Overall Statistics |
Total Orders 10304 Average Win 0.33% Average Loss -0.16% Compounding Annual Return 5.679% Drawdown 23.500% Expectancy 0.110 Start Equity 100000 End Equity 227766.78 Net Profit 127.767% Sharpe Ratio 0.299 Sortino Ratio 0.334 Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio 0.743% Loss Rate 64% Win Rate 36% Profit-Loss Ratio 2.06 Alpha -0.008 Beta 0.381 Annual Standard Deviation 0.086 Annual Variance 0.007 Information Ratio -0.568 Tracking Error 0.111 Treynor Ratio 0.068 Total Fees $45462.61 Estimated Strategy Capacity $1100000.00 Lowest Capacity Asset SHY SGNKIKYGE9NP Portfolio Turnover 134.35% |
# region imports from AlgorithmImports import * # endregion # Source: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/04/091504.asp class KellyCriterionSMACrossoverAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm): def initialize(self): self.set_start_date(2010, 1, 1) # Add the risky and risk-free assets. self._risk_asset = self.add_equity("SPY", Resolution.HOUR) self._rf_asset = self.add_equity('SHY', Resolution.HOUR) # Add some strategy-specific indicators/variables. self._risk_asset.short_sma = self.sma(self._risk_asset.symbol, 1) self._risk_asset.long_sma = self.sma(self._risk_asset.symbol, 6) # Create the KellyCriterion object. self._risk_asset.signal = 0 self._kelly_criterion = KellyCriterion(self.get_parameter('kelly_period', 10)) # Add a warm-up period so we some historical performance of the strategy # once we start trading. self.set_warm_up(timedelta(365)) def on_data(self, data: Slice): # Wait until the market is open. if not data.bars or not self.is_market_open(self._risk_asset.symbol): return # Pass the latest signal to the KellyCriterion object. if not self._risk_asset.signal and self._risk_asset.short_sma > self._risk_asset.long_sma: self._risk_asset.signal = 1 self._kelly_criterion.update_signal(1, self._risk_asset.price) elif self._risk_asset.signal and self._risk_asset.short_sma < self._risk_asset.long_sma: self._risk_asset.signal = 0 self._kelly_criterion.update_signal(0, self._risk_asset.price) # Wait until we can trade. if self.is_warming_up or not self._kelly_criterion.is_ready: return # Update the portfolio holdings based on the signal. if self._risk_asset.signal and not self._risk_asset.holdings.is_long: # Cap the exposure at 200% to avoid errors. weight = min(2, self._kelly_criterion.weight()) self.set_holdings( [ PortfolioTarget(self._risk_asset.symbol, weight), # If the target weight for the risky asset is <1, then raise the porfolio # exposure to 100% with the risk-free asset. PortfolioTarget(self._rf_asset.symbol, 0 if weight > 1 else 1-weight) ] ) elif not self._risk_asset.signal and self._risk_asset.holdings.is_long: # If the signal is 0, put 100% of the portfolio in the risk-free asset. self.set_holdings([PortfolioTarget(self._rf_asset.symbol, 1)], True) class KellyCriterion: def __init__(self, period): self._period = period self._trades = np.array([]) def update_signal(self, signal, price): if signal: # Enter self._entry_price = price else: # Exit self._trades = np.append(self._trades, [price - self._entry_price])[-self._period:] def weight(self): # Wait until there are enough trade samples. if not self.is_ready: return None # Calculate the Kelly %. wins = self._trades[self._trades > 0] losses = self._trades[self._trades < 0] if not wins.sum() or not losses.sum(): return 0 win_loss_ratio = wins.mean() / losses.mean() winning_probability = len(wins) / self._period return winning_probability - (1-winning_probability)/win_loss_ratio @property def is_ready(self): return len(self._trades) == self._period