        	mAlgorithm.Plot(chart, series, value);
        protected void Plot(string chart, string series, Int32 value)
        	mAlgorithm.Plot(chart, series, value);
        protected void Plot(string chart, string series, Single value)
        	mAlgorithm.Plot(chart, series, value);
        protected IEnumerable<TradeBar> History(Symbol symbol,int numberOfBars, Nullable<Resolution> resolution)
        	return mAlgorithm.History(symbol, numberOfBars, resolution);
        protected OrderTicket MarketOrder(Symbol symbol, int quantity)
        	return mAlgorithm.MarketOrder(symbol, quantity);
        protected OrderTicket MarketOrder(Symbol symbol, decimal quantity)
        	return mAlgorithm.MarketOrder(symbol, quantity);
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// Same strategy as UIS, but with addition of ZIV, similar to MYRS strategy explained here: https://seekingalpha.com/article/1698412-how-to-build-an-etf-rotation-strategy-with-50-percent-annualized-returns
    /// Generally outperformed UIS for 2012-2017, a bit more stable
	/// 		UIS return	UIS Sharpe	UISZIV return	UISZIV Sharpe
	/// 2011	93,10%		1,981		
	/// 2012	14,54%		0,727		36,37%			1,66
	/// 2013	50,17%		1,609		48,60%			1,67
	/// 2014	56,53%		2,395		58,66%			2,59
	/// 2015	-9,64%		-0,11		-2,94%			0,03
	/// 2016	42,29%		1,488		53,84%			1,87
	/// 2017	57,51%		2,898		56,18%			2,83
    /// </summary>
    public class UISZIV : SubAlgorithm
    	// Strategy parameters
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"SPY";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"TLT";
        private string mSymbol3 = 					"SPXU";
        private string mSymbol4 = 					"TMV";
        private string mSymbol5 = 					"ZIV";
        private bool mUseShort = 					false;
        private bool mUseCorrelationExit =			true;	// Cash exit when the correlation between UPRU and TMF is positive, for a 1, 2, and 3 months lookback period. Does not exit ZIV positions.
        private int mMinimumRebalancePeriod = 		1;
        private int mSharpeLookback = 				63; // 63
        private decimal mSharpeVolatilityFactor = 	2.8m; // 2.8
        private SharpeRatioCalculator mMaxSharpeCombination;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel2Weeks;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel1Month;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel2Month;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel3Month;
        private int mDaysCounter = 0;
        private List<SharpeRatioCalculator> mSrcList;
        private decimal mLastRatio1 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio2 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio5 = 0;
        bool mCashExit = false;
        bool mCashExit_previous = false;
        bool mBuyBackIn = false;
        DateTime mLastHistoryCallsDate = DateTime.MinValue;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol1;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol2;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol5;

		public UISZIV(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Daily"; // Needs to stay daily or faster, for correlation exits and historical performances calculation
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Weekly";
			mName = "UISZIV";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
        	if (EnableLogs)
	        	Log("UISZIV Strategy: Backtesting with following parameters:");
	        	Log("\tSymbol1                    >> " + mSymbol1);
		        Log("\tSymbol2                    >> " + mSymbol2);
		        if (mUseShort)
		        	Log("\tSymbol3                    >> " + mSymbol3);
		        	Log("\tSymbol4                    >> " + mSymbol4);
		        Log("\tUseShort                   >> " + mUseShort);
		        Log("\tMinimum Rebalance Period   >> " + mMinimumRebalancePeriod);
		        Log("\tStart year                 >> " + mStartYear);
		        Log("\tSharpe lookback            >> " + mSharpeLookback);
		        Log("\tSharpe volatility factor   >> " + mSharpeVolatilityFactor);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol5, mResolution, true, 3, false);
			if (mUseShort)
	        	AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol3, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            	AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol4, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol5 = new List<TradeBar>();

            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
            mDaysCounter = mDaysCounter - 1;
            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);
            // For backtesting purposes only, exclude the discontinuity that occured in the data on Aug 22-25 2016
            if (Time.Date >= DateTime.Parse("08/22/2016") && Time.Date <= DateTime.Parse("08/26/2016"))
            	if (mUseShort)
	                Trade(data, mSymbol3, 0, mSymbol4, 0, mSymbol5, 0);
        			Trade(data, mSymbol1, 0, mSymbol2, 0, mSymbol5, 0);
            decimal wRatio1 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio2 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio5 = 0.0m;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
            	wRatio1 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0];
            	wRatio2 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1];
            	wRatio5 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2];

            if (mFirstPass == true || mDaysCounter <= 0 || mLastRatio1 != wRatio1 || mLastRatio2 != wRatio2 || mLastRatio5 != wRatio5)
            	mDaysCounter = mMinimumRebalancePeriod;
            	if (EnableLogs)
            		Log(" ");
	            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
	            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
					if (EnableLogs)
		                Log("     Max Sharpe Combination >> " + mSymbol1 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " + mSymbol2 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%.");
	            	decimal wSymbol1Ratio = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0];
        			decimal wSymbol2Ratio = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1];
					decimal wSymbol5Ratio = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2];
					if (mUseCorrelationExit)
						// Cash exit when the correlation between UPRU and TMF is positive, for a 1, 2, and 3 months lookback period. Does not exit ZIV positions.
						if (mCorrel1Month.Correlation > 0 && mCorrel2Month.Correlation > 0 && mCorrel3Month.Correlation > 0)
	            			wSymbol1Ratio = 0;
	            			wSymbol2Ratio = 0;
	            			mCashExit = true;
	            			if (EnableLogs)
			            		Log("Cash exit: Correlation between UPRO and TMF is positive for 1, 2, and 3 months lookback period. Keeping ZIV positions.");
	            		else if (mCashExit == true && mBuyBackIn == false)
	            			mCashExit = false;
	            			mBuyBackIn = true;
					// Trade if it it time to trade, or if there is cash exit toggle or buy back in toggle
	            	if ((mCashExit && !mCashExit_previous) || mBuyBackIn || IsTimeToRebalance())
						if (mUseShort)
			                Trade(data, mSymbol3, -wSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol4, -wSymbol2Ratio, mSymbol5, wSymbol5Ratio);
	            			Trade(data, mSymbol1, wSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2, wSymbol2Ratio, mSymbol5, wSymbol5Ratio);
	            		mBuyBackIn = false;
	                mCashExit_previous = mCashExit;
		            if (EnableLogs) Log("     Sharpe not ready       >> " + mSymbol1 + " 50%,  " + mSymbol2 + " 50%.");
	                if (IsTimeToRebalance())
		            	// If sharpe ratio not ready yet, use a 50%-50% split between UPRO and TMF
	                	if (mUseShort)
			                Trade(data, mSymbol3, -0.5m, mSymbol4, -0.5m, mSymbol5, 0.0m);
	            			Trade(data, mSymbol1, 0.5m, mSymbol2, 0.5m, mSymbol5, 0.0m);
	            mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
	            mLastRatio1 = wRatio1;
	            mLastRatio2 = wRatio2;
	            mLastRatio5 = wRatio5;

            decimal wSymbol1Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol2Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol5Percentage;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady && mMaxSharpeCombination != null)
            	wSymbol1Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100;
            	wSymbol5Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2] * 100;
            	wSymbol1Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol5Percentage = 0;
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + "-" + mSymbol5 + " Split", mSymbol1 + " (%)", wSymbol1Percentage);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + "-" + mSymbol5 + " Split", mSymbol2 + " (%)", wSymbol2Percentage);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + "-" + mSymbol5 + " Split", mSymbol5 + " (%)", wSymbol5Percentage);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 2 Weeks", mCorrel2Weeks.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 1 Month", mCorrel1Month.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 2 Months", mCorrel2Month.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 3 Months", mCorrel3Month.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "0", 0);
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	bool wValid = true;
            if (!mUseShort)
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
				wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol5);
            if (mUseShort)
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol3);
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol4);
				wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol5);
            return wValid;
        private void RecalculateSharpeRatios(int iLookback, decimal iVolatilityFactor, ref List<SharpeRatioCalculator> iSrcList)
            iSrcList = new List<SharpeRatioCalculator>();
            mCorrel2Weeks = new CorrelationCalculator(10);
            mCorrel1Month = new CorrelationCalculator(21);
            mCorrel2Month = new CorrelationCalculator(42);
            mCorrel3Month = new CorrelationCalculator(63);
        	int granularity = 10;
            for (decimal i = 0.0m; i <= 1.0m; i+=(decimal)(1.0m/granularity))
	        	for (decimal j = 0.0m; j <= 1.0m-i; j+=(decimal)(1.0m/granularity))
			        	List<decimal> wSymbolsRatios = new List<decimal>();
			        	iSrcList.Add(SRC(wSymbolsRatios, iLookback, iVolatilityFactor));
            // get the last 100 daily bars, once a day
            if (mAlgorithm.Time.Date > mLastHistoryCallsDate.Date)
                mLastHistoryCallsDate = mAlgorithm.Time;
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = History(mSymbol1, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = History(mSymbol2, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol5 = History(mSymbol5, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < mTradeBarHistorySymbol5.Count(); i++)
            	for (int j = 0; j < iSrcList.Count; j++)
		        	List<TradeBar> wData = new List<TradeBar>();
		        mCorrel2Weeks.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
		        mCorrel1Month.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
		        mCorrel2Month.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
		        mCorrel3Month.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using QuantConnect.Util;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// Bond rotation strategy (BRS) as described here: https://seekingalpha.com/article/2936206-the-new-enhanced-bond-rotation-strategy-with-adaptive-bond-allocation
    /// Optimization results:
    /// lookback	volatilityfactor	CAGR	Sharpe
	/// 40			1.5					10.32	1.407
	/// 50			1.5					10.07	1.365
	/// 60			1.5					9.595	1.302
	/// 70			1.5					10.41	1.402
	/// 80			1.5					9.214	1.225
	/// 40			1.75				10.508	1.453
	/// 50			1.75				10.356	1.437
	/// 60			1.75				9.335	1.278
	/// 70			1.75				10.499	1.422
	/// 80			1.75				9.634	1.291
	/// 40			2					10.417	1.443
	/// 50			2					10.203	1.428
	/// 60			2					9.528	1.311
	/// 70			2					10.295	1.403
	/// 80			2					9.835	1.326
	/// 40			2.25				10.155	1.422
	/// 50			2.25				10.956	1.53
	/// 60			2.25				9.362	1.296
	/// 70			2.25				9.674	1.367
	/// 80			2.25				9.024	1.25
	/// 40			2.5					10.284	1.449
	/// 50			2.5					10.941	1.536
	/// 60			2.5					9.388	1.305
	/// 70			2.5					9.478	1.35
	/// 80			2.5					8.98	1.261
	/// 40			2.75				10.055	1.457
	/// 50			2.75				10.987	1.545
	/// 60			2.75				9.492	1.319
	/// 70			2.75				9.492	1.353
	/// 80			2.75				9.263	1.306
	/// 40			3		
	/// 50			3					11.225	1.583
    /// </summary>
    public class BRS : SubAlgorithm
    	// Strategy parameters
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"CWB";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"JNK";
        private string mSymbol3 = 					"TLT";
        private string mSymbol4 = 					"PCY";
        private int mMinimumRebalancePeriod = 		1;
        private int mSharpeLookback = 				50; //50
        private decimal mSharpeVolatilityFactor = 	3.0m; //3.0
        private decimal SharpeThresholdForCash =	0; // Threshold for max sharpe ratio under which the algo will go 50% cash. Needs to be tuned when changes to volatility factor are made.
        private SharpeRatioCalculator mMaxSharpeCombination;
        private int mDaysCounter = 0;
        private List<SharpeRatioCalculator> mSrcList;
        private decimal mLastRatio1 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio2 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio3 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio4 = 0;
        DateTime mLastHistoryCallsDate = DateTime.MinValue;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol1;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol2;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol3;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol4;
		public BRS(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Monthly";
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Monthly";
			mName = "BRS";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
        	if (EnableLogs)
	        	Log("BRS Strategy: Backtesting with following parameters:");
	        	Log("\tSymbol1                    >> " + mSymbol1);
		        Log("\tSymbol2                    >> " + mSymbol2);
		        Log("\tSymbol3                    >> " + mSymbol3);
		        Log("\tSymbol4                    >> " + mSymbol4);
		        Log("\tMinimum Rebalance Period   >> " + mMinimumRebalancePeriod);
		        Log("\tStart year                 >> " + mStartYear);
		        Log("\tSharpe lookback            >> " + mSharpeLookback);
		        Log("\tSharpe volatility factor   >> " + mSharpeVolatilityFactor);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
	        AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol3, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol4, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol3 = new List<TradeBar>();
			mTradeBarHistorySymbol4 = new List<TradeBar>();
	        RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
            mDaysCounter = mDaysCounter - 1;
            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);
            decimal wRatio1 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio2 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio3 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio4 = 0.0m;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
            	// If the maximum sharpe ratio combination yields a sharpe ratio below SharpeThresholdForCash, then reduce ratios by 50% and invest 50% in cash
            	if (mMaxSharpeCombination < SharpeThresholdForCash)
            		for (int i=0; i<mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios.Count(); i++)
            			mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[i] = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[i] / 2;
            	wRatio1 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0];
            	wRatio2 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1];
            	wRatio3 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2];
            	wRatio4 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3];
            if (mFirstPass == true || mDaysCounter <= 0 || mLastRatio1 != wRatio1 || mLastRatio2 != wRatio2 || mLastRatio3 != wRatio3 || mLastRatio4 != wRatio4)
            	mDaysCounter = mMinimumRebalancePeriod;
            	if (EnableLogs)
            		Log(" ");
	            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
	            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
	                if (EnableLogs) Log("     Max Sharpe Combination >> " +
		                mSymbol1 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " + 
		                mSymbol2 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " +
		                mSymbol3 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " +
		                mSymbol4 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%.");
					if (IsTimeToRebalance())
	            			mSymbol1, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0], 
	            			mSymbol2, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1], 
	            			mSymbol3, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2], 
	            			mSymbol4, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3]);
	            	if (EnableLogs) Log("     Sharpe not ready       >> " + 
	            		mSymbol1 + " 50%,  " + 
	            		mSymbol2 + " 50%,  " + 
	            		mSymbol3 + " 0%,  " + 
	            		mSymbol4 + " 0%.");
	                if (IsTimeToRebalance())
		            	// If sharpe ratio not ready yet, use a 50%-50% split
	            			mSymbol1, 0.5m, 
	            			mSymbol2, 0.5m, 
	            			mSymbol3, 0.0m, 
	            			mSymbol4, 0.0m);
	            mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
	            mLastRatio1 = wRatio1;

            decimal wSymbol1Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol2Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol3Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol4Percentage;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady && mMaxSharpeCombination != null)
            	wSymbol1Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100;
            	wSymbol3Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2] * 100;
            	wSymbol4Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3] * 100;
            	wSymbol1Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol3Percentage = 0;
            	wSymbol4Percentage = 0;

            Plot("BRS Assets Split", mSymbol1 + " (%)", wSymbol1Percentage);
            Plot("BRS Assets Split", mSymbol2 + " (%)", wSymbol2Percentage);
            Plot("BRS Assets Split", mSymbol3 + " (%)", wSymbol3Percentage);
            Plot("BRS Assets Split", mSymbol4 + " (%)", wSymbol4Percentage);
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	bool wValid = true;
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
			wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol3);
			wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol4);
            return wValid;
        private void RecalculateSharpeRatios(int iLookback, decimal iVolatilityFactor, ref List<SharpeRatioCalculator> iSrcList)
        	iSrcList = new List<SharpeRatioCalculator>();
	        for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
	        	for (int j=i+1; j<4; j++)
	        		for (decimal k=0.4m; k<=0.6m; k+=0.05m)
	        			List<decimal> wSymbolsRatios = new List<decimal> {0.0m,0.0m,0.0m,0.0m};
	        			wSymbolsRatios[i] = k;
	        			wSymbolsRatios[j] = 1-k;

	        // get the last 100 daily bars, once a day
            if (mAlgorithm.Time.Date > mLastHistoryCallsDate.Date)
                mLastHistoryCallsDate = mAlgorithm.Time;
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = History(mSymbol1, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = History(mSymbol2, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol3 = History(mSymbol3, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
				mTradeBarHistorySymbol4 = History(mSymbol4, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < mTradeBarHistorySymbol1.Count(); i++)
            	for (int j = 0; j < iSrcList.Count; j++)
		        	List<TradeBar> wData = new List<TradeBar>();
namespace QuantConnect {

    public class SharpeRatioCalculator
	    public SharpeRatioCalculator(List<decimal> iSymbolsRatios, int period, decimal volatilityFactor)
			mSymbolsRatios = iSymbolsRatios;
			mVolatilityFactor = volatilityFactor;
			mPreviousTradeBars = new List<TradeBar>();
			for (int i = 0; i<iSymbolsRatios.Count(); i++)
			SharpeRatio = 0.0m;
	        MAC = new MovingAverageCalculator(period);
	    public SharpeRatioCalculator(int period, decimal volatilityFactor)
			mSymbolsRatios = new List<decimal>();
			mVolatilityFactor = volatilityFactor;
			mPreviousTradeBars = new List<TradeBar>();
			SharpeRatio = 0.0m;
	        MAC = new MovingAverageCalculator(period);
	    public double Average 
	        get { return MAC.Average; }
	    public double StandardDeviation
	        get { return MAC.StandardDeviation; }
	    public double Variance
	        get { return MAC.Variance; }
		public bool IsReady
	        get { return MAC.HasFullPeriod; }
	    public bool HasFullPeriod
	        get { return MAC.HasFullPeriod; }
	    public IEnumerable<double> Observations
	        get { return MAC.Observations; }
	    public int N
	        get { return MAC.N; }
		public void AddObservation(List<TradeBar> iData)
	    	for (int i = 0; i < iData.Count; i++)
	    		if (mPreviousTradeBars[i] == null) mPreviousTradeBars[i] = iData[i];
	    	List<decimal> wSymbolSplitFactorList = new List<decimal>();
	    	for (int i = 0; i < iData.Count; i++)
	    		decimal wSymbolSplitFactor = 1.0m;
	    		if (mPreviousTradeBars[i].Close > iData[i].Close)
		    		wSymbolSplitFactor = Math.Round(mPreviousTradeBars[i].Close / iData[i].Close);
		    		wSymbolSplitFactor = 1.0m / Math.Round(iData[i].Close / mPreviousTradeBars[i].Close);
	    	List<decimal> wDailyReturns = new List<decimal>();
	    	for (int i = 0; i < iData.Count; i++)
	    		decimal wDailyReturn = ((iData[i].Close * wSymbolSplitFactorList[i]) - mPreviousTradeBars[i].Close) / mPreviousTradeBars[i].Close;
			decimal wTotalDailyReturn = 0.0m;
			for (int i = 0; i < iData.Count; i++)
	    		wTotalDailyReturn = wTotalDailyReturn + (wDailyReturns[i] * mSymbolsRatios[i]);
	        MAC.AddObservation((double) wTotalDailyReturn);
	        if (MAC.HasFullPeriod && MAC.StandardDeviation > 0)
	        	SharpeRatio = (decimal) (MAC.Average / Math.Pow(MAC.StandardDeviation, (double) mVolatilityFactor));
	        for (int i = 0; i < iData.Count; i++)
	    		mPreviousTradeBars[i] = iData[i];
	    public void AddObservation(List<decimal> iCloseData)
	    	List<TradeBar> wTradeBarsData = new List<TradeBar>();
	    	foreach (decimal wCloseData in iCloseData)
	    		wTradeBarsData.Add(new TradeBar(new DateTime(),"Portfolio",wCloseData,wCloseData,wCloseData,wCloseData,wCloseData,null));
	    public void AddObservation(decimal iCloseData)
	    	List<TradeBar> wTradeBarsData = new List<TradeBar>();
	    	wTradeBarsData.Add(new TradeBar(new DateTime(),"Portfolio",iCloseData,iCloseData,iCloseData,iCloseData,iCloseData,null));
	    public MovingAverageCalculator MAC;
	    private decimal SharpeRatio;
	    public List<decimal> mSymbolsRatios;
	    public List<TradeBar> mPreviousTradeBars;
	    public decimal mVolatilityFactor;
	    /// <summary>
        /// Returns the current value of this instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">The indicator instance</param>
        /// <returns>The current value of the indicator</returns>
        public static implicit operator decimal(SharpeRatioCalculator instance)
            return instance.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(SharpeRatioCalculator left, double right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio > (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(SharpeRatioCalculator left, double right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio < (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(double left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left > right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(double left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left < right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, double right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio >= (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, double right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio <= (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(double left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left >= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(double left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left <= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(SharpeRatioCalculator left, double right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio == (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is not equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, double right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return true;
            return left.SharpeRatio != (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(double left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left == right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is not equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(double left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return true;
            return (decimal)left != right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(SharpeRatioCalculator left, float right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio > (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(SharpeRatioCalculator left, float right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio < (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(float left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left > right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(float left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left < right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, float right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio >= (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, float right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio <= (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(float left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left >= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(float left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left <= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(SharpeRatioCalculator left, float right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio == (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is not equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, float right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return true;
            return left.SharpeRatio != (decimal)right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(float left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return (decimal)left == right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is not equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(float left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return true;
            return (decimal)left != right.SharpeRatio;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(SharpeRatioCalculator left, int right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio > right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(SharpeRatioCalculator left, int right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio < right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(int left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left > right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(int left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left < right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, int right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio >= right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, int right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio <= right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(int left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left >= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(int left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left <= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(SharpeRatioCalculator left, int right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio == right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is not equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, int right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return true;
            return left.SharpeRatio != right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(int left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left == right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is not equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(int left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return true;
            return left != right.SharpeRatio;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(SharpeRatioCalculator left, long right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio > right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(SharpeRatioCalculator left, long right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio < right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >(long left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left > right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <(long left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left < right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is greater than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, long right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio >= right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is less than or equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, long right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio <= right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is greater than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator >=(long left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left >= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is less than or equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator <=(long left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left <= right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(SharpeRatioCalculator left, long right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return false;
            return left.SharpeRatio == right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the indicator's current value is not equal to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(SharpeRatioCalculator left, long right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(left, null)) return true;
            return left.SharpeRatio != right;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator ==(long left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return false;
            return left == right.SharpeRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the specified value is not equal to the indicator's current value
        /// </summary>
        public static bool operator !=(long left, SharpeRatioCalculator right)
            if (ReferenceEquals(right, null)) return true;
            return left != right.SharpeRatio;
        public override bool Equals(Object right)
	        // If parameter is null return false.
	        if (right == null)
	            return false;
	        // Return true if the fields match:
	        return (this == right);
	    public override int GetHashCode()
		    int hash = 13;
		    foreach (decimal wSymbolRatio in mSymbolsRatios)
		    	hash = (hash * 7) + wSymbolRatio.GetHashCode();
		    hash = (hash * 7) + mVolatilityFactor.GetHashCode();
		    hash = (hash * 7) + SharpeRatio.GetHashCode();
		    return hash;

using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;

namespace QuantConnect {

    // Test for SharpeRatioCalculator
    /// <summary>
    /// This test verifies that the SharpeRatioCalculator returns values that are at least proportional to 
    /// test runs from the real algorithm, for different time periods, with the same parameters.
    /// How to test it:
    /// - In Main.cs, change the allocation to 100% SharpeRatioCalculatorTest (mAllocationRatioSRCTEST = 1.0m)
    /// - Run the test
    /// - In the backtests statistics section, copy the 3-months SharpeRatio values in an Excel file
    /// - Open the graph "Sharpe Ratio three months"
    /// - For about 2 years of data, manually copy in the Excel file the values of the calculated sharpe ratios, at the same dates as the algo statistics
    /// - See if there is a correlation
    /// Results so far: quite poor (analysis done from April 2015 to December 2016)
    /// Correlation = 0.268
    /// Data results:
    ///	Date		3 Months, algo	3 Months, SRC calculator
	/// 04/30/2015	-0.014354245	-0.0454
	/// 05/31/2015	-0.013994576	-0.0341
	/// 06/30/2015	-0.045307418	-0.1322
	/// 07/31/2015	-0.002708537	-0.0005
	/// 08/31/2015	-0.007749081	-0.0385
	/// 09/30/2015	-0.003662463	-0.0183
	/// 10/31/2015	-0.014735746	 0.0008
	/// 11/30/2015	 0.011244831	 0.0962
	/// 12/31/2015	-0.007871732	 0.0992
	/// 01/31/2016	-0.013966913	-0.0727
	/// 02/29/2016	-0.001043126	 0.0296
	/// 03/31/2016	-0.01398189		 0.1413
	/// 04/30/2016	-0.018236248	 0.2148
	/// 05/31/2016	-0.009374347	 0.1655
	/// 06/30/2016	-0.008349114	 0.1858
	/// 07/31/2016	-0.014002565	 0.3271
	/// 08/31/2016	-0.010672807	 0.2293
	/// 09/30/2016	-0.003444261	 0.0323
	/// 10/31/2016	-0.007270203	-0.0989
	/// 11/30/2016	-0.015016703	-0.1928
	/// 12/31/2016	-0.020562391	-0.1895
    /// À faire: Faire les calculs de sharpe ratio et moving average, manuellement, dans Excel.
    /// Pour faire ça, faire logger la valeur du portfolio à chaque jour.
    /// Ok, j'ai complété le test manuellement dans Excel. Le calcul du Sharpe ratio manuel donne bien le résultat de l'indicateur.
    /// Possiblement que c'est parce que QC calcule le sharpe ratio basé sur des gains de close - open, et moi close - past close.
    /// </summary>
    public class Test_SRC : SubAlgorithm
    	// Strategy parameters
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"SPY";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"TLT";
        private SharpeRatioCalculator testSharpeRatioCalculator;
		public Test_SRC(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
        	// Override start and end date for this test only
			mDataFeedFrequency = "Daily";
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
	        testSharpeRatioCalculator = SRC(63, 1);

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
	        mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
	        if (mFirstPass)
            Plot("SharpeRatio three months", "Sharpe Ratio", testSharpeRatioCalculator);
            Plot("SharpeRatio three months", "Moving average", testSharpeRatioCalculator);
		protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	bool wValid = true;
            wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
            wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
            return wValid;
namespace QuantConnect {

    public class CorrelationCalculator
	    public CorrelationCalculator(int period)
	        _period = period;
	        _window1 = new double[period];
	        _window2 = new double[period];
	    public double Correlation 
	        get { return _correlation; }
	    public bool HasFullPeriod
	        get { return _num_added >= _period; }
	    public int N
	        get { return Math.Min(_num_added, _period); }
	    public void AddObservation(double iValue1, double iValue2)
	        // Window is treated as a circular buffer.
	        var ndx = _num_added % _period;
	        _window1[ndx] = iValue1; // add new observation
	        _window2[ndx] = iValue2; // add new observation
	        // Update correlation coefficient
        	int wNumElements = N;
            double[] array_xy = new double[wNumElements];
			double[] array_xp2 = new double[wNumElements];
			double[] array_yp2 = new double[wNumElements];
			double sum_xy = 0;
			double sum_xpow2 = 0;
			double sum_ypow2 = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < wNumElements; i++)
			    array_xy[i] = _window1[i] * _window2[i];
			for (int i = 0; i < wNumElements; i++)
			    array_xp2[i] = Math.Pow(_window1[i], 2.0);
			for (int i = 0; i < wNumElements; i++)
			    array_yp2[i] = Math.Pow(_window2[i], 2.0);
			double sum_x = 0;
			double sum_y = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < wNumElements; i++)
				sum_x += _window1[i];
				sum_y += _window2[i];
				sum_xy += array_xy[i];
				sum_xpow2 += array_xp2[i];
				sum_ypow2 += array_yp2[i];

			double Ex2 = Math.Pow(sum_x, 2.00);
			double Ey2 = Math.Pow(sum_y, 2.00);
			_correlation = 
			(_window1.Length * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) /
			Math.Sqrt((_window1.Length * sum_xpow2 - Ex2) * (_window1.Length * sum_ypow2 - Ey2));
	    private readonly int _period;
	    private readonly double[] _window1;
	    private readonly double[] _window2;
	    private int _num_added;
	    private double _correlation;
namespace QuantConnect {

    public class MovingAverageCalculator
	    public MovingAverageCalculator(int period)
	        _period = period;
	        _window = new double[period];
	    public double Average 
	        get { return _average; }
	    public double StandardDeviation
	            var variance = Variance;
	            if (variance >= double.Epsilon)
	                var sd = Math.Sqrt(variance);
	                return double.IsNaN(sd) ? 0.0 : sd;
	            return 0.0;
	    public double Variance
	            var n = N;
	            return n > 1 ? _variance_sum / (n - 1) : 0.0; 
	    public bool HasFullPeriod
	        get { return _num_added >= _period; }
	    public IEnumerable<double> Observations
	        get { return _window.Take(N); }
	    public int N
	        get { return Math.Min(_num_added, _period); }
	    public void AddObservation(double observation)
	        // Window is treated as a circular buffer.
	        var ndx = _num_added % _period;
	        var old = _window[ndx];     // get value to remove from window
	        _window[ndx] = observation; // add new observation in its place.
	        // Update average and standard deviation using deltas
	        var old_avg = _average;
	        if (_num_added <= _period)
	            var delta = observation - old_avg;
	            _average += delta / _num_added;
	            _variance_sum += (delta * (observation - _average));
	        else // use delta vs removed observation.
	            var delta = observation - old;
	            _average += delta / _period;
	            _variance_sum += (delta * ((observation - _average) + (old - old_avg)));
	    private readonly int _period;
	    private readonly double[] _window;
	    private int _num_added;
	    private double _average;
	    private double _variance_sum;

using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// Universal Investment Strategy (UIS) as described here: http://seekingalpha.com/article/2714185-the-spy-tlt-universal-investment-strategy
    /// Best config so far (for long):
    /// Log("Backtesting with following parameters:");
    /// Log("Symbol1					>> " + UPRO);
    /// Log("Symbol2					>> " + TMF);
    /// Log("Symbol3					>> " + SPXU);
    /// Log("Symbol4					>> " + TMV);
    /// Log("Use short					>> " + false);
    /// Log("Leverage					>> " + 0.98);
    /// Log("Minimum Rebalance Period	>> " + 1);
    /// Log("Start year					>> " + 2010);
    /// Log("Sharpe lookback			>> " + 63);
    /// Log("Sharpe volatility factor	>> " + 2.8);
    /// Best config so far (for short):
    /// Log("Backtesting with following parameters:");
    /// Log("Symbol1					>> " + UPRO);
    /// Log("Symbol2					>> " + TMF);
    /// Log("Symbol3					>> " + SPXU);
    /// Log("Symbol4					>> " + TMV);
    /// Log("Use short					>> " + true);
    /// Log("Leverage					>> " + 0.98);
    /// Log("Minimum Rebalance Period	>> " + 21);
    /// Log("Start year					>> " + 2010);
    /// Log("Sharpe lookback			>> " + 63);
    /// Log("Sharpe volatility factor	>> " + 2.8);
    /// </summary>
    public class UIS : SubAlgorithm
    	// Strategy parameters
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"SPY";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"TLT";
        private string mSymbol3 = 					"SPXU";
        private string mSymbol4 = 					"TMV";
        private bool mUseShort = 					false;
        private bool mUseCorrelationExit =			true;	// Cash exit when the correlation between UPRU and TMF is positive, for a 1, 2, and 3 months lookback period. Does not exit ZIV positions.
        private int mMinimumRebalancePeriod = 		1;
        private int mSharpeLookback = 				63; // 63
        private decimal mSharpeVolatilityFactor = 	2.8m; // 2.8
        private SharpeRatioCalculator mMaxSharpeCombination;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel2Weeks;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel1Month;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel2Month;
        private CorrelationCalculator mCorrel3Month;
        private int mDaysCounter = 0;
        private List<SharpeRatioCalculator> mSrcList;
        private decimal mLastRatio1 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio2 = 0;
        bool mCashExit = false;
        bool mCashExit_previous = false;
        bool mBuyBackIn = false;
        DateTime mLastHistoryCallsDate = DateTime.MinValue;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol1;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol2;

		public UIS(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
			mDataFeedFrequency = "Daily"; // Needs to stay daily or faster, for correlation exits and historical performances calculation
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Weekly";
			mName = "UIS";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
        	if (EnableLogs)
	        	Log("UIS Strategy: Backtesting with following parameters:");
	        	Log("\tSymbol1                    >> " + mSymbol1);
		        Log("\tSymbol2                    >> " + mSymbol2);
		        if (mUseShort)
		        	Log("\tSymbol3                    >> " + mSymbol3);
		        	Log("\tSymbol4                    >> " + mSymbol4);
		        Log("\tUseShort                   >> " + mUseShort);
		        Log("\tMinimum Rebalance Period   >> " + mMinimumRebalancePeriod);
		        Log("\tStart year                 >> " + mStartYear);
		        Log("\tSharpe lookback            >> " + mSharpeLookback);
		        Log("\tSharpe volatility factor   >> " + mSharpeVolatilityFactor);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
			if (mUseShort)
	        	AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol3, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            	AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol4, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = new List<TradeBar>();

            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
            mDaysCounter = mDaysCounter - 1;
            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);
            // For backtesting purposes only, exclude the discontinuity that occured in the data on Aug 22-25 2016
            if (Time.Date >= DateTime.Parse("08/22/2016") && Time.Date <= DateTime.Parse("08/26/2016"))
            	if (mUseShort)
	                Trade(data, mSymbol3, 0, mSymbol4, 0);
        			Trade(data, mSymbol1, 0, mSymbol2, 0);
            decimal wRatio1 = 0.5m;
            decimal wRatio2 = 0.5m;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
            	wRatio1 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0];
            	wRatio2 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1];

            if (mFirstPass == true || mDaysCounter <= 0 || mLastRatio1 != wRatio1 || mLastRatio2 != wRatio2)
            	mDaysCounter = mMinimumRebalancePeriod;
            	if (EnableLogs)
            		Log(" ");
	            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
	            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
					if (EnableLogs)
		                Log("     Max Sharpe Combination >> " + mSymbol1 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " + mSymbol2 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%.");
	            	decimal wSymbol1Ratio = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0];
        			decimal wSymbol2Ratio = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1];
					if (mUseCorrelationExit)
	            		// Cash exit when the correlation between UPRU and TMF is positive, for a 1, 2, and 3 months lookback period.
	            		if (mCorrel1Month.Correlation > 0 && mCorrel2Month.Correlation > 0 && mCorrel3Month.Correlation > 0)
	            			wSymbol1Ratio = 0;
	            			wSymbol2Ratio = 0;
	            			mCashExit = true;
	            			if (EnableLogs)
			            		Log("Cash exit: Correlation between UPRO and TMF is positive for 1, 2, and 3 months lookback period.");
	            		else if (mCashExit == true && mBuyBackIn == false)
	            			mCashExit = false;
	            			mBuyBackIn = true;
					// Trade if it it time to trade, or if there is cash exit toggle or buy back in toggle
	            	if ((mCashExit && !mCashExit_previous) || mBuyBackIn || IsTimeToRebalance())
						if (mUseShort)
			                Trade(data, mSymbol3, -wSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol4, -wSymbol2Ratio);
	            			Trade(data, mSymbol1, wSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2, wSymbol2Ratio);
	            		mBuyBackIn = false;
	                mCashExit_previous = mCashExit;
		            if (EnableLogs) Log("     Sharpe not ready       >> " + mSymbol1 + " 50%,  " + mSymbol2 + " 50%.");
	                if (IsTimeToRebalance())
		            	// If sharpe ratio not ready yet, use a 50%-50% split between UPRO and TMF
	                	if (mUseShort)
			                Trade(data, mSymbol3, -0.5m, mSymbol4, -0.5m);
	            			Trade(data, mSymbol1, 0.5m, mSymbol2, 0.5m);
	            mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
	            mLastRatio1 = wRatio1;
	            mLastRatio2 = wRatio2;

            decimal wSymbol1Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol2Percentage;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady && mMaxSharpeCombination != null)
            	wSymbol1Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100;
            	wSymbol1Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = 50;
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Split", mSymbol1 + " (%)", wSymbol1Percentage);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Split", mSymbol2 + " (%)", wSymbol2Percentage);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 2 Weeks", mCorrel2Weeks.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 1 Month", mCorrel1Month.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 2 Months", mCorrel2Month.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "Correl 3 Months", mCorrel3Month.Correlation*100);
            Plot(mSymbol1 + "-" + mSymbol2 + " Correlation", "0", 0);
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	bool wValid = true;
            if (!mUseShort)
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
            if (mUseShort)
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol3);
            	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol4);
            return wValid;
        private void RecalculateSharpeRatios(int iLookback, decimal iVolatilityFactor, ref List<SharpeRatioCalculator> iSrcList)
            iSrcList = new List<SharpeRatioCalculator>();
            mCorrel2Weeks = new CorrelationCalculator(10);
            mCorrel1Month = new CorrelationCalculator(21);
            mCorrel2Month = new CorrelationCalculator(42);
            mCorrel3Month = new CorrelationCalculator(63);
        	int granularity = 15;
            for (int i = 0; i <= granularity; i++)
	        	List<decimal> wSymbolsRatios = new List<decimal>();
	        	wSymbolsRatios.Add(1/(decimal)granularity * i);
	        	wSymbolsRatios.Add(1.0m - (1/(decimal)granularity * i));
	        	iSrcList.Add(SRC(wSymbolsRatios, iLookback, iVolatilityFactor));
            // get the last 100 daily bars, once a day
            if (mAlgorithm.Time.Date > mLastHistoryCallsDate.Date)
                mLastHistoryCallsDate = mAlgorithm.Time;
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = History(mSymbol1, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = History(mSymbol2, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < mTradeBarHistorySymbol1.Count(); i++)
            	for (int j = 0; j < iSrcList.Count; j++)
		        	List<TradeBar> wData = new List<TradeBar>();
		        mCorrel2Weeks.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
		        mCorrel1Month.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
		        mCorrel2Month.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
		        mCorrel3Month.AddObservation((double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol1[i].Close, (double)mTradeBarHistorySymbol2[i].Close);
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
	/// See here for the strategy: https://logical-invest.com/portfolio-items/the-gold-etf-currency-strategy/
	/// This is a semi-automated algorithm that uses signals from Logical Invest, stored in a csv file on Dropbox.
    /// </summary>
    public class GLD_LI_SIGNALS : SubAlgorithm
        // Strategy parameters
        private bool mRebalanceOnChange = 			true;
        // Other variables
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"";
        private decimal mSymbol1Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private decimal mSymbol2Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private bool mReadyToTrade = 				false;
        private Dictionary<string, string> mValuesDictionary;
        private string mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink = "";
		public GLD_LI_SIGNALS(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Daily";
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Monthly";
			mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink = "https://dropbox.com/s/ko9exryrs1ckojz/Algo%20Values%20Updater.csv?dl=1";
			mName = "GLD_LI_SINGALS";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
            mValuesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            ReadHistoryFromLogicalInvest("GLD", "https://logical-invest.com/wp-content/csvrepository/GLD-USD_return.html");

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
        	UpdateDictionary(Time, ref mValuesDictionary);
        	if (!mKeepFeedingData)
        		bool wSomeValueHasChanged = false;
				bool wSuccess = RetrieveValuesFromDictionary(ref wSomeValueHasChanged);
				if (!wSuccess) return;
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol1)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol2)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (IsTimeToRebalance() || (mRebalanceOnChange && wSomeValueHasChanged))
					mKeepFeedingData = true;
					mReadyToTrade = true;
			if (!IsDataValid(data)) return;
			if (mReadyToTrade) 
				Trade(data, mSymbol1, mSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2, mSymbol2Ratio);
				mKeepFeedingData = false;
				mReadyToTrade = false;
			// TODO: Add plotting of symbols
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	if (mSymbol1 == "")
        		return true; // If the required data is not yet initialized, skip this.
        		bool wValid = true;
        		wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
	        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
	            return wValid;
        // Reads the desired values from the web and stores it in oValuesDictionary (Dictionary of variable name:value)
        // If in backtest mode and dates are in the past month or earlier, reads from LogicalInvest webpage directly.
        // If the date is in the current month, reads from the CSV file manually maintained on Dropbox.
        private void UpdateDictionary(DateTime iTime, ref Dictionary<string, string> oValuesDictionary)
            DateTime wRealTime = mAlgorithm.Time;
            if ((iTime.Year != wRealTime.Year) || (iTime.Month != wRealTime.Month))
            	oValuesDictionary = mHistoryDictionary[new DateTime(iTime.Year, iTime.Month, 1)];
	            using (var client = new WebClient())
	                string file = "";
					    // fetch the file from dropbox                
	                	file = client.DownloadString(mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink);
						if (EnableLogs) Log("Error reading file from Dropbox: " + mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink);

	                var lines = file.Replace("\r", String.Empty).Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine },StringSplitOptions.None);
	                foreach (string line in lines)
	                	List<string> wKeyVal = line.Split(',').ToList();
	                	if (wKeyVal[0] == "") continue;
	                	string wKey = wKeyVal[0];
	                	string wValue = "";
	                	if (wKeyVal.Count > 1)
	                		wValue = wKeyVal[1];
	                		oValuesDictionary.Add(wKey, wValue);
	                		oValuesDictionary[wKey] = wValue;
        // Gets the symbol values from mValuesDictionary, and stores them in mSymbol1, mSymbol2, ... , mSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2Ratio, ...
        // Needs to have called UpdateDictionary() prior to this.
        private bool RetrieveValuesFromDictionary(ref bool oSomeValueHasChanged)
        	if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("GLD_Symbol1")) 			Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter GLD_Symbol1 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("GLD_Symbol1_Ratio")) 	Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter GLD_Symbol1_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("GLD_Symbol2"))			Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter GLD_Symbol2 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("GLD_Symbol2_Ratio")) 	Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter GLD_Symbol2_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("GLD_Symbol1") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("GLD_Symbol1_Ratio") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("GLD_Symbol2") ||
				return false;
			oSomeValueHasChanged = 
				mSymbol1 != mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol1"] ||
				mSymbol2 != mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol2"] ||
				mSymbol1Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol1_Ratio"]) ||
				mSymbol2Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol2_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol1 = mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol1"];
			mSymbol2 = mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol2"];
			mSymbol1Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol1_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol2Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["GLD_Symbol2_Ratio"]);
			return true;
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
	/// See here for the strategy: https://logical-invest.com/portfolio-items/3x-leveraged-universal-investment-strategy/
	/// This is a fully automated algorithm that uses signals from Logical Invest.
	/// Signal emails from Logical Invest are automatically stored as text files in Dropbox, and read by this algorithm.
    /// </summary>
    public class NASDAQ_LI_SIGNALS : SubAlgorithm
        // Strategy parameters
        private bool mRebalanceOnChange = 			true;
        // Other variables
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"";
        private string mSymbol3 = 					"";
        private string mSymbol4 = 					"";
        private string mSymbol5 = 					"";
        private decimal mSymbol1Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private decimal mSymbol2Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private decimal mSymbol3Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private decimal mSymbol4Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private decimal mSymbol5Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private bool mReadyToTrade = 				false;
        private bool mReadFromCvsInsteadOfEmail = 	false;
        private Dictionary<string, string> mValuesDictionary;
        private string mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink = "";
		public NASDAQ_LI_SIGNALS(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute"; // Needs to stay daily or faster, for historical performances calculation
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Daily"; // Needs to stay daily or faster, for historical performances calculation
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Monthly";
			if (mReadFromCvsInsteadOfEmail)
				// To read from the manual csv file, in "Dropbox\Public\Algo Values Updater.csv"
				mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/ko9exryrs1ckojz/Algo%20Values%20Updater.csv?dl=1"; 
				// To read from the logical invest email text file, in "Dropbox\Public\Logical Invest Rebalance Emails\Nasdaq100SignalEmail.txt"
				// Thie text file is automatically dropped there everytime a new email comes in, using Zapier.com to automate it
				mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwf88v90h4pq5ho/Nasdaq100SignalEmail.txt?dl=1"; 
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
            mValuesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            ReadHistoryFromLogicalInvest("NASDAQ", "https://logical-invest.com/wp-content/csvrepository/NASDAQ100_return.html");

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
        	UpdateDictionary(Time, ref mValuesDictionary);
        	if (!mKeepFeedingData)
        		bool wSomeValueHasChanged = false;
				bool wSuccess = RetrieveValuesFromDictionary(ref wSomeValueHasChanged);
				if (!wSuccess) return;
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol1)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol2)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol3)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol3, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol4)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol4, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol5)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol5, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (IsTimeToRebalance() || (mRebalanceOnChange && wSomeValueHasChanged))
					mKeepFeedingData = true;
					mReadyToTrade = true;
			if (!IsDataValid(data)) return;
			if (mReadyToTrade) 
				Trade(data, mSymbol1, mSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2, mSymbol2Ratio, mSymbol3, mSymbol3Ratio, mSymbol4, mSymbol4Ratio, mSymbol5, mSymbol5Ratio);
				mKeepFeedingData = false;
				mReadyToTrade = false;
			// TODO: Add plotting of symbols
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	if (mSymbol1 == "")
        		return true; // If the required data is not yet initialized, skip this.
        		bool wValid = true;
        		wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
	        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
				wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol3);
				wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol4);
				wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol5);
	            return wValid;
        // Reads the desired values from the web and stores it in oValuesDictionary (Dictionary of variable name:value)
        // If in backtest mode and dates are in the past month or earlier, reads from LogicalInvest webpage directly.
        // If the date is in the current month, reads from Dropbox, the email received from LogicalInvest.
        private void UpdateDictionary(DateTime iTime, ref Dictionary<string, string> oValuesDictionary)
            DateTime wRealTime = mAlgorithm.Time;
            if ((iTime.Year != wRealTime.Year) || (iTime.Month != wRealTime.Month))
            	oValuesDictionary = mHistoryDictionary[new DateTime(iTime.Year, iTime.Month, 1)];
	            using (var client = new WebClient())
	                string file = "";
					    // fetch the file from dropbox                
	                	file = client.DownloadString(mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink);
						if (EnableLogs) Log("Error reading file from Dropbox: " + mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink);

                	if (mReadFromCvsInsteadOfEmail)
	                	var lines = file.Replace("\r", String.Empty).Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine },StringSplitOptions.None);
	                	foreach (string line in lines)
		                	List<string> wKeyVal = line.Split(',').ToList();
		                	if (wKeyVal[0] == "") continue;
		                	string wKey = wKeyVal[0];
		                	string wValue = "";
		                	if (wKeyVal.Count > 1)
		                		wValue = wKeyVal[1];
		                		oValuesDictionary.Add(wKey, wValue);
		                		oValuesDictionary[wKey] = wValue;
	                	Regex r = new Regex("New allocations for your portfolio by ETF(.|\r\n)*?</table>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        string wAllocationsSection = r.Match(file).Value;
                        // For debugging
		                // Log("wAllocationsSection = " + wAllocationsSection);
                        // Each match in wSymbolMatches will be of this format: ">FOXA - "
                        // Each symbol in wSymbols will be the actual ticker (Ex: "FOXA")
                        r = new Regex(">[A-Z]*? - ");
                        MatchCollection wSymbolMatches = r.Matches(wAllocationsSection);
                        var wSymbols = new List<string>();
                        foreach (Match match in wSymbolMatches)
                            string wSymbol = match.Value.Replace(">","").Replace(" - ","");
                        // Each match in wPercentMatches will be of this format: "<td>30.0%</td>"
                        // Each value in wAllocations will be the actual decimal allocation, as a string (Ex: "0.010")
                        r = new Regex("<td>.*?%</td>");
                        MatchCollection wPercentMatches = r.Matches(wAllocationsSection);
                        var wAllocations = new List<string>();
                        foreach (Match match in wPercentMatches)
                            string wAllocationPercentage = match.Value.Replace("<td>","").Replace("%","").Replace("</td>","");
                            string wAllocationDecimal = "0." + wAllocationPercentage.Replace(".","");
                        // Remove the last percentage entry, which is the total percentage allocation
                            wAllocations.RemoveAt(wAllocations.Count - 1);

		                // Each line in wLines2 will be of this format: "NASDAQ_Symbol1,AMZN" and "NASDAQ_Symbol1_Ratio,0.10"
		                var wLines2 = new List<string>();
		                for (int i = 0; i<wSymbols.Count(); i++)
		                	// For debugging
		                	// Log("wSymbols["+i+"] = " + wSymbols[i]);
		                	// Log("wAllocations["+i+"] = " + wAllocations[i]);

		                	string wSymbol = wSymbols[i]; // Ex: AMZN
		                	string wAllocationDecimal = wAllocations[i]; // Ex: 0.105
		                	wLines2.Add("NASDAQ_Symbol" + (i+1) + "," + wSymbol); // Ex: NASDAQ_Symbol1,AMZN
		                	wLines2.Add("NASDAQ_Symbol" + (i+1) + "_Ratio," + wAllocationDecimal); // Ex: NASDAQ_Symbol1_Ratio,0.105
		                foreach (string line in wLines2)
		                	List<string> wKeyVal = line.Split(',').ToList();
		                	if (wKeyVal[0] == "") continue;
		                	string wKey = wKeyVal[0];
		                	string wValue = "";
		                	if (wKeyVal.Count > 1)
		                		wValue = wKeyVal[1];
		                		oValuesDictionary.Add(wKey, wValue);
		                		oValuesDictionary[wKey] = wValue;
		                // For debugging
		                // foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> wKeyValue in oValuesDictionary)
		                // {
		                // 	Log("Key = " + wKeyValue.Key + " - Value = " + wKeyValue.Value);
		                // }
        // Gets the symbol values from mValuesDictionary, and stores them in mSymbol1, mSymbol2, ... , mSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2Ratio, ...
        // Needs to have called UpdateDictionary() prior to this.
        private bool RetrieveValuesFromDictionary(ref bool oSomeValueHasChanged)
        	if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol1")) 		Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol1 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol1_Ratio")) Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol1_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol2"))		Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol2 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol2_Ratio")) Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol2_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol3")) 		Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol3 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol3_Ratio")) Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol3_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol4"))		Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol4 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol4_Ratio")) Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol4_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol5")) 		Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol5 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol5_Ratio")) Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter NASDAQ_Symbol5_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol1") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol1_Ratio") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol2") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol2_Ratio") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol3") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol3_Ratio") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol4") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol4_Ratio") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("NASDAQ_Symbol5") ||
				return false;
			oSomeValueHasChanged = 
				mSymbol1 != mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol1"] ||
				mSymbol2 != mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol2"] ||
				mSymbol3 != mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol3"] ||
				mSymbol4 != mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol4"] ||
				mSymbol5 != mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol5"] ||
				mSymbol1Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol1_Ratio"]) ||
				mSymbol2Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol2_Ratio"]) ||
				mSymbol3Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol3_Ratio"]) ||
				mSymbol4Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol4_Ratio"]) ||
				mSymbol5Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol5_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol1 = mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol1"];
			mSymbol2 = mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol2"];
			mSymbol3 = mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol3"];
			mSymbol4 = mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol4"];
			mSymbol5 = mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol5"];
			mSymbol1Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol1_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol2Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol2_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol3Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol3_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol4Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol4_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol5Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["NASDAQ_Symbol5_Ratio"]);
			return true;
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
	/// See here for the strategy: https://logical-invest.com/portfolio-items/the-gold-etf-currency-strategy/
	/// This is a semi-automated algorithm that uses signals from Logical Invest, stored in a csv file on Dropbox.
    /// </summary>
    public class UIS_LI_SIGNALS : SubAlgorithm
        // Strategy parameters
        private bool mRebalanceOnChange = 			true;
        // Other variables
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"";
        private decimal mSymbol1Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private decimal mSymbol2Ratio = 			0.0m;
        private bool mReadyToTrade = 				false;
        private Dictionary<string, string> mValuesDictionary;
        private string mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink = "";
		public UIS_LI_SIGNALS(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Daily";
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Monthly";
			mName = "UIS_LI_SIGNALS";
			mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink = "https://dropbox.com/s/ko9exryrs1ckojz/Algo%20Values%20Updater.csv?dl=1";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
            mValuesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            ReadHistoryFromLogicalInvest("UIS", "https://logical-invest.com/wp-content/csvrepository/UIS-SPXL-TMF_return.html");

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
        	UpdateDictionary(Time, ref mValuesDictionary);
        	if (!mKeepFeedingData)
				bool wSomeValueHasChanged = false;
				bool wSuccess = RetrieveValuesFromDictionary(ref wSomeValueHasChanged);
				if (!wSuccess) return;
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol1)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (!Securities.ContainsKey(mSymbol2)) AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				if (IsTimeToRebalance() || (mRebalanceOnChange && wSomeValueHasChanged))
					mKeepFeedingData = true;
					mReadyToTrade = true;
			if (!IsDataValid(data)) return;
			if (mReadyToTrade) 
				Trade(data, mSymbol1, mSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2, mSymbol2Ratio);
				mKeepFeedingData = false;
				mReadyToTrade = false;
			// TODO: Add plotting of symbols
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	if (mSymbol1 == "")
        		return true; // If the required data is not yet initialized, skip this.
        		bool wValid = true;
        		wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
	        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
	            return wValid;
        // Reads the desired values from the web and stores it in oValuesDictionary (Dictionary of variable name:value)
        // If in backtest mode and dates are in the past month or earlier, reads from LogicalInvest webpage directly.
        // If the date is in the current month, reads from the CSV file manually maintained on Dropbox.
        private void UpdateDictionary(DateTime iTime, ref Dictionary<string, string> oValuesDictionary)
            DateTime wRealTime = mAlgorithm.Time;
            if ((iTime.Year != wRealTime.Year) || (iTime.Month != wRealTime.Month))
            	oValuesDictionary = mHistoryDictionary[new DateTime(iTime.Year, iTime.Month, 1)];
	            using (var client = new WebClient())
	                string file = "";
					    // fetch the file from dropbox                
	                	file = client.DownloadString(mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink);
						if (EnableLogs) Log("Error reading file from Dropbox: " + mDropboxFileDirectDownloadLink);
	                var lines = file.Replace("\r", String.Empty).Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine },StringSplitOptions.None);
	                foreach (string line in lines)
	                	List<string> wKeyVal = line.Split(',').ToList();
	                	if (wKeyVal[0] == "") continue;
	                	string wKey = wKeyVal[0];
	                	string wValue = "";
	                	if (wKeyVal.Count > 1)
	                		wValue = wKeyVal[1];
	                		oValuesDictionary.Add(wKey, wValue);
	                		oValuesDictionary[wKey] = wValue;
        // Gets the symbol values from mValuesDictionary, and stores them in mSymbol1, mSymbol2, ... , mSymbol1Ratio, mSymbol2Ratio, ...
        // Needs to have called UpdateDictionary() prior to this.
        private bool RetrieveValuesFromDictionary(ref bool oSomeValueHasChanged)
        	if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("UIS_Symbol1")) 			Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter UIS_Symbol1 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("UIS_Symbol1_Ratio")) 	Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter UIS_Symbol1_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("UIS_Symbol2"))			Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter UIS_Symbol2 from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("UIS_Symbol2_Ratio")) 	Log("Error: Could not retrieve parameter UIS_Symbol2_Ratio from Dropbox.");
			if (!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("UIS_Symbol1") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("UIS_Symbol1_Ratio") ||
				!mValuesDictionary.ContainsKey("UIS_Symbol2") ||
				return false;
			oSomeValueHasChanged = 
				mSymbol1 != mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol1"] ||
				mSymbol2 != mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol2"] ||
				mSymbol1Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol1_Ratio"]) ||
				mSymbol2Ratio != Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol2_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol1 = mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol1"];
			mSymbol2 = mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol2"];
			mSymbol1Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol1_Ratio"]);
			mSymbol2Ratio = Convert.ToDecimal(mValuesDictionary["UIS_Symbol2_Ratio"]);
			return true;
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public class GLDUSD : SubAlgorithm
    	// Strategy parameters
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"GLD";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"EUO";
        private string mSymbol3 = 					"CROC";
        private string mSymbol4 = 					"YCS";
        private int mMinimumRebalancePeriod = 		1;
        private int mSharpeLookback = 				30; //30
        private decimal mSharpeVolatilityFactor = 	2.0m; //1.0 or 2.0
        private decimal SharpeThresholdForCash =	0; // Threshold for max sharpe ratio under which the algo will go 50% cash. Needs to be tuned when changes to volatility factor are made.
        private SharpeRatioCalculator mMaxSharpeCombination;
        private int mDaysCounter = 0;
        private List<SharpeRatioCalculator> mSrcList;
        private decimal mLastRatio1 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio2 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio3 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio4 = 0;
        DateTime mLastHistoryCallsDate = DateTime.MinValue;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol1;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol2;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol3;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol4;
		public GLDUSD(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Monthly";
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Monthly";
			mName = "GLDUSD";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
        	if (EnableLogs)
	        	Log("BRS Strategy: Backtesting with following parameters:");
	        	Log("\tSymbol1                    >> " + mSymbol1);
		        Log("\tSymbol2                    >> " + mSymbol2);
		        Log("\tSymbol3                    >> " + mSymbol3);
		        Log("\tSymbol4                    >> " + mSymbol4);
		        Log("\tMinimum Rebalance Period   >> " + mMinimumRebalancePeriod);
		        Log("\tStart year                 >> " + mStartYear);
		        Log("\tSharpe lookback            >> " + mSharpeLookback);
		        Log("\tSharpe volatility factor   >> " + mSharpeVolatilityFactor);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
	        AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol3, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol4, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol3 = new List<TradeBar>();
			mTradeBarHistorySymbol4 = new List<TradeBar>();
	        RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
            mDaysCounter = mDaysCounter - 1;
            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);
            decimal wRatio1 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio2 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio3 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio4 = 0.0m;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
            	// If the maximum sharpe ratio combination yields a sharpe ratio below SharpeThresholdForCash, then reduce ratios by 50% and invest 50% in cash
            	if (mMaxSharpeCombination < SharpeThresholdForCash)
            		for (int i=0; i<mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios.Count(); i++)
            			mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[i] = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[i] / 2;
            	wRatio1 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0];
            	wRatio2 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1];
            	wRatio3 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2];
            	wRatio4 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3];
            if (mFirstPass == true || mDaysCounter <= 0 || mLastRatio1 != wRatio1 || mLastRatio2 != wRatio2 || mLastRatio3 != wRatio3 || mLastRatio4 != wRatio4)
            	mDaysCounter = mMinimumRebalancePeriod;
            	if (EnableLogs)
            		Log(" ");
	            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
	            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
	                if (EnableLogs) Log("     Max Sharpe Combination >> " +
						mSymbol1 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " + 
						mSymbol2 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " +
						mSymbol3 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " +
						mSymbol4 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%.");
	                if (IsTimeToRebalance())
	                        mSymbol1, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0], 
	                        mSymbol2, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1], 
	                        mSymbol3, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2], 
	                        mSymbol4, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3]);
					if (EnableLogs) Log("     Sharpe not ready       >> " + 
						mSymbol1 + " 50%,  " + 
						mSymbol2 + " 50%,  " + 
						mSymbol3 + " 0%,  " + 
						mSymbol4 + " 0%.");

	                if (IsTimeToRebalance())
						// If sharpe ratio not ready yet, use a 50%-50% split
	                    mSymbol1, 0.5m, 
	                    mSymbol2, 0.5m, 
	                    mSymbol3, 0.0m, 
	                    mSymbol4, 0.0m);
	            mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
	            mLastRatio1 = wRatio1;

            decimal wSymbol1Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol2Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol3Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol4Percentage;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady && mMaxSharpeCombination != null)
            	wSymbol1Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100;
            	wSymbol3Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2] * 100;
            	wSymbol4Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3] * 100;
            	wSymbol1Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol3Percentage = 0;
            	wSymbol4Percentage = 0;

            Plot("GLDUSD Assets Split", mSymbol1 + " (%)", wSymbol1Percentage);
            Plot("GLDUSD Assets Split", mSymbol2 + " (%)", wSymbol2Percentage);
            Plot("GLDUSD Assets Split", mSymbol3 + " (%)", wSymbol3Percentage);
            Plot("GLDUSD Assets Split", mSymbol4 + " (%)", wSymbol4Percentage);
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	bool wValid = true;
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
			wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol3);
			wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol4);
			return wValid;
        private void RecalculateSharpeRatios(int iLookback, decimal iVolatilityFactor, ref List<SharpeRatioCalculator> iSrcList)
        	iSrcList = new List<SharpeRatioCalculator>();
	        int granularity = 15;
	        for (int i=1; i<4; i++)
        		for (int j = 0; j <= granularity; j++)
        			List<decimal> wSymbolsRatios = new List<decimal> {0.0m,0.0m,0.0m,0.0m};
        			wSymbolsRatios[0] = 1/(decimal)granularity * j;
        			wSymbolsRatios[i] = 1.0m - (1/(decimal)granularity * j);

	        // get the last 100 daily bars, once a day
            if (mAlgorithm.Time.Date > mLastHistoryCallsDate.Date)
                mLastHistoryCallsDate = mAlgorithm.Time;
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = History(mSymbol1, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = History(mSymbol2, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol3 = History(mSymbol3, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
				mTradeBarHistorySymbol4 = History(mSymbol4, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < mTradeBarHistorySymbol1.Count(); i++)
            	for (int j = 0; j < iSrcList.Count; j++)
		        	List<TradeBar> wData = new List<TradeBar>();
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// Maximum yield rotation strategy (MYRS) as described here: https://seekingalpha.com/article/1698412-how-to-build-an-etf-rotation-strategy-with-50-percent-annualized-returns
    /// </summary>
    public class MYRS : SubAlgorithm
    	// Strategy parameters
        private string mSymbol1 = 					"ZIV";
        private string mSymbol2 = 					"MDY";
        private string mSymbol3 = 					"EDV";
        private string mSymbol4 = 					"SHY";
        private int mMinimumRebalancePeriod = 		1;
        private int mSharpeLookback = 				63;
        private decimal mSharpeVolatilityFactor = 	0.0m;
        private SharpeRatioCalculator mMaxSharpeCombination;
        private List<SharpeRatioCalculator> mSrcList;
        private decimal mLastRatio1 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio2 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio3 = 0;
        private decimal mLastRatio4 = 0;
        DateTime mLastHistoryCallsDate = DateTime.MinValue;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol1;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol2;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol3;
        List<TradeBar> mTradeBarHistorySymbol4;
		public MYRS(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Weekly";
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Weekly";
			mName = "MYRS";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
        	if (EnableLogs)
	        	Log("MYRS Strategy: Backtesting with following parameters:");
	        	Log("\tSymbol1                    >> " + mSymbol1);
		        Log("\tSymbol2                    >> " + mSymbol2);
		        Log("\tSymbol3                    >> " + mSymbol3);
		        Log("\tSymbol4                    >> " + mSymbol4);
		        Log("\tMinimum Rebalance Period   >> " + mMinimumRebalancePeriod);
		        Log("\tStart year                 >> " + mStartYear);
		        Log("\tSharpe lookback            >> " + mSharpeLookback);
		        Log("\tSharpe volatility factor   >> " + mSharpeVolatilityFactor);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol1, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol2, mResolution, true, 3, false);
	        AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol3, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, mSymbol4, mResolution, true, 3, false);
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = new List<TradeBar>();
            mTradeBarHistorySymbol3 = new List<TradeBar>();
			mTradeBarHistorySymbol4 = new List<TradeBar>();
            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
            RecalculateSharpeRatios(mSharpeLookback, mSharpeVolatilityFactor, ref mSrcList);
            decimal wRatio1 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio2 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio3 = 0.0m;
            decimal wRatio4 = 0.0m;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
            	wRatio1 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0];
            	wRatio2 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1];
            	wRatio3 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2];
            	wRatio4 = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3];

            if (mFirstPass == true || mLastRatio1 != wRatio1 || mLastRatio2 != wRatio2 || mLastRatio3 != wRatio3 || mLastRatio4 != wRatio4)
            	if (EnableLogs)
            		Log(" ");
	            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady)
	            	mMaxSharpeCombination = mSrcList.Select( (value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index } ).Aggregate( (a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b ).Value;
	                if (EnableLogs) Log("     Max Sharpe Combination >> " +
		                mSymbol1 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " + 
		                mSymbol2 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " +
		                mSymbol3 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%,  " +
		                mSymbol4 + " " + (mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3] * 100).ToString ("#.#") + "%.");
					if (IsTimeToRebalance())
	            			mSymbol1, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0], 
	            			mSymbol2, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1], 
	            			mSymbol3, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2], 
	            			mSymbol4, mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3]);
	            	if (EnableLogs) Log("     Sharpe not ready       >> " + 
	            		mSymbol1 + " 50%,  " + 
	            		mSymbol2 + " 50%,  " + 
	            		mSymbol3 + " 0%,  " + 
	            		mSymbol4 + " 0%.");
	                if (IsTimeToRebalance())
		            	// If sharpe ratio not ready yet, use a 50%-50% split between ZIV and MDY
	            			mSymbol1, 0.5m, 
	            			mSymbol2, 0.5m, 
	            			mSymbol3, 0.0m, 
	            			mSymbol4, 0.0m);
	            mLastAllocationAmount = mAllocationAmount;
	            mLastRatio1 = wRatio1;

            decimal wSymbol1Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol2Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol3Percentage;
            decimal wSymbol4Percentage;
            if (mSrcList[0].IsReady && mMaxSharpeCombination != null)
            	wSymbol1Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[0] * 100;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[1] * 100;
            	wSymbol3Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[2] * 100;
            	wSymbol4Percentage = mMaxSharpeCombination.mSymbolsRatios[3] * 100;
            	wSymbol1Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol2Percentage = 50;
            	wSymbol3Percentage = 0;
            	wSymbol4Percentage = 0;

            Plot("MYRS Assets Split", mSymbol1 + " (%)", wSymbol1Percentage);
            Plot("MYRS Assets Split", mSymbol2 + " (%)", wSymbol2Percentage);
            Plot("MYRS Assets Split", mSymbol3 + " (%)", wSymbol3Percentage);
            Plot("MYRS Assets Split", mSymbol4 + " (%)", wSymbol4Percentage);
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	bool wValid = true;

        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol1);
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol2);
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol3);
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(mSymbol4);

            return wValid;
        private void RecalculateSharpeRatios(int iLookback, decimal iVolatilityFactor, ref List<SharpeRatioCalculator> iSrcList)
            iSrcList = new List<SharpeRatioCalculator>();
	        for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
    			List<decimal> wSymbolsRatios = new List<decimal> {0.0m,0.0m,0.0m,0.0m};
    			wSymbolsRatios[i] = 1.0m;

	        // get the last 100 daily bars, once a day
            if (mAlgorithm.Time.Date > mLastHistoryCallsDate.Date)
                mLastHistoryCallsDate = mAlgorithm.Time;
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol1 = History(mSymbol1, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol2 = History(mSymbol2, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
                mTradeBarHistorySymbol3 = History(mSymbol3, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();
				mTradeBarHistorySymbol4 = History(mSymbol4, 100, Resolution.Daily).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < mTradeBarHistorySymbol1.Count(); i++)
            	for (int j = 0; j < iSrcList.Count; j++)
		        	List<TradeBar> wData = new List<TradeBar>();
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect
    /// <summary>
    /// Re-coding of this python strategy: https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/3377/momentum-strategy-with-market-cap-and-ev-ebitda
    /// </summary>
    public class FFA : SubAlgorithm
    	protected int holding_months = 1;
    	protected int num_screener = 100;
        protected int num_stocks = 10;
        protected int formation_days = 200;
        protected bool lowmom = false;
        protected int month_count = 1;
        private bool mReadyToTrade = false;
		// rebalance the universe selection once a month
        protected bool redo_symbol_selection_flag = false;
        // make sure to run the universe selection at the start of the algorithm even it's not the month start
        protected bool first_month_symbol_selection_flag = true;
        protected int trade_flag = 0;
        protected List<Symbol> symbols = null;
        protected List<string> chosen_symbols = null;
        protected List<decimal> ratios_list = null;
        protected TradeBars mData = null;
		public FFA(PortfolioOfStrategies iAlgorithm, Resolution iResolution, decimal iAllocationRatio, int iStartYear, bool iRebalanceOnLaunch) : base(iAlgorithm, iResolution, iAllocationRatio, iStartYear, iRebalanceOnLaunch)
			if (LiveMode)
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Minute";
				mDataFeedFrequency = "Daily";
			mRebalanceFrequency = "Monthly";
			mName = "FundamentalFactorAlgorithm";
        public override void Initialize_Specific()
        	month_count = holding_months;
        	symbols = new List<Symbol>();
        	chosen_symbols = new List<string>();
        	ratios_list = new List<decimal>();
        	AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "SPY", mResolution, true, 3, false);
        	AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "TLT", mResolution, true, 3, false);
        	mAlgorithm.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily;
        	mAlgorithm.AddUniverse(CoarseSelectionFunction, FineSelectionFunction);
        	mAlgorithm.Schedule.On(mAlgorithm.DateRules.MonthEnd("SPY"), mAlgorithm.TimeRules.At(23, 0), monthly_rebalance);
        	//mAlgorithm.Schedule.On(mAlgorithm.DateRules.MonthStart("SPY"), mAlgorithm.TimeRules.At(10, 0), rebalance);

        public override void OnData_Specific(TradeBars data)
        	mData = data;
        protected override bool IsDataValid(TradeBars iData)
        	bool wValid = true;
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey("SPY");
        	wValid &= iData.ContainsKey("TLT");
        	foreach (string symbol in chosen_symbols)
        		wValid &= iData.ContainsKey(symbol);
        	wValid &= symbols.Count() > 0;
			return wValid;
        public IEnumerable<Symbol> CoarseSelectionFunction(IEnumerable<CoarseFundamental> coarse)
        	if (redo_symbol_selection_flag || first_month_symbol_selection_flag)
        		List<CoarseFundamental> selected = new List<CoarseFundamental>();
        		List<Symbol> filtered = new List<Symbol>();
        		foreach (CoarseFundamental x in coarse)
        			if (x.HasFundamentalData && x.Price > 5)
        		selected = selected.OrderByDescending(o=>o.DollarVolume).ToList();
        		foreach (CoarseFundamental x in selected.Take(200))
        		return filtered;
        		return symbols;
        public IEnumerable<Symbol> FineSelectionFunction(IEnumerable<FineFundamental> fine)
        	if (redo_symbol_selection_flag || first_month_symbol_selection_flag)
        		List<FineFundamental> filtered_fine = new List<FineFundamental>();
        		List<FineFundamental> top = new List<FineFundamental>();
	        		foreach (FineFundamental x in fine)
	        			if (x.ValuationRatios.EVToEBITDA > 0 && 
	        				x.EarningReports.BasicAverageShares.ThreeMonths > 0 &&
	        				x.EarningReports.BasicAverageShares.ThreeMonths * (x.EarningReports.BasicEPS.TwelveMonths*x.ValuationRatios.PERatio) > 2000000000)
	        	catch (Exception e)
	        		foreach (FineFundamental x in fine)
	        			if (x.ValuationRatios.EVToEBITDA > 0 && 
	        				x.EarningReports.BasicAverageShares.ThreeMonths > 0)
	        	top = filtered_fine.OrderByDescending(o=>o.ValuationRatios.EVToEBITDA).ToList().Take(num_screener).ToList();
	        	foreach (FineFundamental x in top)
	        	redo_symbol_selection_flag = false;
	        	if(symbols.Count() > 0)
	        		first_month_symbol_selection_flag = false;
        	return symbols;
        protected void monthly_rebalance()
        	redo_symbol_selection_flag = true;
        protected void rebalance()
        	if (IsTimeToRebalance() && !mKeepFeedingData)
	        	IEnumerable<TradeBar> hist = mAlgorithm.History("SPY", 120, Resolution.Daily);
	        	List<decimal> spy_hist = new List<decimal>();
	        	foreach (TradeBar tradebar in hist)
	        	decimal average = spy_hist.Count > 0 ? spy_hist.Average() : 0.0m;
	        	if (mData["SPY"].Price < average)
	        		Trade(mData, "TLT", 1.0m);
	        	if (symbols.Count() == 0) return;
	        	chosen_symbols = calc_return(symbols).Take(num_stocks).ToList();
	        	foreach (string symbol in chosen_symbols)
	        		Log("rebalance: " + symbol);
	        	decimal wRatio = 1.0m/num_stocks;
	        	ratios_list = new List<decimal>();
	        	for (int i=0; i<num_stocks; i++)
	        	foreach (string symbol in chosen_symbols)
	        		AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, symbol, mResolution, true, 3, false);
				mKeepFeedingData = true;
				mReadyToTrade = true;
        	if (!IsDataValid(mData))
        		foreach (string symbol in chosen_symbols)
        				Log("    - " + symbol + " ok. Price = " + mData[symbol].Close);
        				Log("    - " + symbol + " not in mData.");
        	if (mReadyToTrade) 
				mKeepFeedingData = false;
				mReadyToTrade = false;

        protected List<string> calc_return(List<Symbol> stocks)
        	IEnumerable<Slice> hist = mAlgorithm.History(stocks, formation_days, Resolution.Daily);
	        IEnumerable<Slice> current = mAlgorithm.History(stocks, 1, Resolution.Minute);
	        Dictionary<string,List<decimal>> price = new Dictionary<string,List<decimal>>();
	        Dictionary<string,decimal> ret = new Dictionary<string,decimal>();
	        foreach (Symbol symbol in stocks)
        		if (symbol.Value == "UPL") continue; // For some weird reason, symbol UPL messes up the data in backtest mode, in 2004 and 2005. So ignore this symbol.
        		price[symbol.Value] = new List<decimal>();
        		foreach(Slice slice in hist)
        		foreach(Slice slice in current)
        	int priceCount;
	        foreach (string symbol in price.Keys)
        		priceCount = price[symbol].Count;
        		ret[symbol] = (price[symbol][priceCount - 1] - price[symbol][0]) / price[symbol][0];
        	var sort_return = ret.ToList();
        	if (lowmom)
        		sort_return = sort_return.OrderBy(o=>o.Value).ToList();
        		sort_return = sort_return.OrderByDescending(o=>o.Value).ToList();
        	List<string> selectedSymbols = new List<string>();
        	foreach (KeyValuePair<string,decimal> keyVal in sort_return)

	        return selectedSymbols;